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We've just got the thread on fat fetish tropes you love, so why don't we spread positivity to balance it out. Post the tropes you love whether it be in art or writing.

>Mother fattening Daughter (intentionally or not). Doesn't have to be incestous before anyone starts.

>Unwilling weight gain is way more appealing to me than intentional gain. Something about it just seems much much more genuine ironically?
>>19602 (OP)
>We've just got the thread on fat fetish tropes you love, so why don't we spread positivity to balance it out.

Did you have a stroke while typing this?
I like seeing women touch a BBWs fat assets and commenting on how much they enjoy them.
So many come to mind.

>Dominant feedee uses her position to be spoilt and fattened up to enormous sizes
>Loving couple gets extremely fat together
>Foreign women moving to a western nation and indulging, becoming super obese in the process
>Hot, bitchy girls becoming fat and entitled whores
> A slow, believable descent into pure hedonism. The stories that pull this off are worth their weight in gold.
> Soft enabling. As in, nobody is forcing her to eat dessert every night, but she will ask for it and she'll get it.
> Contrast. I love seeing a fat woman next to somebody a quarter of her size.
> Slob when done right. Not to excess, but sometimes a big lady is gonna rip one after a huge meal. It's just authentic.
> Loss of self control. If she's hungry she eats. If she's horny she fucks. No second thought, just do it.
> Stretchy pants in motion.
> The rhythmic bounce of a four foot wide ass.
> A woman who knows she can manipulate her partner by doing "fat things". 400lb woman whines about wasting away to "convince" her partner into getting some McDonalds.
> The idea of a woman spending an entire day parked on a couch grazing. Her fat ass spilling to all sides as she idly masturbates and snacks.
>Deep, brassy belches
>Belly jiggling
I guess it's not fat-specific but I love when a woman is holding her own boobs in a pic.
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