
>>20483 (OP)

1. Iger isn't even part of Disney anymore, dumbass.

2. No shit

3. Bitching about a movie made for kids is the most coomer thing there is. God forbid they make a movie for little black girls, and some 40 year old failure has an issue with it.
Dude why you so mad?

Besides, nobody has an issue with a movie being made for little black girls, peoples problem is with changing old movies and characters. Ginger kids are oppressed enough already now we gotta tell them they aren't good enough for the big screen?
He's mad because "lil mermaid" is fucking hilarious
the movie will be shit, and it will have nothing to do with ariel being black. and you know its all the chans and anitwitter will complain about. they'll make stereotypical jokes like op and then act oblivious like it has nothing to do with race afterwards, case and point >>20496 and with some concern trolling about ~real racism~ to boot. ariel's not even ginger. she was meant to be blonde and only wasn't because disney thought it'd look too similar to daryl hannah in splash.
True, the movie is going to suck regardless, doesn’t matter who the change and offend
who gives a shit? why do those people give a shit? I haven't thought about the little mermaid for years until people made a stink over this adaptation that's apparently being made. it's just disney trying to make more money, it's not some sacred cultural artifact. if you want white ariel just go back and watch the original, it still exists. People going out of their way to waste time combating the anti-black-ariel people are also dumb, but not as dumb as the anti-black-ariel people kek
Jesus Christ I wish cunts would shut the fuck up about that movie. Just don’t watch it. Easy.
cope, ranga

Disney only does this shit so retards like op will seethe and give the movie free publicity. it's going to be bland and unremarkable like the Aladdin remake, but the addition of a black Ariel will get libs to watch it, and the outcry from moronic conservatives will ensure reviews overlook its many flaws because any criticism will make you look like one of these racist babies
This movie is based on a fictional character in a fictional universe about a mermaid (a mythical creature that doesn't exist). Why the fuck is this such a big deal is beyond me.
The Little Mermaid, Hercules, and Aladdin are the only three Disney movies where the characters have defined personalities. Ariel is a free spirit who wants to see the outside world.
>He doesn't know about the mermaids
This can’t be serious. Are you actually a ginger you pathetic fuck. Cope harder
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Media is part of a wider cultural context that influences everything else, especially a society like ours.

"A Serbian Film" and similar snuff gore-fests are also fictional. Are you okay with them being marketed to children? If not, why not?

As for Ariel and Disney stuff - let's be dead honest. And I say this as someone mixed race myself and someone who studies history for a living: White people have always been more beautiful, smarter, basically everything meant to dominate the world stage. People say "Eurocentric" beauty standards are modern nonsense, but a blonde blue-eyed girl in medieval Baghdad (back then, like a proto-NYC)was literally worth her weight IN GOLD at the slave markets. The word slave is FROM "Slav" because so many of them were desired for traits that minorities bitterly resent white people for.

And yet from a Christian view, white people ended up forgetting God these days anyway while the browns and blacks of the global south seem like pious medieval peasants by comparison. So what was all that blessing good for? It just made them prideful like the Nephilim.

Nobody except those with intense, manipulated white guilt complexes wants a dindu Ariel quite simply, because the race of that small part of my ancestors is so often ugly, dumb and grotesque. They make excellent God-fearing and jolly folk and there are some beautiful and smart black people; many blacks will be leaping past many white people to Heaven. Yet history and the present world pains the truth clear as day.

Again, I emphasize that all the perks white people have are absolutely useless and in fact harmful, if they neglect their souls. Which they have been doing for decades at least.

>inb4 you're on fetish board lol

White people are going extinct and will become the minorty by 2050.

And anyone who disagrees is either dead or retarded.
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Which would incidentally make white traits even more romantically desirable from scarcity.

Blonde hair and blue eyes are seen usually as most beautiful partly from scarcity, although the colors themselves remind us of beautiful things in nature, I.E. flowers, phenomena, birds, precious metals, jewels.

Yet even a mid hazel-eyed potato-face of Rhineland peasant (read: Germanized Mediterranean) ancestry would seem like a pure Nordic/Slavic qt to a Juan or Bongo by 2050.

>Pic related - Patrycja Markowska, perfect MILF queen material even for her thinness, young blonde women now will be prized even more at her age

P. S. As for your actual point idk, WW3 could shake up a lot of things demographically even outside prediction.
>it's not happening
>it's a good thing!
What do you call this kind of cope? People say it's jewish
they are culturally appropriating European culture man I'm so offended. Sound familiar?
sometimes it's hard to believe that there are actual idiots that believe corporations are trying to commit genocide against white people
>>20483 (OP)
Three truths that aren't incompatible:

1) While money is the bottom line for every corporation, Disney is a media organization under intense pressure to reflect an increasingly multiracial audience in their products. This is a culture-wide phenomenon, and forward looking for a company who depends on long-tail IPs for its profits.

2) This is too often manifested in a craven, cringy, token, superficial way. Hypocritical as well, as the money folks and gatekeepers are still overwhelmingly white. Disney and most other media companies have a terrible record of representation both on screen and behind the scenes and are trying to make up for it all at once. This is really hard to do in a seamless, natural way.

3) People who get bent about a remake changing the race of a cartoon character 20-40 years later to reflect changing cultural norms are cringy douchebags motivated by racial panic, rather than "tradition."
1. Walt has been accused of bastardizing European folklore by literary critics like Tolkien and Adorno. He was also accused of racism and made Song of the South but African Americans whined that they were painted as servants or passive despite Walt going out of his way to adapt American folklore. People forget that Walt was a small town Illinois boy and not a city slicker.
2. Walt was always political and outed communists to the Senate because they ruined his work with their strikes.

3. Walt had to fight PL Travers just to adapt Mary Poppins and would fight JK Rowling, Greeks, and the Senate just to make cartoons. He'd make Ariel black, but more closer to Norman Rockwell because he would hate rappers for being no different than the corrupt businessman of his time.
>1. Walt has been accused of bastardizing European folklore by literary critics like Tolkien and Adorno.

Taking 400 year old stories and making 20th century movies was always gonna require "bastardization." Or, as I call it, "adaptation." He simplified them, smoothed the rough edges, and made them palatable to Americans because that was his audience and he was a genius at knowing what they wanted. Tolkien and Adorno aren't wrong but just don't understand the medium of film.

> He was also accused of racism and made Song of the South but African Americans whined that they were painted as servants or passive despite Walt going out of his way to adapt American folklore. People forget that Walt was a small town Illinois boy and not a city slicker.

By the time Song of the South was made, Disney had been in Hollywood for years, had traveled the world, was extremely well-read, and was thus worldlier than anyone in his audience and most of the people alive on earth at the time. What is true is that he was a man of his time and upbringing. It is a racist movie, though that doesn't mean Disney was racist, or at least any more racist than most white men in the 40s. But he didn't go "out of his way" — he saw what he thought was a good story and adapted it in a way he thought audiences would respond to.

>2. Walt was always political and outed communists to the Senate because they ruined his work with their strikes.

Sure, he was the Bezos/Shultz/Musk/etc of his day. All men in such positions hate unions because they want to call all the shots, because they're megalomaniacs who insist they know what's right for everyone, about everything. And he wasn't wrong that communism and unions were aligned, but it's an inarguable fact that unions created the middle class in this country. In fact the era of wide-spread prosperity that today's conservatives claim to want to recapture was enabled by the rights that unions fought for and guaranteed.

>3. Walt had to fight PL Travers just to adapt Mary Poppins and would fight JK Rowling, Greeks, and the Senate just to make cartoons. He'd make Ariel black, but more closer to Norman Rockwell because he would hate rappers for being no different than the corrupt businessman of his time.

Yes, he was driven and didn't take no for an answer. You don't get to be Walt Disney by doing so. Not sure though if you're aware Rockwell was actively, openly antiracist and pro-civil rights. As for Disney in the 21st century, I'd bet my left nut he'd have some aspects of hiphop in his movies. In general he'd be taking the temperature of the culture, looking towards the future, and making his movies as multicultural as possible.
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Walt is a solid Oscar Proud-Wizard Kelly guy. He'd be okay with them as rival businessmen, but would make Oscar a family man. I think he'd hate rappers for perverting the Black community with drugs, sex and hedonism.
>>20483 (OP)
U are just jelous that Walt Disney was a genious and you are a kretin

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