
>>20169 (OP)

I've always seen the Queen as England's version of Betty White.
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Then again, all hell is going to break loose when she passes. It's going to be a show to watch from across the world.
I am pretty sure people did not care when Prince Phillip died, and people won't care when the queen dies. The whole family is too dysfunctional to work as constitutional monarchy.
Insane this is still a thing in 2022. The idea some pale, dull, inbred family somehow possesses certain DNA that entitles it to lead a major modern country should have been anathema 300 years ago. How can anyone in the UK possibly claim to be anti-racism if they support the theory one is autimatically born superior to someone else because of their bloodline?

Whatever the reasons, Harry had the right idea. This is a good time for the UK to start dissassembling the institution for good, or at least make it purely a ceremonial thing. And make whoever's left work for their lifestyle and privileges. No more bullshit like Liz showing up to events (her only real job) sour-faced like someone has a fucking gun to her head. No more Charles spouting off on shit he has no idea about because no one has ever told him he's stupid and wrong (except his colonialist dad). No more covering up for racists, Nazi sympathizers or pedophiles.
The queen pretty much died around 1:36pm where I live. I just returned to from the barber and the driving school when I found out. I don't have time for royal family drama because I have to be back at work tomorrow.

I bet my left tittie that Harry would still be in that palace with the rest of them if he never met Meghan.
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Shit, everyone on Twitter is celebrating. People forget how much of a dictator her and her father were to several countries. It's the only time you'll ever see whites, blacks, and Indians together in harmony.
The UK is pretty much done. Diana was their last stab at relevancy and the family blew that awesome advantage.
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Betty White my hole...

A few words on the late Liz with myself being an Eirebro

Fuck her honestly

To all those who support the monarchy, what the british empire stood for and the partition of Ireland, hold this L...

She was the embodiment of the establishment who colonised, exploited and starved my country for centuries. However Ireland is not alone having faced such injustices

People like to say "oh but that was a long time ago, its not the same" bro she was LITERALLY queen when there were still colonies

The reason the queen had such high approval rating is because she said fuck all. Everything was carefully constructed to ensure she never said anything to cause controversy e.g. political opinions, personal beliefs etc. This way you had less of a reason to hate her, you knew too little to form a valid opinion. As much as Philip was another great L for Britain at least he was a bit cheeky and and said some things he shouldn't have, giving him more depth

People like to forget what the empire did. If it wasn't for Germany in WW2 the British Empire would be rightfully recognised as the one of the most exploitative empires in history. Make no mistake, the monarchy isn't some little nod to the past, a tourist trap to get people to visit but a living embodiment of the establishment who still benefits from the exploits of its "former empire"

Knock knock

Who's there?

Not the queen anyway, thank fuck

Lizzy's in a box, hallelujah
oh no, the foreigners on bbwchan are saying it's wrong for me to mourn the death of my head of state. I can feel racism and the shadow of imperialism fade and the world becoming a fairer and more just place as all these people come out of the woodwork to celebrate the death of a 96 year old woman.

you can mourn all you like just hold this L while I go on the sesh

I didn't hear sympathy from you brits when a former president died.
Punk is dead and now the queen is too ;_;
George Bush is dead... long live George Bush

lmao, nobody liked that Bush anyway. Pick a dead one that people actually liked.
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There's honestly nothing cringier than people ragging on the royal family. It's like saying you hate christians or pedos. It's the safest shit in the world.
God forbid countries have cultures and practises that are different. I think shit like that is cool.
common bong L
op here, also British. it's not wrong but it's cringe
And here come the brits to damage control. Honestly if Biden dropped dead right now, you twats would be doing the exact same thing.

>>There's honestly nothing cringier than people ragging on the royal family.

Ah yes, ragging on a dictatorship is cringe. fuck off.
Nah, the Windsors ain't dictators
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>Honestly if Biden dropped dead right now, you twats would be doing the exact same thing.
Our "Biden" isn't the Queen you numpty, it's not even remotely comparable, nor would I even support people gloating if he did. Her Majesty has reigned for 70 years, she's met 13 US presidents, her legacy is truely astounding and something to be proud of.
>Ah yes, ragging on a dictatorship is cringe. fuck off.
I don't know what they're teaching you over there but you're far off the mark.

I know its trendy to be anti-establishment, but at least have some understanding of what you're angry at lmao
I don't care about the monarchy but I hate seeing Irish "people" celebrate. Alcohol kills more of them every year than the old bitch ever could.
They are more or less ceremonial figureheads. We have a potential dictator problem with the increasingly authoritarian government but the old lady who doesn't do anything ain't it. Educate yourself yank.

Yup, salty Brits. Pass the popcorn over here.
You got owned and your response is "u salty"
Yep, umad.
You could have just typed 'I'm a cunt' and saved yourself the effort.

How is your republic going saffer?
American too ignorant to understand monarchy.
American snacking on junk food

All the stereotypes on display. Maybe next you could fire a gun into the air and fuck your sister.
>God forbid countries have cultures and practises that are different. I think shit like that is cool.

No one is criticising the royals because we don't accept cultural differences. It's because the institution of royalty is insane on it's face, not to mention damaging to social progress and democracy and we don't understand why Brits put up with it. It's like if your cousin is in an abusive relationship but keeps insisting everything is great.
EASY MATE, we aren't all like those cunts.
I am a Jacobite High Tory from West Virginia of all places.
And No I don't fuck my cousins.
That's actually illegal around here.
Not second cousins or further though.
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FYI I am attempting to crash this thread.
Never knew there were so many Americans here with such an passionate view about the UK monarchy. I appreciate the shared history and all that, but modern America always struck me as far to inward facing to really care that much about anything outside of the states themselves.
Not I, Frenchman!
>It's because the institution of royalty is insane on it's face
>not to mention damaging to social progress and democracy

Stop making empty statements.
Because the rest of the civilized world has rejected the concept of divine right to rule and has opted for mandate by the masses. Which is why the monarchy has been relegated to a glorified celebrity with influential power rather than political. So let's stop pretending they're anything but.
>It's because the institution of royalty is insane on it's face. not to mention damaging to social progress and democracy
>Which is why the monarchy has been relegated to a glorified celebrity with influential power rather than political
Which is it???
Both, you fucking git.
>Tyrants abusing their power
>Celebrities that can't do anything
It can't be both you utter mong.
I don't have the crayons to explain to you that this shift between tyranny and "pompous pricks being told to sit and look pretty" has happened OVER TIME. Your mummified excuse for a figurehead wasn't actively oppressing their colonies in the year of our lord 2022. Figure it out.
>Because the rest of the civilized world
I don't really care about this Queen drama unless we're talking about the band, but I'm always curious - do Americans know about Margrethe, Carl Gustaf, Harald, Felipe, etc? Not that it refutes your point because 95% of Europe are full republics still, but I'm just curious because I never hear them get mentioned lol
So they're currently celebrities that don't have any meaningful power, not the tyrants you originally made them out to be.
Understood. Glad you concede that point.
Now you've decided they have no meaningful power, why do you think that its bad they exist?
Not so much bad, just pointless. You have a governing body. Why do you need a King? I can't think of any reason besides "for funsies", but that's an expensive funsies when you could invest that tax money back into your economy for literally anything else.
It does kinda refute anon's point but scandinavia exists in a microcosm. they're kinda insulated from the rest of the worlds bullshit politically. economically they're still a big player so idk
Because billions of people believe tradition and culture have value anon. It's that simple. People literally fly in from around the world to pay their respects and celebrate different cultures. It's why people travel.
Our differences is what makes people interesting. It's not always optimal, but to pretend there's no value is fucking social brain damage.
Cool. Well, I don't, for the same reason I don't venerate American Civil War history for the Confederacy. And for plenty of other cultures that have had their history affected by the British monarchy within the past 100 years, I'm sure they're super jazzed.
British people pretending not to care while calling Americans ignorant and heartless

Americans gaslighting and shitting on British people

That one dude who can't go 5 minutes without calling someone a nigger or faggot

What a way to start the weekend. Continue to entertain me people.
But we can all stand united in our hate of Canada!
Blame Canada, blame Canada
With all their beady little eyes
And flappin' heads so full of lies

Blame Canada, blame Canada
We need to form a full assault
It's Canada's fault
You already conceded they're celebrities. Any complaints of them being tyrants hold no water.
Wow, I would never have expected not Twitter, not feabie but the chan of all places to have THE cringiest takes from British people lmfao, this has honestly made me feel way better about being American, like yeah ae have (several, very severe) our flaws but af least we aren’t this fucking cringe
I feel like you’re on feabie defending your silly country too but I don’t feel like trying to figure it out, either way sad and pathetic, and I can’t stop reading all your posts in that gay ass o noxious fuckin accent you people have LOL this is an awesome thread
Another empty statement. Post discarded.
Wow dude you're so epic for being anti-establishment. Epic ftw!
Wow dude you're so epic for being anti-establishment. Epic ftw!
ireland was a net importer during the famine, the amount of grain exported was tiny. the handling of the famine was botched but it wasn't a genocide, it wasn't an organised attempt to destroy the irish people.
Not at all empty. Damaging to democracy because your head of state is an inherited position, who is also the head of the Anglican Church. Separating church and state is integral to democracy. Otherwise you’re Iran.

Damaging to social progress because royalty is part of a formal class system that decided people’s destiny based on birth. The idea of “superior bloodlines” is something that should have died 300 years ago. I know things have loosened up in the UK in that regard to class over the last 80 years or so, so why not go all the way and get rid of your monarch?
>Not an empty statement
>Proceeds to substantiate after the fact
But in actual response, it's not that big of a deal. Like you said, it's just a bit of fun. :^)
>demands every statement on an fa chan be a treatise
>…but it’s just a bit of a larf anyway, who cares, etc
>wonders why his country is sliding into irrelevance
This reeks of limey cope
Her family (and your country) treated my people like shit for hundreds of years. She can rot in hell for all I care
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What a slimy cope you silly little leprechaun
So what you’re saying is that you thought America, the only British colony that successfully rebelled and gained independence, doesn’t have strong feelings towards Britain…?
To be honest I think people are just laughing at all the British people absolutely debasing themselves in defense of their ridiculous traditions, it’s hard not to have strong reactions to such instense cringe
SIMP HARDER FOR THAT DECREPIT ROTTING PUSSY (I heard her cunt was full of mangled British teeth)

All of the British people here are hypocrites since even they didn't give a shit about her or her family when she was alive. But as soon as she died, they want to act retarded and simp over her.

> "We don't want to be ruled by inbred goblins who view us as lesser beings"

> Lets Jews in

Honestly, the absolute fucking state of Ameritards. Is there anything they can say that won't instantly backfire? Holy shit. Least self-aware nation on the entire planet.
lol. lmao, even
being a Nazi does not make you self-aware, bitch

Lmao, calm down sperg. Go back to eating your beans and toast.
I like Jews, they invented Krav Maga and the funny hats

Another fantastic couple of self-owns. Zero self-awareness. Keep taking those 'L's, Amerispergs.
no one's buying what yer selling dipshit
I am pretty sure Charles got selected because he's not a pedophile like Prince Andrew, and Prince Harry and Megan Markle are utter divas. Charles needs a lord protector because the country has been poisoned by Brits who pine for the old days of Churchill and Thatcher.
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Now you UK wankers are getting offended by the new Zelda game title.

Nintendo killed the queen in the name of Zelda.
Normies have not played Zelda since the days of 64. It's now for Speedrunners and lorefags hoping that Link and Zelda get together

>>Normies have not played Zelda since the days of 64.

Normies have never played Zelda.
I'll say one thing for anti-Semites: They're predictable, in the saddest possible way.
>Least self-aware nation on the entire planet.
...the proud Brit says, and then criticizes the US because it...
> Lets Jews in
Quick Google check says your population is .43% jewish, 5th largest in the world. Your country has always let them in, and you still do. When I went to college in London for a year I met plenty of them. In fact half my family went to Wales when they were kicked out of Russia, before trading up to the US. And it makes sense you guys let us in, because we work our asses off, value literacy and education, have strong family structures, and don't drink ourselves into catatonia every day and then beat the shit out of each other like native Brits. And knowing the natives will turn on us when things go bad, rather than face their own shortcomings, we're flexible as well. It's not some sub-Lovecraft bullshit Elders of Zion "conspiracy" that we dominate media, finance, literature, the arts, and just everything else. It's that we have our priorities straight and don't get overly distracted by nationalism, soccer, and other useless bullshit like Brits do.
The queen was a massive Ocarina of Time fan who hates this new age open world communist Zelda
I'm not proud of my country by any means but I will say that the we in the US are actually quite self aware and point out the fact that britain is, without any competition and by far, the least self aware country on the planet
Also youre a faggot, kill yourself
They seriously shut down the entire country during her funeral. Foodbanks, Hospitals, fire departments are all closed. Imagine having so much power that even in death, still cause others to suffer and die alongside you.
Employment contracts and company decide what happens on bank holidays. Nowhere was compelled to close.
lmao you made them mad
British people are fucking ugly. Horrible inbred genetics and horrible lifestyle habits. Just hobbits with worse teeth.
We shoulda let the nazis bomb you to the Stone Age and conquered you’re ugly island with shit weather.
The monarchy is still around because whatever they say, Brits actually love the class system, with everyone in their proper place. Like cultural OCD.
Why bother conquering them when they've been our bitch since WWII? They do our bidding even when the rest of Europe* knows we're being retarded, like with the Iraq invasion. Big useless protest when Trump visited but the queen still slobbed his nob because she knew59 the deal.

(*except Poland, go figure)
You're 5'5 and mexican, stfu dysgenic goblin
Poland was one of the biggest players in the Iraq War, it was their shot at relevancy lmao

>he thinks America doesn't have the same system
c'mon now

They still let people starve and refused to give them medical treatment because of a funeral.

Fuck your bank holidays when even in the US, hospitals and foodbanks are still open regardless whoever the fuck's funeral it is.
6’3” with blue eyes and shoulders— without Americans built like me saving your hobbit asses you’d be speaking kraut right now.
The real starvation is British food. Broken people and a broken ass culture whose only edible food is Indian curry.
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There's not even banter in this thread; it's just assholes, versus assholes. I don't even think grass touching is enough for some of you
americans spreading obvious disinformation about hospitals being forced closed and an edgy antisemite brit, this thread is a shitshow lol. honestly it thread does annoy me a bit when I read this thread, but the idiocy is so obvious that I don't think people's worldviews are being changed thankfully.
simping over a dead Queen on a fat girl porn site is cringe af. What banter did you want, more Queen Elizabeth ssbbw morphs?
It’s just fun to be racist against British people because of how they look and act.
Thank you zogbot for dooming the west. Great job

you sound like a monkey
Nah man but if you want I can send your Protestant ass a picture of my huge white dick

"Hurr Durr Americans spread misinformation"

Like you fags don't do it either. Or shall I dig up the comments of every American being a fat gun shooting retard who'll suck the dick skin off of Trump/Biden.
what? I don't understand your point, I was referring specifically to the americans in this thread spreading weird disinformation about my country but your example is just a general childish strawman giving a stock insult which is entirely unrelated to the subject of misinformation. us europeans really do live rent free in your americans heads, huh. whenever you get into arguments with us you just start reeing and complaining that some of us called you retarded in the past. You guys are so insecure that one american in this thread has rage-posted 13 times in this thread lol
There's a discussion to be had, and maybe a fat fetish site isn't the place to have it lol... But I'll give it another shot:

Obviously the core of the disconnect is that for us the royals are just celebrities — we don't have a real emotional/cultural connection to them. But for some of us (like me) it's hard to dismiss the royals in the same way I can legit not GAF about, say, the Kardashians.

If the monarch is just "a symbol" (and I'd argue he/she isn't) then symbolically they represent the idea that some blood is better than others, and that blood gives its carriers rights and privileges others don't and actually can't have. It seems so bafflingly medieval and unenlightened, from a country that in many ways is more modern and progressive than mine.
principally I agree with you, I would like my country to eventually become a republic but what kind of republic, what kind of head of state would we have? would they be elected by members of parliament or by a popular vote? would they be purely ceremonial like the current monarchy or would they be given real powers such as appointing the prime minister or vetoing ministerial positions?
we've already been going through brexit which I opposed and I've hated the political polarisation and power grabs from the right wing throughout the process. I want a republic but any concrete talk of it stresses me out tbh, our current monarchic system isn't perfect but it functions well and it gives us some neat ceremonies and traditions that make us stand out (many brits won't admit it but we can be a bit insecure about ourselves at times, hence the rabid brexit debate. having a largely ceremonial institution at the heart of things that is set in stone and doesn't change can be comforting tbh). Some people worship the monarchy and that's cringe, but I do respect the reigning monarch. the princes and princesses can be shit though, thank god prince andrew wasn't directly in line for the throne or I would've become a hardcore republican lol. I'm speaking as someone from the more distant northern part of the UK btw, not a metropolian.
Seems like a reasonable dilemma, and I doubt you're unique with it. I guess my issue with it is philosophical, rather than practical — though I don't think it's theoretical, either. That is, what does monarchy/royalty -mean- in 2022? We're living at a time where the West is reckoning with imperialism, colonialism, racism, classism, etc in a deep way. Yet here's this ongoing reminder of it, as head of one of the wealthiest, most powerful and influential countries on earth.

>"(...having a largely ceremonial institution at the heart of things that is set in stone and doesn't change can be comforting tbh)"

I lived in the UK (London) for a little while as a student, and I've known my share of Brits there and here, so this is interesting to me. Because I've had the monarchy/royalty discussion with them, and whether they "like" or respect the Windsors themselves, this is what it always seems to boil down to.
>We're living at a time where the West is reckoning with imperialism, colonialism, racism, classism, etc in a deep way. Yet here's this ongoing reminder of it, as head of one of the wealthiest, most powerful and influential countries on earth.
idk, like I said I'm not a royalist but I don't view the institution as fundamentally racist/imperialist/colonialist. it did some bad things in the past but republican countries did too and it's not like we're demanding the abolishment of the american or french presidencies. it all just feels so disproportionate and opportunistic. I want it gone eventually since it's not a meritocratic institution, I agree with the classist accusation, but I think people are stupid for getting so emotional about it like it actually impacts their lives. they're a background detail that gets dragged out to open parliament, give a nice speech at christmas, charm foreign leaders, and ceremonially open new buildings. I support giving official apologies to wronged peoples and returning looted artifacts (actually looted stuff like the elgin marbles and benin bronzes, not every foreign item gained during the period of colonialism like some idiots demand) but I don't view the abolishment of the monarchy as relevant to the fight for antiracism.
Hag fagging over a dead queens rotten vagina is the gayest thing ive seen on this site.
It’s barbaric savagery to have swine
Warcheifs children represent your state parading around in stolen artifacts you call spoils of war.
I live in New York State and it's common knowledge that the Indian Nations lost because they were bigger rednecks than actual rednecks by getting into wars with each other. King Phillip wanted to drive out colonists settling in their land, but John Winthrop put them in their place and created Thanksgiving to celebrate crushing redskins. People tend to forget that the puritans were good at the two fs: fighting and fucking.
Open a history book dummy. Disease killed 99% of the Indians before the puritans got there. Puritans were lucky to not end up like Jamestown.
You are conflating conquistadors with pilgrims. The former caused diseases like smallpox and syphilis to spread among the Tainos because Christopher Columbus was incompetent. The latter just fled religious persecution and wanted to form a colony.
>I live in New York State and
How many posts have you prefaced with that?
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Culture? There’s more culture in a sink strainer than there is in your entire country. Radical Christian extremism, simplified English, not knowing that 1/3 is more than 1/4 and having a weekly school shooting is not culture. Sorry.
You couldn’t even conquer a bunch of rice farmers.
You know what’s funny about you making fun of the worst parts of us is that the state of Alabama which represents all the worst parts of us has the same size economy as all of the UK
I rest my case, at least when it comes to numbers…
I am a center-left guy and say that school shootings are not a thing in America, neither is Christian extremism. America has more gun stores per square mile than Europe and it's easy to go to the gun shop off the turnpike and get a pistol for self defense. I know a lot of pastors who don't watch C.N.N. because it has fake news or do not buy into the conservative party's platform because the representative or senator has a third wife. Pastors may hate the gay agenda, but they hate Senator Lindsay Graham or Sarah Palin not being fundamentalist and wearing fancy clothes.
This is hardly a brag — the majority of NYS is Alabama with snow except for the NYC and suburbs. He referenced it because the state has a particularly rich pre-colonial Native American history.

Our culture dominates the planet, including your gray little part of it. The music you listen to, the films and TV you watch, the internet you use, even fashion, food, and language.

The total Alabama state economy is $30bn, total UK is $3.3 trillion. Alabama is 52k square miles, UK is 94k.
Long Island and Westchester-Hudson Valley has rich colonial and Native American history. New York can be best described as a mob town and didn't become financial capital until after 9/11.Good luck getting New Yorkers to admit NYC was farmland before the subways were built.
What culture? The foods horrible and I’m sorry but the language itself is a dog pile of whoever conquered the remote island. Clinging to Shakespeare because Blake sucks and no one important wrote in English.
America being amazing and running shit is really the only success Britain ever had.
What brag? I'm asking because we have a notorious autist in our midst who brings up he's from New York every other post and derails threads with similar bullshit. He's even trying to rewrite history now by claiming the city wasn't shit until 1904 - erasing colonial history.
Brits mad their gay little island got eclipsed in relevance by their colony. It’s funny how he just makes america seem cool by whining about it
Nobody cares about the robber barons and carpetbaggers who built the city in the 20th Century. The Jazz Age tends to be held in high regard than Henry Ford.

If America is so cool, then how come the G.O.P have been using stock footage of Russia and Ukraine in their Commitment to America? Only people I see proud to be an American are European, Jewish, Muslim, and Black Immigrants while Americans are still stuck in the past
Such a short statement yet so much wrong in it. It's actually odd to have someone so ignorant yet still able to write in complete sentences.

The North Country and Western tier of NYS was home to the Mohawks, Oneida, Iroquois, etc. These tribes were some of the most advanced in the Western hemisphere and had a huge impact not just on American history but the world, in terms of creating the first democracies. You should have learned this shit in 7th grade if you grew up in NYS like I did.

I don't know what "mob town" means (or why it would diminish anything), but NYC has been a top-3 cultural, financial, and media capital of the world since before WWII. This was the case even during the bankrupcy crisis in the 70s, when population dipped slightly.

The first subway was built in 1904, at which point NYC was the largest city in the US, twice as large as #2, Chicago and nearly 3x as large as #3, Philadelphia. There were a few farms left inside what was technically city limits, though as a measure of importance and growth that's meaningless.

I misunderstood what you were responding to, oops.
>Clinging to Shakespeare because Blake sucks
I hope you get an old fashioned Marlowe Mashing you Goetheworm
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Anyone who unironically simps for an unelected head of state is the biggest cuck in the world.
They don't represent you, you don't breath the same air as these people.
>But what about school shootings/vietnam/911
Literally irrelevent. Slagging off the monarchy has fuck all to do with americans, I don't even particulary give a shit about the irish/indians/africans.
I hope royalists remember getting roasted by Americans for our farcical state funeral, and shut up next time they bring up the tired "but what about american tourism money" myth that is bandied about everytime somebody suggests we don't spend £200 million on the new royal yacht, while 2.6 million british children currently live in food poverty.
Royalty is embarrassing, and represents the worst part of our culture and traditions.
A lot of that fancy crap people love nowadays are managed by unions. I know cause I worked with a lot of union guys who still do work at those institutions and they have contempt for the state, or the subways, or Midtown. The sentiment is get out of New York State before Hochul or the attorney general starts killing fun just to appease the college professors and hospital directors running the state to the ground.
Man, you lizard-brain Zeldin fans are easy to dupe.
Kisame here. Nobody knows who Zeldin is. We already have Blakeman as the Trump Republican and spent a good time making sure Giliani's inbred son didn't become governor.
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A quarter of public money is already spent on welfare, can we not have just one yacht? At least it’s something exciting, and I’m really not that bothered if it costs me the eye watering sum of about £5. I can think of worse things to spend it on.

P.S. Corbyn lost by the way.
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>Corbyn lost by the way
3 years on and you're still living in fear of him. go and cower in Prince Andrew's foreskin, cuck
corbyn lost lol
Brits are so terrified of Corbyn they'll support a party that will install a PM who wants tax cuts for the rich at the precipice of a global recession

Brits are so terrified of Corbyn they will TANK their economy just to step on the working class
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>can we not have just one yacht?
Your only argument is literally, "why can't we buy someone a yacht for no reason".
>corbyn lost lol
And look how well it's going.
>Brits are so terrified of Corbyn they'll support a party that will install a PM who wants tax cuts for the rich at the precipice of a global recession
corbyn hasn't been leader of the labour party since 2020 and liz truss became prime minister in 2022. they are not related events lol. the general public do not support truss's insane economic policy. But if we can blame it on corbyn, maybe that reflects poorly on HIM??? maybe he should've stepped down when it became clear that the country despised him and he was harmful to the labour party's electoral prospects? Even after the disastrous 2019 loss there was uncertainty that he would step down, he's that fucking stubborn.
>And look how well it's going.
I don't think anyone could've predicted covid and the russo-ukrainian war when corbyn lost in 2019 (corbyn lost lol), a scandal like partygate was predictable though. I have to say I despise the tories and voted for a labour candidate in the 2019 general election to beat them, but I still hate corbyn because he was politically naiive (just look at his response to russia invading ukraine, or his braindead response labour antisemitism that got him suspended from the party, the man never knows when to shut the fuck up) and was an incompetent manager of his party. I'm looking forward to Starmer's labour winning the 2024 general election, hopefully things can be fixed and Scottish Independence averted (I am Scottish so idgaf about the sewage in your english rivers and beaches, we have our own competent system up here)
>it became clear that the country despised him
YouGov literally supressed a poll that made him look too good, he can't have been that bad.
>his braindead response labour antisemitism that got him suspended from the party
Please actually read the Forde report. Or watch The Labour Files documentary.
>I'm looking forward to Starmer's labour winning the 2024 general election
10 years of tory-lite leadership that does nothing to reverse half the damage done, which will only further discredit the left, which will be followed up with another 10+ years of Tory rule dragging us further into the shit. I suppose it's better than the Truss. But am I daft for wanting more?
Please explain to me, specifically, which Corbyn policies you disagree with. You seem to hate him enough that you unironically think he deserved to lose (and by extension have the Tories win).
>idgaf about the sewage in your english rivers and beaches, we have our own competent system up here
Corbyn wanted to nationalise the english water companies (the same competent system you have up there). I thought he was politically braindead?
We haven’t had to worry about that lunatic for three years now. Not since Starmer took the helm, and it’s not like we’ve got to worry about him. That’s not to say he won’t be prime minister in 2024, I’m resigned to the fact that he almost certainly will be at this point, but I’m really not that bothered. It’s not like anything’s going to change.

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