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I'm 26 now, and like many of you, I've liked fat girls/weight gain/feedism as my primary sexual fetish for my entire life. BBW porn, weight gain porn, it's the only thing I really look at porn-wise.

I've had sex with a handful of fat girls too, and it's all well and good, but never in any kind of feedism way. I've just been thinking lately that before I die, I would really like to actually indulge in my one and only sexual fetish that I have. I'd love to actually feed a fat girl, help her gain weight, have a girl do dirty fat talk with me, or at the very least give a girl a belly rub or watch her struggle to put on tight clothes. I'm jerking off to this stuff nearly every day, and yet I've never been able to make my fantasy a reality.

I'm just curious how many of you are in the same boat as me, and if you've actually had real feederism experienes. Any advice on how to make this stuff happen irl?
Here is my advice. make of it what you will. I'll give you the good stuff first, for anyone that just wants to get off and see why it might not be so hard to attain, and then the bad stuff, the reasons why it may or not be worth it. If you want to live in perfect bliss for a while and try it out yourself I suggest you skip the second part.


A girl I used to date put on about 100 lbs between the start and end of our relationship. When we started dating she was just kinda thick, right on the cusp of fat. We got along super well. We dated on and off for about a month. Gradually, I realized she was a huge foodie that never turned down an opportunity to eat something good. Always snacking and going out for lunch. Not super healthy diet, mostly restaurent food and anything stocked in the kitchen. I think when we started dating it duplicated the amount of times she ate out per week, from maybe 3-4 lunches out per week to 3-4 lunches + 2-3 dinners. It turned me right on to her and as we continued to see each other her waistline began expanding. It first it was really subtle and only really showed up as her pants getting tighter and ass getting a bit rounder. At this point she was kinda happy about how much I liked the way her butt grew, so it was kind of a positive affirmation.

We both got more comfortable throughout the relationship, in our own seperate ways: she got super comfortable with gaining weight and eating every craving, partly due to the self-affirming way that it got me increasingly aroused by her over time; I got super comfortable with eating out way more often if it meant she was happy and well fed. In a way, we were both riffing off each others comforts, turning each of us.

A year into our relationship she was way fatter, maybe 40-50 lbs heavier. Totally in overweight territory now. She outgrew lots of different clothes, her belly got very round and hung lower, and her tits were larger. She made a few comments about losing weight but never followed through. Over the second (and final) year of the relationship, she reaaally packed them on. It was almost startling. She just seemed to be able to eat even more and more every time we went out. It was super arousing and we had better sex then ever. She was basically a balloon that waddled everywhere at that point, reminded of the round ass teachers I used to have in school. Not a SSBBW yet, but a couple years out if things continued the way they were. In a way, I was living out my fantasy in a very slow, gradual way.


There were downsides to this lifestyle that were a large part of why I ended it. I'll list them
(1) Embarrassment. As a fairly social guy with average weight friends and family, it became increasingly embarrassing to show up to parties and events with her. If I was a naturally confident guy I might've got past this, but I won't deny that I'm a pretty introverted and self-aware person by default. It also boils down to what we as a society stereotype and stigmatize fat people as: lazy and lacking in self-control. And honestly it was true, she was walking proof of the stereotype. So yeah, this reason on its own is a little shallow, but the reasons below pushed me towards the decision even more.

(2) Guilt. I do not think for a second it is entirely my fault that she got so fat, but I definitely was an enabler in it. On one hand, it may have been inevitable that she get fat based on her tendencies. But it was me who accelerated the things, without her saying anything in opposition. Now as someone who believes health should always be paramount, I couldn't help but feeling mounting guilt that I was causing her harm. Even if she continued to gain weight, I would be happier knowing it wasn't my fault.

(3) Laziness & lack of self-control. It is conditional that if you are a fatass women you are in all likelihood lazy and have a lack of self control. Without that magical recipe its impossible to reach the overweight category. It takes a certain level of inactive living and caving in to cravings. Maybe this turns some of you guys on, but it was actually really annoying. I felt like I was doing all the house work and all our responsibilities. She was generally just unambitious and content with eating and sleeping. This is kinda hot in a way, but for a relationship it just doesnt work. Its a pain in the ass.

These three reasons combined with a few more personal reasons are what ended it. No idea how she's doing now but I hope shes losing weight if I'm being honest, and I know I can't be the one to help her do that.

TLDR; indulging in a feeding lifestyle can be incredibly satisfying and hot, but if you have a heart and a brain it won't last
Had a gf I met online who was way into food, being fat, and fat talk, teasing about her gains and so on. Also the fattest woman I ever dated. She wasn't an actual gainer, at least intentionally, though she did put on a few pounds while we were together. We were incompatible on too many other levels unfortunately, but she was by far the closest I ever got to feeder nirvana.
I'd be content with even just a casual encounter with someone, not even a committed relationship. Just at least one instance where I can rub a girl's belly, feed her, or do dirty weight gain talk and have her be into it. Just something, ya know. I've looked on Feabie & FantasyFeeder, and unfortunately there's only a small handful of girls identifying themselves as "feedees" in my area. The few that do are either currently in relationships, or just very ugly lunch lady-looking women in their late 40s or older.
>>20350 (OP)
Same, I'm 27, I've never really gotten to indulge it outside of a few lame experiences with an ex and a few makeouts with some fat chicks. I've tried on feabie/tinder to make things happen, and it's almost impossible. Not even because I'm an incel, but because these chicks are so unbearably flaky. I've been ghosted countless times, and only ever had 1 actual encounter from those sites, with a non-feedee bbw who eventually ghosted me too. At this point I'm just hoping to get married to a girl who isn't necessarily a feedee but is at least willing to indulge me.
Hi, also 26 here. Started dating my first and only gf in summer of 2017. She was maybe a little thick and enjoyed eating, drinking, and smoking when we first met. I had a bad medical scare at the end of that summer, epilepsy is a bitch, it gave me a lot of perspective. I came clean to her while lying in the hospital bed. I didn't start off with the extreme stuff though I just told her that hedonism and pampering is very hot to me; drugs, food, sex, laziness. I explained that tummies and bellies were a turn on as well. Over the years just revealing more naturally and allowing her to explore the kink space at her own speed has worked to introduce the fetish to her without scaring her off yet. She's into ddlg and loves to submit so finding out I just wanted to spoil her rotten and my demands were that she stuffs herself silly wasn't the hardest leap I think. Now she loves stuffing herself, burping, just being a spoiled pig. Never has to lift a finger she doesn't want to. My own shit aside, the important things with feedism are to respect the feedee's bodily autonomy, their limits, and body goals. Think of it this way if it helps, as much as some people in this scene self-hate it's not like you're asking some girl to open a vein, contract an STD, or crush small animals under her feet. If her weight ever reaches a point that makes her uncomfortable you can always dial the kink stuff back and work toward something more manageable.

As far as actually reaching that opportunity you can always try online with people you know share your interests or try to meet people in conventional ways and then introduce this stuff piecemeal. Parties, classes, hobbies, or recreational clubs, these are all good places to make a connection. Approaching the entire interaction with the intention of trying to get your dick wet usually doesn't go over well just try to connect and get to know them. Not sure what part of this you want advice about, having confidence in your kinks or approaching women. I'd say give feabie a try so you can get confidence talking to women without having to worry about explaining your fetish, if you happen to meet someone you make a great connection with and lives near you that's even better.

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