
I'd be more interested to know what is the fattest country with the obese young female population. I aint tryna fuck old fat samoan men. idk if the data gets that deep
State with most fatties: Mississippi
States with worst fatties: New England
State with best fatties: Ohio

Texas could be a runner up, but fuck that place. Last time I was in LA there seemed to be way more chubby/fat Mexican girls but fuck that place too. I’ve been in this game a long time and if you’re serious about moving to where the BBWs are, you gota move to Ohio
People often conflate fattest with rate of fat. There are certainly countries with higher rates of fatness than the US but in terms of sheer size US would win. You're not likely to regularly see some 500lb+ heifers rolling around on mobility scooters at your local grocery store on a Pacific island.
For fat tourism, nothing beats the USA’s Bible Belt. Look at which states voted Trump and you’re there. If you dig big black and Latin women, our big cities are pretty good too. And whoever said New England is a SSBBW desert, you’re correct. Some of the more working class towns and cities are okay but overall CT to Maine is like being in Europe.

FWIW the best places I’ve been for sheer density (if not the biggest of the big) were Las Vegas and New Orleans. Big bonus is that both are YOLO party towns so gals of all shapes and sizes are letting it all hang out.
strange that their is a lack of islander models. Can't even think of one.
My "problem" with American BBW's is that a very large majority of them look like ogres and/or dress up in the most ugly, baggy clothes possible. Of course, it's world class if you only want to hook up with fatties, but finding one you could take home with you and show friends and family isn't that great..

UK actually isn't a bad country for finding big girls that actually have attractive faces.

>>You're not likely to regularly see some 500lb+ heifers rolling around on mobility scooters at your local grocery store on a Pacific island.

I rarely see this shit now, and I'm in the states. I think you're grossly overestimating how fat Americans are.
Ireland is ranked pretty highly for obesity in the world (certainly in Europe).
But alas, most of our fatties are middle aged men.
And even the young, female fatties aren't necessarily attractive. I certainly don't see attractive BBWs very often here. I consider myself very lucky to have dated a few. But it's still very frustrating.

Honestly lads, I don't think there is any Shangri-La of BBWs out there. Maybe some parts of the US. But I doubt they'll drop their knickers for some random European coomer who comes over just to fuck fat girls.
Im pretty sure its the poorer and less healthy states in the south creating the stereotype and throwing off the average obesity rate against the healthier north.

NinjahSmurf, but she's the only one I know of.
I don't even know what flag that country is which is how ignorant of an american I am but I give you huge props for understanding america better than the "I think you're grossly overestimating how fat Americans are" clown. You are correct that the southeast is much poorer and less healthy than the northeast.

The midwest has all the non poor/ middle class/ actually pretty fatties. Think about it Jae, kellie kay, BBBxl, LisaLou all from ohio. (this is generally known info i am NOT doxing anyone). The southeast is where all the cave trolls and hideously ugly incest mountain creature trumpers live. Thats also where all the black SSBBWs are who are just as hot but I can never get them to sleep with me so I cant give any advice about that.

>>best places I’ve been for sheer density (if not the biggest of the big) were Las Vegas and New Orleans
I can 100% confirm this. If you are seriously considering a fat girl sex tour/visit, just go to one of these two cities. Ive personally banged multiple fatties in New Orleans and ive only been to vegas a few times but there are hundreds of fatties up and down the strip all within walking distance cause all those hotels are right next to each other.
I don't even know what flag that country is which is how ignorant of an american I am

God shut your retarded ass up.
there is a shangri-la for BBW's---it's called Italy. Sure they're not as many fat people as the USA and sure they're certainly not as BIG as the average american fatty, but there's tons of Italian chicks with fat asses and belly's, and Italian girls actually have nice faces and builds compared to americans. Combine that with a carb-heavy cuisine and the fact that almost all Italian chicks get fatter as they age.

Imagine simping over other countries while degrading your own. Pathetic.
Wow. lot of sensitive little baby boys itt. are you pouting cause they leaked everyone in the proud boys and now everyone knows youre too much of pussies to be in the biggest group of pussies ever? or are you both just from west virginia? or maybe kentucky... pretty sure i have a good idea of what kind of shithole youre from just by how much of sensitive bitches you are
It is amusing how the biggest "patriots" on the right are so fragile in their feelings toward their country that the mildest criticism triggers them. This wasn't even criticism, really. If they're confident the USA is the best place on earth, then they should let people criticize, because who cares? Problem is they know it's not, and their ignorance and mediocrity is a big part of why.
Ironically the verse of Fänrik Ståls sägner the Finnish national anthem is from specifically mentions that they're really poor like 3 times lol. But of course that doesn't actually mean anything, and no reason to be a dick, they didn't even say anything hostile
It's stupid but the ogre "la creatura" look really gets me off, especially the beady eyes and stupid jowly faces
Lol i dont mind and i think they meant to respond to the person above anyway

Dont worry im not criticizing america, just pointing out that its usually the "loud minority" that tends to get noticed more, which in this case are the less healthy and poorer states more dependent on cheap fast food.
The top 2 fattest countries are the u.s and Mexico
obviously America is the fattest in the first world, but honestly many other places aren't that far off. the UK had a similar obesity rate for a while, though we've plateaued while the US continues to rise. Europe in general has a lot of fatties, usually smaller than Americans but also better-looking; I blame it on the agribusiness shit in American diets

third worlders used to be skinny, but the countries which are actually developing have a lot of fat people now thanks to the sudden abundance of processed sugary foods. Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, has a lot of fat people nowadays, and China too.

to answer your question: Pacific Islanders are fat as shit, because basically everything they eat is canned survival food meant to be calorie dense. but they're also strong fat for the same reason. if you're thinking about sedentary, mobility scooter, never-walk-anywhere fatties, America is on top
Australia has pretty high rates of obesity in younger people, pretty sure one of the highest in the world so its really not that hard to find a girl in her 20s or 30s fat as fuck. obesity in general is having a massive spike here
yeah, even with japans incredibly low obesity rate, i was seeing cute chubby and fat girls all the time from the sheer numbers
There are a LOT of fat Mexicans now, especially at the border and northern cities like Monterey, but you don't see nearly as many superfats as you do in the US South and Midwest.

This is right on as a general guide to American fat people. Among white people, go to the south if you want to see fat women and you also don’t mind a huge chance of them being disgusting, poor, and unattractive. The middle class+ conventional fatties are in the Midwest. Think “jeez, ope, those pounds sure came on after 25” vs “mah cundishuns” fridge-on-your-front-porch trash.

The big populated regions (west, northeast) are markedly worse for attractive fat white women. I’m from this kind of area and my jaw drops in the Midwest how many normal, girl-next-door types with a high level of baseline attractiveness are casually lugging extra pounds that they would have been shamed out of in Santa Monica or simply walked off in NYC.

However, the tables turn and those areas that are terrible for fat white women are great for hot fat POC.
You got to go to the ‘burbs. The Inland Empire in California, for example, is rife with big people.

>However, the tables turn and those areas that are terrible for fat white women are great for hot fat POC.

Lifelong New Yorker here. I feel like I'm letting the team down by not being into Caribbean island booty, but I like girls who are belly-heavy, and you tend to see that more in women from continental Latin America than from the islands. From my personal perspective, California got the better deal, both on genetics (Mexican girls with native ancestry who gain weight easily) and culture (car-centric lifestyle makes people fat, and a lot of second gen Cali Latinos are into the goth or indie scenes so there's less of a culture clash with a white guy.)

That said, one time in Long Island City I saw an amazing SSBBW who had the classic 100% indigenous Latin American look, which I find striking and attractive even on skinny women. She was young, probably early 20s or even late teens, and short, like under five feet short. Weight gain fic will describe someone as "wider than she is tall" but in this case it might actually have been true. She was wearing bare-bones fat girl clothes that barely fit (stretch black leggings and a white t-shirt) and was waddling slowly down the block with a much smaller but still chubby girl who looked like a sister or a cousin.
wherever you’re mom lives
Your Mom
I see attractive fat girls here almost daily, catch is they tend to age poorly in their 40s.
>are you pouting cause they leaked everyone in the proud boys
Wow that was a topical reference
Some Canadian guy said that Italy is a shangri-la of BBWs.
As an italian myself I ask where the fuck did you go because I'd move there straight away. Sadly Italy is a Bbw desert. There are very few fatties and they are mostly disproportionate/ugly/unattractive and this is a massive waste because italian girls are mediterranean and would make lovely pear shaped BBWs. Luckily I kinda like fit girls too (but maybe that's just coming to terms with reality and accepting it)
lmaoo my bad, i'm biased cuz really i'm just talking about the wealth of fat italian-canadian milfs in certain suburbs. can't really speak for italy, just made an assumption. I do think that Italians make for the perfect fat chicks tho, they seem to always have the perfection proportions of belly, waist, ass, tits ratio and pretty faces
Lol, idk about actual European Italy, but this is true in the States as well. If you're looking for an SSBBW in the NYC tri-state area, Italian-American girls are the hookup.
Italians, like mexicans and blacks, put on weight in all the right places. Its why when they live in the us, where the "food" quality is basically just sugar and oil mixed with sawdust and plastic, they turn into amazingly perfect pear shaped big hips big tits bbws, but in their homelands are skinny boards. Its also why when europeans/whites get fat they rarely have hips and ass and why the whites who do have hips and ass are so coveted, like Roxxie, pawgs in general etc
I haven't been to Italy myself, but isn't Italy literally the skinnies country on the continent?

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