
>>20893 (OP)

Just say you have a fart fetish instead of making up new words.
I just like soft and shapely women bro I can’t really say I’m into poop mist
My opinion on fat women passing gas is this:

1) Eating allot of food causes people to burp and fart.

2) On average, very fat women tend to eat allot of food.

3) Therefore, unless they're in the process of losing weight, fat women are gonna burp and fart more than average most of the time, by virtue of their diet.

4) Therefore therefore, anyone actually planning on living with a fat woman long term would do well to be tolerant of passing gas, and a very minor kink for it is probably ideal.

What OP described, fattening somebody up just so they can sniff their farts, is a full blown fart fetish with a potential fat kink slapped on. Most people here have a preference for fat women with, at best, a gas kink mixed in, so OP won't get much solidarity here.
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Fartfags get the rope. Nasty ass Mf. I think death feederism/literally killing your partner via fattening is hot and even I'm not that depraved.
Meh. I'm not exactly skinny (BMI about 30) but my gf is much fatter than me (BMI about 60). I fart *all the time* and she does not.
I wish I could acquire a fart fetish. My fatass gf farts all the time and is into farts herself.
She likes your farts?
>>20893 (OP)
Based and totally normal

My ultimate fantasy has always been to live with a fat girl so I could just observe her farting and burping throughout her day.
>wish I could acquire a fart fetish. My fatass gf farts all the time
Haha same mine doesn't have a fetish but she is absolutely shameless about letting them rip when we are alone.
motherfucker death feederism is objectively way more depraved

it's mostly your gut biome and diet that determines that. some fat girls do fart a lot, some don't; it's certainly not a given that they'll be super gassy, unless it's like a Mochii level intake

god I wish that were me
but in all seriousness, you could probably start to enjoy it if your gf did it in contexts you otherwise found hot anyway, like during a major stuffing etc
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Sonic the Braphog has to collect all of the Raw-ass Emeralds. Can you help him defeat Dr. Dogfartnik and find the Emeralds?!

Finally, someone else here with a brain. I see skinny health nuts farting up a storm and can put any bbw to shame. It's all about your diet. Cottage cheese, yogurt, and cauliflower are the triple threat
Honestly all the gas stuff is a huge turn off for me.
Heh I forgot about that site.
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It's a fetish I wish I didn't have, but damn if it doesn't activate some neurons for that short term bliss before leaving me in long term disgust with myself at times.
Dating a Dominican bbw qt3.14 and it first started when she accidentally let one rip during sex and noticed that I got harder and more rhythmic...which spiraled into doing pic related and hotboxing our bathroom plenty of times (first time was successful and I bust some of the fattest nuts in my life, second time...had to clean the tub and make sure she didn't dehydrate). Scariest moment was when we tried to do a quickie at some trashy party (everyone was drunk, high or both) in the bathroom and a drunk couple wandered into the bathroom.
We've since slowed down on that so that it doesn't become the sole sex communication we have. Don't let your 2D fetishes become 3D, anons...

She looks like if you squeezed a toothpaste tube too hard.
yeah, and unfortunately I find a lot of BBWs don't like cauliflower, unsurprisingly. but basically any beer, cider or white wine makes you super gassy, and there're a lot of snacks with shitloads of fiber.

anons, if you find someone who's on board with being a braphog, Fiber One are your most reliable ally. their snacks are usually designed for you to have one at a time, feed a girl several and she'll be blasting ass for hours.

>>yeah, and unfortunately I find a lot of BBWs don't like cauliflower, unsurprisingly.

That's because they don't know how/take the time to cook it right. When done right, cauliflower is just as universal as rice or potatoes to any meal.
I think my gas fetish is stronger than my fat fetish, and it probably developed at an earlier age. I remember girls burping and farting on TV shows made me feel funny.

In fact, I would probably rather date a skinny girl that farts and burps a ton than a fat one who does neither. The fat gassy girl combo is unmatched tho, and I love how widespread it's across the models to burp a lot and in rare cases fart.
I am Desensitized to the worst gore, yet that model typing about the fart "recipe" and its effects, made me want to die. I think I'm finally beginning to understand why God would allow WW3.

Girls do not poo only pee. Period.
Happens to the best of us. I use to think it was gross, but here I am now. Something about seeing her face go into pure bliss/ecstacy and grinning cross-eyed upon being fucked into release (along with not only agreeing but being eager to try it when approached) made us both happier

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