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Idont even care it washes over me i am becoming logoff pilled and it is bracing and sweet
Cloudfare hosts bbw-chan too, what would they do if enough models and artists made noise? I'm suprised they never took lookism.net down before the feds did.

I never understood KiwiFarms, it seems like they need everyone to be as "normal" as possible. Like their main annoyance with fat people in my experience is that they are oblivious to their decreased life expectancy (in their view), the mere thought that persons won't suffer on earth as long as they do is unbearable to them.
Imagine being an adult and using the word "cyberbullying". Dog brain
KF was taken down due to a forged bomb threat that could of been interpreted as reasonable considering the site
There'd be no way Cloudflare would think someone like us would bomb anywhere.
I just realized Cloudflare doesn't host sitse, it only protects them DDos attacks.
>>20009 (OP)
> KF was taken down due to a forged bomb threat that could of been interpreted as reasonable considering the site

No it wasn't. CF wanted a reason to take it down because they're cucks and bent the knee to person who was well documented on their site as a groomer.

> Like their main annoyance with fat people in my experience is that they are oblivious to their decreased life expectancy (in their view), the mere thought that persons won't suffer on earth as long as they do is unbearable to them.

They're just there to laugh at stupid people who do stupid things and are stupid enough to post it online for attention. Don't want a thread there? Don't want people discussing you? Don't post your entire life online for the world to see.

And FYI, the Fat section is only one small section of their site. The Ethan Ralph and DSP forums have more posts than anywhere else. Most of it is just making fun of the dumb shit Amber-lynn Reid does, and the extreme immaturity of people like Anna O'Brien, who while I would like to bang, is actually quite fucking annoying and childish and doesn't realize she's 40 not 14. Shame because she's gorgeous.
CF didn't "bend the knee" they fell for one of said groomer's minions planting something because said person is unscrupulous. Opinions don't just change on a dime literally a day after, Multiple people said they saw said faked bomb threat.

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