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Inspired by the fat teachers thread on this board, were there older BBWs in your neighborhood you perved out on growing up (or now, if you're young)?

I'll start things off with a nostalgic ramble:

1. I had a friend who lived around the corner with a mom I lusted after hard. She was a very short, cute blonde with a chunky, very round, VERY pear-shaped figure, with a thin face — my ideal. She was midsized at best but this was the 80s in a middle class hood (yes, I'm the oldfag who posted in the teacher thread as well), where almost all the moms I knew including my own were thin to barely chunky so she was notable. She walked with a waddle which kind of fit with her very friendly, bubbly persona. She was way nicer than my mom lol.

She was definitely conscious of her weight, and their kitchen had diet affirmations all over the place ("a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips" etc), and she sometimes made fun of herself in terms of being too fat to do such-and-such. Fucking nirvana. Yet she wasn't overly modest, either. She wore pants and jeans rather than skirts or dresses, usually on the snug side, so it was all kinda out there. I even saw her in shorts a few times in the summer when she was hanging around the house. I remember she'd cut slits in the hems and many years later I realized it was so they didn't bind her super-fat thighs.

Best of all, their family belonged to a private pool and she took me along with my friend a couple of times. She wore a one-piece that exposed her entire legs and some of her ass and I was shocked by how much cellulite she had on the backs of her thighs. I was 13ish and honestly it kind of turned me off because I wasn't ready for it, though now I'd dive into that shit two-fisted lol.

Unfortunately the friend and I grew apart as we entered high school so I only saw his mom rarely.

2. Another friend lived about a half-mile away in the rich 'hood, his family was wealthy and owned a few businesses in town. His dad was immensely fat — short (5'5"?) and easily over 500, which was circus-worthy back then. It was weird for anyone to be that size, but to be rich too was bizarre...

Anyway my friend's mom was a few inches taller than the dad, maybe 5'8-9", and fairly thin-curvy. She was a redhead with very short hair, a little odd-looking face but attractive in a "lady next door" kind of way. Kind of reserved and a little paranoid/suspicious of poors like myself but she warmed up to me eventually.

I've became friends with him in late elementary school, and this was the situation until we were halfway through high school and she suddenly blew up. And when I say suddenly, I mean it, because it seemed to happen all at once, where she went from slim hourglass to full-bbw, verging on SS in what seemed like months. It was like her husband's fatness had finally somehow infected her or something.

It was almost all torso, reminding me of SSBBW Lailani a bit, in that she was tall, and her arms, lower legs, and face/neck stayed relatively slim (again, my favorite) while her ass, boobs, and lower belly ballooned. So she was still somewhat hourglass, til she got really big and lost her shape, and her face fattened up as well. Most times I saw her she wore jeans, very tight, and her ass seemed gigantic. She had a serious rack as well, a real fertility goddess.

I saw her infrequently during this time as we didn't hang at his house much, mostly out and about as teenagers do, til they put in a pool* and he'd invite me and other friends over to use it. The way it worked was that we would get a few hours to horse around in the afternoon, and then we had to clear out so his mom could have it to herself. At that point we were banished to his room for an hour til she was done, and then we could go back.

Of course I was dying to see her in her swimsuit but she wore a big robe before and after so I only got little glimpses. Then one day we were up in his room and I think I went down to their kitchen to grab a drink or something. I remember peeking quickly out the window on the way that overlooked their backyard but didn't see her. I didn't want to get caught so I didn't dawdle, but as I entered the kitchen, boom, there she was in front of me — no robe, and looking HUGE. Her red one-piece was blatantly too small and had no support for her boobs so they hung super-low, almost to her stomach, and her hips and thighs were exploding out of it. Also I love the way a one-piece swimsuit contains and rounds out a big, fat belly and hers was the first version I'd seen live and in person.

She didn't freak, was actually unusually cool, maybe sensing my embarrassment was worse than her own, and obviously my invasion of her privacy was unintentional. Plus she probably assumed no teenage boy would be into a woman her size so it wasn't like I'd be gawking her — ha ha. She smiled, said excuse me and asked what I needed. I told her Cokes or whatever and she got them for me, giving me a great view of her as she did so, sideways, and then briefly the back of her. She had one of those really tall, chunky asses that was falling out of her suit as well, not much cellulite like the other friend's mom but a few dimples. Pre-internet, even my exposure to fat porn was extremely limited-to-none, and she was literally like nothing I'd ever seen at that point.

She wound up losing a lot of the weight a few years later, while we were in college, and the dad slimmed down a bit too, though he gained it all back and she stayed sort of mid-sized.

(* They belonged to the same private pool as the friend's mom above and I wonder if installing their own had anything to do with her getting fat and self-conscious...)
>Another friend lived about a half-mile away in the rich 'hood, his family was wealthy and owned a few businesses in town. His dad was immensely fat — short (5'5"?) and easily over 500, which was circus-worthy back then. It was weird for anyone to be that size, but to be rich too was bizarre...
>she went from slim hourglass to full-bbw, verging on SS in what seemed like months

As a mutual gainer with a wealth/hedonism fetish, I can't get this story out of my head now.

My most vivid "fat neighbor" memory is of being around 8 years old and going with my parents to a holiday party hosted by a family on our block. The family had a teenage daughter who was fat, and at one point I wandered away from the party and ended up in a different part of the house, where I passed by the open door to what must have been either her bedroom or some kind of spare TV room. She was alone on a couch watching TV with a ton of snacks at her side. (Not naked or anything, just retreating from the party in classic teenager fashion.) She had the 1980s "vertical ponytail in a scrunchie" haircut, so I could see her fat face and double chin jiggling as she ate. I don't think she even noticed me, and I was way too young and embarrassed to stay and gawk, but at that point I already knew that fat girls made me feel funny, and the image of her beached on the couch and stuffing her face is permanently burned into my brain even upwards of 30 years later. In hindsight she can't have been THAT fat (this was the 1980s in an upper-middle-class suburban neighborhood) but to 8-year-old me she seemed like she was absolutely enormous.

But in general, affluent suburbia in the 80s/90s was a bad place for a budding SSBBW lover. I've told it in a greentext thread more than once so won't repeat it, but the only SSBBW at my high school was an Arab girl and I blew my shot with her in an awkward conversation where I didn't realize she was a first generation immigrant.

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