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I dropped out of college a few years ago and lived the NEET life until I got a vacation job this summer, which I just got fired off (I allegedly didn't do the work well and got into a few arguments).
It was my first job ever and It reminded me hard of why I don't like working at all.

How I see being an employee it is that you're in a prison doing chores and getting stressed out over stuff that in the end either benefits the government or elites and isn't relevant to (your) life.

How do I afford being a NEET? Welfare for now. I live in a European country where if you're on welfare it's expected that you look for a job and accept whichever job the social service offers you. I bypassed this predicament by stating that i'm trying to get into university by studying for the necessary certificates for it with my free time, which is true. I could also show them two autism diagnosis and two IQ tests that "prove" low intelligence plus the fact that I got fired in a month if that wouldn't convice them.
>>19376 (OP)
So you abuse the welfare system by doing basically nothing while the average working taxpayer has to pay for people like you..? ;)

Whatever certificate you need, some people study for it while working 40+ hours..
NEETS are scum.
>>19376 (OP)

>>I live in a European country

>>Has the Singapore flag

Also imagine bragging about being a bum.
Jobs do suck and so I can't argue with avoiding them by any means possible. But as an oldfag who's known a lot of people like you, in the US and Europe, I'd recommend you find some kind of purpose, creative or whatever. I've seen what happens to you guys long-term and it's not pretty.
>>19376 (OP)
fellow NEET, lost my first job as a dishwasher in march 2020 due to covid and then I ignored my final assignment for my college course for several months so I failed that too (they even gave an extension of two months past the usual course end date for me but I just ghosted my tutors).

I never intended to do nothing with myself after that, but I just kept procrastinating for two years and avoiding anything stressful such as applying for things or talking to people or buying things or leaving the house or showering more than once every two weeks or contacting my college tutors. I signed up for unemployment benefits earlier this year and re-enrolled in college to finish the last unit of my degree (going back in september I think) because this was just going to go on forever and I'd fall further and further behind and lose potential. turns out sending a few emails and taking the bus into town once a week for job centre checkups isn't as hard as I felt it was. Still feel aimless and unable to do anything.

Living as a NEET into your 30s would be pretty awful (I'm 22yo); avoiding doing anything is not a fun or fulfilling lifestyle. working and going out sucks ass but you have to just build up tolerance I guess. I specifically want to do something with myself because my dad's dying of cancer soon and I don't want to be a complete burden on my mother when that happens, her finances are already ass. I've led my life trying not to ask anything of others and avoiding other people and it's just left me as a monetary and social leech. I just want my own income stream so I can fuck off and not depend on others.

to more directly respond to your post, I think you're doing alright. Getting a job that fits you (i.e. if you can't do social interactions you shouldn't get a job based largely on those) would help you build tolerance and work ethic, and you are seeking an education and not wallowing entirely in self pity. Don't let yourself stagnate, always be working towards something I guess.
>>19376 (OP)
Am a NEET haven't worked a real job since, well ever just did some college and odd jobs. Now I just do some online stuff to make a bit of cash and enjoy my abundant free time. Also the funniest shit is that wagies cry about NEETs and are delusional to think they'll be retiring the same way this generation of boomers are, it'll be very interesting to see what they do 10 years down the line, when the system implodes and it becomes evident doing the 9-5 for several years/decades was meaningless.
Lol seethe more britbong, enjoy working harder so your money can go more to a goverment that hates you and mohammed. lol
>it'll be very interesting to see what they do 10 years down the line, when the system implodes and it becomes evident doing the 9-5 for several years/decades was meaningless.

They've been saying this shit since the 1950s. It's been 70 years and the system is still going? When will it implode exactly?
Ameriscum talking about taxes and government is pretty rich. You have city laws, state laws and federal laws. your police treat everyone like an armed criminal and half your politicians and celebrities were friends with Epstein.

In the UK we can't afford police so we can do what we want. the tax service is so lax that no one checks if you are paying the correct amount unless you are earning bucket loads.

I suppose If I was american I wouldn't want my taxes going towards endless wars, ghetto welfare and Bidens diaper supply.

Mohammed is a nice guy BTW.
TV loicense innit bruv, blud ain’t got anyting on da queen and the 63% obesity rate innit
If Mahomet got into a fight with Pablo Borderhoppa, who would win? What about if we threw Andrezj in?
>In the UK we can't afford police so we can do what we want. the tax service is so lax that no one checks if you are paying the correct amount unless you are earning bucket loads.

Yeah, cause you twats waste $120 million a year to take care some old hag and a monarchy with zero power.

Do what America does and stick former leaders in a $200k a year pension until they croak and use the money for an actual police force instead of pansies with clubs.
No thanks, our monarchy adds to our culture. Something Americans will never have.

Ah yes, an outdated Monarchy that pays and treats their works like garbage. Remind us how much less a Royal Guard makes compared to a retail worker. Or how they burn through staff faster than McDonalds. Or how they forced their own family members to flee to Canada out of fear and racism.
>In the UK we can't afford police so we can do what we want. the tax service is so lax that no one checks if you are paying the correct amount unless you are earning bucket loads.
Sounds comfy. Taxes and being audited scared me so that would actually be nice to know no one gives a shit.
Shut up Ameritard, no one likes your shithole country or how you shit up every other country with your shit. It's gonna be great watching your shitty empire crumble. Yeah yeah I know, Trudeau is a dictator, but at least I'm not an American!
(62 KB, 500x656, 5h4fow.jpg)
>Yeah yeah I know, Trudeau is a dictator, but at least I'm not an American!

lol, imagine being content with a dictator. Syrup sucking clown.
>> 19462

The constitutional Monarchy is what happens when parliament got the richest and most powerful land owning family in the country and made them accountable to the public. In America the most powerful and wealthy families pay zero tax and are only accountable to their shareholders.

Countries that are constitutional monarchys: Japan, Netherlands, Sweden. Norway, Denmark, canada, Australia, New zealand.

Countries that are republics: Somalia, mexico, Syria, Iraq, yemen, republic of congo,

speaks for itself.
The states is looking better rn tbh
Even just housing prices
but go off
Bloody queen let scomo run the entire parliament. Neck yourself over london tower you disgrace to modern humanity

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