
(12 KB, 152x228, OIP.jpg)
I noticed on Jae's website that she does palm reading sessions. Is that a code for something else or is it actually palm reading?
>>20819 (OP)
The picture won’t expand can you post a bigger one
>>20819 (OP)
She's all into that spiritual tarot shit. If she could make a living off this alone, she's probably quit modeling some time ago. Just look at her tattoos oh her hand and her social media.
>>20819 (OP)
What a shame... she could still sit on the throne and dwarf all the other models if she just comes back to full time modeling... No one could beat her. Shes the one and only.
A lot of the models are into New Agey, Wiccan shit. Just look at Candy's tattoos as an example.

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