
(150 KB, 1600x1155, fat-asian-couple-eating-doughnuts-romantically-portrait-fat-asian-couple-eating-doughnuts-romantically-watching-169787605.jpg)
BDSM is well known for having a set of community norms that encourage safe and consensual sex within the kink.

Does feedism have something like this? Has someone written it up somewhere? It seems like it would be useful for feedists themselves, but also to help with faddism's image problem.
A) everything that applies to other BDSM for consent still applies
B) The bad image is the fault of the people with that opinion, the outside world doesn’t want moral feederist, they just want to call us bad people and laugh at us.

>A) everything that applies to other BDSM for consent still applies
Agreed wholeheartedly

>B) The bad image is the fault of the people with that opinion, the outside world doesn’t want moral feederist, they just want to call us bad people and laugh at us.
I see your point, and you're not wrong. But I also think that many corners of this subculture are toxic and messy, and it would be nice to have some common norms to help fight that. It's most important for community members, and if it helped the public image, that would be a plus.

>>B) The bad image is the fault of the people with that opinion, the outside world doesn’t want moral feederist, they just want to call us bad people and laugh at us.

Counterpoint, you people fuck yourselves more over than anything the "outside world" can do. I can count how many times a model was chased off after being doxxed, ghosted, or straight up manipulated into losing everything by this community. And at least the outside world is more warming towards fat women than this place. The women here are already fucked up mentally , all you people wanna do is fatten them up to immorbility and then dump them off the moment they don't do something that you like.
>>Not true, not all feeders want to fatten up their love interest to immobility. For many, it's a fantasy, like how somone fantasizes about being a sex slave, it doesn't mean they want to do it in the real world. This board is about how to practice this kink in a manner akin to BDSM. Make it safe, sane and consensual. That we respect our partners boundaries, understand when they don't want to do something, and we don't take the kink so far that they die of a heart attack. That if we do feed them junk food, it's a sometimes thing and we make sure they get some exercise. If we do make them immobile, we keep that in the realm of fantasy. You are right there are people in this community that are toxic. But that's not true with everyone, aren't there toxic people in the BDSM community? Or in the furry communities that take things too far and/or are manipulative/abusive towards their partner? This doesn't mean that everyone is bad, just a certain amount. All this board talks about is how we can be better with this kink and show people practicing it in a better way so people outside this community won't view it quite so negatively.

>>All this board talks about is how we can be better with this kink and show people practicing it in a better way so people outside this community won't view it quite so negatively.

This board is 70% begging, 29% trolling/shitposting, and 1% decent conversations.
The chan is, but I think by "this board" they meant this thread.

Honestly I'm shocked that even 1% of the chan is decent conversations. Keep up the good work, guys
My personal take is that it's a playtime fantasy thing that should not be enacted in a real way. That said, I don't think peoples' sex lives are anyone else's business, period. There are many out there who think I'm a freak for liking fat women to begin with, and feedism is just another aspect for them to judge me. I really don't give a shit, nor should anyone else here. Poke too deep into most "normal" people's lives and you'll find some pretty kinky shit, often toxic.
The only sexualities I believe should be demonized are rape, pedophilia, bestiality, or stuff like autoerotic asphyxiation where sexual pleasure is derived from dangerous harmful activities. But if feedism practiced in a safe, sane and consensual way, or engaging in some form of dressup/roleplay, then it's none of anyone's business. If someone is into feet, then it's not your business, if they want to enact a dressup/roleplay scenario, then it's not our business (as long as the scenario isn't taken too far. The media just loves to vilify people whose sexualities aren't "normal"
Maybe I was too focused on the "PR" side of this. I don't disagree that in our fat-hating world, lots of people are going to think feedism is fucked up, however it gets presented.

But I do think for the people involved it would still be good to have a few clear community norms around consent (I've seen too many "how do I secretly fatten up my gf" threads) and "risk awareness" (which seems to be preferred over the term "safe" or "safety" in BDSM)
I get it, but if you're secretly fattening someone up in the first place you're not gonna hear about some rules and go, "Oops, my bad."
Feedism, like all sex, can either be abusive or respectful. I don't think it is inherently unethical, it just depends on how people act it out.
Feedism is not and will likely never be understood by mainstream society as harmless, because society (western society at least) is carrying around lethal levels of toxic psychological baggage surrounding obesity. It consumes the minds of *most* people. Getting fat is something that terrifies most women and a lot of men. In a world where many of life's mundane problems have been solved for a lot of people, obesity remains one of the worst fates imaginable. Being fat is one of the last remaining socially acceptable reasons to hate, belittle, demean, and discriminate against another person. It inspires *visceral* loathing, . It is seen as the outward manifestation of weakness and low character. I have observed this getting not better, but worse with each passing year - likely not in spite of but because the west is getting fatter and fatter. The "obesity epidemic" is itself the font of fatphobia - and further to that, I'd say that the spike in participation in fat fetishism itself is due to how increasingly transgressive it feels. People get turned on by the forbidden.

Essentially, the society we live in already has a fetish-level obsession with fat - just in the opposite direction of feedism. Therefore it is impossible for a society so cataclysmically triggered by fat to rationally gauge the ethics of feedism, and feedism will and should remain as far away from mainstream public discussion as possible.

But just to echo what others have said, there is nothing intrinsically unethical about feedism. To believe that there is requires that you believe there is something intrinsically unethical about being fat. There are obviously unethical ways to practice feedism, just as there are with any fetish, but there are also plenty of ways to practice it ethically.
I think we should just hitch onto the LGTBQP train. The establishment and popular culture will ram that shit into every facet of everyone's lives, no matter how vile it is. And ta-da, popular acceptance!
I do wonder to what extent the frenzy about fatness and thinness that exists is due to reasonable-ish concerns (eg fear of medical issues) vs issues that are manufactured, twisted and/or inflated by various groups for profit (eg diet industry, beauty standards, etc). As in, if the more negative influences upon people were hypothetically removed, what would the result be?

I think the negative reaction to fatness mostly comes from the construal of gluttony as a sin. It's not that "fat" is bad necessarily, but that it speaks to a certain lack of self control, which people find pitiful and disgusting.

Feedism is essentially the fetishization of gluttony.

All that will accomplish is annoying and pissing people off. Being fat isn't as taboo as being gay.
Maybe where you’re from. In the northeast, in upper middle class communities it’s def weird er to be a fit man with a fat wife rather than a gay husband.
Upper middle class northeasterner with fat wife, can confirm
>>21275 Same. Happy to provide my tax return and wife’s 53 inch hips as collateral.
i say my truth is all bitchs need 500+kgs more fat
What do you think the “Q” in LGBTQ stands for?

I don’t think you have to over play it, but at some point this sexuality honestly fits with being an alternative sexuality compared to mainstream wiring.
Gay people are probs the last people who will be fat positive. My gay friends are the most basic, close minded fat phobic people I know.
Yeah, they go to the gym too much, it's in their genes
but there are fat gay people and gay people that like fat eg liking bears (now chubby bears), chubs, super chubs and mega chubs

Nicado Advocado?

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