
>>19914 (OP)
Say what you want about Trump, at least the guy does his rallies at a Saturday Night by the fairgrounds. I don't have time to watch Biden copy Triumph of the Will for the 11th Time. I swear, Pennsylvanians like him are just overcompensating for the fact that people only give a shit about Philadelphia for the cheese stakes and not those tours somewhere by the bridge that links to Jersey.
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I decided to write anon hate instead of going to the gym on time

I would like to officially thank Trump and the republican party, for killing the republican party. It's been genuinely impressive how even a supposed "success" like the overturns have backfired so terribly, or (at the current worst) revealed Texas to be ran by actual STASI neo-fascists holding edited bibles instead of Kampf. Predictions keep getting tossed and even issues with inflation are making what SHOULD be a standard flip seem unlikely since the repubs just won't do anything- shit, dems even just won a seat in fucking ALASKA.

https://twitter [DOT] com/JacobRubashkin/status/1565128007655849986?s=20&t=Vy0l7O40LUfI-vSjQOm5uw
I want to believe Joe Biden, but he has a reputation of working with conservatives and Republicans over his own party. He is only winning because Chuck Schumer is a better majority taskmaster than Moscow Mitch.
>>19914 (OP)

And they said being a woman was hard. Wish I had simps dropping $70K for me......
Democrats will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Bidet's already letting the air out of the balloon talking about gun control.

Joe, make the election about abortion. You have a slam dunk on your hands. ALASKA IS A BELLWETHER. TRUMP IS FLOUNDERING OVER THE RAID. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP.
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oh shit, turn on cnn, he just declared the era of Marxist-Leninism-Bidenism
His policy of division, likening Republicans to terrorists who are threats to the nation isn't going to do him any favors. Plus the longer he talks the worse it is.
Also 87k viewers 1944 likes, comments disabled, live chat disabled
you’re making him sound good, stop it
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Yet here u are arguing online about it…. Curious
Desantis will be the pick :)
>comments turned off
>dislikes still hidden

lol Trump revived the Republican party not killed it, fuck off jew.
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Another proud graduate of the Donald J. Trump School for Very Normal Standers
Trump revived the party the same way a shot of heroin revitalizes a junkie going through withdrawal. You fanboys had your fun but wow is the comedown going to be worse than you thought. Fucking Alaska, man.

Most likely, but that won't matter too much if the GOP doesn't deal with that albatross around its neck. If he announces a third party run and tries to pull a Roosevelt, don't shit yourselves when history repeats itself.
If I were in his shoes I'd demonize my opposition too. No one who loves Trump is voting for Biden, so why bother pretending to be civil to them?
I am not a fanboy and hated many things that Trump did but he's still the best president of America to live during my lifetime. I would prefer Andrew Jackson or Adolf Hitler but alas we live in a degenerate age where Trump is the best thing to have happened in decades.
Feels like my grandpa just crawled out of his grave to weigh in on my porn subreddit.
replace trump with obama and im 100% agree brother
I have to shit soo bad, but I can't use the toilets at work. I may have to go to Walmart during lunch and shit there.
Really feels like there's an irreparable distance forming between Americans and even in the world at large. I see it here in Australia too, smaller ripples of the same thing.

People mock the idea of the whole "culture war" thing but it's true. We have a president calling a large portion of american voters the enemy. He was probably told what to say on a teleprompter.

People can say it's trump or biden but that isn't true. They are being painted to be much larger than they are but they are just symptoms of a larger problem. Trump as a man was controversial but nothing he ever did was. He was a brackish, arrogant, loudmouth who didn't bother to be politically correct but the media portrayal was basically all lies and slander. He actually did a lot of good - or at the very least was comparable to every other president ever - but all anyone heard was russia gate blah blah fascist, enemy of democracy, climate change etc. worse than hitler.

It's amusing that now right wing people are comparing dark biden to hitler and lefties are mocking them when it was the other way around not long ago.

America has become the declining roman Empire. It will be a slow long death as it tears itself apart.

From the ashes new empires will emerge. What the world looks like then? I am scared to find out.

Let's all just enjoy ourselves while we can.
I live in New York and allow me to give you the highlights. Trump won the 2016 Presidential elections because rank and file voters were tired of Hillary Clinton. She and Trump used to be friends, but Hillary's pride and the total ineptitude of the Democratic National Committee destroyed the party's chances of winning what should be an easy election. Republicans also lost because their picks were simply too petty to govern, whether it be New Jersey Governor Chris Christie shutting down the bridges linking New York and New Jersey to own the mayor of Fort Lee, or Florida Governor Jeb Bush who turned the state into a fascist state by allowing people to shoot first and ask questions later.

Trump lost 2020 because he only had a very slim majority in the Senate and House and needed Mitch McConnell to fast track three Supreme Court Judges, create a blockade between America and China, and create the Abraham Accords to give peace between Israel and the Middle East. Trump also created the First Step Act which gave felons a second chance. Joe Biden only won because he has a reputation of working with conservatives who were known members of white supremacist groups, and put those uppity radical left members in their place. Despite losing the 2020 elections, Trump managed to keep the Senate at a statistical tie and Republicans flipped a few seats thus depriving Democrats of a majority they need to pass bills. Joe Biden is such a team killing idiot that Democrats are projected to lose the House but keep the Senate, or lose the Senate because the radical left doesn't have the organization to keep house.
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>From the ashes new empires will emerge. What the world looks like then?
Accepting our role as a pariah state, and really leaning into it now.
>Defending your property is fascist
the canadian terror army keeps marching and using it connections to fuck with citizens sneakily and deadly until the assassination with nitrogen gas and black bagging by the SAGgots is inevitable.
I have asked the canadian psychic fringe/smiley to aid me in interrupting the supply lines of the screen actors guild marching in the americas.
He has dealt great blows against the canadian terror army motorized units with his telekinesis and weather control, but the screen actors guild started taking supplies for regular citizens when they realized otherworldly powers were at play.
the goal of the SAGgots is to completely halt the production and development of all bricks, be it building block bricks or technological bricks that break the laws of physics(and laws of denmark merely by fucking existing)
I live out in the suburbs. I have not noticed any property that needs to be defended by a gun. The most cops do is pull over speedsters by 7-11, or break up a fight at the bus station between two people. Politicians like to use MS-13 as a threat, but they just operate out in the middle of the woods.
ANAL "SLAPNU7S" NAN7ESCEL be like may if I never give a personal opinion on anything I can sneak my way in also I'm totally an incel and not volcel even though I never try
(469 KB, 475x521, ClipboardImage.png)
here in Argentine, u can just be a vice-president, random people is shooting into ur cute head
The federal government does not have the power to ban or limit firearms under the constitution. It is also ridiculously easy for us Northerners to travel out of state or upstate where the laws are lax to purchase a firearm. The police force are so hilariously inept that they have to complain it's not fair that the average citizen has a sporting rifle and a sub machine gun while the average cop is only armed with a pistol, taser, and club.

1. You call that 70 year old fossil cute?

2. Argentina is the Florida of South America. Fuckers will even steal the bulbs out of the street lights.
I thought at first she was shitting out a parrot

vote against god, always.
Biden did okay with the speech, which was really about rallying the base for the midterms. He seems to be finding his groove now that he's finally left his abusive relationship with the Republican party, one based on post-Watergate 1970s style bipartisanship rather than slash and burn Trump fascism.

But he's a dim bulb Wall Street Dem who did mostly bad things for the country as a legislator (deregulating banks, supporting every stupid war he could, sucking health insurance/big pharma dick, greasing the rails for SCOTUS Judge Clarence Thomas, etc). And now he's half-senile. We need a fearless, fully-cognizant earthshaker to lead the world out of the current mess and he ain't it.

Home invasions in the suburbs are really, really rare — that's why they get Wiki pages when they happen. In fact it's more likely your kid will find your gun and top themselves accidentally, rather than you living out your Master Protector jerkoff fantasy. Imagine having time to find and load a gun with three armed criminals barging through the door, or kill them once you do with your 25 hours of paper target practice. You have about 10,000x the chance of being killed in a car accident on the way to Target, but unfortunately this kind of craven illogic is what led to the gun crisis we suffer.

That said, I've all but given up becuase it's way too late to solve it, what with all the weapons already out there. To get gun deaths down to a rational level with the rest of the developed world there would have to be a bottom-up cultural shift, and that ain't gonna happen.
>We need a fearless, fully-cognizant earthshaker to lead the world out of the current mess and he ain't it.
Christ if that ain't the fucking truth. He absolutely isn't fit for a second term - this surge of energy over the summer isn't some realization that the Republicans in Congress were never going to work with him, it's one of the only handfuls of coal he has to stoke the engine flames, and he's doing it for the midterms. Guarantee it'll be quiet after Election Day for a good year and then he'll have to campaign against whoever the right trots out. Only problem is the political left doesn't have anyone to take the mantle - the party really dug its own hole by having maybe 5 notable figureheads to look to.

What IS hilarious though is how many were triggered from his speech. If you were offended by his speech and actually listened to it, he was talking about you.

So we need someone who isn't a complete lunatic, isn't a senior citizen, isn't a celebrity, and actually has a little sympathy for the 99%.

If they would just let non-americans become president, then half the shit would be resolved in less than 2 terms. Or better yet, have more than two main parties like every other country.
That's the long and short of it. Unfortunately that seat of power attracts power-hungry sociopaths. Frankly if we got rid of the non-American requirement, I'd be genuinely afraid of Elon Musk angling for the seat. Anything else would require cooperation from two parties that gamble the system that ultimately is designed to trim down opposition. Frankly I'm surprised Alaska even went for it.
>'d be genuinely afraid of Elon Musk angling for the seat.

He'd be the only president to quit half-way through his first term out of bordem. The dude has the attention span of a toddler.
I predict that Democrats will only flip Arizona, Iowa, Florida on the senate level because those are the three states that with weak Republicans. Ohio, Georgia, and Pennsylvania will most likely be red because that's where the weak Democrats are. Individually, Fetterman had a nasty stroke and he's pretty much useless, which is giving Oz hope that he'll gain a lead before Election Day. Warnock just doesn't have the charisma of Martin Luther King Jr, Louis Farrakhan, and Jeremiah Wright to motivate Georgia voters and Herschel Walker is just not crazy enough to scare people. As for Ohio, it's a done deal because Ryan can't run away from Biden to appeal to conservative voters. Kevin McCarthy has his job cut out for him. He can win the house and become speaker while Mitch McConnell gets voted out of the leadership position.
non americans wouldn’t understand, and somehow make the sich worse
I don't really see Democrats winning this November, The problem with the party is that it's made up of extremely rich and extremely poor, both groups dependent on Medicaid. Republicans are pretty much balanced and don't mind losing the senate since they will still have the house. The senate is pretty much a done deal because Trump Republicans make up 1/3 of the party and the metrics are going to reflect that. Republicans will still control the state legislatures, city council, and lower ranks and governors mansions because Democrats still need conservatives to do the legal and paperwork.

I heard that the railroad union workers are about to strike and cripple the United States over a pay dispute
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Damn, this whole thread is either a giant right-wing cope or it's one dedicated dude trying to act as royal barker. The fact that Oz STILL isn't a shoe-in against a man who's had a stroke and hasn't been seen for months is proof enough at how weak the republicans have become. Helps that now Oz's background of being literally bought by Turkey is also public.

Really, this whole month has been serious losses. Rick Scott spent billions only to attract millions:
https://youtu (DOT) be/_iFK9bbjGhQ

At a time when reds were already seeing donations dip because they killed so many of their own base off with COVID. The Mar-a-Lago raid has also kneecapped them now that we know there were MORE documents than we thought and they ARE Nuclear in scope; I've never seen repubs openly infight like now, and the party is splitting a line between the fascists who double-down on trump versus the moron Neocons / RINOs who are finally beginning to realize he's bad for everyone. You would think that leaders on either side would begin to bubble to the top of the shit cauldron, but I haven't seen one upheld with any charisma. Red Kansas voted pro-abortion MASSIVELY, and this new anti-gay push represents the reds are just running back to the religious instead of trying to appeal to anyone else and seems to be more confusing their slave base than anything. Shit, their /pol fears of Trans people I've seen is even offputting to their base from random discussions I've had at my hospital with people; who cares when inflation is so high?

Dark Brandon's speech against them and frank "I'm in for one term and I don't give a shit" attitude is also finally making people think Dems have a spine, and it helps that while all the bills passed do half of what he wanted (or half of what we need) he still PASSED them, while reds just kept screaming.

So... cope cukservatives. At this point if they say "Dems won't flip X" I promptly think "They're worried dems will flip X".
I had to double check the math on these polls and found Republicans in certain battle ground states to be within the margin of error. This means that Masters, Walker, and Oz are close to closing the gap. It's Desantis, Ron Johnson, Rubio, Mastarino and Grassley who are flopping. Vance and Budd are hard to read with the former being part of that sociopath ivy leagues like Amy Chua grooming him and Kavanaugh. The latter actually needs Trump to prevent North Carolina from turning blue.
>>19914 (OP)
Regarding that Pic; you're an absolute fool if you ever give something to these people in hopes it equates to a relationship
TL;DR also gay
>North Carolina
If your long-term strategy hinges on Trump, I have some zeppelin futures to sell you. Close only counts in horseshoes.

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