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Im asian but i think im able to get a qt black obese chick. Don't you agree? I have good genes and everything. Im set.
“Im asian”

Stopped reading right there, it’s over bro
Unless you own a chinese resturant, laundry mat, or convience store, no black woman will ever come near you.
yes. fat women are the bottom of the barrel, least desirable women that arn’t physically or mentally disabled
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You can get this if you try really really hard
Use that Asian brain and work ethic and make a lot of money. Then you'll get any demo you want.
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Short answer: Yes, you can date a hot black bbw. We all try to swing above our weight when dating, but honestly women are generally attracted to kind, confident men who are attracted to them.

>>women are generally attracted to kind, confident men who are attracted to them

Hahahahahahahaha. Yeah, tell that to all the women who ended up with bastard children or are with pieces of shit who beat and/or cheat on them. In general, women have shit taste in men and would pick someone who'd knock them up and ghost than someone who'd kill for them.
Feels bad to be a Ricecel

I'm guessing you don't get too many dates if you hate women that much.
Nice way to ignore what he said. If you lived outside your bubble you'd realize that he's right. 60% of women don't respect themeselves enough to be with a man that actually loves/respects them in a normal and healthy way. Why do you think there's so many abbusive relationships (women can also be abbusive but we're specifically talking about toxic men).
In /gen/ fedora tips you
coal toll
lol. it's extremely easy to pull as a kind, confident man. usually people who deny this fact have made one of two mistakes: either they aren't actually kind, and instead think they can get sex in exchange for basic courtesy, or they aren't actually confident, and as a result women easily see through their fragile constructed personalities

the actual reason women don't like "someone who'd kill for them" is because if you're willing to kill for someone with whom you've got very little preexisting relationship, it shows you've created a fantasy version of that person in your head, and most people instinctively detect that and recognise it as something that would poison any real relationship that might otherwise develop.

after all, what's the point in dating someone if they're already willing to die for you?

>>20929 (OP)
anyway yeah anon you should be fine
Man I wish I could be this naive again. 😢
it's not naivety. it's the result of being able to pull with little difficulty, and having the basic ability to keep a level head and not treat it as a moral failure of the rare girl who *does* curve me.

seriously: if you get rejected, just shrug it off and think "maybe we weren't right for each other". if you fumble badly or frequently, then rethink your approach. it's quite unusual to find a woman who genuinely goes for obvious piece-of-shit men; when you do, it's almost always because they've been traumatised in the past and now try to relive it on their terms.

the whole "women have shit taste in men" thing is just cope. the bar is low. take care of your appearance, stay confident and casual, and the moment you've got your foot in the door you'll see that most girls instantly swoon for a guy who shows them basic decency without being obsessed
never been in a relationship but this guy sounds right and also wise as shit

>>the whole "women have shit taste in men" thing is just cope.

A popular news anchor just killed herself after her fiance called off the wedding. She was well loved by hundreds all around her, yet that wasn't good enough for her. If one single person can have enough power to unintentionally make someone else take their own life, then there is some truth to this statement.
I don’t understand these arguments. Someone says that if you’re confident and kind, you’re likely to succeed. Your point is that women often settle for less. So? I think that sort of proves the original point that if you’re confident and kind you’re just MORE likely to win women over, not less lol

No reason to play down to the level of the competition. This isn’t a charity event.

>>No reason to play down to the level of the competition. This isn’t a charity event.

Except that it is. You're going to sit there and tell that if you had a chance, you'd pick a dud over a bomb shell. Don't downplay any competition just because you're too much of a wimp to participate.
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>>20929 (OP)
Hmmmmmm depends on the country, considering your flag is the US, you're probably fucked, not impossible but not of a very high chance. Maybe in some 3rd world country you'd be able to pull decently. This is This is my analysis as a black guy.

Still very interesting to see an asian interesting in fat black women, its like the complete opposite of what you'd expect from asian guy

True, however in black culture, there's obviously more acceptance than other ones, so they have higher standards than fatties of other races probably would. Black Americans were the major proponents of "thicc" culture that we see now, and elsewhere in the world they flat out have pageants dedicated to fatties.
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The arguement is that those in of themselves don't matter but are more so icing on the cake, I'm kind of an asshole but chicks like me because i'm tall and built. Usually when people say those things, its with the underpinnings that you already have the stuff women are interested in like looks, money or status. A guy would be better off hitting the gym or figuring how to make cash than being kind if he just wants to fuck chicks. honestly.
Being confident and kind aren't really the game changer and if you ONLY had that going for you, well then good luck in the market. That being said they are great qualities to cultivate for one's self at the very least.

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