
>We need to talk about Warner Bros. Discovery

No we don't.
>No we don't.
Yes we do, Disney is actively destroying society and we're just sitting by as the monolithic corporation continues to do so. It's downright insidious.
>>19405 (OP)

Sir, we talk about fat women here.
WB is the reason that there's so much crime in this country and WB is the reason there's so much violence in this country! You are ruining our society with your shitty decisions and you should be ashamed!
When I was walking down the street once, Warner Bros smacked me on the back of my head with a lead pipe. When I dropped to the ground, unconscious, he emptied my wallet.
>>19405 (OP)

You two are probably pissed because they cancelled a cartoon that you liked. Which one was it? That Regular Show spinoff or the one about the animals at camp?
I saw Warner Brothers Discovery at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for cancelled shows or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen HBO Max subscriptions in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to piss off anonymous manbabies in /gen/,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each sub and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly..
kinda fucked up how many people worked on cartoons only to receive reduced or no payment because of shady corporate dealings. mfs got cheated. also warner bros discovery fucked my wife.
>Sir, we talk about fat women here.
Fat women and communism in the 1930s.
Worst part was when they got rid of the hardcore ssbbw porn cartoons, of different types of animation of all the various models gaining to immobility, being gangbanged, having feedism orgies etc, messed up how greed and capitalism always hits creatives the hardest

Are you talking about Camp Lazlo? That hasn't been on for years. Unless I'm unaware that they rebooted it.

Also, who cares if Batgirl might have sucked. Just release it anyway. People still went to see Morbious 5 times in a row.
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No I had to look it up. It's called Summer Camp Island. It has that gross devientart type style that weebs online like.
I agree with Warner Bros in this instance. Children don't watch any of these cartoons because they're made for adults. As much as Teen Titans Go gets criticized, it looks like something a kid would watch.
do you know that these shows are unpopular with kids? or do you just assume that anyone under 14 can't understand things more complex than teletubbies lol. I loved Gravity Falls when I was 12 and it first came out, I was hugely invested in its mysteries and interesting characters.
Would it be fair for me to say that artstyles kind of homogenized during the 2010s? I know cal-arts is a meme, but I feel that artstyles kind of regressed to 80s action cartoon levels of samefagging...except they're less pretty/cool to look at.
If I see one more dicklipped fatlipped bitch in a cartoon...SU Amethyst face style is horrid
the styles got a bit simpler I think, but that allowed shows to animate their characters more fluidly. I think some shows look bad, but there have always been bad looking cartoons. The good cartoons these days still look appealing imo. more variety would be nice though.
Imagine coming to a porn board and having an actual discussion about animation styles. The next time you read "touch grass", even if it's not directed at you, it applies to you as well.
sir this is a wendy's

Well I don't have to imagine anymore. We need more conversation pieces other than bitching about which SSBBW is hot or not.


Counterpoint would be Simpsons, Family Guy, Rick n Morty, and even South Park. Animation style alone doesn't dictate what kids will watch or not.
Bobs Burgers literally flopped in the theaters because nobody wants to watch adult animation.

Yes, Kids like Spongebob and the Loud House. Warner Bros shows have always been a flop. Freakazoid, Tiny Toons, and Animaniacs were cancelled because the film humor just doesn't translate well on TV.
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We need more conversation pieces other than bitching about which SSBBW is hot or not.

On a site specifically for talking about and sharing content of e-thots and models.

>>Bobs Burgers literally flopped in the theaters because nobody wants to watch adult animation.

Ah yes, one bad movie as opposed to 13+ seasons on TV and going. YEAH, nobody wants to watch adult animation. Next you're going to tell me that Spongebob is flopping because the 2nd or 3rd movie did bad. Or how the Powerpuff girls was a failure because their movie flopped too.

>>On a site specifically for talking about and sharing content of e-thots and models.

Nigga, this is a chan site. I can write an award-winning novel on here if I wanted to.
Not really, Warner Bros-Discovery has been cutting cartoons because they don't want to pay royalties to the talent.
You can if you want, you just look retarded either way

As if being a retard is a bad thing now. Fucking clown...
I think NOT.

Here is my truth. People love adult animation. But people don't want to watch it in theatres. Theater ticket sales aren't a good metric for adult animation.

The best part about adult animation is it is usually short form, good episode structure, and being a show as opposed to movie leaves a lot more room for character development.

Some animated movies are great and fit the format, sure. That usually fits more action oriented stuff, and even then people would rather watch it at home on their own tv.

Nobody wants to sit in a theater watching a slice of life tv show like bobs burgers stretched out to 2 hours.

Theaters are for when it is "The next big movie" that audiences are too impatient to wait for and they want "the proper movie experience"
I disagree because the top grossing animated movie in America is Dragonball Superhero according to box office results. Theaters in America are limited to Lowes, AMC, or Regal Cinema. Dragonball's runtime is around 1 hour and 47 minutes and it's paced well despite theater tickets being $20 and snacks being another $20-30 bucks. American Animation doesn't sell because it's expensive to make and does not make it's budget back. By contrast, Japan has a penal battalion of animators who can render Bulma and Cheelai's ass while the mangaka get the royalties from all the merchandising and printing. Bear in mind that Dragonball Movies used to be 60 minutes long, and recently as early as Broly started clocking in over a hour.

Warner Bros is flopping because company owns Looney Tunes, D.C. comics, C.N.N and film, but they compete against each other for the budget. Recently, C.N.N. has been flopping because newscasters think people want to see lawyers and seniors talk about Muh Watergate, or Muh Nixion. By contrast, Fox News retained viewers because Tucker Carlson doesn't come across as a boomer. As for animation, people want to see Garfiled or Peanuts, or Beetlejuice, or Popeye. Looney Tunes works in small doses.

>> People love adult animation. But people don't want to watch it in theatres.

The Simpsons Movie did over half a billion in the box office. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut held the record for highest grossest rated R animated film for the better part of 2 decades. Bob's burgers is a bad example since it ended up with a limited release, which in turn most people had to watch it at home.
Nobody watches either of those shows. The Simpsons shifted the focus away from Homer to Lisa and South Park has gotten stale with those Randy episodes. I don't know how, but Cartman making his girlfriend fat and miserable is less evil than Randy selling weed.

>>Nobody watches either of those shows.

Yet their COVID specials have done big in viewership. I'm tired of you armchair analysts acting like a show isn't doing well just because you and your little group of friends don't watch it.

"Hurr Durr stale Randy Episodes"

Fuck off and get out of your bubble.
Thank you. I'm so tired of these types pretending no one is interested in these major shows because they're above them. The Simpsons Movie and the South Park movie were major events in their time. They're still doing stellar despite not being what they used to be. Instead of getting actual discourse on the merits of animation geared towards a mature audience, we're told to watch the stuff marketed to kids and appreciate what little there is for all ages. Fucking sick of it.
How, is South Park even "stale" nowadays?? It's still fresh today!
Spongebob is the highest rated cartoon to the point that Squidward, Sandy, and Plankton are getting spinoffs.What has Weed Man cartoons done to inspire the industry aside from tell poop jokes?
That's not inspiring the industry, that's milking their consumers dry. You can't be serious.
I am serious. Spongebob and the Loud House are the only two cartoons that are highly rated. The folly of adult animation is that it's trying to recreate the word of mouth hype found only among the snootiest of art circles. South Park's appeal is limited by the fact that it's mostly about Colorado or pop culture jokes that don't age well.
WBD is getting sued.

>>South Park's appeal is limited by the fact that it's mostly about Colorado or pop culture jokes that don't age well.

Yet a show about a talking sponge and a Cheaper by the Dozen knockoff is somehow more interesting?

Yeah, sure......
Kids don't watch weed man cartoons. The problem with Warner Bros-Discovery is that most of the cartoons are made with college educated adults in mind. Most adults want to watch Pink Panther, Betty Boop Popeye, Looney Tunes, which is provided by ME-TV at 7 in the morning. When kids aren't watching Spongebob or The Loud House, they're watching anime like Dragonball, My Hero Academia, and Bleach, or Naruto. So how is weed man going to persuade both groups to watch their cal-arts knockoff?

As much as Eisner era Disney gets shit for bastardizing the brand, Goof Troop, Timon and Pumba, cartoons based off Hercules, Aladdin, and Winnie the Pooh, and Doug were good ideas.

Nigga please, I've seen so many south Park shirts at its peak in my school. Fuck off bubble boy.
Holy shit, what kind of Man-Child of the 80's is this garbage? "Kids don't watch weed man cartoons" the fuck kind of gatekeeping is this for literal children? Neck yourself you goddamn creep.
Oh God, aren't you embarrassed to be an adult watching cartoons and glorifying them? Are you some kind of incel?

Why the fuck do you care what other people watch? Kindly go step into traffic since you've proven to lack the ability to contribute to society.

>>Cranky cause nobody watches your lame cartoons!?

I guess that explains the multiple lawsuits that Warner Bros are currently in.

Fucking clown.
Simple: nobody actually watches these cartoons. HBO Max may or may not have been artificially inflating viewership to boost it's success. It's like how Cartoon Network have been doubling or tripling the runs of Teen Titans Go! to make it a success.
People were watching these cartoons, it could be that it wasn't drawing in as much viewership as say, Game of Thrones. They'd rather throw money on productions that would lead to a viewership in the millions versus productions with audeinces that are relatively smaller than it. I also figure it's the idea they have that cartoons are dumb and stupid and thus not worth their time. They probably also want stuff for an adult audience and to abandon kids/teens and instead focus on adult shows that are unfiltered in their content and message than a kids show with rules and restrictions of what they can and can't do and the feeling that the audience for such programs won't be as big as game of thrones in its prime.
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Warner Bros like their cartoons. They just want classy ass men cartoons and not that frumpy goth-nerd-indie cartoons where they talk about pain and suffering.
The top result for "David Zaslav conviction" is a fanfiction website 😂🤡
A lot of folks had to sign off on Toddlers & Tiaras, which I agree was horrendous. Plus it's based on a real thing, a whole culture of weirdo red staters who sexualize their young children for money. There's a word for that...

>>weirdo red staters who sexualize their young children for money

God forbid kids can't perform in beauty pageants anymore because of muh pedos. What's next? Banning cheerleaders at games or a strict dress code at every school dance or pro

Proceed to the nearest busy highway and play in it sperg. You and these other bored white faggots can fuck off just because some executive cancelled your precious little show.

Grow up and get over it bitch.
You guys are funny. I recommend reading the rules page. What you did there is bannable. Jolly good.

David Zaslav is an actual convicted pedophile, you fucking democrat.
I have no idea who guy is but I call bullshit on a convicted pedophile being a CEO>
You're a goddamn sperg for shouting this for weeks now without having a single shred of proof. Being the CEO of a company that greenlit garbage programming for the lowest common denominator (that includes you) to consume is not the same as being brought to court and having charges brought down for an actual crime. I swear to Christ I wouldn't be surprised if you loved Toddlers & Tiaras and are using this as a cover to find more sickos like yourself.

I don't care if he is an actual pedophile at this point, but stop pretending you know what "convicted" means. You don't.
I wonder if this is the higher ups deciding that animation is dumb stupid kids stuff and their money should be invested into the next game of thrones or some live action boundary pushing show or movie, not dumb stupid kids stuff that has a dumb fan base. I am not saying that kids/family stuff is dumb or that it can't appeal to a grown up audience. Just that the higher ups think that animation is inherently a children's medium or that the adult fanbase is stupid for liking this stuff. I imagine since HBO's demographic and focus is adult stuff that pushes boundaries. Kids/Family stuff has rules for what can or can't be said and done which those that make stuff for an older audience seeks to avoid. They also likely think that adults should like adult stuff and kids stuff should only be enjoyed by kids. Well written kids stuff can be liked by adults and it's a good thing because it's a sign about how well written it is. I have seen adults trash poorly made children's/family movies, so the adult fanbase isn't as dumb as they'd like to believe. Especially if they go into analysis over the material and favor it due to its representation of certain demographics (Race, LGBTQ+, disability, etc.) being well represented and presented as characters and not one-dimensional stereotypes as various adult media falls into. Underestimating the audience is what leads to poorly made art that aims to have lowbrow humor all the time. I also know that not all executives decide to make art that appeals to all demographics. Some of them decide to focus on an existing audience versus expanding their audience. Perhaps this is what the current executives of HBO are like. They figure they can make more money off adult material since adults have more money than kids and not off family material that appeals to multiple demographics that they can mass merchandise. They probably also think that somehow investing solely in adult only franchises may make them more money than investing in family franchises which can make more money as both kids and adults will support it and invest money in it. They probably also feel that the only franchises worth supporting are those that are existing and don't wish to make a new franchise. Ex. They'll support a Scooby Doo reboot or movie or soemthing involving Looney Tunes but would fail to support a new show or movie franchise because of the chance it will bomb. This is what we forget about making art, it can fail and if a company has numerous shows/movies that bomb and cost them money they will likely be out of a job. They likely go for reboots or adaptations of existing material because they feel that since the story is already written out and has proven successful. Making a new show/movie is risky because it can bomb, it can fail. Stuff like The Black Hole and Food Fight aimed to be a franchise or something big but ended up failing. Executives pretty much care about money in the end. That's probably why they removed stuff from HBO max and axed projects in development, that's why they focus on sequels, prequels, reboots, spin-offs and adaptations. All the executives care about is how much money they can make from a franchise and their audience.
Putting kids in beauty pageants, with makeup, high heels, and swimsuit competitions ffs IS pedophilia. It’s literally sexualizing little girls.
WBD recently announced that they're done with cancellations & tax-writeoffs.

It's almost as if, wait for it. Companies do this all of the time doing mergers and online man-children haven't seen to grasp that yet.
While I agree some of this is the cost of doing business, it's unfathomable to anyone outside of the executive offices to be almost done with an entire movie and then can it. The backlash of that and cancelling the streaming of other shows due to residuals must have been greater than any potential revenue to be saved.

>>it's unfathomable to anyone outside of the executive offices to be almost done with an entire movie and then can it.

It's so they can write it off their taxes. It happens all the time with TV shows. WB made almost 2.5 Billion back after their cancellation spree last summer.
Right, but that's what I'm saying here - "it's so they can write it off their taxes" is such an executive and accounting loophole they made a whole Broadway show out of the idea. To everyone involved and the fans waiting to see it, they're left wondering why did they even bother in the first place.

You do realize that these shows and movies are in production for YEARS, right? There's no way to tell if a project is worth continuing or axing before production starts. You're not going to say no and risk missing out on a hit or worse having another network take the idea.

And in between the time the idea is pitched and when it premiers factors such as a higher prodcution cost than initally thought, change of director/cast/crew, or even a change in the executive board and make a difference.

The executives will kill off shows and movies that millions love if it can make the company look stronger financially at the end of the merger.

Similar to the AOL/Time Warner merger at thet turn of the century. Or even the recent T-Mobile/Sprint merger that's going on at the exact same time.
>>24931 Okay but at what point does monopoly laws come in and the government does something about their abuse?

Cancelling a bunch of shows due to two companies merging doesn't call for monopoly laws. Now if HBO Max starting buying out and taking over other streaming services then yes you would have a case.

This is no different than when Disney bought out FOX or Marvel.
And you don't think cancelling a production right where the movie is about to launch isn't, y'know, needlessly cold to everyone who has put in that much effort? You keep defending the decision as good business but it's to anyone else it's capitalism rearing its ugly head yet again
>y'know, needlessly cold to everyone who has put in that much effort?

Do you think those executives care? Don't be dense. If you haven't figured out by now that the emotions of others isn't a concern to them, then you shouldn't be participating in this conversation.
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Warner Bros was always frugal with their cartoons. Porky and Daffy were more popular while Bugs is the mascot.
Unless you're a network executive shitposting on a piracy board you're on our side, dumbass. Public outcry means something when they cancel subscriptions in response to this kind of strategy. I understand WHY they did it, that doesn't make it the most correct or consumer-friendly choice and this sort of bootlicking doesn't help when ascertaining the wants of the customer.

On your side? Nigga I pirate my shit. Fuck you and everyone else who subscribe to streaming services. lmao, kiss my ass for bitching about your show getting cancelled. Next learn to not trust coporations for your entertainment.
looks like the AMC network has picked up the slack, though

what an awful example to have set
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Boomers love their Flintstones, Jetsons, Peanuts, Scooby, Popeye, Betty Boop,Batman, Superman, and Dragonball. They just don't like subversive millennial cartoons because it's just bad. Adults want adults as the protagonist of the cartoon. They don't want fetish art on Toonami like what happened last night.
>>24966 It's entirely possible, however I will agree that bad art is bad art whether you enjoy it or not.
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Nobody cares when Bluto tried to make Olive fat and Popeyes put her on a treadmill. It just plays more into Bluto's traits to use deception and Popeye's flaw of being a strict role model.


DragonBall is a Gen Y show ya dumbass.
Boomers in Japan like Dragonball

Nigga shut your retarded ass up.
>>24994 How'd you know? Who's your dad?

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