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If you eat healthy and are a muscular man what non processed healthy foods do you need to feed your girlfriend soon to be wife fatter in the most healthy way possible with as little damage to her fertility,organ function and longevity as possible?
What I mean by fatter is at most a bmi of 40 as anything above that is clearly suicidal
Another question is how do you maintain her weight and mobility?
My wife has a 40+ BMI and I managed to knock her up twice.
But now, a few years later, her health has declined to the point where she is exploring WLS.
OK but I would like her to live a long life and for many children on the way.
How do I Fatten her healthily?
I’d say just have her eat the same stuff you do for the most part with a focus on the carbs and veggies and stuff instead of maximizing protein. Naturally fatty food like avocados and salmon are good. Having her exercise is also a great way to keep her healthy as she gains. It’s not too hard to eat enough to gain while exercising.
What if you dont eat much carbs at all?
Only boiled eggs,lentils,brocolli and grilled chicken?
Carbs are just a great energy source. Super easy calories that taste good. Complex carbs like pasta and rice are ideal. I dont know why you wouldnt have carbs. The main risk associated with carbs is diabetes, but that can be easily mitigated with intermittent fasting and exercise. If you yourself dont eat carbs, just start having some and make sure she eats more than you.
I would recommend looking at how Sumo wrestlers gain weight. They mostly eat a kind of stew called Chanko-nabe with rice and they get huge but also do a lot of weight training to keep up their strength and mobility. Typically sumo wrestlers are considered to be very healthy for their size in regards to blood pressure and heart issues.

One thing that supposedly helps them gain weight is that they don't eat breakfast and sleep after every meal. This makes the body store the food as fat.
>>19273 (OP)
Ba pizdoiule nu te a invatat ma ta sa gatesti? ok cu glm la o parte, orice mancare bogata in carbohidrati (cartofi copti/fierti/peuree, pilaf, sarmale, orice este orez, faina integrala etc), carnea slaba (pui, peste) si produse din lactate sunt bune pt treaba asta, evita mancarea prajita si uleiurile din seminte, pwp
Nu am crezut ca dau de un roman pe aici
Care produse lactate?
I dont think a she-sumo would have enough time to clean the house,look after 5 children and cook

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