
(149 KB, 469x484, 2022-08-18 07_26_43-3b2a290b-ab27-4094-be14-58d1dbc47be6.m4v — Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing).jpg)
First: alicemars has this rather unfortunate (IMO, although please- I am curious if anyone finds that either unobtrusive/distracting/head shaking, or even LIKES that) tattoo, and I can't tell who it is- does anyone know?
Secondly- snapchat filters- when you're looking at videos of nude women, do you find it attractive when there's overlays of cat ears, big cartoon dog tongues etc?
I find it distracting and extremely ridiculous, and can't imagine anyone else would find it otherwise, but I keep seeing it. So either men like it, men don't like it but say nothing, or men don't like it and speak up but content creators are just like "nah I like killing the vibe"

for everyones trouble, here's something I don't believe has ever been posted.

have a nice day. Seriously.
1. I don't know who or what that tattoo is supposed to represent but I agree with you. It looks like shit. And I usually don't mind tattoos on women.
2. I put snapchat filters in the same category as false tan. Women do it for two reasons: they like it (and if a man dislikes it she'll call him a dickhead) and it helps to hide blemishes/imperfections in their skin (but they will never admit to the latter). You would think that onlyfans content creators would abstain from using snapchat filters knowing that most of their customers dislike them, but if anything, the fact that they continue to use them speaks volumes about how much of a seller's market the whole game is.

I know this is a bit of a tangent, but false tan is a pretty big turnoff for me. Which is unfortunate considering that I live in Ireland, where almost every woman wears it. Seriously, most white Irish women go around looking like oompa loompas. Thank God my gf is black so I don't have to put up with that shit anymore.
1. Looks like Richard Hell gone Goth, which is pretty bad to begin with, but the placement... yikes. Surprising a tattoo artist with that kind of skill signed off on putting it there.

2. That animal shit and really all filters suck. I have yet to see one that actually enhances a photo or video.

And while we're griping let's make lip fillers illegal. It might be the most dramatic disconnect between what women think looks good vs. what actually looks good in human history.
(184 KB, 492x853, 2022-08-18 09_24_04-c05ad94c-455d-4e4a-9030-427ab1b33a93.m4v — Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing).jpg) (142 KB, 494x628, 2022-08-18 09_24_26-a3aa45f6-5f00-442a-bf4c-a557c17f7a87.m4v — Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing).jpg) (126 KB, 494x610, 2022-08-18 09_24_42-a3aa45f6-5f00-442a-bf4c-a557c17f7a87.m4v — Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing).jpg) (126 KB, 367x602, 2022-08-18 09_30_06-38c7c95f-48bb-4f88-a205-2bffda920e03.m4v — Mozilla Firefox (Private Browsing).jpg)
I love tangents. that's what I'm doing here right now.
false tan we're talkin' spray on tan a-la Don Trump right? Not tanning bed tan; which while is certainly a look, reminding me of skinny college sluts from long island, I don't find too odd unless they are real religious about it. then it's these white girls who look like they're aiming for blackface but only reaching faux-arabic.
The only model I can think of that does spray on is Fluffy Barbie and it looks pretty silly. On the one hand, it's nice that she grooms and keeps up her appearance, and on the other... well spray tan.
The skin blemish reducers I can understand, although Id prefer them without- women are either pretty or not and that never makes the difference.
The background effects I find silly.
That fatviking image... I like those clips and the filters are relatively unobtrusive, but it's def a 10% reduction in enjoyment for me.
The ears I find terrible and make me lose wood and respect for the pornographer as a person (sounds funny to even write that)
the ears and tongue make me so disgusted I wince like I got a paper cut.

How dark is your girlfriend? I ask because I have a thing for stretchmarks and I think it's great how visible the faded ones are on darker skin. Although on very dark skin you don't get those nice ruby or violet ones. Ahh the trade offs in life. any feelings one way or the other on that?
I the incongruity of you pulling a black girl in the land of the fishbelly white (which I actually generally like lol. maybe not fishbelly, but indoor fat white bitch belly.)

Here's a little more stuff I don't think has been tossed about
Maybe the tattoo is a "zombie" version of someone. looks like it got in a motorbike accident
too bad so many women are the opposite of a blank generation when it comes to decorating themselves. Talk about love coming in spurts.
I like richard hell, but he's pretty much useless except as a fashion look- which he did very well. He's actually my placeholder profile picture on a social media account.
(144 KB, 380x505, Ripped hair.jpg) (130 KB, 337x451, stretch hair.jpg)
but I like these things a lot:
ripped front jeans (bonus for the color green)
gorgeous long hair
oh, and soft girl stomachs, but that's too extensive a topic... maybe
(137 KB, 774x551, Screenshot_20220818-114429_DuckDuckGo.jpg)
Oh my god you guys, this is literally a tattoo of the Jared Leto Joker, the notorious box office flop that managed to fuck up one of the most iconic characters in popular culture. Look at the slicked-backed hair, the eye makeup and the tattoo across the forehead. Perhaps none of you recognize it because you were sensible enough to never watch the movie kek

Getting a tattoo of anything Joker or Harley Quinn related is an enormous "I'm tacky and dumb" red flag, but at least the Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix versions of the character are from legitimately good movies.

I hate Snapchat filters too, >>19388 is right about why women do this.
>false tan we're talkin' spray on tan a-la Don Trump right?
Yup. Irish girls love it for some godforsaken reason.
>How dark is your girlfriend?
I said she was black but she's actually mixed race (half black and half white). She has a few stretchmarks but nothing too crazy. Which is in itself crazy, because she gained a shitton during covid and is currently trying to lose it. So you'd expect more stretch marks in this situation. You'd also expect her not to be cool with me being an FA (or for me to be cool with her losing weight) in this situation, but neither of those things are the case. She's actually a lot more comfortable with me being into her size than pretty much any other girl I've dated. And I have no problem with her losing weight if it'll make her happier and healthier although the malevolent/perverted side of me secretly knows that she's unlikely to be able to lose it all.
>any feelings one way or the other on that?
I guess I prefer stretch marks on white girls, but stretch marks are stretch marks. And fat girls are fat girls. If she has a pretty face and a big arse, I don't care what colour she is lol. As long as she sticks with her natural colour and doesn't cover herself in Trump tan. Although I was going to say in my earlier comment, if false tan was a dealbreaker for me (as opposed to merely a turnoff) I'd probably still be a virgin lol.
>the incongruity of you pulling a black girl in the land of the fishbelly white
It's funny you should say that, because there's actually plenty of black people in Ireland. Certainly in the towns and cities. But it may be worth pointing out that we just didn't really have much diversity at all here before like the 90s. Most black people here are either 1st or 2nd generation from Africa (mostly Nigeria and Sudan, though I have met some from Ghana and Mali and other places). Two of my best friends are 2nd generation Algerian (and yes he's black and not Arab) and Zimbabwean.
>indoor fat white bitch belly
Love this too honestly. My previous girlfriend was huge and borderline unhealthily pale but I loved it.
It is certainly the joker and I agree that it is the worst red flag when it comes to girls who want to appear edgy and 'crazy' and probably fetishize about toxic relationships.
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>>19387 (OP)
A tiny one is fine, but too much and she starts to look like a detention room desk.
Filters become obnoxious when that's all she post
I recognize that belly in first pic bottom middle! That's welovealexstorm? I could bury my face in that pillowy belly and be safe forever
She's what I imagine cavemen to have imagined Mother Earth to look like. The archetypal woman.
>Getting a tattoo of anything Joker or Harley Quinn related is an enormous "I'm tacky and dumb" red flag,

You mean you didn't like the year and of a half of all of these ethots and sluts dressing up as Harley Quinn thinking it's sexy?
That and people who unironically wanted a relationship dynamic like that lmao
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I would never have gotten the tattoo that said Damaged because he was damaged

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