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It's fun to speculate on who in the entertainment and animation industries are fat lovers like us. Here are some speculations:
> Pierce Brosnan: THE ARCHITECT. Need I say more?
> Seth MacFarlane: Many of his cartoons (quality might be questionable) contain tons of fat women as jokes or parts of plots, including weight gain scenarios too.
Drake, Kanye, Gary Busey, one of the guys from Daft Punk, Adam Sandler, Chris Brown
>>19677 (OP)
I wonder what percentage of the population shares this fetish. I'd guess that only a small percentage of us ever admit it to it publicly, so it's likely impossible to have accurate figures.
>one of the guys from Daft Punk
elucidate this
Drake straight up said in a song that he like his girls bbw

Lol this is such a forced sentence.
Elucidate that
>>19677 (OP)
Lizzo could be a feedee. Look at her insta username ffs
Do you guys think Pierce Brosnan really is into fat women, or he just loves his wife? Honestly, I hope he is into fat women, because that would make him the handsomest, most successful fa of all time lmao. I love the idea that James Bond is into fat chicks, it’s a rare win for our kind.

Also, Leonard Nimoy published a photography book of black and white pictures of naked and nearly naked fat women called The Full Body project. I think that’s just about the closest any famous person has ever come to actually publicly saying they like fat women, except maybe for drake’s “I like my girls bbw” line

I don’t think this fetish/preference is all that uncommon, so I wish more someone would publicly acknowledge it. We deserve a Quentin Tarantino for fat ladies instead of feet
Doug Walker/Nostalgia Critic is 100% one of us for those who care about e-celebs.

And yet, he flirts with children
>Doug Walker/Nostalgia Critic is 100% one of us for those who care about e-celebs.

How do you know this?
It's just as likely that he settled for the first woman who would have him.
Channel Awesome!: Where everyone is ace and has a little autism.

He also straight up said that he's a lesbian in a song too.
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> Tomar, what would you do if your beloved wife Jaxxy was turned morbidly obese by the Nostalgia Critic?

The second woman isn't his wife but i would love to know who she really is

Having a fat wife alone doesn't prove it. Also that photo is over a decade old. For all we know, she can be a twig right now. Had he incoporate more fat characters or hired more fat women for his projects, then maybe I'd reconsider it.

Also, I don't count Tamara as fat since she lost all that weight after going vegan. Now she's just short with broad shoulders and winter melon sized tits.

That's not Doug Walker, that's his brother Rob.
He's also made "jokes" during reviews about wanting to fuck some chubbier girls that appear in the material he's reviewing.

I'm not just meme propagating here like Oneyplays. There's definitely strong evidence.
I'm gonna say actor/writer/director Ben Falcone, and not just because he's married to Melissa McCarthy. Anyone else get this vibe? It's a feel thing, like FA gaydar, how she acts and is portrayed in the (awful) movies he makes with her. Of course it's hard to call for sure because most of these are comedies and fat = funny. But to me the characters she portrays and situations she's in often seem like set-ups for DA-style fat fiction, and the physical stuff she does also feels FA-specific. Granted, I also happen to have a thing for older (Gen X) milfy/Karen types so I could be projecting like hell lol.

(Feedism scene at the end of Bridesmaids would have been a smoking gun but supposedly it was scripted, not by Falcone.)
Didn't he say he encouraged his wife to lose weight?
Raymond De Felitta, who made City Island, the only mainstream-ish movie I’ve ever seen that has non-pejorative depictions of feedism.

Not only is it in the movie, he also wrote a “manifesto” about it: https://www.salon.com/2010/04/12/de_felitta_9/
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Head Hobbit Lenny Henry was married to Dawn French for 25 years, just sayin.
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Both of George Miller's most recent movies (Mad Max: Fury Road and 3000 Years of Longing) feature SSBW-sized women. The latter actually has an extended sequence titled The Two Boys and the Giantess about a sultan and his harem of very obese concubines that are most often showed nude, with the titular giantess probably being in the 500 pound range
I never thought about this before, but when Ben Falcone directs Melissa McCarthy in movies like Spy and The Heat, he actually portrays her characters as smart and badass and sexy, which nobody else in Hollywood would ever do for a fat actress, so you may be on to something there. I think maybe he doesn’t actually have a fetish, necessarily, but he just finds fat women attractive.
Ok, glad you agree and I'm not just projecting/being crazy lol. You nailed the thing I noticed about their collaborations better than I did.
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I was debating whether to run out and see this in the theater or wait til streaming but the phrase "extended sequence" settles that.

And FWIW, besides the two movies you mentioned, George Miller also cast Magda Szubanski as the farmer's wife in Babe.
Not gonna lie, I looked up the name of the actress who played the "giantess". As far as I can tell this is the only movie she's been in, but I don't guess there are a lot of options in Hollywood for an actress who gets cast to play the fattest member of a fat girl harem. Lots of nice shots of her in this movie, though, especially when she's bathing nude.
>>19677 (OP) Seth Mcfarlane
Unless a creator admits to it and/or it's present enough in their work. It can be hard to determine what their kinks are and what's sexy for one person may not be sexy for someone else. Like the many episodes of various series with weight gain plots. The writers and creators of these episodes very likely don't have a weight gain fetish. If it happens a lot or they admit it in an interview/twitter/patreon/facebook post or in a director's commentary then we can know what they find sexy. I don't know if George Miller is one of us, he may have done some movies with fatter women, but unless he admits it, all we can do is guess. It's like thinking that all creators of funny animal cartoons are furries or that all writers of spy fiction have a bondage kink. A writer may not intend everything in their work to be sexy, some things may be intended to be so, but not everything. It's us the audience that finds these things to be sexy while all the creator did was put whatever in their tale. While it may be fun to speculate which creators are one of us, odds are many of them may not have an interest in larger women or it's just hard to know, and we should just live with not knowing which ones are one of us and which ones aren't. I'll believe that Seth McFarlane or George Miller are one of us when they give an interview, twitter/facebook/patreon post or director's commentary wherein they admit to the things that they find sexy and say that they find bigger girls sexy.
Cool post, but this is a speculation thread, it doesn't matter if they admit it or not.
Fair enough. You are right there is no way to know if these people are fat admirers or not until they give some interview where they admit what they find sexy. We can speculate and in the end that's all it is. I now wonder if Seth McFarlane is a fat admirer or if it was a writer on his staff that's a fat admirer. Maybe if we went over the episodes that focus on fat women and saw which writer worked on them maybe we can speculate on if they're a fat admirer.
I now think if a creator has a fat fetish, it would be more present in their work. A few episodes with weight gain plots isn't enough to suggest that a creator is a fat admirer. If they had a lot of weight gain episodes or focused a lot on fat characters or have loads of fat characters being sexy/scantily clad/naked maybe they could be one of us. I say this point out what to look for in someone who's a fat admirer versus someone who wrote a few weight gain plot episodes or had a few episodes with a few fat characters. Like Totally Spies, as hot as Passion Patties is, I don't think the creators and writers of the episode have a fat fetish, if they did, there would be more episodes with weight gain plots.

>>You are right there is no way to know if these people are fat admirers or not until they give some interview where they admit what they find sexy.

Dan Schneider never admitted to having a foot fetish, but everyone has already confirmed on his behalf. There's a reason why half of Seth characters are fat. And no it's not a parody of modern day obesity in America.
Maybe he is a fat admirer, maybe it's another writer who's this, maybe it's both. I think what I meant to say is maybe he is, maybe he's not. You're right there is evidence to suggest he is. Perhaps Seth McFarlane is one of us. There is enough evidence to support it, I first assumed it was a case of using fat people as jokes, maybe with the presence of them in his work, maybe he does think that big women are sexy and tries to make excuses to feature them in his work even if it's as punchlines. I wonder if it's present in his other works.
I mentioned this because I would want the thread to not be filled up with creators who are assumed to be fat admirers because they did one, maybe two episodes with weight gain. If it was 5+ would that count as having an interest in fat people.
I just thought of another creator who may be a fat admirer, Hanao Tabi the mangaka of Melt Away! Mizore-chan. It has Yuki-Onna (A japanese supernatural creature that is born from a woman freezing to death that lures men in to kill them). The series has the titular character gain weight a lot by eating snow and focuses on her in a swimsuit. The series also has a kappa character named Nagaru who gains weight in one chapter. This makes me wonder if the mangaka has a weight gain fetish and made that rule for Mizore as an excuse for a weight gain plot.
I meant to say a yuki-onna as the main character who gains weight a lot and giving her the rule that she becomes fat by eating snow as an excuse to have her can weight a lot.
I now wonder how many times a creator has a weight gain plot/fat characters appear in their work for them to be considered one of us, should it be 5 times they focus on weight gain? or 10? 20? Would they also need to have a majority of the cast be fat? Also how many times should they have fat people in their work to be considered so? Would using fat people as jokes count or should they be exempt from this? If so, would that mean that Seth McFarlane isn't a fat admirer and thus we should accept those that use fat people as a punchline as one of us? What should the rule be with these people? I asked these questions to promote discussion
Counterpoint: Fat people are compelling to watch and have proved excellent comedy fodder since forever. Seth MacFarlane has a lot of shows and his writers have never been afraid to pick low-hanging fruit for laughs. In other words, his shows have a lot of fat people in them because his stuff is hacky, not because he's an FA.
I just remembered 2 creators who may be fat admirers. Terry Pratchett of the Discworld series of books. Since they parody traditional story tropes including the appearance of traditional love interests, many love interests and their lovers are FAs. Maybe Terry Pratchett was one of us and wished to use his work as an excuse to have plumper love interests. The other Federico Fellini. His films have had various fat women in them.
So does that mean that Seth McFarlane shouldn't be counted as one of us because of how he uses fat people as punchlines? If this is the case then how can we know who is a fat admirer and who is just using fat people has punchlines?
I mean, he -could- be one of us. Just that I get the feeling he (or his writers, whatever) are more about easy punchlines than any of them being actual FAs. Has he ever shown fat women as sexy or even normal? (Not a rhetorical question - I'm not a fan of his, so maybe he has.)

Another example is how right wing media is obsessed with SA these days... but 20 minute YT rants and lame jokes over clips of Tess Holliday and other SSBBW influencers over and over doesn't mean they're FAs. Quite the opposite.
Yeah I also figure we should avoid saying that the people who rant about fat women being sexual are fat admirers who are trapped in the closet so to speak. They most likely aren't fat admirers who are in denial of themselves. They are misogynists that think fat women are gross and them being sexual and desirable is the worst thing that can happen. We might as well say that various homophobes/transphobes are lgbtq+. Not everyone who rants against something is secretly in favor of the thing they rant against.

The fuck are you rambling about? How the hell do you go from a fat fetish to homophobia?
The comparisons were in the sense that we joke about people liking whatever group of people they rant against. Like how frequently people want to say that homophobic politicians are really gay but are in denial of themselves. Perhaps a similar claim would be made about people who rant against fat women being sexual. That some people in this community would joke about them being fat admirers who are unable to accept themselves. The similarities are claiming that someone loves the group of people they make negative comments towards.
It's just that gay homophobes are the standard joke made whenever we want to say someone is in denial of themself, is part of the group they hate or full of self-loathing/repression towards their sexual desire. I was just saying we shouldn't assume that the people who rant against fat people shouldn't be assumed as FAs, anymore than the people who go into homophobic/transphobic rants are of being gay.
I mean the episode of family guy with the most fetish fuel is about Peter fattening up Lois because he realizes fat sex is better it’s a vehicle for gags but the base premise they build off of for the whole episode and don’t treat as a gag is that fat sex is better than skinny sex.
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Shall I bring up Peter fucking her huge bag of fat at the very end of the episode? I don't know why the other guy is trying hard to deny that Seth doesn't have a fat fetish. Every little joke or gag has to go through him for approval so he is fully aware of it.
Maybe the fat women as punchlines is the only way he can express his kinks. We forget that tv/movie writing is collaborative medium. A bunch of people come together to make something. One or more people can certainly have a greater creative voice over others, though ideas can be shot down. How many of them do you think would be okay with writing out someone else's sexual kinks? This may be why it's hard for creators who are fat admirers to be open about their kinks in tv/film, there are people who may not share their kinks. If any of us worked on tv/film, how many of the people we would work with would be cool with working on a show/movie where fat women are sexualized and a lot of the camera focuses on them and the plots are excuses for them to be in sexy scenarios? Do you think they would all be in favor of this? For what I mean by this, is that not all of the writers would be comfortable with plots that sexualize fat women. In order to avoid this from being shot down, creators like McFarlane use fat women as jokes because it's the only way to include them in the story without being shot down by fellow writers. He may be subtle about his love of fat women.
You all are saying that Seth only uses fat girls as punchlines when Steve and Debbie's relationship on American Dad was played pretty serious and was used for a Very Special Episode about eating disorders.Then again, an outlier doesn't prove much
Maybe creators who are fat admirers are embarassed about it and try to keep it as much of a secret as possible. Hence why they won't try to focus too much on weight gain plots/fat women in their work. Best case they could use fat people as punchlines to justify their inclusion into the plot or do whatever they can justify fat people in their work. How many of us will admit to our kink if we become big name creators? Will anyone here admit to loving fat women in public?
You're right... It's not just that they do "edgy" comedy and explore all kinds of fetishes because fetishes are funny. Seth isn't just an FA, he's also into:

BDSM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3FAcVPVxU4

Feet: (2:10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBmieMDQIFQ

More feet, plus baby stuff, panty sniffing: https://www.ign.com/articles/2011/07/14/family-guy-quagmires-most-perverted-moments

All of the above and everything else: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBmCpr1MhGA
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More proof MacFarlane is absolutely, definitely an FA is his dating history, bursting with zaftig beauties like Emilia Clarke, Trisha Cummings, Katie Sah, Kaylee DeFer, Kate Todd, Amanda Bynes, Eliza Dushku, Camille Guaty, Kat Foster, Christa Campbell, Jessica Barth, Nicole Sullivan, Alexandra Breckenridge, Ashley Greene, Tamera Mowry-Housley, and Anne Winters, whose combined BMI doesn't make triple digits.
It's common for adult works to bring up sexual kinks and fetishes. Bringing this up doesn't necessarily mean that the writer has it. If one or a few kinks pop up a lot, then they probably are into it. Like loads of moments of BDSM in their work. If it's spy/superhero fiction, or works that have damsels in distress then it's harder to know if the writer has a bondage kink given how many people get tied up in these works. BDSM is brought up a lot because it's a go-to fetish whenever anyone discusses fetishes, BDSM is always brought up. Maybe if the characters engaged in it a lot then maybe that's a sign that a creator is into it.
Right... What I was saying. Just because Family Guy features fat fetishism doesn't mean Seth MacFarlane is a fat fetishist. As a show that likes to test limits and push buttons (hackily so, but whatever) it makes sense they'd go deeper in finding kinks beyond BDSM, which is indeed a go-to.
If that's the case, how can we know if a creator is one of us? Would they need to portray fat admiration positively multiple times in their work to be considered one of us? Would they need to focus on fat women being portrayed as sexy a lot in their works to be considered one of us? I do cast doubts on creators who made one or two episodes focusing on weight gain as being one of us. I don't think the creators of totally spies were fat fetishists, I don't think that Craig McCraken is one of us, and I don't think Butch Harman is one of us. They may have made cartoons with weight gain scenes, but if they were fat fetishists, wouldn't they have put in a lot more weight gain episodes in their work?
>Amanda Bynes

Nobody is going to talk about a 35 year old dating a 22 year old? Forget being a chubby chase, the guy is clearly into college aged girls.
I think we overlook this because of how many older men have dated women that were like 18 to twenty something in Hollywood. It's just so common most people don't make any grumbling about it. McFarlane isn't the only one guilty of this. It may seem iffy, but if both parties consent then it's legal.
13 year age gap is too much for me, as I tend to date my age ±5 years or so. But she's 4 years over the age of consent and a Hollywood actress, which implies a certain amount of sophistication (if not brains lol). In other words not some bumpkin he picked up at the mall or ordered online from Ukraine. I really don't see the issue.

Eh, I doubt it. I've got a pretty high bar for concluding someone is a feedist, given how rare we are, and just because someone gains weight or likes to eat doesn't mean they're into it sexually. Lots of people gain weight, lots of people like to eat; most of them aren't feedists.

I think the reason her handle is 'lizzobeeating' is because she likes to flaunt social norms, not because it's a secret signal to the rest of us.
I wonder if someone can post George Miller's statements about the plus-size concubines in the Director's commentary when the movie is released on DVD/Blu-Ray/4K. Like if he explains the scenes are there because he thinks they're sexy, if it's there due to plot or does he try to be evasive and flipflopy about why the naked fat women are needed for the story. If he's admits to finding the scene sexy or flipflops or is evasive, then he's one of us. Or if the commentary is just standard stories about working and filming the scenes and any potential difficulties they ran into.
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Guys, "eating" is rap slang for "having money, being successful." Like you're not broke and starving in the hood any more, you're eating. That's what she means by her username. It would be hot if she were a feedee tho
I should add that it's obviously also a winking joke about her being fat. But that's the double entendre she's making.

I'm glad you remembered most of the people here are white and don't listen to rap. Although I don't see how anyone would think she's a FA. She's not the first fat person on TV.
And we've already seen her go on at least one or two health kicks/weight loss attempts

True. She’s a conundrum. She’s halfway publicly lost weight, yet at the same time she’s flaunted her fat like no other celebrity I can think of. She literally put her fat on her album cover.

I’d put her on the “maybe” list
I just thought of a writer or possibly writers who could be one of us. The show is considered by many to be one of the worse, though with it's humor and subject matter, it made me wonder if the creators are one of us. That show was Super Duper Sumos. I wonder if the show was made by fat fetishists who were making an excuse to write out their fantasies. The show focuses on a trio of sumos who use their butts to stop evil. I wonder if the writers were fat fetishists as us, or if they just needed fat people for jokes and to make a show that uses juvenile toilet humor regarding butts. There was an episode that had a female sumo. Maybe the writers did have a thing for fat people, maybe it's like Seth McFarlane and they're just jokes.

Does every show that has a fat person in it have to be fetish fuel? Super Duper Sumos was about their asses being huge. Well, who has big asses? Sumo wrestlers would've been the only good option to use.
Fat has been easy and effective comedy fodder since ancient times. Barring confirmation outside the show (say, creator has a fat spouse) I don't think it's any kind of indicator.
A creator having a fat spouse may not mean they're one of us. They could love them for reasons besides their appearance. Before we go all "they're just in denial of themselves. They're really FA's", that may not be true with all of them some of them may truly love their fat spouse without being an FA. In short, a fat spouse isn't reason enough to assume someone is a Fat Admirer.
Of course I'm not saying a fat spouse is absolute proof. Just an example of another piece of evidence towards making the case. Barring a creator being "out" like Raymond De Felitta, you'd look at the content itself, their personal life, lifestyle, etc.
I just thought of someone who may be us. Another Mangaka but he recently did something controversial. His name is Kenya Suzuki, his work Please Tell Me Galko-Chan has a bbw character named Nikuko and a recent volume showed her bbw mom and he did some BBW pieces. The fact that they are drawn and treated as sexy makes me wonder if he's into BBWs or big boobs at least as he draws diverse builds. His controversy is that he bought child porn. He made some good BBW art but this is like being a fan of Roman Polanski, Michael Jackson or John Kricfalusi. You admire them for their work but have to acknowledge that they did some pretty terrible things. This is the eternal battle of separating an artist from their art. How many artists who made awesome stuff end up having terrible views or did terrible things.
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I definitely think Kenya may be one of us considering Nikuko. But there's another Mangaka that's actually confirmed to be one of us. Tsuji Santa, Creator of Super Sonico, Super Pochaco and Super Taruco.
He specifically created Pochaco and Taruco to appeal to butt and belly enjoyers
I brought up what Suzuki did because I assumed that it would be brought up sooner or later. He was acquitted and said he wouldn't do it again. All we can do is see what happens next. I am also saddened that the series is on hiatus and I don't know if it's cancelled or if he'll move it to a new publisher or self-publish the series given what he's done. I really wanted to see more of Nikuko's mom. I thought originally the series was on hiatus due to the 2020 pandemic. After reading what happened to Suzuki I was upset at what he did. Getting of topic, which Mangaka are one of us? I would say Hanao Tabi (the creator of Melt Away! Mizore-chan, the series has the titular character gain weight a lot and wear a bikini in a bunch of the scenes and has a kappa character gain weight for sumo in one chapter), Synecdoche (Mangaka of Plus-sized elf, need I say more?), Tsuji Santa (Creator of Super Pochaco and Taruco), Kenya Suzuki (For Nikuko, her mom and doing some pieces featuring Rubenesque women). Anyone have ideas for other Mangaka that could be one of us?
It appears that Three Thousand Years of Longing will be on Home media on 11/15 though no mention if it will have a director's commentary.If it does, I wonder if someone can mention if he brings up the plus-size concubines in the Director's commentary. Like if he admits to finding the scenes sexy, or if he's awkward/wishywashy talking about the scenes or if he just talks about shooting it and any difficulty people working on it ran into(ex. It being hot when they shot the scenes or the actresses being shy/uncomfortable about posing naked).
Last I heard with the details of Suzuki, he is off from jail assuming he doesn't commit another offense in the next 3 years. Though it does leave the future of Please Tell Me Galko-Chan uncertain. He hasn't updated his pixiv or has uploaded new stuff to his twitter. I imagine he would be wary of internet usage as if he goes on the wrong website or chats with the wrong people, he would end up in jail or perhaps he is aware of his damaged reputation and how very few are willing to associate with someone like him. Best case for the series, it gets continued a few years later or earlier or Suzuki finds a new publisher or self-publishes the series. Worst case, he violates the agreement and he goes to jail and the series gets cancelled. All we can do is wait and see what happens next.
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Bit of a deep cut in 2022 but how about Ralph Bakshi? Active from the 70s–90s, starting with his adaptation of R. Crumb's Fritz the Cat and more or less ending with Cool World and the Mighty Mouse TV cartoon. I wouldn't call him full-on FA as just old school curve maven. Meaning, most of his ideal women are extremely curvy/thick as opposed to fat-fat, but he had some heavyweights here and there.
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Don Bluth also did "Bartok the Magnificent" with villain Ludmilla who transforms into a bottom-heavy dragon. And there's Sophie in Anastasia. And there's the big-breasted birds in An American Tale

That said he also has a lot of fat male characters, too. I think it's probably more down to his animation style lending itself very well to big floppy characters with exaggerated proportions.
I think you're on to something here. Sophie from Anastasia isn't just a fat character but her proportions are kinda FA-specfic and very womanly, not a balloon like a lot of fat cartoon characters. Her fat is so lovingly animated too, the way her hips shift and her boobs bounce.
This game has a curse over me, I don't think I got past the first few screens as a kid, I need to finish it
I just remembered another creator who's one of us. Underground comix artist Robert Crumb. The creator of Mr. Natural and Fritz the Cat. A lot of his women tend to be on the heftier side. It's hard to find images that aren't explicit given the nature of the work he did. (Underground Comix were essentially porn and drawing out whatever messed up scenarios one can imagine to paper).

That's just his artstyle. Every character he draws is hefty. We're going back to baseless speculation again I see.
Why doesn't that make him one of us, wouldn't that style mean that he's fond of larger women and thus prefers to draw them that way over being thin and skinny?
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>Man that draws thousands of images of well built women is not at all interested in well built women.
Cartoonists do not have weight gain or expansion fetish. In R. Crumb's case, he grew up in Philadelphia before urban cities cared about health and obesity and pretty much drew or exaggerated how urbanites looked. In Don Bluth's case, he's just being anti-Disney in the sense that he draws women as they are: shallow and wanting to be the center of attention. It helps that Anastasia isn't as soul crushing depressing as the Land Before Time, All Dogs Go to Heaven, or An American Tail.
Huh? R. Crumb legit idealized the thick amazon body type, that what I remember from his documentary?
So what qualifies a cartoonist to be one of us then? Would they need to focus on bigger girls a lot in their work especially in a lot of fanservice scenes? Would their style lend itself to drawing women bigger?
Crumb married two chunky, big-assed women (though his second wife slimmed down when she got older), and talked about his fetish for big legs and asses in a million comics. This is not even a discussion.

So he has an ass/thicc fetish. He isn't into 600lb blobs.

There's a difference you know.
Sure you're arguing with the right post...? OP says "fat lovers." Crumb's women qualify, especially back in the 1960s-80s when he was in his prime.
I remembered another creator who's one of us and as a first is LGBTQ+. Her name is Sophie Campbell, her style lends itself to depicting thicker women and several projects she has done have had thicker women such as the Jem and the Holograms comic reboot, Glory, Wet Moon and Shadoweyes.

The guy was definitely into "big girls" by the standards of his day; it's just that 'big girl' has far surpassed anything he ever drew. (Thanks, modern living!) The 'thicc' thing's only come sort of mainstream online in like the past 6 years or so anyway, it wasn't really a distinction in US culture back then.

He seems more like an Amazon/robust-build fetishist based on a lot of the stuff he does, see here:


But looking at his stuff overtime (see attached), I don't think he'd be against a BBW, but he'd probably tend to a strong-fat type rather than the more plush couch-potatoes we usually post here. TBH, man seems horny enough to be into anyone who's not a waif.

>> OP says "fat lovers."

And you must need glasses. Those women are Thicc, not fat. You can has a nice ass and still be a twig. Don't try to reach too far next time with your baseless speculation.
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If you want see how much crumbs is into fatties like genuine honest to goodness fatties, not "thicc" or "healtyh" then look up his Cathy parody Caffy. It quite literally ends with her getting pounded in the ass while weighing over what seems to be 300 pounds. In fact if I can find it all again i'll post it. I don't know how anyone who isn't into actual bbws (and perhaps ssbbws) would draw that. I feel that due to the era he was in he just never found enough support in his "niche" tastes. If crumb started in these days he'd have a patreon or subscribe star lol
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Found it
To the average non-American and to an American living in less obese decades, the women depicted in his drawings would likely be considered fat.
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part 2, also sorry i could've sworn there was a higher res, but it was on a thread long ago couldn't find it.

yeah there's no way you can look at it and say that crumb only liked "thicc" and didn't like fatties.

Just because he isn't drawing flesh monsters doesn't mean he doesn't like fatties
I knew Crumb liked kinda big stocky women but this Caffy comic is amazing. It literally is like a proto-WG comic. Robert definitely wasn't into "pure" like adipose for the sake of adipose, but he did adore tall, strong, thick chungus women with a fair bit of flab. And as said, in past decades they'd be seen more as fatties per se.
you might be retarded
>>19677 (OP)

>>> Seth MacFarlane:

Yet nobody realized that he hasn't written an episode of Family Guy since 2011. Look it up, all he has done since then was voice the characters and collect a paycheck. Which means all of those fat jokes for the past 11 years are from some random writer.

I'd argue that this has better plot lines, character arcs, pacing and final payoff than most WG comics out there.
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American Cartoons drew influences from the Jazz Age and Salvatore Dali. Hollywood and Harlem were so modernized that a lot of animators like Bob Clampett looked like they can exist. Styles were liberal back then and under a tight deadlines. By contrast R. Crumb is that one white guy who grew up in Philly like Will Smith. Even by east coast standards, New Yorkers consider Phillies to be bigger niggers than Harlem cause they got not respect. FFs, they have Sesame Street and even they treat black kids like shit.
So Kenya suzuki updated his pixiv with new pieces , perhaps if we're fortunate enough, Please tell me Galko chan will be continued and we'll see more Nikuko and perhaps her mom.
Japan does not care about possession of cp. They tend to hand out light sentences and probation for it.

>>Gives a slap on the wrist for having kiddie porn

>>Throws the book at you for possession of weed

No wonder that country's ass backwards. If it wasn't for the romanticization that the western world gives it, Japan wouldnt be looked so highly upon. Then again, if you're black or a woman, you'd have a shitty time there anyways.
I now wonder if with Kenya Suzuki, if maybe him being a pedo/fat admirer may be more complicated, his pieces show a whole bunch of different builds. Perhaps not all pedos are solely attracted to children, perhaps someone can be attracted to kids and adults. Perhaps he is interested in larger women, busty women, etc. As long as he doesn't do anything else in the next few years, he is in the clear. Maybe other people have varied tastes, they could be into fat women, thin women and muscular women.
Hentai and ecchi titles do not sell in Japan. They always flop and are forgotten, which is why Taimanin and Fate abandoned the medium for anime.

Japanese law pressures the criminal to plead guilty.
I also did find a link on a reddit post of the untranslated pages of the chapters 109 and past of Please tell me galko chan, though it's only the first pages of each chapter, the rest of the chapters are probably out there somewhere. The person thinks that someone from Japan is probably worried about the legal issues that could come from redistrubiting someone's work without the mangaka's permission even if they were arrested and let go on bail, they probably still fear legal issues. Japan has this thing about not pirating a mangaka's work and how they get upset at sites where one can read their work for free, look at Nikutsuki and Kohntarkf1 for examples here. Anyway the chapters are out there and are written and drawn, I just don't know when or where they'll be available in the states or if the series will continue through its current publisher or if it will switch publishers or be self-published.
This is a link to the reddit thread that contains links to the chapters that haven't been translated. The work does exist, the question is if or where it will be distributed officially.
Guessing then that Seth McFarlane isn't one of us. Unless someone wants to say he's in denial. It now seems more likely that he isn't one of us and that fat women in his works are punchlines.

He hasn't written an episode of Family Guy since 2011. And that Orville show he has doesn't have a fat woman in it afaik. Like I mentioned earlier, it's most likely some unknown writer on the show with a fat fetish.

Actually I was wrong, he hasn't written for the show since 2005. So yeah, all of those fat jokes from the past 17 years was from someone else.
It does appear that Hanao Tabi is one of us as on his twitter he did a weight gain drive for Mizore. I heard that Yuki-onna can gain weight if they absorb enough moisture. Since he used this in a lot of Mizore-Chan, anyone think he's one of us given how frequently Mizore gained weight and did so in a string bikini?
I now hope for Hanao Tabi's next project, he uses the nebutori or a BBW Tanuki. I thought if he researched something obscure to justify weight gain plots for Melt Away! Mizore-chan, if he would use the obscure concept of Nebutori in a weight gain manga. The nebutori is a magic disease that causes weight gain in women while they sleep, it was originally a spell though some works have it be a yokai. Like either have it be a spell that causes women to gain weight or have it be a yokai who looks like a BBW in a sexualized kimono, and/or other attire that shows off her curves. I seriously hope that he works on a series that has that.
Something occured to me with creators of collaborative mediums and their kinks. I wonder if there are people like us on mediums like tv shows, movies and games that attempt to have their kinks more prominent in their work, but this can get shot down, by others working on the project. How many people on the show/movie/game would be willing to have scenes where fat women are near nude/full nude in their story or divert from the narrative to include a fanservice scene featuring fat women being sexy? I imagine too, that they would worry about such scenes turning an audience off of their work. How many people in a mainstream audience would wish to watch a movie/tv show that has frequent scenes of fat women being near nude/nude/having sex? I imagine this makes it hard for showrunners/episode writers/film writers who are one of us to express their kinks in their work. Mediums like books, comics/webcomics can have writers indulge in their kinks easier than with TV/Movies/Video games where a writer's fetishes can get shot down by others. Though with comics/books, one has to face an editor who can shoot these kinks down, though if the story is self published, one can indulge in their fetishes to their heart's content. In short, collaborative mediums can make it hard for writers who are us to express their kinks, mediums where a writer has more creative control makes it easier for them to express their kinks. They also have to do with the fact that the audience may not want to watch a writer's kinks or may find them sexy. Though some writers plow on even when the audience doesn't find sexy what they do.
>I wonder if there are people like us on mediums like tv shows, movies and games that attempt to have their kinks more prominent in their work, but this can get shot down, by others working on the project.

I'm a graphic designer-illustrator and 15± years ago I had a cool gig for a magazine put out by a major media conglomerate, aimed at tween girls. I had to create and draw a series of characters to illustrate an advertorial, and that's about as much as I'll say so I don't out myself.

Anyway, they were supposed to be six hip 20-somethings, three of each gender. Of the females, I made one slender, one slim-curvy and one fat (what we FAs would call midsized). I knew the business well enough not to draw the SSBBW I really wanted, and anyway one had to be careful about sexualizing them too much because, well, tweens and frankly I was worried if the boobs, butt, and belly got too big my horny hand would show itself.

The art director — herself a BBW — loved my chubster, but immediately warned me she wouldn't fly. In fact she told me to slim her down before presenting it to her boss and the advertorial client. I complied, the AD submitted her, and the now-barely plump version was still deemed too fat. I was specifically told to give her a recognizable waist, but the boobs could stay big, natch.

My second revise had more notes to slim her down, and the final version wound up a curvy thin woman, basically like the other one except she was vaguely mixed race (lol, so I don't cry).

All this to explain how the sausage gets made (npi), and I imagine even in these more enlightened times of body positivity and such, FA or just diversity-minded creatives and their fat creations are nipped at the bud.

In my subjective, unscientific observance there tends to be more FAs among creatives than other types of folks, which leads me to believe entertainment companies are teeming with them. But creatives rarely ascend to the real decision-making level, and when they do there are moneymen (mostly men) surrounding them who'll photoshop a size 10 Bryce Howard or take calipers to a cartoon character's hips.

Still, for many reasons I'm psyched to see so many more fat people on TV, in ads, and even in the movies. Like a black president, I knew it would happen eventually but wasn't sure I'd see it in my lifetime lol.
It will never work. Stacy Abrams is causing Democrats to lose Georgia, a state they won by 10,000 votes in 2020, because she wants to star in Hollywood productions instead of governing. It's like how Biden elected that cow Kamala Harris and she's costing Democrats midterms because of her annoying laugh. I am not sure it is possible for fat chicks to make it in Hollywood unless they go back to micromanaging women like they did in the 20th Century. Moden Hollywood thinks Bryce Howard was too fat for Jurassic World and told her to loose weight so she didn't end up a snack for the dinosaurs
Your takes only make sense if you listen to one news source. These are all insane takes if you take each one separately and combining them together makes a chimera of insanity instead of making a coherent narrative. For your own sake, I hope you go outside sometime soon.
Young people do not like Joe Biden enough to vote for him or his picks. The left swings between the party of social security and college students with no middle class to keep them stable. I am convinced Fetterman is the face of the party: robo boomers that will merge with technology to keep working.
FFS. So Abrams can't win because she's fat? Or black...? Did I actually talk about politics, or did a quick aside about Obama, clearly irrelevant to the point of my post (much less the thread) really spark that tragicomically ill-informed political rant?

Niggas here want any excuse to talk about politics. You can talk about corn and some guy will spin that off into Biden raising taxes on vegetables.
She cannot win because America cares about style over substance. A lot of these market surveys are so flawed that anything can happen
>>22596 (Cross-thread)
Since it's hard for writers in collaborative mediums to be upfront about their desire for fat women in the project, I now wonder if some of these writers have fat women as jokes as the only way they can have fat women in their work. It now seems less likely that Seth McFarlane is one of us, perhaps a writer on Family Guy is. Maybe that writer uses fat woman as punchlines since it's the only way they can be in the series otherwise. I know that maybe this isn't true, perhaps the writer or writers were just going for the comedic gold mine that is how fat women are hilarious with how fat and ugly they are and how no one would dare sleep with them along with how much they eat and are gassy slobs. I am just speculating about how writers like us in collaborative projects would be able to have fat women in the stuff they work on. Maybe sometimes this is the best they can do, other times the writers aren't one of us just writing jokes that are fatphobic and misogynist.
>>22596 (Cross-thread)
Maybe this is why there hasn't been a director that is the fat admiration equivalent to Quentin Tarantino yet, they would have to wrestle with the beauty standards of Hollywood and the other people working on the film. Unless they had complete creative control over the movie, it's unlikely that they can have sexual scenes with big women in them. Best case, we can have directors of Indy movies put in scenes where fat women are sexy. I imagine that directors of those types of movies can be allowed to do things that Mainstream Hollywood won't do.
I meant to put in >>22569 not 22596.
But yeah I was questioning about ways that creators that are us sneak their kinks into their works. Though I could be wrong, perhaps they are just using fat women as a cheap source of humor. I wonder how it would be in works that are independent and creator owned if they could get away with BBW Fanservice versus a mainstream work.
You don't adapt an R.Crumb comic without having similar tastes in women as R.Crumb; man is known for his love for thick women.
Hey Good Lookin', right? the relationship between Crazy and Eva is written and animated in a way that'd only really make sense if the creator liked fat girls, I feel
Perhaps this adds into the feel that they aren't trying to appeal to the mainstream. They are wishing to write the stories as they'd want and not care who gets upset at what they write. If they want to write stories with bigger ladies being nude/near nude or being sexy then they can do it.
Ayyy!! Man knows what's up...ever since "Ice Cream".
Something to that. Bakshi had a lot of studio projects with big names attached (Fritz, LOTR, Mighty Mouse, Cool World) but I feel was never able to go mainstream because he was just too weird — appreciation for fat chicks part of it. I've read a lot of interviews with him and he wanted the money so he could continue working, but only on stuff he cared about, doing it the way he wanted. Cool World was probably the closest he got to saying fuck it and giving the studio what they wanted and it bombed, so that was that.
I don’t know who did the character design work for Real Drive, but they obviously fit the bill here.
Is more shizo posting Why on earth would you think he is pedo.
Wouldn;t that make it Stradar
Not nec. a pedo — a term that gets thrown around in a stupid and irresponsible way — but he flirts with teens online. Pedophilia is attraction to prepubescent children, not teens.
Okay, that is not as bad but do you have evidence?
Those pedos deserve only the ugliest old ladies with the biggest hanging udders and the hugest sloppiest butts.
This is FA goals.
Oh and what did you mean by "stradar"? Did you mean straight-radar? I was talking about FA-specific radar. FAdar.
>>24480 When I clicked that link I thought iy was drake from the playstation game..... It's just some rapper. Try relevancy.
Try literacy, you fucking idiot. Every post leading up to it clearly referenced Drake, the musician. Time to put down the controller and pick up a book. Or better, go outside.

What musical instrument does he play? I don't know much about American music. Which came first the musician or the video game?
He's Canadian and a vocalist. I don't like rap either but "musician" is what he puts on his tax returns so I'll roll with it. And it doesn't matter who came first, the whole discussion is about media celebrities who might be FAs, not video game characters. If it's talking about Denzel Washington and you're so stupid you think it's about George Washington it doesn't matter which one came first, right? You're still fucking stupid.

That's cute. I was just wondering. Hey does anybody know where I can buy a throw away phone like a burner phone?
Dude, go to the park feed some birds, take a cute BBW on a date, and chill man.
My lawyers have advised I do not answer you

That is what I'm saying, all in God's time brotha. I love pawgs. Women in general hate me but it wasn't always like that. I don't blame the new generations, I blame myself for loving too greatly in the past. Now that I have no problems getting girls I am stuck in the worst part of town. I need a burner phone for when I fix my situation here but the hoes are always ready. I actually had a pawg recently who's mom went awall because the pawg wanted to suck my dick, but the mom is an old hag you know the type bitter resentment. So I will take my time and see what the wind brings. I'm in no rush.
So with Three thousand years of longing on DVD, presumably with director's commentary, what did George Miller say about the naked fat women? Did he admit to being a personal preference, was he dodgy and evasive about why they were there, or was just standard work stuff concerning the scene (it was hot and stuffy, the women were wary about being naked, etc.)?
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>George Miller
I didn't know until just now that he directed "Three Thousand Years of Longing".
He also directed "Mad Max: Fury Road", which also features a harem of naked fat women.
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
A good chunk of this thread was people wondering if he is one of us given those scenes in his movies. I was asking that since Three Thousand Years of Longing came out on home media, if in the director's commentary he talks about the nude fat women in Three Thousand Years of Longing. If he mentions why they were there. If he admits to being one of us, if he's dodgy and awkward about the scene or he just talks about working on the scenes (it being hot, the historical influences that went into it, what it was like working with the actresses, if they were cool with the scenes or had issues being naked, if some of them were difficult to work with, etc.). Just someone with a copy of it on DVD/Blu-Ray/4K, tell us what he said in the director's commentary about these scenes. Does he finally admit to being one of us?
Like I wrote further back in the thread, fwiw his wife is thin. Many FAs are married to thin women for various reasons, but it could be just that he likes the image of a fat harem for aesthetic/creative reasons. A lot of non FAs are fascinated by fat people, they're fascinating in both a morbid and sensual way.
Is it like how some straight male creators enjoy putting beefcake in their works? Or some female manga creators having sexy women in their works? Plus he was referencing a sultan who apparently did all sorts of hedonistic sex acts and would chase around his harem naked. The room in the movie was faithful to history as well, as he apparently wanted to have sex in a fur lined room and on a luxurious bed. He had an obsession with furs as well, requiring taxing higher-ups to finance it. There were claims that Ibrahim loved plump women. Maybe it's a mix of being faithful to history and enjoying the aesthetic of a fat harem. Based on what you said, could Seth McFarlane fall under non-FA that has a fascination with fat people? As well as Gary Larson the cartoonist? For Gary Larson to enjoy drawing fat people but not in a sexual way? For non-FAs interested in fat people, are fat people a curiosity for them? Like to treat them as fascinating creatures and not human beings? Being fascinated by how big they are and how they look? But not in a sexual way?

Who gives a fuck? I just took out the garbage and my balls itch. Do you want to know the color of the shirt I have on? If you put some of that enthusiasm into how fascinating your ex-wife was maybe you wouldn't be divorced.

You want to make the world a better place? Take a look in the mirror asshole
I wasn't asking for the color of your shirt. I was just curious about Non-FA's fascination with fat people and I was trying to see what it's similar too, I wasn't asking about making things better. Just if a non-FA's fascination with fat people is similar to the stuff I described and if Seth McFarlane or a writer on Family guy/Cleveland Show is also interested in fat people but not in a sexual way. I'm also not married and I'm not divorced. Are you just being a troll needing to name call me when I'm just asking some questions and keeping this board going? I'm just asking questions that's all. Name calling me isn't worth it especially since all you give is non sequitur responses to questions I ask. You just come across as an angry person looking for a fight.
I was just referencing what I read about Ibrahim the mad and how parts of the movie recreated it, not 100% just here and there. Namely an obsession with furs, luxurious beds and food and having sex with plump naked women a good amount of the time.
Perhaps George Miller was creating the image of Ibrahim as a hedonist having sex with women he considers to be beautiful in luxurious surroundings of fabrics and food.

And perhaps I am such a person. What of it? I stated thd obvious that everybody fails to acknowledge. You are entitled to your rights and I don't care what you do with your life as long as you respect me and the people I love. You want to talk about familyguy? It stinks. Fat hoes are sexy. Most men prefer young and thin hoes and butts. Fat women are interesting because women are interesting. Some men find interests in other things like tv shows. Some find women interesting and they get married and start families and they stay together and do things right and not get divorced and not disrespect other's human rights.

It seems today that all you see is nuts who have forgotten that these rights exist and must be honored because if not the only alternative is war.
The initial discussin with Seth McFarlane was if he is one of us, but it looks like he wasn't. The assumption then is if a writer on Family Guy/Cleveland Show was an FA or as one user put it, they may not be one of us. They could just want fat people interesting but aren't sexually fascinated with them. I was just trying to ask questions and start a discussion, not go on some misogystinit rant or something. I was just speculating on creators who like plumper women and understand the difference between writers that are sexually interested in fat people and those that are interested in them in a non-sexual way. I was just asking questions about others, not putting forth why thin>fat. You are clearly angry and looking to start an arguement. I am curious, about what makes a writer interested in fat people sexually versus non sexually and if Seth McFarlane or a writer on Family Guy/Cleveland show would fall under the latter. I do respect a woman's rights, if she doesn't want to go out with me, that's her decision and I respect it. I will leave her alone. I will think about how certain women are sexy, but I'll keep that to myself. If it's a real person actress/model/etc. I would keep it to myself how hot I think she is, I wouldn't say it to her face.
>I will think about how certain women are sexy, but I'll keep that to myself.

My burning question now is if you've ever been on a date.
My dating life isn't the focus here. I am here asking which creators could be FAs. Instead of asking me how many women I've dated. How about we focus on this thread which is about which people in the entertainment industry is one of us? Stop asking me how many women I've dated and let's focus instead on which creators are one of us? I don't think this thread was made for us to ask each other who has and hasn't gone on dates with women.
I'd rather focus on talking about creators that could be FA's than who has gone on dates with women here. I'm pretty certain deviations from this thread could get removed. I'm trying to stay on topic here.
So you're virgin, got it. You're autistic,repetitive stream- of-conscious writing style revealed as much. Each post is barrage of question, sometimes the exact same question written in severwal ways without conclusions that I regonize across threads.

As for the topic after several posts we can conclude that wisely, no entertainment figure of note has claimed they're a "FA". Sure, fat people pop up in animation a bunch, just like extremely thin people, that has been the case since the inception of the art form, it's an archetype, though I would say it's now becoming more of an inclusion virtue signalling thing.
This thread is about speculating about creators who are fat admirers. If there's any reason I am repeating myself it's to talk about something that isn't my sex life because that's not why this thread exists. I want to hear from others about which creators are one of us. It's a common thing to speculate about what creators are into sexually. If they're into big boobs, leggy women, butts, blondes, redheads, muscular women, feet, furries, BDSM scenarios. Some creators like Robert Crumb, Tsuji Santa, are definitely one of us. While creators who are FA's aren't common, they are out there. We're just discussing which creators in any mediums that may be one of us. But I was asking if we continue to do what this thread was about, instead of speculating about each other, we ask which creators are one of us and why this is. The evidence is often their work or the women they hang around. Robert Crumb has done a lot of art featuring plumper women. This thread was speculating if Seth McFarlane was one of us, it's now likely he isn't, though perhaps a writer on Family Guy was a fat admirer. The possibility of someone being interested in fat people but not in a sexual way opens the floodgates to more discussion. What is the difference between writers who are sexually interested in fat people and those that are nonsexually interested? Can't writers who are gay be considered gay without it being told in an interview? Sometimes a person's work can reveal much about who they are.
gook went straight for the jugular
You may have torn me a new one, and then what? You mocked me and then what? You feel better about yourself and how will that change me? I know I have a non-existent love life. I'll try though I'll have to see where I'm at. What do you hope to accomplish by insulting people on the internet? That they'll clean up themselves and improve their lives? What if they don't? What if they decide to continue to do what they're doing? What if they accept it and decide to do nothing about it? Or if they reject it? What about you? What about your life makes it bad that you need to tear down strangers on the internet? I know my life isn't perfect, but I know tearing strangers on the internet a new one won't improve my life. I doubt even if I would change someone else's life all that much unless what I said was that powerful. Though worst case scenario, I could end up being the reason they commit suicide. I have better things to do then call people losers and hope that will convince them to improve their lives.
>it’s a rare win for our kind.

Why does everyone on this autistic site act like people who like fat chicks are some oppressed minority?
Look at the media and how we treat fat women in the real world. In media they're either non-existent or used as jokes and objects of disgust. Fat men can exist and are plentiful in fiction, fat women are here and there. A lot of plots are women gaining weight being horrified that they're fat. Even if it's a little weight, it's still cause to diet and exercise like crazy. Loads of misogynists in the real world belittle women for being fat, again even if it's a little pudge, she's somehow a hippo woman or a whale for gaining 15 pounds. Whenever bigger women wear revealing clothing or are having sex it has to be treated as disgusting, gross and unpleasant. We can think about thin women being sexual and wearing revealing clothes, but if a fat woman does that, we have to treat it as disgusting. Various fat women are constantly told to lose weight and that it will improve their lives, regardless of the unhealthy ways to do so, or if they have problems they just need to lose weight always. Like if they injured themselves doing exercise, weight loss will fix it. Or if they have a condition where they can't lose significant weight, they must still lose weight whether or not it's possible for them to do so. While they may not face treatment as bad as ethnic groups, they still get treated poorly by others in society. Various fat admirers work to change this image, to have fat women be characters and be presented as beautiful/sexy, and not be jokes and punchlines. Our hope on this thread is figuring out which creators in any medium is interested in bigger girls.
Sorry I misunderstood the response given. Men who like plump women are often jokes and punching bags. Either we are this way because of a bump on the head or we are crazy for liking fat women and that we only like women for their appearance and not for who they are as people. There are also stereotypes that we all wish to fatten up our love interests to immobility and emotionally manipulate them into ruining their health. A good many of us would only do that as a fantasy. There are loads of discussions in these circles about how to get a woman to be fat but fit and only do junk food feed sessions as a sometimes thing. Many men who espouse toxic masculinity look down on us for not being "real men", because we ought fantasize about victoria's secret models and not fat women and how we have failed for loving fat women. Sorry about what I typed before, I misunderstood.
If you get hit in the head you will get a concussion and if you don't fall into a comma you would die. Your interests in overweight women has nothing to do with "fat". Your interests are your own business. In modern day there are some societies that discourage young men from dating ugly or overweight women for practical reasons but I doubt anybody would care if you found "the one" and she was a balluga whale. Everybody has been in love! It's usually when it concerns non-serious relationships that some may get teased. I remember the older ladies in my family laughing about a young relative who was enamoured with a fat tv actress and they always called her a "cow" to tease him and would laugh hysterically about the kid who liked fat women, but they weren't very thin either because they werd older so nobody really cares. A lot of fat friends of mine enjoy being called fat. It's like having a big dick or a big forehead. Most who do have them don't care being teased about it.
Thanks for the thoughtful response. I just don't feel like I ever see FAs depicted in mainstream media in the first place, so I don't see our (non-existent) media representation as a relevant issue. Sure, some people on the internet think we want to fatten people to death, but is it really fair to say this comes from the media? Where are the representations of death feedism in any popular media? This is more of a misonception that comes from uninitiated normies stumbling upon the fetish or when disgruntled ex models/ex feedists go public with a story. And is it really a stereotype? There really are guys like this in the scene, and of course they get all the attention because they're newsworthy. There isn't incentive to talk about normal feeders who practice in a healthy way.
As for toxic masculinity, I've never heard anyone insinuate that FAs are unmanly. If anything I've only ever heard the opposite: that "real men like curves" and it's gay to like skinny girls.

I actually don't even think your initial response,
>>24595, is meaningfully true anymore. Fat men were always the comic relief in movies. Nowadays, I'd say fat women definitely have it much better than fat men. We're in an era where you can be a famous model as a morbidly obese woman. Besides Tess Holiday, there's a million obese influencers and celebs getting fame and money off content ranging from fashion blogs to softcore porn.
Morbidly obese women now can just throw on a bunch of makeup and cute clothes and be praised as sexy and confident by women, men, and mainstream media alike.

There is simply no equivalent for fat men. There's no movement to find them beautiful. There's no fat male influencers showing you that you can still be dapper or fly or whatever at 300lbs. No one tells fat men they look good when they post pictures. No one thinks it and no one even lies about it to be courteous. They're still the butt of jokes and there's no social conscience that that's cruel, unlike when a fat woman is mocked.

Fat women are now writing buzzfeed articles about why they too deserve conventionally attractive/fit men, while fat men are left in the dust. Even their female counterparts don't want them.

Just look at the threads on this very board. Men are constantly telling each other to get fitter so they can attract women. There's a thread up right now about "how come this decent-looking, decently fit guy can fuck lots of ssbbws when he's not even PARTICULARLY hot?" There's constant threads about how to be good enough to fuck ssbbws. And if you look in the "fat gfs" thread you can find a man telling another man that he should consider dieting and staying muscular so he can attract fat women.

Do you think even a single woman ever has tried slimming down in the hopes of attracting a fat man?

Of course there's women who don't mind fat men or even prefer huskier dudes but it seems to be much less of a social phenomenon.
We must be living in different worlds because for many men who objectify women, fat women are ugly to them. They are objects of ridicule and disgust because they aren't thin, busty and leggy. To men that believe that women are objects, dieting is a means of control and being fat means losing control and deviating from their preferred image. How many celebrity magazines have gone over actresses gaining a little weight and treating it as though they gained 50+ lbs.? Or what Donald trump said about a woman who had a pot belly? While there are societies now that see plump women as beautiful, I'm talking about mainstream american society where women are pushed to be thin and fatness is demonized. The concussion part is what certain men think of as the reason why men could find plump sexy, they can't wrap their minds around the idea that a man could find fat women attractive so they assume the reason he finds her sex is either he's crazy or suffering brain damage. This shows the misogyny of these men that they can't process the idea that men could find sexy women they find unattractive.

I feel for this demonization of Fat admirers, it's the need for drama and conflict and to mock those that are different. After all they need drama, they need people who are not only different but who practice their sexuality in unhealthy ways. People who are different and practice their sexuality in safe, sane and consensual ways isn't interesting as there's no conflict or ways to mock those that are different. Look at works that vilify BDSM, if they present those in BDSM relationships as emotionally healthy, then there's no conflict or means of mocking those that are different. Newstories, talkshows, crime shows, etc. need drama and conflict and people who different but well adjusted are harder to write drama and conflict. You are right that while plumper women are arguing for how they can be sexy and beautiful, fat men aren't. I did see a story of a plus-size man fighting for fat men to be sexy on Truly and some pictures of Adipositivity have larger men in them. I do agree with you that there's a double standard with big women being sexy versus bigger men. While fat men are present in fiction, they aren't always presented as sexy and are comic relief. They can get the girl, but they can't be presented as sexy and the girl needs to wish that he loses weight constantly. There are women who think of big men as sexy and I heard about how sumo wrestlers can have fans who are attracted to them. I feel that fiction should show that not everyone who has sex is thin and muscular, that someone who's plus-size can be sexy whether they're male or female, both or neither, as well as how someone who finds fatness sexy isn't crazy and can be respectful of their partner.

What about the "dad bod" shit? Fat men are doing better than ever.
It's undeniable fat men have it better than fat women, in all ways. Women are judged by their looks in a way men just aren't, and it affects everything from their financial prospects to their social and romantic lives to the quality of healthcare they receive.
What is the difference between someone who is an FA and how they would present fat people versus a Non-FA's portrayal and interest in fat people? For an FA, it's obvious a fair amount would sexualize fatness. To portray fat people as attractive and have them wear revealing clothes. Would it be fair to say that Non-FA's interest in fat people is them as objects of curiousity/ridicule? Like to use fat people in jokes over how fat they are, how they always eat, are slobs, and struggle to find clothes that fit and are always getting stuck in stuff unlike us who uses them in an erotic way? The fascination element is how someone could be that fat and features of their body. Their immense size could be a thing of fascination but not in an erotic way. Like how someonoe who's white who lives in a place with little to no brown/dark skinned people could examine a person who's brown/dark skinned . If Seth McFarlane isn't a fat admirer, could he fall under this or one of his writers on Family Guy/Cleveland Show? What makes someone an FA versus someone who has a non-sexual fascination with fat people?
Basically, yeah. That's the point I made way further back in the thread trying to debunk MacFarlane as an FA. Fat people are inherently fascinating and inherently funny. Thus the fat funny person is a comedy archetype all the way back to ancient Rome and probably earlier.

I don't think anyone can nail down any creator as an FA just based on their creations, but the (very) few bonafide examples depict fat women as more fully-realized humans, not necessarily sexual but not just one-note jokes either. That to me is the best tell. Not how many clumsy, hungry fatties they goof on.

Coldstone the icecream joint?
What would the differences be between Seth McFarlane and George Miller then? If Miller isn't one of us and is just interested in the aesthetic of fatness, is he the same as McFarlane or different?
The nuscance in my day to day life can be so idioticly stupid that I often wonder what it would've been had I never born born at all. Then I wonder if I really want to bring precious pure life into this world, and would it even be correct? Should I instead look for a better country of people to live in before settling down and starting a family? However, stupid doesn't ever make the mistake of troubling itself with such thoughts. Stupid just does.
They're somewhat similar, in that I'd bet my next mortgage payment neither one is an FA. They both use fat people because they're compelling, though in different ways.

Looking at Family Guy or any other MacFarlane project, cartoon or live action, aesthetics are definitely not his priority, and they have the depth of a pancake. Bottom line is that he's an entertainer, not an artist, and while he's not my thing, I don't fault him for that either. I think he's smart and talented and good at what he does, which is make people laugh. That said, his writers never saw an easy joke they won't use. Fat people are inherently funny, so just add water (or cake, or hot dogs, etc).

On the other hand Miller is an artist, not that his films aren't entertaining. They're also beautiful to look at and always have multiple levels to them, even an ostensible kids' movie like Babe. He's not the first and won't be the last non-FA artist to see both meaning and aesthetic interest in fat people. So my hunch is that he cooked up the scene of the fat milk maids in Fury Road and liked it, but since that movie was so jam-packed he could only use a few seconds of it. Maybe it stuck with him, and in developing 3,000 Years he comes across the story of Ibrahim the Mad and sees it as an excuse to revisit the same territory. So you could say he's fascinated with fat women on some level, but that doesn't mean he wants to sleep with or jerk off to them. He's obviously very much into cars too, but I don't think you'll find him late at night with Kleenex and a bottle of lotion reading Jalopnik on his phone.
What about Samuel D. Hunter, writer of The Whale? (new Brendan Fraser movie) I haven't seen it yet but I checked out some clips of the original play on YouTube and it feels really FA/death feeder to me.
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>his shows the misogyny of these men that they can't process the idea that men could find sexy women they find unattractive.

Or simply they are secretly gay.

Hiding their sexuality with girls that looks like a slim femboy while loading all their frustation againts man who likes plump ladies.
I think he’s a guy who aggressively loves his wife and so aggressively loves everything about: extra her included
Guys like that can’t help but proselytize
I just thought of another mangaka who is one of us though maybe not to the extent of most people on this site. Kohei Horikoshi of My Hero Academia fame. He has admitted to liking women with a bit more meat on them. I wouldn't say it's quite to the extent as he prefers women a little meatier not to the extent as most people on this site. There are different levels of fat Fat admirers are attracted to, some are attracted to women with a bit of pudge, some like them really fat or anywhere in between. I would say as we see with Inko Midoriya, he is willing to have BBW characters unlike most mainstream mangaka.
I just thought of another medium we've completely overlooked in terms of BBW characters, webcomics. There are a bunch of webcomic artists that are willing to have BBW characters. I think that since the creators have more creative control over their material they may be more willing to do things a mainstream comic isn't willing to do. Namely portray plus-size women as sexy.

The webcomics I can think of are Kurami, Modern Mogal and Spinnerette to an extent have BBW characters that are portrayed as sexy. I would say that the writers/artists of these works like having plumper women. Can anyone else think of webcomic creators who are into bigger women?
Aaron Neathery. He used to draw comics for Dimensions under the pseudonym "BeakerFA," although they've been scrubbed from the Wayback machine with the rest of Dims.
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TIL: BeakerFA + Aaron Neathery. His comics for Dimensions were great. I miss them but I'm glad to see he's got a platform and a following doing normie stuff.

On that note, I think Bob Fingerman may be "one of us." He's a cartoonist/illustrator who drew Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other mainstream comics, had his own comic book called Minimum Wage in the 90s and a few graphic novels and illustrated written books since. His tastes seem to be more super-curvy short stacks rather than full-on fat, kinda like Crumb. Still...
Man, I miss that Gen X 1990s alt aesthetic and the pre-Internet, pre-weeb underground comics scene. (I had that exact same haircut for a while, lol.) Another cartoonist from that era who had the same ass/thighs shortstack fetish was Dave Cooper. Some low key feedist vibes in this video: https://hifructose.com/2008/12/19/new-dave-cooper-animated-video-interview/

Since this all obviously starts with Crumb, interesting chicken/egg question whether the aesthetic is downstream of the body-type preference, or vice versa.
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Forgot sample image. His art style is heavy on the grotesque but you can also tell he's secretly into it.
I'm Gen X so yeah, I'm with you on that — Love & Rockets, Eightball, Hate... I have a visceral hatred for anime-style illustration though every generation has their right to their own bad taste, including haircuts. Or maybe I just wish I had hair now lol.

Anyway Dave Cooper is a great example, and I'm not sure if you're aware but he's a "fine artist" now, a painter who shows his stuff in galleries and museums. His his main subject still seems to be "pillowy" women (to use one of his favorite descriptors), but more surreal/abstract than the comics.

And FWIW, I don't know how secret his FAism is... I follow him on Instagram and see his name in many of the "Liked by..." lists under pics of fat women I perv on. Also a few years ago he was crowdfunding a live-action movie, "Squash" starring a juicy smallfat, but I guess it didn't go anywhere. If he's in the closet there's no door on it lol.

As for chickens and eggs, that's the Big Question about FAs in general — nature or nurture? I think Crumb opened the door to expressing all kinds of out-there stuff in comics, "odd" sexual preferences included. It seems FAs are slightly over-represented among comics artists, and maybe the kind of kid who's into fat girls is more likely to be lonerish and thus express himself artistically? I believe that was the case for me, though I have no idea either way.
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>I have a visceral hatred for anime-style illustration

Simple question, why? "Visceral hatred" implies emotional investment and even irrationally so. "Anime style" is also to be frank an ignorant misnomer, because what it entails is so broad (from nigh photorealistic proportions to ultra "chibi") and covers so many genres and themes, it's like saying "I hate (all) music." Besides obvious kiddie popular stuff like Naruto and Pokémon from decades ago, what Anime have you actually given a try?

I'm sure you're not fond of when people think all Western comics are pure capeshit. To extremely judge all anime prima facie is absurd and ignorant.

See pic related for a series that might surprise and fit you.

Or he just didn't like anorexic girls. It says plump girls (aka those who could afford to eat every night). He wasn't attracted to fat blobs.
I'll do my part to save bandwidth by answering in one comment lol:

Yeah, good point — and you're right. I was so excited I hadn't gotten to the next page, where he decides Ann (his first love) had actually gotten too fat for him. Anyway it was slightly tongue-in-cheek. Just an interesting biographical note, we usually don't hear about presidents' sexual preferences.

I'll admit it's slightly emotional and somewhat irrational. I'm old and so it was a classic case of a younger generation flooding a medium I love (comics) with their own sensibilities. I know it's ebbed in the past few years but for a while it was depressing to go into a comic shop and have half of it taken over by an art and storytelling style I had no affinity for. It didn't have be Japanese comics, but some other style I wasn't into... That it was inevitable didn't make it less depressing. That's why I (jokingly) added the caveat "every generation has a right to their own bad taste." Indeed a lot of Western comics — shit, most of them, and especially the post-silver age stuff I first got into — are similar and kinda suck.

And you're right, I was shorthanding "anime style" to mean the big-eyed, high-drama/low subtlety stuff that many non-afficionados think of. Of course Japanese comics have a lot more facets to them — I collected Akira in first printing (my dog got to them years ago) and loved it. Cream will rise and music is a good example. Tell me a genre you hate and I'll find you someone within it who'll blow your mind.

Anyway thanks for the tip on Ergo Proxy, I'll check it out.
IIRC, Pokemon is now hooking up Ash with Misty and Naruto is now a wagie cuck. I don't know how but Goku from Dragonball and Gendo from Evangelion are now better parents than most characters in anime.

I think Ergo Proxy, Gankutsuou, Red Jacket Lupin, Crest of the Stars are the best anime has to offer.
I now wonder with Ralph Bakshi, if he could just have diverse tastes in women or chose to have plumper women to have something to animate differently. Some creators could have diverse tastes in women. They could like 'em thin, fat, muscular, etc.

I now wonder if mangaka Kenya Suzuki is this given the pieces they did. It ranges from conventionally attractive women, to some muscle women, to plumper women. (I also noticed lolis in there and I know that he got arrested for possession of child porn. I am now wondering if he is a pedo, but if this shows that not all pedophiles are exclusively interested in kids. They could be interested in kids and adults. I am NOT supporting pedophilia, it's sick and wrong and hurts innocents. Being attracted to adults doesn't make up for being attracted to children, but I digress).

Anyhoo, does anyone think there could be creators that are interested in diverse types of women? That could like thin girls, fat girls, muscular girls?
Fellini would be a good example of what you’re talking about. From what I’ve seen of his work he could get it up for Anita Ekberg and a 300 lb Roman hooker with equal gusto.
>Pokemon is now hooking up Ash with Misty

They retired Ash from the series. Misty only showed up towards the end as well as Brock so the original Kanto crew can have one last hurrah together. It was never implied that Ash and Misty hooked up at the end. They're just weirdos with social awkardness.
What's the point of this conversation? This is about creators who could be FA's not fan discussions concerning franchises. Unless it's how a writer could be one of us. It has nothing to do with FA creators?
James Friend, last night's winner of the Cinematography Oscar, had a hot BBW wife with him. Looks-wise she gives Mrs. Brosnan a run for her money, IMO. (Lo and behold I googled this morning and "James Friend wife" was the top suggestion.)

Damn, she’s stunning!
Hanao tabi did a new manga with a weight gain scene, I wonder if he'll do more in the future.
I definitely think he's one of us, he draws his fat women to be more evened proportionally and not be a ball with tiny limbs, he has scenes of them wearing bikinis and shows off their bods, and he did pics on twitter of a character gaining weight. The fact he did this in another series suggests something. I definitely want to see him do this more in this new series, anyone with me?
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I loved those weight gain pinups BeakerFA drew back around 2005 or so, I think I still have them saved somewhere, but it would require a lot of digging.

Also, on the topic of female celebs who may be into this:
I remember this random website about 10 or so years ago where this artist was drawing BBW pinup art for women on request. One time he created a drawing unsolicited of Camryn Manheim and sent it to her.... and she responded with a handwritten note thanking him, and telling him how much she loved it.

So, no idea if she's a feedee, but I think she definitely loves the attention she gets from FAs.
>So, no idea if she's a feedee, but I think she definitely loves the attention she gets from FAs.

I'm pretty sure she just likes fan mail and responds to everyone.
Kisame here. Zoomers think my taste in titcows, preg,are mid while their sparkle dog OCs are hip. Now they're whining about 14 hour shifts at Disney cause Spiderman is making money and doing the crunch. To be fair, cartoonists like Bob Clampett and Tex Avery were fat cause they actually had to hunt ducks for food WB was the poor fag studio with lesser quality water. The animation studio had to be shut down. People tend to forget that Walt was so hardcore that he had to take out a mortgage to fund his film, smoked to deal with the stress of communists striking.

I just found out that Stan Lee had dementia and people grifted off him till death. I honestly wished Disney didn't buy Marvel so comic book nerds can explain how Stan made that breast expansion scene from Striperella. Zoomers should tell Iger that Helen Parr with her big ass or doing WG would take up less terabytes than VFX with celebrities. Capcom is already forcing their zoomers to render Chun Li with birthing hips, Square is teaching Zoomers how to render the tits in Dragon Quest.
>>31240 Kisame have you ever realized that nobody replies to your posts except for I, and that when I do it's usually accompanied by a slight-handed insult against your integrity, and that it's got nothing to do with you being black?

You're a retired hentai artist, retired because of the overabundance of competition in the hentai space, and nobody knows what a Zoomer is. Nobody knows where you got your information from or how accurately your representing these facts. I take the posts as you trying to be entertaining and bring color into this world, but it never fails to sound like if your sending out a cryptic, coded message. Is this information meant to be useful in some way to me, or are you simply fishing for a conversation about zoomer's incompetence in current year arts? Because we can talk about that all day if you'd like. They're cheesy and the art sucks. They used to be better but they're not what they used to be. Nobody got tired of Marvel movies, they hot tired of a new Marvel movie every year and all of them sucking.
Kisame here. I honestly think you're on the wrong website if you come to a chan looking for integrity or discipline. My mom is already convinced that the state is trying to troon kids into being sterile spinsters while firing the good Christian doctors, lawyers, businessman, and politicians. Do you see why I don't cast Christians in my pics? Christians want to be an authority figure and a winner, but never a loser. Republicans won 1994-2006, 2012-2020, but apparently a six year gap between winning and the current two year gap isn't enough to sate their ego. Owning a modest house, car isn't enough for them. Christians want sex at the altar with the Mother Superior and the Vatican watching.

There's a good reason winners like Tucker Carlson are being edited out of Fox News, or why conservatives are losing. Conservatives wont pay their henchman, and get mad when the henchman trash their mansions.
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Democrats already betrayed Leviathan, Satan, Baal for Athena, Krishna, and Dagda cause the Navajo, Seneca, Hawaiians told them to stop using the Confederacy of Indian Nations to cast some mighty white savior. All monopolizing science has done is created a technocracy ruled by elites who believe in the Higgs-Boson particles. There's a good reason black science man romanticize the conquistadors. He wants to be part of a technological advanced civilization like Ancient Rome.

>I honestly think you're on the wrong website if you come to a chan looking for integrity or discipline.
I'm more fluent in English than most US born Americans and I live in South Korea, yet you think I'm the outcast who's on the wrong site. I've had my computers hacked and my pussy stolen by Jews more times than I've dreamt of having my very own cute child bride. Also, my post said nothing about looking for integrity on a chan.

You don't know what a Christian is. Ask your mom as she seems to have a decent understanding on her shoulders about the reality of the world we're living in. Ask her about a Christian's humility. You don't know Christ and he doesn't abide within you. I can tell because of your lack of fear for the Lord. If you knew, you would realize how much you have to fear.
>>31243 You're repeating the same shit that's already been posted on this site (by me) in different wording, Kisame. Go back to making shitty art you faking pleb.

And they don't believe in "Higgs-Boson particles". They believe that they're the rightful rulers destined to lead mankind into greatness, and all through their love of massive accumulation of wealth. Except they've realized that there's things money can't buy. So they steal the negro, and teach the negro to steal for them.
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Nope. Black Science Man believes in nihilism. Space and time doesn't care about your feelings. The universe is a cold and calculating place. Monarchs are for retards like Bolton or Putin.

Koreans are the niggers of Asia. Fatty Sung Un isn't afraid to hunt South Koreans for sport. Everyone knows South Koreans are just wealthy North Koreans from Pyongyang who angered the Kim family. Go back to worshipping Trump, cultist
>>31247 Kisame do you ever read the retarded shit written in your posts? They love money, Kisame. Nihilism can suck a dick. I live in Korea but I'm not Korean. Now go draw something stupid with no breasts or nipples, and get off my site with your stupid.
I doubt it, you're those dumb Korean Methodists who are mad the titcows are ignoring you and your shitty Kia
>>31249 Stupid nigger I'm not Korean, and you should feel like a faggot posting something like this post. Stupid nigger
>>31251 I ride tits, I fuck girls that have 2 or sometimes 3 cars because I'm not a stupid nigger loser that can't find female friends that are sluts with huge boobs. If you stopped being on the internet all day looking for dick to suck you might get some pussy if you weren't so black.
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Must be a gay Episcopalian judging by that gutter mouth. Bend the knee and take one for Leviticus, sodomite of Judea and Samaria
>>31255 These old generations being sellouts? That's the surprise? They're niggers that didn't get to see a war during their lifetime. They're men and women of weak body and spirit, clinging to thoughts from someone else's brain. These retarded old Jews are not my concern. They're puppets for the NWO.
Kisame here. I don't know what you are talking about or why South Koreans see me as a hentai artist. I have been playing Battle Network Legacy.
>>31257 Kisame was a hentai artist previously in life. He retired because of the current state of turbulance within the hentai profitting space.
Again, I am more baffled by Li Li's popularity in Asia, or even Mona, Lola, or Daria's popularity. I created them on a whim
>>31259 I haven't seen Kisame's hentai art. As far as I know he might be another run over the mill Jew that buys stolen art ideas in the black market just like western studios do because they learned from the Japs. Makes no difference to me.
The well known expansion artist in my area are SaburoX, Bust Artist, Riddle August. I think Sab and Axel live in NJ, Riddle lives somewhere in NH. Bust Artist was somewhere in LI, but he moved to North Carolina
>>31261 Do they make mangas or comics?
>>31261 I love breast expansion such as photoshop morphs
Artists whine about anxiety and hyperpreg not selling. Then they whine that hentai is not making pregnant women. Breast expansion sells cause the dairy tank can do action scenes
>>31264 Well, I won't argue that. Believe me, I know hentai. But I'm interested solely in the less niche things that were popular in the old fashioned days. Huge breasts, hairy twats, cute girls, and extreme, hardcore sex scenes. The problem I have with current year art's that I find the quality abysmal to the point that I wouldn't watch it even if didn't cost me anything.

I'm retired aswell but I sometimes sit at the desk for a few. It's difficult to do when you've had so much of your work and the fruit of your labor stolen from you and ripped off by niggers and Jews through legal means, and the government doesn't do anything to solve the problem because they always side with big business and big money (and big dicks.) After many years it takes a toll on your enthusiasm, and on your opinions about humanity and society too. But I sometimes do some when I get the chance if I see a good enough reason to. The way I ended up in the art scene was by pure chance and it's because I love art that I came to achieve the feats back then, but other than that art's meaningless garbage. Other than the relationship between the artist and the self art's nothing but a frog on the road splattered with its juices and intestines everywhere. It's going to rot until it can't rot anymore.
Artists are being told by the mom from Cold Springs who supports her gay son to stop grooming her child. Progressive or not, nobody wants a 66 year old man near a 12 year old child.

What does any of this have to do with creators who could be one of us? THis isn't about conspiracies or whining or anything like that. Can the admin delete this conversation?

Getting back on topic, could any webcomic artists be diverse in their tastes in women? Like they're interested in fat women and conventionally attractive women?
So does anyone want to relay commentary of Three thousand years of longing? Even if george miller doesn't admit to being one of us, it would be interesting just the creative process of the scene and what the actresses feeling about it was, if George miller mentions how he hired them or what it was to enact these scenes.
Nobody likes fetish art. It is seen as monotony and banal with the artists not taking risks. This is why artists are getting low thousands and lowe hundreds.
You can whine about Kisame being schizophrenic, but nobody wants to hear about dead white guys talking about greatness
All I was doing was asking about was the director's commentary of a movie. Why does it deserve a disjointed rant? I was just curious about what they said in the commentary. Not talking about fat fetish or kisame from Naruto. I was asking about the commentary of Three Thousand Years of longing and what George miller says in it.
Good idea, ignore the nonsequitors. I might try and track down the DVD. I haven't seen the actual movie yet (just THE scene) but I'm a Miller fan so I'd be interested in general.
All I was wondering about the commentary is if George Miller admits to being one of us. Or if he is awkward during the scenes of Ibrahim's concubines. Though even if neither happens, I did wonder if he talks about filming the scenes. If they ran into issues filming it, if any of the women were uncomfortable filming the scenes and getting naked, if the sets they filmed at were hot and the actors and the people shooting the scene got hot. (I think this because they shot the scenes in rooms lined with fur, I wondered if it got hot and they had to not shoot in the room for a long time).
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Ok this doesn't apply to the thread at all technically but idk where else to put it

Good to know the auntie of the guy who created Netflix and the other guy who literally invented modern propaganda as a concept, and was the wife of Oedipus Complex Jew, was a bona-fide braphog.

Perhaps I've been a bit too hard on Freud...
I find it fitting that the man responsible for coining the term Oedipus complex and who was responsible for analyzing human sexuality was attracted to his own mom and women that look like her.

As much as we will bash Freud, the concept that sexuality plays a role in human development is a big deal. I don't think it's a big factor for everyone's development, just some people.
Freud is discredited in psychology for incest. It's just like how Maslow is hated for banging his cousin. Scientists and psychologists wanted to impregnate their own female aide to cope with the stress of WWI, WWII. It's not like the Nazis who were disinterested in intimacy

Them doing bad stuff doesn't discredit whatever points they made. Even if someone raped kids, or banged their cousin, if they made a good analysis about society, bigotry, socioeconomic problems, etc. I will acknowledge what they had to say on whatever and only acknowledge their actions if related to whatever point they made. Just cause someone did something bad, it doesn't discredit whatever they said and the points they made so long as their actions aren't related to what they said (A person condemning narcotics getting caught doing drugs or a male feminist getting caught fooling around with women and belittling women). This is an ad hominem attack, it's just so we can say that someone being bad invalidates their points, analyses and points they made. Rather than attack Maslow and Freud, what parts of their research can be disqualified? What errors and new research invalidates what they said/wrote about?
This cigar is just a cigar. Remember the context, early 20th century when wasting diseases like TB were still a thing and mostly untreatable, and getting enough to eat was still a concern for a fair part of the population, Europe included. "Plump" here doesn't mean fat, it means healthy.
Yeah, just look at classic art, the women aren't super overweight, just padded with some soft tummies. They weren't designing them to be as fat as we usually like 'em.
Something interesting about Freud that I read some time ago: 'We are bringing them the plague,' Freud had orated when he set sail for America in 1909. His fuss about the 'sexual instincts' was to culminate in a sexual revolution that would fatally undermine the entire Christian world. In this, Freud saw himself in the role of Hannibal, who had gone to war against invincible Rome at the time. 'He saw himself as a Jewish missionary who had sworn revenge against Christianity, which was one of his greatest motivations,' wrote Thomas Szasz, a Jewish professor at New York University. Other Jewish thinkers such as Stanley Rothman and Robert Lichter added that Freud's work largely undermined the cultural foundations of Christianity and that it was precisely this aspect that had motivated him most in developing his psychoanalysis.

This is not meant as a statement against the religious community, rather than critic to his theories.
If it is inappropriate, delete my comment above. But when I see Freud, a bell always rings somewhere in the back of my mind.
Can you provide a reliable primary source citation for these claims?
I hope the NYT is a good enough source for you, it's the second result, also Thomas Szazs is Jewish himself.
Freud was one gear in the machine that undermined religion in the Western world. It began with the Enlightenment 300+ years earlier and continues with the internet and AI.

Also Szasz talked a lot of shit. Mr. "Mental Illness Doesn't Exist" whose wife committed suicide, and denies anti-Semitism was widespread in Europe before WWI.
Again, Freud invented psychoanalysis, but not psychology. Psychology is more about treating brain disease with Xanax, Adderall, and opioids. Freud was on cocaine, which was legal, but now illegal. Drugs are bad because some actor's or politician's son could get hurt.

As for anti-Semitism, Hitler was Austrian, but so fucking funny that people didn't take him seriously. It's like Nintendo hating the J-RPGs and pining for the Imperialistic days of Japan when boys can work double shift at the steel mill to make friends
NY home to a lot of Hungarian and Germans who fled Europe and made the NYC-LI area their home, or Cambridge their home. Freud was Austrian like Hitler. Austrians are considered wimps cause they're conservative and want to move to Vienna while being spoiled by their mother's affection while Dad beat the shit out of their children. They're just not laughing stocks cause they're not weak like Italians who are dominated by their mother. The mob you see were Polish and Sicilians, both of whom are hot blooded

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