
(604 KB, 1125x1423, 0F7CAB34-3E84-42CB-B419-31D80A703C3E.jpeg)
Picture isn’t her, just needed one. Looks almost exactly like her though. Hey guys. I’ve been on this chan since I was a pre-teen but have never really interacted with the community because I’ve had no reason to, I just like to jack off. But now I need some guidance, and I can’t go to anyone in my personal life for obvious reasons. I’m not sure if I’m going to get actual responses, but here’s my situation. I’d appreciate any help. I’m a younger guy, 20 years old, and I’ve been dating this girl for going on 3 years now. I’ve always been closeted about my attraction to weight gain and feederism in general (although it’s not to the extreme, I just like plump girls and making them softer). So for this reason I’ve only dated girls on the smaller side, and I guess my girlfriend would fall into that category. She’s 5’1 and throughout our relationship has fluctuated between 100 and 120 pounds, up until recently. She used to really struggle with feelings surrounding her weight like most girls, but over the past few years she’s grown into a really confident and secure person. A little over a year ago something changed in my head and I realized that I genuinely love this girl, and we have an extremely stable and healthy relationship, especially for our age. Our connection has only improved since. This is when I came clean to her about my attraction to larger women and how I would feel if she gained weight. I emphasized that I was attracted to her regardless of her weight, which is true, this fetish isn’t a necessity for me, but I have always obsessed over her blowing up. Obviously I put it in kinder words, and I told her that I’ve felt this way since a young age and have always watched feederism porn. For a few weeks she had a lot of internal conflict about my attraction to her and her self-value, but ultimately it improved her confidence and brought us closer. And then it just didn’t come up for awhile, which was okay, I just wanted her to know. That brings us to the beginning of this year in January, she sat me down out of the blue and told me that she wanted to experiment with this, and she had actually been masturbating to the thought of me making her fat. We had a sensible conversation about her health in the future and what she had in mind, her current goal is 200 pounds and today she walks around at 158, and I couldn’t be more obsessed and just happy. She took it slowly at first and didn’t gain much weight and stayed around 110 until 4 months ago. She’s gained 48 pounds since then and has been absolutely blowing up, and she loves it. Lately though I worry about her health, I know we’re young but I really love her, and she is healthy right now, but how will her health look at 200 pounds? And honestly, I have a feeling she’s going to blow right past that. We have a hard limit at 250 though. My goal in explaining this is to see if any of you guys are in a similar situation or have experiences like this, since I’m still navigating fattening her up. How do I keep her healthy while she gains weight? She’s been vegetarian her entire life and mostly eats good foods, but I can’t help but worry about her. Thanks you guys, I know I may get trolled but I appreciate you guys so much. I have learned a lot from you guys over the years and this forum has been where I’ve explored my sexuality. Thanks!
>>19849 (OP)

Firstly, good on you guys for exploring your kink together! 48lbs in 4 months is insanely fast.

The single best thing you can do for her health (and honestly, yours too) is make sure she does regular exercise a few times a week. Swimming, walking or cycling are all good, low-impact activities to get the heart pumping.

It's not a sexy answer, I know, but it'll make a huge difference to her health, and it's not hard to make up the calories from 30 minutes of exercise (if you live a 15 minute walk away from food, maybe make that your destination).
>>19849 (OP)
Idk, look into the workout plans sumo wrestlers have, that keeps the healthy and you'll get the benefit of a girl with purely subcutaneous fat
All great answers! Thank you so much. I think swimming + walking is a pretty easy one. What makes this so ironic is that I’m actually a amateur fighter and lead a pretty fit lifestyle haha. Appreciate the answer, thank you.
The sumo thing is an interesting point, I’ll look into that. Thank you.
Another thing if you want to do the sumo thing to fatten your gf, I remember reading that Vegetables make up a HUGE part of a sumo's diet, so don't (just) stuff her with fast food, pastries soft drinks or any other go-to food for wg.
I don't want to be too much of a buzzkill, but a word of warning. If you live an active lifestyle and enjoy sharing that with your partner, or want to share that with her in the future, stop fattening her up now. Or at the very least, follow the advice in this thread and get her on an exercise routine.
>>19849 (OP)
>How do I maintain my girlfriend’s health while I fatten her up?
That's the best part. You don't. Obesity and good health are mutually exclusive, so chose one.
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Good to hear you're having such good luck and love anon!

>>19849 (OP)
>but how will her health look at 200 pounds?
Probably fine.
>And honestly, I have a feeling she’s going to blow right past that.
That's hot!

>How do I keep her healthy while she gains weight?
If you want to read some novels, check the Architect thread i've been posting in. If you don't have the time or the attention span- and I can't blame you lol- you're gonna want to exercise with your girl regularly, preferably 6 times a day, and she needs to keep changing up her routines about what kind she does. I don't know what you both have available to you, but:
1) regular walking is a must
2) Swimming cannot be beat for aerobics and joint health
3) Some weight training should be done (Especially overhead work- it'll help keep her breasts perky which she might want).
4) Regular stretching should be worked in as well.

None of this is set in stone, just understand that with her actively gaining it'll be hard for her to work out hard enough to burn off the calories she's taking in, so assuage her fears. My current research says she should focus on carbs before fats and protein, and she should "graze" and constantly eat throughout the day instead of gorge with mild activity afterwards. I'm not sure of her behaviors, but my recent research implies that huge stuffings followed by rest is what causes huge bubble bellies like Mochii baby. Finally, keep her eating those vegan meals! Vegetarian stuff is mega-healthy, tasty, and will keep her cholesterol down.
>What makes this so ironic is that I’m actually a amateur fighter
May wanna do that with her. That's HIIT and a great way to keep her body from becoming resistant to glucose.

>Obesity and good health are mutually exclusive, so chose one.
Not really, but it's intensely complex.
>Focus on carbs before fats and proteins

That's a bad idea. too many carbs + obesity leads to diabetes. You need to keep all 3 even, but should be going for healthy fats first and foremost. You need to ensure the right types of fats- bad fats can lead to problems, it's true.

Fats and proteins slow the absorption of carbs and protects against insulin resistance.

Luckily for us Feedees, the fats in heavy cream trends towards subcutaneous fat and not visceral fats.
the great thing about food is that, excluding laxatives, nothing you eat will make you thinner. eat a healthy amount of fruit and vegetables, and do a consistent amount of cardio so that you can exert yourself for longer, rather than shorter, periods each time. that'll make you healthier than most Brits or Americans, fat or thin
the government says it it's BS, but THEY'RE BS. switching to filtered lights (except Camel) will give you more mpg
>Obesity and good health are mutually exclusive, so chose one.
>Not really, but it's intensely complex.
How can one person be so wrong?

Someone who is obese can absolutely be in good health. It's just that there will always be a caveat- they are in good health for someone who is obese.

I know fatties with better blood sugar, blood pressure, heart health and diet than thin friends of mine. People see that and they say "See! Health at any size!" But the thing is...those thin people aren't healthy.

They compare themselves to an "Average person" that doesn't exist. But yes, someone who is obese can be healthier* than other people. But "other people" are also usually out of shape, overweight, bad diets etc.

Someone morbidly obese will never be as healthy as an athlete. It's just the cost we pay as feedee/feeder. If someone can't admit that it's less healthy and has risks- they shouldn't be gaining. You need to go into this with all the facts and understand the cost.
it is objectively wrong that they're mutually exclusive. obesity is usually a sign of bad health, but it doesn't have to be, and it's not really the *cause* of bad health. sumo wrestlers are a good example: they're obese because they eat a huge amount, but they eat fairly healthy food and they exercise a lot so they don't really experience any complications. it's when they retire that their health rapidly collapses, because now they're eating a giant calorie surplus with very little exercise and more freedom in what exactly they eat. so they develop visceral fat, heart problems, etc.

in general I'd say swimming is the best exercise for fat people, since it's good cardio and doesn't put extra strain on your joints. swim a lot, try to avoid highly-processed snack food, and use good fats like olive oil or cream where possible
Fat is metabolically active tissue. It accelerates aging. Health problems are part of the package. Maybe not today, but soon.

If you both choose that, cool. She can mitigate by adopting other healthful behaviors. Walk after meals, limit sugar, avoid alcohol, stop eating out, etc.

Makes it tough to gain though. Eating 1000 calories of ice cream is easy. Greek yogurt, not so much.

For most, this fetish escalates. She either ends up fat enough to resent you, or gives up and boredom is inevitable. I'd move on. There's no shortage of fat women.
how long will it fucking take for you retards to realize that you can either have your fetish fantasy and the consequences associated with it, or you can have good health
weigh your options and decide what's more important to you, being sexually aroused or the health of you and or your partner, and have them weigh those options as well
go with what you choose, and if there's a conflict between your choices, it's time to move on or resolve that conflict
You don’t.

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