
half the girls on tinder are fat af this shit isn't hard
Same way/place you would get normal girls. But since your asking this question on a fet fetish forum I'm guessing you don't do that often. Just go out and meet people. Class, parties, work....go to the movies, bars, festivals....just be a fun and personable person, odds are you'll meet a big girl who likes you and you guys will hit it off.

I didn't have many hookups in college but thats more bcuz I'm a long term/dating type. 3 of the cutest chicks I've got with were just fat chicks who I noticed in my lectures. Made a point of making a short eye contact with them. Next class go sit beside them and if you click you click. Girls like confidence so just stick with your guns. Don't be a creep either. You can also meet cute girls if you work in a place with a younger staff (restaurent, cafe, retail)
>>19996 (OP)

Dude, you're at a college. You're telling me everyone there is 110lb and not ordering Doordash every day?
This is going to sound pedo but I am younger, is there a certain place for younger people?
Kid leave this site or your brain will be on 100 percent coomer mode
Lol you make it sound like fat women are hard to spot
Go to the gym. Sounds counterintuitive but there are a lot of porkers at the gym. Don't worry, they're not going to out run their diet anytime soon. Find a fatty who lifts, it will make them look and feel a lot better.

You should be spending a lot of time in the gym as a scholar and a man looking for a woman anyway.
My impression is that women hate to get hit on while they are at the gym, and well I can see why.
fat girls are normal girls bruh just touch grass and you’ll be fine
How about meeting some women north of 30? Where can find those women? I'm not interested in stupid 20 year olds.

Yeah, but fat bitches at the gym are a different story. They usually LOVE the attention because they're looking for that validation and confidence boost.
>>19996 (OP)
You're American at college. Finding a fat girl isn't difficult, just don't go to sororities since you won't find them there.
I'd say use more boomery traditional dating sites and offshoots of boomery social sits (e.g. Facebook dating). I met my wife on a regular-ass dating site (PlentyOfFish, back in the day when it was independent).
Only problem with dating sites are that they need a mobile number, I don't have one.
Go to OKC Match or Hinge. You can approach a girl IRL but don't make your fetish the main point; talk about anything else besides that.
Actually, most colleges def have a “fat girl” sorority, where sure most of the girls are normal sized, many will be fatter. It’s not some weird fetish thing like you’d see on dimensions, just every school has a sorority that will def have more fat girls in it than others.
Also yeah I don’t understand people being unable to meet bbws/ssbbws especially at college. There’s enormous women everywhere, bars, clubs, on tinder, if someone says they can’t find any they’re probably just ugly as hell, weird, or scared to approach fat girls in person or around their friends.
Anybody who has trouble meeting fat girls is definitely just a weirdo. Fat girls are everywhere and they’re mostly normal people. If this is difficult for you, it’s not a question of location. It’s your own behaviour/attitude/social skills.
Depends where you live. I took a walk every day this summer I could and in total I ran into a single fat woman.
I don't go to bars, I don't like them. AFAIK we don't have clubs, and Tinder? That's fine if you want to fuck someone and don't care that they human equivalent of a public restroom toilet, but if you are looking for a real relationship good luck.

I met my GF via Tinder and we’ve been dating 3 years. Men complaining about Tinder being only good for hook ups when they literally made it that way is so funny to me. Just admit you don’t get matches bro.
So get a phone, man. I know Canadian mobile rates suck but it ain't THAT expensive. Use one of the off brands like 7-11 or Petro-Canada, they have their own MVNOs which are super budget discount.
How tall are you?
I'm not interested in hookups though.
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>Anybody who has trouble meeting fat girls is definitely just a weirdo. Fat girls are everywhere and they’re mostly normal people. If this is difficult for you, it’s not a question of location. It’s your own behaviour/attitude/social skills.

This. Frankly anyone who has difficulties meeting bigger gals, is because they're either terrified of being seen with them (Get over it, you'll never be happy until you do) or because you're socially not the best.

The latter is FINE dude, everyone gets their head in their ass like that sometimes. I gave myself that thanks to losing a parent in high school and just, having a awful trauma that detaches you from people. What I did, was be honest about who I was and focused on making friends, and not sex. Don't be afraid to show interest in someone, but big girls go through a TON OF SHIT from fucking everyone and a kind man who likes them can be a godsend. Loneliness is a fucking choice.

Then don’t hook up?? haha just date them? like this isn’t rocket science my dude.

Absolutely. Especially if you live in the states, doubly so if you live in the south. Seriously, I took a mini vacation this weekend and was astonished at how many fat girls there were just hitting up the town.

Like this weekend really made me realize that here in the south, fat women are pretty common now. Hell, I would even go as far as to say there’s a 40/60 fat to skinny ratio with women here, and I’m in a nice blue city. If I wasn’t invested in getting my girlfriend to 400 pounds, I would seriously be spoiled for choice.

You’d need to be a train wreck to not land fat pussy. Literally all they’re looking for is to be treated like a human being.
>>19996 (OP) >>20622

Literally just make friends and go places. It's really easy man, just put the fetish shit aside and talk to someone as a person. If you don't end up dating, you just made a friend.

Also don't make it weird. Don't make food and fatness the center of the relationship. You don't need to 'encourage' them or try and stuff them. Introduce that after a couple of months if you want to bring it into the bedroom. Be open you like bigger women but don't like, make it a " " thing " ".

They're a person, they'll bound to have some hang ups after being the fat girl in their friend group or being bullied. Just be kind and have fun, other stuff will follow. If you're really struggling, try studying/working in the library, dont go there to 'scope out', just hang out there and study or ready, and you'll meet someone eventually. Don't run up to the first fat chick you see, don't try and be smooth and try and like, read her books and ask if she likes Salinger or some shitty author, just see if she if she wants to go to your college's football game or like, a movie or something. Join a club or two, like a gaming club or film appreciation or something.
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Well said my hyperkinetic rabbity accomplice!
this anon gets it. i wish i had this wisdom when i was in college. literally just approach them and see if they want to hang out sometime, and be specific about where you wanna go. go do something where you'd have fun even if you had to do it alone, and you'll naturally grow closer.

make friends first, and gfs will follow.
The average IQ in this thread is like 40, tops
As someone who just tried both Tinder and WooPlus again, none of these dating apps are worth it man, especially for someone like me.

It's really just about going out and meeting people and stumbling into it. The more you look for something, the less likely it's going to come. Atleast in my perspective.
This is literally cliff notes for success tbh

Source: My dating experience and literally everyone I know in real life inside and outside fat-world
When I was in college I told my friends I liked fat girls and one of them said as a joke then you should just go to the pizza place and wait there so that weekend I made a point to walk to the pizza place next to one of the bars on campus and sure enough there was a far girl there eating pizza with her friends, and luckily I was wasted enough to do this I just walked up to her and asked for her number. She gave it to me and we fucked that night. Of course later on in that same year she lost a shit ton of weight and turned out she hated being fat (I followed her on IG after and we just had sex that one time so we didn’t stay in touch I learned this all from her IG) but in terms of like where you’re most likely to find fat girls at college yeah I’d recommend just spending more time where the food is
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For those of you who have gone down the online dating app route, do you have any tips? Like profile set up, pictures to use etc?

I tried Tinder once and it was a huge blow to my ego. I had been trying to improve myself and meet new people, join clubs in college, get out of my comfort zone and stuff so I wanted to give it a try. It seems to work for other people so why not me? But I took a huge L and got 0 matches

Secondly, even if you were to get a match, what do you say? I know, everyone is different and what works for some won't work for others but like there has to at least be a rough guideline to follow? And "just don't be an autist" is a given, though vague. In other words how do you progress things when matched without being a creep? I'd rather not go down the "redpill" rabbit hole and have pick up artist types tell me how to bucket loads of pussy I just want to hear from regular dudes how they get on. My friends are no use cos they never use tinder either and none of us get any women
Alright my man, I’ll try and give you some tips since I’ve been very fortunate to hook up with and meet several BBWs/SSBBWs using shit like bumble and tinder (and feabie but that’s a whole different thing)
For pics, use ones that make you look like you’re having fun and have a life. You should if you’ve been improving yourself as you say. I normally had a few group ones but made sure my main pics were of just me and me alone. I always had a kind of shitpost bio, tho. Having something like “I’ll only talk if you jump to put on jeans” will lead to every single fucking girl who thinks their thicc or fat messaging you first about how she def does that.
When you talk to them, just be normal. Mention possible common interests, maybe you both go to the same college or work in the same area? I’d normally try and get Snapchat/Instagram after a day or so at most, and did it just by asking for it.

You have to be honest with yourself. You know if you are ugly/good looking/model tier/average, not us. Lifting and working out, dressing well, not looking like a bum will go a long way. I’ve been very successful with women but I’m pretty tall and fit, but even then it’s not always been easy.

Also be confident and don’t for the love of god be a creep asking about their rolls or how much they weigh or some autistic shit like that.
Thanks man, this sounds like pretty solid advice. I think its clever the way you had that line in your bio, its shows you have interest in a certain type without being creepy about it while also setting both you and you potential match up with a topic opener. As much as I often go coomer brain whenever I see someone I like I know to keep that shit to myself but then I feel I run into the opposite problem and they don't/didn't even know I was interested in the first place
The most important thing to know about using Tinder is that it is governed by an algorithm, and the algorithm hates you.
Tinder uses a variant of the Elo rating system (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system) to "rank" users. Your Elo rating is determined by your ratio of right swipes to matches. For every girl you swipe right on who does not reciprocate a right swipe, your rank goes down. A lower rank means that you will be shown to fewer people. What this means in practice is that if a girl opens Tinder right now and swipes through (let's say) 30 guys, you are unlikely to be one of those 30 guys. The guys she sees are not randomly selected. They are chosen by the algorithm based on their Elo rank (or whether they shelled out for Tinder Platinum, but we'll talk about that later).

It should be obvious, then, that simply swiping right on literally every single girl you see (also known as "suicide swiping") will tank your Elo rank. And it will. But you should also know that the algorithm will actually detect "suicide swiping" and tank your Elo even further than it would have otherwise. The moral of the story is: Be selective with your right swipes. And, more to the point, (if you really want to game the system / be a Tinder pro gamer): Only swipe right on girls who you think would swipe right on you. This is obviously easier said than done, but that is the way to do it if you really want to be a pro gamer. In other words, if you think a girl is out of your league, it's pretty much better to not even bother swiping right on her (unless you don't care about your Elo and you want to go for the Hail Mary anyway. Just don't do it too often).

You might be wondering what the point of "punishing" users for being unlucky/unattractive is. To goad them into purchasing the premium features, of course! You can see for yourself what the various premium packages on Tinder offer, but of particular note is the "priority like" feature on Tinder Platinum (which is arguably the most important premium feature, and obviously the most expensive). What this does is that every time you swipe right on a girl, the next time she opens Tinder, you will be the first person she sees (or one of the first people she sees, depending if any other retards bought Tinder Platinum and swiped right on her).

I don't personally use Tinder Platinum (too rich for my blood) but I will speak about two other premium features which I do use. I can't recall which premium packages these come with (and I'm too lazy to check) but you should get the package that has them:
1. Unlimited likes (this is pretty much mandatory if you want to use Tinder seriously)
2. Super likes
A Super Like, if you didn't know, notifies the other person that you have liked them. Tinder used to give everyone 1 free Super Like per 24 hours, but this is no longer the case. Instead, if you buy whatever premium package, you get 5 per week. Almost every Tinder date I've been on started with me super liking them. If you really want to boil it down, if you just Super Like every fat girl you see, you will probably strike gold sooner or later (as I have quite a few times). But obviously you need to be able to talk the talk, it isn't enough to just match them.

Everything >>20970 said is good advice. But you need to listen to everything he said, and everything I said about all this algorithm bullshit, if you want to have any luck with Tinder.
That bio landed me a now almost 250 pound Ellena Bryan lookalike, so it will def work lol.

You’ll be good dude, keep us updated if anything works out for you
I suppose it also works the other way around. Because despite living in a major city it is fairly rare for me to see any girl on Tinder that is even over 200lbs let alone anyone that could be considered fat. Maybe the poor fat girls are getting left swiped into oblivion.
That bio is actually immaculate my guy
I’m the guy who posted that, and dude it 100% will help. It was insane the amount of some who would message me first, mentioning how their jeans are tight as fuck or something like that.
Update: fine bbw pu to my crib juicy booty and belly
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Don't let me rain on anyones parade, but as someone who's been there, done that, and come out a failure, I think you seriously have to temper ones expectations with online dating.

Talk to any group of men and you'll notice that success is binary; you get matches or you don't. There is no such thing as leagues in online dating, very attractive and less attractive women alike will either occasionally match, or never match with you. If you can match a "1/10", you can match a "8/10" just as easy.

The bottom line is that none of the advice given in this thread is useful unless you meet the minimum baseline level of attractiveness (physical or otherwise) needed to achieve matches with women, which you either have, or have not, got. Being fat doesn't matter, fat guys get matches, as do skinny men, so going to the gym is only for your own personal interest.

When I tried online dating I thought my biggest barrier would be my personality, little did I know that would never become an issue as I would recieve no matches. People will advise you about swiping strategy and good bios, but ultimately the reason that these people get matches is not because of the clever pick up lines or the cheesy bios, it's because women think they look good and you don't. Re-writing your bio and re-arranging your pictures is a good idea, but it really only matters if you already get matches.

The only acceptable advice for online dating is put your best foot forward, and whittle down your photo selection to photos of you looking your absolute best. And then if you still don't get matches, stop listening to advice from people who are intrinsically better than you, and try meet women in a way that works for you.
Agreed OP should go try get himself into some college parties or clubs - then flirt with the fatties.

Too much focus online - especially if it doesn't work for you.

Go to speed dating if you want to try swiping IRL.
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Tinder post OP here, I am abroad

That is all well and good but slight problem.

> in a way that works best for you

A way that would work best for me is if they just came up and said they were interested in me and then we could just start talking, no fear of rejection, no mystery of whether or not they like you. Obviously, this is a fantasy and won't ever happen. This is what I would have hoped tinder would eliminate but it hasn't. It would have removed the uncertainly of whether that person was interested in you physically or not.

I reinstalled tinder and added my new phone number. However tinder recognised my phone and told me I was banned (I made a profile for Queen Elizabeth after her husband philip died so she could get her fuck on and got a shit load of matches. Then I was banned, Tinder doesn't have the same sense of humour as me it seems...). Eventually got it working anyway

I genuinely got decent photos of me taken, I had a friend help me out. I even took advice from >>21015 and i was very selective with my swipes. None of the "conventionally attractive" slim women, bar one or two. No suicide swiping. I even ran out of people in my range and I am in a big city

I took >>20970 's advice and put pictures of me living life. I had one of me bungy jumping and one of me in a goofy ah fit for a festival with a big smile on my face. I put as my job that I was a famous actor's stunt double, as a joke. I got very little matches. When I spoke to the matches I wasn't an autist, none of this creepy shit like your rolls are divine, I want to force feed you into immobility type shit. Just you know, treated them like regular people. I knew I had to get them off the app as soon as possible so I asked them about some of their interests, then I would suggest something we could do together based off their mentioned interests e.g. they like nature = go for a walk, into history = check out the museum etc. I am not good looking enough to pull off a hook up nor was i expecting one. I got very little swipes not to mention matches. I got 2 matches that responded to my messages and both wanted to meet up but one was too far away and the other i actually met and we had a date. I got ourselves something to drink and we went for a walk and talked. I told her it was my first date ever and she asked why and I told her that no one is ever interested. She was surprised and told me I was handsome. That made me feel good but what she told me did not live up to my lived experience so i don't know what to make of it

However that was it, things came to a grinding halt after a week. I was on bumble (got absolutely nothing), Wooplus (a few matches but they do not respond to the texts) and hinge (i thought this would be the one that would work best but boy was i wrong. I could upload videos of me dancing and showing off my moves in the club and stuff like that. I could also give witty answers to their prompts which i would have hoped would have shown off my personality a bit better but no. I fell mad short with only 2 texts and both stopped responding)

Its rough, really rough. I was happy with my date but that was everything. I wasn't getting anything else and you can't help but feel like pathetic. The ability to pull is linked to how much of a man you are. It's hard to just "keep trying bro" when you literally feel like scum.

>>24023 i appreciate the advice oz it's just that I am doing all those things. I'm in college and i am out almost every week. I am after making a decent amount of friends and i am chatting with loads of people, making jokes and stuff. I can talk to people no problem and make friends (male or female). The thing is I cannot flirt for my life and the fear of rejection is completely overwhelming for me. I don't think i'd even be able to pull a muscle if i tried. Having the confidence to flirt requires a certain type of confidence, this is why the "just be confident bro" advice doesn't work. If for example if i was an E-sports player, i would be confident i could clap some cunts ass on COD but could have no confidence in public speaking, you get me? Confidence in going up to women and expressing interest is a confidence that is gained after enough success with doing that and that success is often due to just being attractive in the first place. The more success the more confidence. As a not so good looking guy the odds me having enough success trying to hint on women and it going well enough times to build confidence in that field are very very low.

I am just frustrated. This is just one of those things that i am having difficulty in doing. In no other aspect of life do i feel lesser than, except this. And it is consuming my entire life. Always on my mind. I have seen a lot of those red/black pill videos but I don't blame women or consider myself a misogynist, i just blame myself. I don't want to be this alpha/sigma male chad that fucks like there is no tomorrow i just want to be average. Everyone seems to be having girlfriends at 15 and losing their card at 17 and that is supposed to be average?? That means i am well behind.

Listen, I know exactly what i need to do, I am just coping all the time and this is just me venting. I wanted to find the short cut to save myself the shame but i need to do something about my situation or shut up about it.
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Trust me, as I said, I've been there and done all that.

The point of my previous post is not to say you should give up, it's to say that you shouldn't buy into that brand of self improvement without acknowledging that that that some people just have an easier time of it than you.

My experience with women is the same as you, except perhaps somewhat worse even, I've never (ever, not even once) gotten a match on a dating app/site (not counting bots, sexworkers and phillipino women spoofing their location). And while I was attending university, women avoided me like the plague. I don't consider myself to be that physically unattractive and at uni I always assumed it was because of aspergers or something. However now that I've graduated and am 26, I find that I'll go out with friends and women will randomly strike up conversations with me. I've also met women at parties who (much to my shock and surprise) actually want to talk to me.

If you're anything like I was when you were younger, you'll want to avoid the traps I fell into. One of the things that happened to me was that I got so acclimatized to women avoiding me, that I would preemptively avoid them. You can't make that mistake, you've got to just crack on with it and assume the best in people. Another thing you'll want to do early on in life, is learn to stop caring about actually having sex, just focus on knowing women as a priority. Lack of female friends and acquaintances is a thousand times worse for you than not having a shag every so often. Be friends with the women your male friends are dating, and if none of your mates are dating anyone then make the effort to meet guys who are.

Also don't be an incel. Obviously you're an incel in the most literal definition of the word, but don't let that define you as a person, and definately don't wallow in misery like some of those incel-type communities seem to do. It's ok to find women frustrating but keep it together.

I can't give you the silver bullet to fix your problems, but you've got to just get used to living with a lack of success while never letting it turn you into a defeatist, which is easier said than done.
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Damn OP, I won't say I pity you because you don't need any. You're going to be fine. Time is on your side also. I'm 27 now, biggest change i've seen with friends and dating is that somewhere in the mid 20's looks begin to move to the periphery. If you focus on your college and getting a well paying job, the security and success will attract women by default - that is the long game there.

Lets try problem solve now – I’m not sure why I’m so invested in this now, and feel free to simply ignore me, just my opinion. I’ll run along assuming you might want to develop your dating style relationships experience here rather than just fucking.

Judging by your last reply you're probably early 20's, virgin, 'above average intellect' and you seem pretty self-aware, which is all great. I got little experience dating online etc so I’ll focus on face to face and improvement elements of this. From what I understand, dating apps will work to erode your confidence as you may have suggested, if you aren’t Instagram model level sexy.

If you take one thing from me, it is go get yourself into the gym. If you have never been, get online on youtube or into the bodybuilding.com forums or /fit on 4chan and ask for help learning machines and exercises and treat it as a ‘job’ or a mechanism to become both more confident, and sexy for the women you want to attract. The simple act of lifting releases endorphins for free, after 12 weeks consistently going 3-4 days a week you’ll notice differences. At that point the very human experience of delayed gratification will present itself to you and you’ll find yourself more confident. There is real science behind all of this – so if you are at a baseline confidence problem, don’t have a conventionally handsome face, and aren’t rich you need to do what you can, if this consumes you as much as you say. The double whammy here is you’ll look better and your dedication to your body and gym can be seen as a valuable trait when women inspect us – it shows many things, same way you going to college shows you can finish a project, work with a group, and commit to long term goals. The second might be personal, but I like the juxtaposition of a BBW against an athletic guy, you might too – and she probably will if she’s not an FA.

RE: your fear of rejection. It is our lot to be rejected as men – So we work to mitigate this. If I were you I would try to focus less on the sexual aspect of it all, even though I know as a red blooded male it can be hard. E.g. go introduce yourself to the chubby girl of the group (because bbwchan) and ask what she studies, what her hobbies are, music she likes. All of those questions segway you into something that’s a little more real – What do you like about your study, what would your dream job be (Rather than what job does that get you?) Does she have nice makeup on – ask her if she did it herself and that you like it. If she uses a cool word, like serendipitous, be impressed upon it. There is dozens of approaches to take – also go get yourself some new clothes that aren’t cheap shit if you don’t already. A few Hilfiger tee’s and a pair of nice chino’s/jeans with footwear and a watch, and my boy you’re halfway there for 200 bucks.

Flirting doesn't have to be something physical or overt either - you can complement a tattoo, or earring. I found the easiest thing to do when complimenting anyone is tell the truth - if you like that woman’s big belly or tits in a nice dress, feel inclined to say so in a nice way that the situation calls for. E.g. don’t go up to a stranger you've spotted and say your belly looks great in that dress. But if you’re in class or at a bar and it seems appropriate, comment on the dress (not the belly). I’ve found women respond better initially to less sexual and physical compliments out the gate.
“You got awesome tits” – not good.
“You are killing it today in that outfit, matching colours, nice!” – good.
"Love the Doc Martins" - Good.

(Eventhough post pandemic we are spoilt for women becoming fatter many don’t share our preferences and are conscious about it – it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them but don’t make it the focus of both of your sexualities, it could be uncomfortable and I’d even say objectifying for the woman specifically – sorry if I’m treating you slightly retarded, want to cover all bases.)

I’ll assume you have a part-time job – if you don’t go get one in the service industry or sales where you are forced to speak to people every day and improve your confidence and face to face skills. I worked at a news agent and supermarket for years through college and it helped my confidence – you’re forced to engage with everyone from CEO’s to Postmen on the same level. Remember everyone is just another person. Side note, I think working in a supermarket made me like MILFS way more…

Anyway dude, I hope some of this can apply to you and I didn’t offend you in any way with some of the comments. Let us know how you go if you can be bothered – it can be cathartic typing your thoughts, and the best thing is you know what problems you face. Maybe see if you can bag a New Years kiss this year. Go tee up a NYE party and don’t even worry about bagging a fatty, or even fucking – you’ll have to work up to it all unless it’s a real crazy night! Have a few drinks and a bowl with some baddies, some party girls will happily gas you up if you pass the vibe check - You're young and single so let yourself have a good time, whatever that is to you. It becomes a lot harder once you graduate and get responsibilities. If a skinny girl is into you or giving you signs, give her a go – it will help your confidence and you can use that experience!
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>If you focus on your college and getting a well paying job, the security and success will attract women by default - that is the long game there.
40/M here, don't have time for a long advice post atm but this is the number one piece of life wisdom that you (OP, not the poster I'm replying to) should be holding in mind at all times.
If you focus now on career/finances and getting fit and try not to get too hung up on your lack of gf, this work will pay off as you hit your late 20s/early 30s. Rest of post I'm replying to is likewise of high quality, will try to get back to this thread with my own thoughts when I have some time later.
Let me put it this way: when you're my age, you won't look back with regret on not getting laid at 19 or 21 or 23, because you'll have gotten laid since then. But you will look back and wish you'd done more to secure your financial body and take care of your physical health, if you didn't do those things to the best of your ability at the time.
*secure your financial health and take care of your physical body, lol
*secure your financial health
Frankly imbecilic to think that a woman is going to overlook a complete lack of experience because you're ripped and rich. There are thousands of buff engineers who prove that wrong. The fact of the matter is, past a certain age of romantic immaturity, you will lock yourself out of opportunities with well-adjusted, neurotypical women. I know that this sounds incel, but I also know enough nice, intelligent, attractive guys who focused on themselves until 30 and are now starting from zero, that I don't care about sounding that way, because, trust me, you don't want to be starting from zero at 30.
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First off to everyone who responded, thank you


I like to think that I have really improved on my social skills this year in comparison to previous years. I am legitimately making friends and acquainting myself with all sorts of people, men and women. I am even inclined to attempt more risky jokes due to me knowing I haven't a hope in hell at bagging so I might as fucking well. I'm also trying to get better at teasing and lightly making fun of them, nothing mean and always well intentioned. I just got no game. Unable to "build sexual tension" type shit. I also don't shy away from discussing serious topics as most of the people I meet are internationals as well and I love learning about other cultures and history so I often try to get their opinion on events in their home countries

I do think however that there for sure is this pressure to gain experience at this age because like >>24071 said no matter how much you grind it out until your later years your inexperience will severely stunt your ability to form romantic and sexual relationships. I feel you should try to get v card lost as soon as possible (within reason, it should never be against your will) because the first time will be awkward as fuck and you won't have any confidence in even being able to believe you can pull it off. It's frustrating as fuck because there are no bloody 'youtube tutorials' like "How to have sex for male virgins". You need to just get it over with just for XP. You have an expectation to fulfill and an inexperienced virgin will not be something that will be desired often regardless of your job or body. But then its like a catch 22. To be not a virgin you need to have sex but to get sex you often need to not be a virgin so you'll actually know what to do and this becomes increasingly difficult the older you get the less virigns your age you get to be awkward with together. Most are losing it in their mid-late teens with other inexperienced people so there is less pressure


I appreciate you thinking I am 'above average intellect' 😂 however I am a complete retard. I have always been relatively fit, I did sports for a long time, got a black belt in karate (can't fight for shit though 💀, plus it was a good few years back). I have ran a half marathon and I have been going to the gym relatively consistently for the past year (had a 3/4 month gap while I was travelling but I tried to get in some home workouts and public workout station sessions in instead. Now I am back consistently in the gym). I am not over weight and with certain lighting there is a bit of definition (not to blow my own horn or anything). In short the gym has helped with how I view my body and I don't have issue going swimming or something like that, naturally I want to be more muscular and have a monster cock but sure look it. It hasn't translated to more attention from girls however.

On the fear of rejection: I'll try to give more compliments (obviously stay away from shit like "damn girl, your fat cunt makes my dick harder than my leaving cert higher level maths exam..." and give more appropriate ones like love your dress, your earrings are cute etc). I am terrible at giving compliments to girls, guys on the other hand are super easy. I get like super aggressively gay with the lads and tell them they are a handsome bunch a lads and that they're looking huge since going to the gym and that I wanna bust a fat bucket load in their ass.

I had a part time job and I was front and centre at one of the busiest supermarkets in my town for about a year and it did for sure improve my social skills. I was forced to speak with customers and keep up conversation. This was part of the reason like I mentioned earlier that this year I was vastly improved on my social skill (obviously I'm no conversation guru but compared to what I was it was a big step up). Also helped that since everyone goes to the supermarket you meet all types of people and saw a decent amount of cute fatties


This would be great if I actually knew what I wanted to do. I have no idea. I am not motivated by anything really, I don't have a drive for my dream job because I don't really have one. I am half assing my way through college just so I can get my (a) degree 🤷‍♂️

I just hope in future I can meet my Ana de Fatarmas 😭 (pic related...)
>>24073 Only advice I have for you guys is tty to stop being ugly, and try to stop being an illiterate idiot. If can't do that then find the tallest building you can and throw your own self off from the roof.
I also know people like this. Are these guys FAs, though, or are they chasing after conventionally attractive skinny women? That's a whole different and much more difficult game that I don't pretend to have any insight into.
If we're being brutally frank about the sexual marketplace, the fact is that the prospects for a 300+ pound woman aren't great either, if she wants an actual relationship as opposed to secret hookups with guys who are ashamed to be seen with her. If you're a man with a solid job, you stay fit/dressed/groomed and have functional social skills, and you're open about being into fat women (in an "I'll introduce you to friends/family and am not embarrassed to be seen with you in public" way, not a gross fetishizing way), it's not hard to do pretty well for yourself even as an average dude. Having this kink does make life easier in that regard, once you get yourself up to that baseline level of competence.

>This would be great if I actually knew what I wanted to do. I have no idea. I am not motivated by anything really, I don't have a drive for my dream job because I don't really have one. I am half assing my way through college just so I can get my (a) degree 🤷‍♂️
Bruh. Was going to flip out on you for this, but I notice you're a Deutschbro so maybe you don't have to worry about student loans and getting a job with health insurance. In that case I have no good advice to give, lol. Still, you should probably get your shit together. At least be thinking about what you can do for a living after you graduate so you won't have to go back to working at the supermarket. I also half assed my way through college, got worthless libarts degree and ended up a low-income scrub. Eventually got my shit together but wasted a lot of time doing it that I could have spent having fun, chasing pussy and building wealth if I'd gotten a decent job right out of college. Life gets a lot more fun when you have money.
>>24089 Cry more, my b.
Neither as far as I know — I doubt they're browsing here, but they're aware that the gender skew amongst fitness hobbyists means most partnerships aren't going to be equally matched in that regard. I agree that being into this makes things easier, but I will say that it's not the early 2000s anymore either. The game has changed; fat chicks know they're a lot more popular than they thought they were growing up. And in terms of prospects, women don't think of them as "what's the best I can get" like many men do. Instead, they generally compare a potential partner to remaining single, in which case, an inexperienced man is often going to weigh lightly on the scales.
Fair enough. I've been paired off long enough that I've never had to deal with swipe based online dating. I had a lot of success in the Nerve/OKC era but that was before the rise of Tinder. I stand by my advice to OP that money and health become much more important than pussy as you get older, but I guess I would feel differently if I were still a virgin, lol.
>money and health become much more important than pussy as you get older
>I guess I would feel differently if I were still a virgin
>before the rise of Tinder

You westeners make those ugly skinny midgets with flat faces look appealing.
>>24167 Those ugly skinny midget cartoons I mean anime

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