
(46 KB, 800x450, angry.jpg)
Vent out all your frustrations here. Here's mine
> Bursting, jesus christ
> Fat art where the arms and legs don't get fat. It's borderline inflation imo.
> Souless eyes (looking at you MistyStuffer)
Ditto on bursting
>unrealistic/record-breaking weights. blob art is one thing, but it really takes me out of a story when the girl suddenly weighs >1,200lbs
>anything involving fat people with penises. probably more of a nitpick on my part, but definitely a total boner-killer for me
>the utterly constant infighting and arguing about fucking nothing. mostly thinking about fat art threads over on /d/ on 4chan, but this applies to certain boards here too (as has been dicussed at length in other threads)
majorly autistic nitpicks:
>cranes etc as aids for immobility (in stories etc). I know these do exist IRL, but I don't find it sexy whatsoever to read about them. the mental image of a very fat person being lifted by a crane to take a shit (or whatever) just makes me cringe/laugh
>people who don't have any kind of medical background/knowledge trying to write serious health stuff. bit of a tangent here, but this goes for pregnancy fetishists too. as a medfag myself, I read way too much stuff that's just so flat out silly (and/or clearly written by somebody who knows fuck all about medicine, anatomy or biology) it kills the vibe. and look, it's a bit different if you're going for a gonzo/not meant to be realistic vibe. but if you're going to try to be super realistic, do it properly or don't bother. /rant
Second the gains where arms and legs are left out. Looking at instant girl
>Characters being far more mobile than they should be at a particular weight. 600lbs fatties walking about like it's no issue or 900+lbs fatties walking pretty much at all (unless it's extremely assisted) just pisses me off.

>The saxxon effect. As in girl goes from slender to chubby to morbidly obese to immobile. What happened to the inbetween?

>When a piece of art or a story becomes more of a slob fic than a wg fic. I like slob but when more of the emphasis is put on it I clock out.

>Mobility scooters. I can't not think of some ugly fat fuck at Walmart or that snippet from South park. Total shite

There's probably more but I can't think of them all right now. I'll reply if they come back
Saxxon is a guilty pleasure for me. When you said mobility scooters though, I got Nikocado flashbacks.
When I use the term "saxxon effect" I'm only referring to that trope. I fucking adore saxxons other work, (single pieces, the rare occasions where he actually does a gradual gain). It's just he's so fucking prone to doing this like he's so close to greatness
I third the dislike of gains where arms and legs are kept skinny.
>Anything that involves males being fetishized. Can't fap to fat women when there's a dick involved, or when there's an ugly ass fat man taking up what could be more of a fat woman.
>Visible health issues, like being in a hospital bed having medical tubes stuck in them.
>Inconsistent pacing of weight gain between multiple characters, where one character is massive from the start while another starts thin, but even though they both eat the same amount and types of food, the massive character gains little to no weight while the thinner character gains rapidly to the point that they catch up to the massive character.
>Weight swap sequences. You know what you're getting from the start of the sequence so there's no surprises to be had.
>MOST fan fiction; occasionally it's done well, but it's usually a red flag that the writer isn't creative enough to come up with their own characters.
> "She woke up in a dark basement..."
> Major health problems. Some is okay but it shouldn't be the main focus.
> Anything emphasizing sweat or body hair. Again, fine for a brief mention in a more slob-centric story but I don't want three paragraphs about the crust in some woman's belly button.
> Anything involving male WG or M2F
> "And then she grew 5000 feet tall..."
> Diapers / infantalism.
> Anything where the character is obviously underage.
> "FRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT" every third line. A bit is okay, but so lazy in a slob story. Same goes for "BWOOOOOORP"s and breaking up every word with chewing.
> "...and then she shat all over the bed." No.
> Stuff with magic immediately puts me on alert to back out. Has to be done extremely well for me to be interested, but too often it's a lazy plot device.
> Extremely unrealistic weight gain or size discrepancies from the real world. "After her third burger, Kelly noticed that she had put on 140 pounds, and her size medium shirt was stretched tight!"
> Single paragraph stories or chapters. Short stories are fine but at that point why bother.
Forgot to say this too, but one thing that really turns me off is lip expansion in wg. It just looks too weird
>stories where the writer is clearly pulling weight numbers out of their ass
like, I've read stories where a character reaches 4-500 lbs at an early stage in their gain, and are written as if that's not already a gigantic weight to reach. 300 lbs already looks huge on a girl of average height, 500 lbs is like the absolute maximum size for someone to remain fully mobile
>blob fatties
at a certain point, USSBBWs just look very fucked up and/or clearly outside the possibilities of human anatomy. kills it for me
>tube feeding calorie goop
I get it, your character is so far gone that regular food won't cut it. to me, it's just no fun
When their goal is immobility. Yeah, try and die over a fetish that'll only give you brownie points online and nothing else. Fuck being able to function properly later in life and be bedridden before you turn 40.

Double chinned-retards.
>try and die over a fetish that'll only give you brownie points online and nothing else

As opposed to the other worldly pursuits that reward you with extra karma to bring with you into your next ascension. You could easily make the same claim about free climbing.
Vore isn't my thing, but dear lord It's like these people think the insides of stomachs look like the wavy pattern inside Prince Froggy's stomach from Yoshi's Island.
>please eat and kill me

Majority of stories being about weeb or unoriginal content
>oni chan funnel feed me
>katsumi fujiwara was the fattest in her highschool

25+ chapter stories that have like 50 pounds of gaining

Fantasy Feeder premium content!
Patreon WG stories

>>You could easily make the same claim about free climbing.

There's a huge difference between a hobby that you do on the weekends and a lifestyle that is 100% guarenteed to be negative on your health. I see more fatties in the hospital or killed over from a heart attack than dudes falling to their deaths.
If you reduce it to "things that will kill you and just get you brownie points on the Internet", then no not really.

>>things that will kill you and just get you brownie points on the Internet

Thats only if you view it like that. You can get brownie points without eating yourself to death.

What does a woman gain in the end after becoming immobile and morbidly obese? They're not getting rich since most of them live in shacks and/or assistant living. They can't function in society or let alone conviently leave their house. And despite what the community thinks, the only men who'll sleep with them are Ben & Jerry.
>>19590 (OP)
This idea that if you were 1k pounds and immobile that the person making you fat and care taking for you is the dominant one and the submissive person is the immobile one.

I understand fully that the dynamic people are going for is
>Oh daddy you want me to eat more for you? but im so fuuuuull, but you're the boss so I'll obey.
but in every other circumstance the care taker is basically a servant. Get their food, do their chores, clean them, provide for them in every way they are physically unable to basically. a servant is not dominant. at best a relationship like that is a switch one where partners trade off who is dom and sub.

Why not just lean into it and be like a jabba the hutt archetype where you are that big because of the influence you have over your subs?
Most of Saxxon's works lean into that, and that kinda seems like a driving point for them.
>>19590 (OP)
Bursting, Slob (not the mild shit i'm talking about fuckers who add in farts, scat etc.) Femboys (when they literally draw a fat woman and say they are a man) Futa(which nearly all Japanese artist seems to want to dabble in) are shit I absolutely hate.

Nitpicks are shit like when people make fetish stories/comics and have it sidelined a good deal of the time (looking at you Kip)
Same face
Overly thin arms in comparison to the rest of the body
Excessive hair
there's more but I can't thing of them at the moment
Ah, good ol' deviantart and their insistence to uses bases the wrong way. God, I hate that website, especially what its become in recent years.
I hate the sight of lube on 99% of black bbw asses. I can feel my tangential racism rising.
It's better in concept than execution.
I swear one of the older threads about this said that there was an SSBBW model sung a Sesame Street song in a video or something. That just makes me laugh my ass off ngl, but is a total boner-killer
>(when they literally draw a fat woman and say they are a man)
This shit is so weird, artists like adiposesaleswoman draw feminine men which is cool, but the whole draw-a-woman-and-tag-it-bhm shit is tarnished af
This base is genuinely worse than those Kphoria-esque Sonic OC ones from years back.
Even worse is that this one just invites swarms of talentless hacks who can’t draw for shit but pump out gigabytes of shitty base “art” and flood search results

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