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Just kind of a rant but back in the dating scene and man, trying to find a cute, fat, smart, non parent, interesting girl has been a reaal challenge. I understand that's a lot of boxes to check for any dating but it just seems real difficult to find a prime woman through all the chaff, so to speak. At least where I'm at, you got cute, smart, interesting college educated girls, but they're mostly rail thin. Ones that i'm more physically attracted to are all single mamas, uninteresting bios, seem frankly pretty dumb. Just not exactly impressive candidates.

i really wanna stray away from misogynist, incel, or classist dialogue here, but is this a result of the correlation between obesity and inaccess to things like college education/poverty/single parenthood, etc. etc? Fuck me man, I think this is largely just the depressing reality of modern dating via apps regardless of fat or not but it's got me down.
Honestly I'd settle for a bigger girl who didn't spend all her time obsessing over where everyone is on the persecution ladder

yeah... The educated fat girls seem to kinda suffer from this I've noticed. Been chatting with some cute girls that check most of the boxes but just obsess over idpol shit. And don't get me wrong I'm no right wing fascist but when idpol becomes your whole ideology and you rank everyone in life based on perceived privileged and shit, its just insufferable. You can really OD on university lol.
>>19423 to be fair, fat women are pretty persecuted in general society, so it makes sense that they care about it. youre unlikely to find a smart fat woman thats not a leftist.
>>19422 (OP)

>i really wanna stray away from misogynist, incel, or classist dialogue here, but is this a result of the correlation between obesity and inaccess to things like college education/poverty/single parenthood, etc. etc?

Yes. I don't like it either, but it is what it is.

Yeah I agree. I feel bad for fat women like everyone hates on them needlessly, and it has pretty real material consequences. Fine with leftists, I'm one myself but there is a fine line between understanding idpol as an acdemic lens of viewing social issues and having it become your whole everyday worldview imo.
Many years back I matched with a fairly plump girl on a dating site and at the time being 18 I was super pumped.

98% match according to the site.

It said Atheist on her profile and somewhat serious about it (I'm a godless heathen too so I was pretty happy about this)

I was going to message her and decided to read her bio fully.

Seemed fine except one line "I'm into Saddlebacking".

At the time I was well aware of a lot of sexual act names but never heard of saddlebacking so I figured it was some sort of horse treking thing like you fill the saddle bags of a horse and go on a trek getting the tent out at night and ride during the day to a new location. Sounding kinda cool.

The phrase kept sticking in my mind though and I decided to leave it a day before messaging her.

Next day I went back to her page again and thought about messaging her and decided to set my mind at ease and google the phrase.

Yeh turns out it wasn't something innocent and threw her entire profile claims into doubt especially the Atheist part.

I didn't message her in the end because seriously just that was such a deal breaker
Literally just find a thin qt that's wife material who doesn't outright hate food, and fatten her up. Women naturally conform to you to some extent over time. In a Western country this should not be difficult.
>>19422 (OP)

I agree with you. And I hate to sound like a misogynist, but it's the sad truth.

BTW, who's the chick in the picture? She's cute.
Lol. Smart leftist, like military intelligence.
Ayo I was actually thinking about this the other day, so I noticed something while I was waiting for my friends outside a gas station, what I noticed was there were a few guys who didn’t look too bad with women who are at least over 200lbs, the way I see it there’s three options here, 1. These guys all like fat girls 2. They just settled for whatever they could find, or 3. These women all looked better before but because they’re in a presumably happy relationship they didn’t really care/notice/mind gaining weight. If 3 holds any water or any truth than I think it’s honestly more feasible to just meet a girl you think is cute and like talking to and vice versa and as long as she’s not a health nut there’s a very real chance that if you just play the waiting game she’ll gain weight eventually. What y’all think?
>>19447 chick in the pic is obesityglorifier. Hott. Dime piece
>I feel like an outsider in mainstream society because I'm fat
>LGBTQBIPOC+ feel like outsiders too
>we have so much in common

For most fat women, it really is that simple, and you shouldn't take it any more seriously than they do. If you react to this attitude like it's some footnoted political manifesto that you have to refute with peer reviewed sources, you're playing yourself.

The ones to avoid are the ones who actually take the ideology seriously and are going into a career (journalism, academia, nonprofits) where their income and social standing depend on agreement with it.
I'd settle even for a skinnier girl that was like that. Seriously sick of this high school diploma marxist mind virus that has infected so many beautiful women. Half the time they don't even know what they're talking about, haven't read jack shit about it beyond Tumblr posts
My brother in christ it's simple, being smart, interesting and a non-parent all require second order thinking/future oriented thinking.

Those are qualities that require putting in a lot of effort and often sacrificing dealing with an uncomfortable present to achieve a better future.

Being/getting fat requires the opposite of that. it's totally present oriented thought and it's the easier option. Just do nothing, don't worry about the consequences and let it happen. It's like the physical embodiment of not putting in effort.

I mean I'm browsing a fat fetish forum just like you, so I'm not trying to be a hater here. It's my opinion that you've got to accept the ideological/philosophical implications that come with fatness if you wanna date someone that embodies this fetish. Particularly if they don't share this fetish themselves and they just got fat by living at their own pace. (I guess actively getting fat requires effort?)

Anyway if you can't settle for less your best bet is probably >>19440

or just date a bunch of fat chicks and try to introduce them to your interests. They might come around. As the anon above said women will gradually conform to you to some extent over time.
Yeah.. ya know there's plenty of fish in the sea and so there are intelligent, beautiful fatties out there, I've had the pleasure of dating some. But I gotta say man its hard to find. Just yesterday I went on a date/hookup with a chick who I was frankly astounded by how little was going on up there. Just no real intellectual stimulation, no interesting hobbies, passions, beyond smoking weed and marvel. Like man, give me something to work with here. I felt kinda sorry and bad, like I dont wanna pretend like I'm enlightened or anything, but as a person you have to self actualize a bit. Develop a personality. Gave good head though.

I am hesitant to fully attribute fatness and its ideological implications of sloth and gluttony to the low quality ness of of the dating pool, mainly because I don't want to. I think this is the repercussions of a society in consumerist excess and internet poison, wage slavery and deterioration of social mobility, and perhaps it is more poverty than fatness, although the two are linked. I know some ppl hating on my man Marx in this thread, but I think it does all come back to the decay of capitalism tbh.
I mean, it depends on what “high quality” means. I will say, in my experience you’ve got to get off the dating apps. I think a lot of fat women, especially the ones who are smart and interesting and not desperate, stay off tinder because they know they’re going to get a lot of idiot men harassing them for their weight. You gotta meet someone in real life.

And if you’re not already, you also have to be open to women who are just a little chubby, not super fat. Most active, interesting pretty fat women are only slightly to moderately overweight. You’re probably never going to meet a Boberry or Roxxie in real life.

And as like a general dating tip, look for fat women who are well dressed. Obviously it’s harder for fat women to find nice clothes, and in my experience, well dressed fat girls are usually the ones who are confident and interesting.

And I think a big reason it can be harder to find fat women you like in real life is that most regular fat women hate their bodies. People who are really insecure and hate themselves do not make good partners. It could also just be the area you live in. I have the same problem because I live in a city that’s really into exercising and health and wellness, so there’s just fewer fat people in general.

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