
Translation: "I'm so insecure I need live action versions of cartoon characters I shouldn't even be paying attention to because I'm a fucking adult to be white."
Bro you need some punctuation in there.
bix noood ooga booga
straight up, Disney Adult-ism is a rampant disease. how did we let pop culture degrade this much.
Disney owns so much in the entertainment sphere and a stressed-out 20's & 30's demographic will gravitate to whatever comforted them as a child. That's about the size of it.

How about we screw them for monopolizing the entertainment industry?

500 South Buena Vista Street Burbank, CA United States.

That´s their address, by the way.

Gather evidence on why Disney is a monopoly and must be taken down immediately.
>>Hurr Durr, a movie made for little girls doesn't appeal to me, a grown ass man who hopefully has a job and doesn't like in his parents attic and cooms all day.
You are an ignorant midwit if you seriously view media in a vacuum and not in a wider societal context.

Even if Ariel was lily white blonde and blue eyes, it is overall very concerning and signals something of deep cultural decline that Disney, and big budget media at large, still is pumping out SO many remakes. Not to mention Western 2D animation is basically dead.

Now consider our economy, politics, society, etc the past decade or so, especially last few years.

I shall go as far to say it is downright cruel to just brush everything off with apathy.

In other words - I'm sure you're lovely IRL anon but you need to touch grass, and look around your town and wake up. Faggot.
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i didn't know crying about whatever /pol/ is crying about today is "touching grass"

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