
I identify as "new tires on my truck". Just makes me feel good, ya know
>>19661 (OP)
Maybe if we rub our kroner, euros, pounds together reaaally fast and make some sparks, we'll be able to get cheap electricity
(33 KB, 400x378, s-l400.jpg)
Real/realer/realest 🔫
i have no need for pronoun

address me as king/queen only
Royal We
Europe can burn all their Zio-Ukrainian flags for heat this winter. That's all their elite rulers will allow them. Gots to own Russia and send money to globohomo
>>19661 (OP)
Every person on the internet is a white male from the US until proven otherwise
>>19661 (OP)
>be american
>get fat
>pay 1000000 usd for bandaid at hospital
>get shot

>be european
>pay 1000000 euros for ability to turn on light bulb
>die of hypothermia in winter

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