
She wasn't my teacher, she was another classes one, but she couldn't go on a field trip because her hips were too wide to fit through the school bus door
Wow, that’s hot! Did people like her as a teacher?
The only truly fat teacher I can remember offhandedly was a Reading class teacher in middle school. She was a pretty frumpy, middle-aged woman, but she was still huge. Obviously, my classmates were repulsed by her, but looking back, adult me would probably be all over her.
Had a 350+ pounders of a chemistry teacher with a touch of heavy breathing and sweating. Her personality was nice and she was liked by everyone. Then one time she decided to get weight loss surgery and subsequently lost a huge amount of weight. Although she was now average sized she looked deflated and her face was much older (seems that fat stretches your face out). Along with this her personality changed. She was no longer as fun and now nobody liked her. A sorry state of affairs.

There was an older woman in the 400+ pound category with most of that weight resting in the most humongous arse I have seen since. Think Jennie Bombshell to get a good idea of this woman's scale. She was so wide and moved so slowly that she often completely obstructed staircases and hallways. Being late to classes was a heinous crime in this school but the mention of being "stuck behind Mrs. Suchandsuch" cleared the afflicted student of all charges.
I think my kindergarten teacher was probably the reason why I have this fetish because it’s one of my earliest memories about fat, but I remember one day we were all heading outside for recess and on my way out I wasn’t looking and ran right into her massive belly (she had to be at least around 350-400lbs) and while I can’t remember what it felt like anymore I could never shake the urge of wanting to shove my face into a big soft gut
I had a midsized but VERY pear-shaped high school history teacher. Thin above the waist, full-on BBW below — extremely unscientific, 35 year old memory says 230ish. She was decent looking brunette, youngish (early 30s), short-ish but not super short, 5'3-4". She was kinda cold and bitchy and not a great teacher as I remember but man I loved her class. She mostly wore skirts but every once in a while would show up in slacks and it was heaven when she'd turn towards the blackboard.

I had her all through sophomore year and she began losing noticeable weight toward the end of the second semester. Of course I had a new history teacher by the time I saw her again in the middle of first semester of my junior year, and she'd lost enough where she'd almost evened out her figure. It was significant to where the principal called it out during an assembly, congratulating her on her weight loss. Everyone was cheering for her while I was mourning.

I didn't see her again for a while, and she may have been on leave or something because it was a big school (2200 kids) but not ~that~ big. Anyway I was retaking my SAT as a first semester senior and she was a proctor. And to my delight and, unfortunately, distraction, she'd regained all the weight and more! She was wearing a long, loose-ish dress but the width of her hips was obvious, easily a yard wide, and she was still thinnish but notably softer in her upper body as well.

Cheating is a thing on those standardized tests so she was walking up and down the rows constantly. There was all kinds of space between tables and I was enthralled by how much of it she took up. She walked with a "switch" too, which emphasized the size and movement of her ass.

I did okay, a 1340 up from a 1220 on my first try but I'm thinking had she not been there I'd have easily cracked 1400... I guess not the first time a big ass negatively impacted a young man's future lol.

Second example wasn't a teacher but a secretary in the school's office. This was the 80s and super-fat people were rare, especially in my neck of the woods, middle class NYC burbs. Anyway this woman was IMMENSE, really the first supersized woman I ever saw in person. 5'4"ish and 450-500 — a real head turner. She had dyed black hair and was not very attractive, in her 40s, which seemed ancient at the time, but as a young FA just her existence was fascinating to me.

She was basically pear-shaped, wider in the hips than middle with a huge shelf-rump but really pretty big all over, yet with oddly small boobs. She had giant bingo wings, cankles like my thighs, and the tops of her feet exploded out of her shoes. I was at the office filling out some form once and she was guiding me through it, sitting across the desk from me. It was then I noticed how fat her hands and fingers were, like she had a hard time holding a pen, and super-deep dimples where her knuckles would be. She was a very heavy breather, even just sitting at her desk, and had a thick fat lady voice.

Her clothing was very weird and dated, dark pleated skirts and shiny polyester tops, which I later realized was probably because stuff in her size was probably custom made or from some tiny specialty shop 6 towns away. Most memorable for me, she wore pantyhose or stockings that made a LOUD rasping noise as she waddled around. My friends and I had a running joke that you had plenty of time to put out your cigarette or whatever because you could hear her coming from halfway across the school. Little did my buddies know I was diamond-hard any time we discussed her.
In middle school there was a bitchy middle aged Italian substitute who was the first woman I ever saw with that sort of extreme pear shaped body size. Chubby and stout and SUPER bottom heavy - her hips jutted out at a damn near 90 degree angle and she had an ass you could, for lack of a better team, see from the front. I didn't know that shape could even exist - this was a couple years before I became familiar with the Asshleys and Jennis of the world. She wasn't as flat out obese as them of course. Still really sexy.
I posted about her in the other teacher thread (christ, how long ago was that?) but I had a fat English teacher in secondary school (high school for you Americans).

She was pretty, in her early 30s, roughly 5'4", roughly 350lbs and carried her weight very well. She always wore good quality form-fitting business attire and always wore makeup and false tan.

She was a little bit strict but generally well liked. The other boys made fun of her weight behind her back, but no one ever gave her any lip in class. I obviously had a crush on her. She liked me (in a normal teacher-student way) because I was good at her subject. She actually took me aside once to tell me that I was the only one in her class who wasn't a complete retard - which was admittedly accurate but very funny in hindsight.

I got the top score in the state English exam thanks to her, but I didn't get the chance to tell her until I randomly bumped into her on the street years later. She had lost most of the weight, but objectively looked great. Arguably a bittersweet ending if you're a fat fetishist, but I was happy for her.
I have never had a fat teacher. Shit sucks man.
Never any really fat ones but a lot of pregnant ones.We had one English teacher when I was like 9 that I was obsessed with.My childish perceptions and my memory warped everything so I remember her as this huge, waddling behemoth of a woman who had to sit down every 5 minutes due to her huge weight.
In my first year of highschool we had Chem Teacher that was heavily pregnant, and generally really hot. Even when she was a total blimp I heard other guys talking about how much they wanted to jiggle her tits
I had several hot obese teachers that I wanted to fuck in to next week. There was one in particular who must have weighed over 400 pounds, had a massive belly, double chin and thunder thighs and always wore leggings. Amazing woman.
Two worth mentioning.

One was a high school Spanish teacher. She was probably around 250lbs, young, and extremely pear shaped. She had a habit of wearing as short of skirts as she could get away with, and form fitting clothes. She'd also walk around the room during lessons with a bar stool and plop herself down in random parts of the classroom. Most kids joked about her weight while I hid my boner. That class was rough.

The other was a teacher's assistant in middle school. A bit heavier, she carried it more in her top half. I think she knew that I was eyeing her up too, since it was middle school and I had all the subtelty of a freight train running through a living room at that point.
my fourth grade teacher was enormous, and definitely helped shape my tastes prior to puberty. Didn't have many fat teachers as a student, but I have worked with a few. We had a new teacher who was maybe 5'11 and easily approaching 400. Dick was diamonds every time we were both in the office. Sadly, she got WLS and started acting a little unhinged (really forcing the extrovert act, neglecting her responsibilities, etc.). Shame, cause I would've made those rolls clap.
In 6th grade when as I was hitting puberty, I had a fat teacher. She was in her 40s-50s, so older, but hard to tell because she had a bit of grey in her hair which may have just made her seem older... Anyway, she was big. She dressed pretty modestly, but you could still make out her huge round belly, she was overall round, with a pretty thin neck/face by comparison. During this time I was realizing I was attracted to fat girls and I noticed some of the things she would do which I found hot. For one, she snacked alot. More than other teachers from what i noticed, i remember her finishing up one of her snacks at the beginning of class, a cup of yogurt with chocolate chips or something. She tried to sit up on the air conditioning vent, as many teachers would, they were these metal boxes about 3 feet high. Because she was short and so fat she couldnt lift herself up. she gave it a couple subtle tries before giving up and finishing her snack. She would also struggle up the stairs while taking up half the space which caused her to take the elevator
also got to watch a few other teachers/receptionists get pregnant and blow up. Some just got plain fat, not sure if they were ever pregnant. two of the receptionists in my high school were huge. One looked like asshley, could have been her sister. The other one was round as a ball and had a real hoggish look to her. She was so hot and she really put on alot of weight while i was there. she seemed to eat alot too and didnt care which was incredibly hot
Lastly, there were a few other high school happenings that werent teachers but are still relevant to me...
We had a parent day in 8th grade. This one girls mom came to see our spanish class, and my god. She was big and beautiful. Youngish for a mom and had to be 300-400lb (didnt really know how to gauge that back then) What i can say is that she completely filled up the desk seat and then some. I remember she was wearing jeans and I could not stop staring. I was amazed by how big and round her ass was and how it was somehow fit into the desk chair... The other memory was of a student. my freshman year I saw a girl in my lunch who blew my mind. She was a junior/senior and she was pretty big but not huge. She was black and had a big ass from what i remember, still not the best. What made her stand out was how at lunch she would unbutton her jeans after eating. I could be imagining this but she would go back up for a second lunch too. But what i remember for sure was seeing her around school with her jeans unbuttoned and her fat belly poking out a bit. Drove me crazy
>>19116 (OP)

English teacher in 10th grade. Looked like an apple shaped short Ginnifer Goodwin with huge tits. No idea what she weighed, but round for her height.
She wasn’t in BBW territory, but I had an English teacher who had some amazing curves. She was in her late 40s, curly blonde hair, adorable face and a disproportionately pear-shaped figure. Her upper body was slightly chubby, average size breasts, a little pot belly, then she had these amazingly wide hips, a big round ass and thick legs. I think she intentionally tried to even things out with her fashion choices, usually by pairing blazers or loose blouses with fitted skirts, pantyhose and high heels. It was amazing seeing her skirts cling tightly to her wide hips and butt, then the hem would always ride way up her thighs when she would sit down and she would awkwardly try in vain to tug it down a little. I don’t think she had any idea how gorgeous she was, which is a shame.
I had a teacher. She was absolutely enormous. A colossal titan of an Ssbbw. Think Sadie kinda shape. We used to have computer labs and I remember her squeezing her gargantuan ass past my shoulder in the computer aisles.

One of my favourite moments of those classes was when she would sit down on the office chairs that would compress down with weight. She would set it on the highest setting (despite being 5’3”) and it would flatten the seat ALL THE WAY DOWN to the minimum setting of the adjustable office chair. Some students would ask to have their chairs to be adjusted because they were either too short or too light. She took the liberty of compressing two chairs at once due to her laziness.

She would often snack on donuts chips and one day brought in a ice cream machine. This all may sound like hyperbole but it is all God’s truth. 100% fair dinkum.

Funny coincidence in the same computer lab classes from ages ago. I remember a student googling “disgusting stuff”. Search results are likely why I’m posting here today: a Plump Princess photo set came up. It caught my eye. The rest is history…
Just remembered this one secretary from middle school. She was a short, young attractive blonde woman who started when I was in 7th grade or so.

When she started she was about average weight, but she put on what must've been over 100 pounds by the time I graduated 8th grade. Just immediately blew up and got huge. I wasn't in the principal's office too often so every time I saw her she was noticeably fatter.
My home ec teacher in junior high was thin but one day she let slip that she used to be 350 pounds. It was a cautionary tale (she was teaching us how to cook, talking about portion sizes) but of course my imagination was stoked like a brick kiln. This was pre-internet so I couldn't look up old pics, unfortunately. Thing is, she was super-high strung, not a screamer but she vibrated and made us all nervous. Years later I realized she was probably jacked on diet pills.

One of the town librarians (that counts, right?) was a milfy brunette with an exagerrated hourglass figure — deep shelf ass and HUGE boobs. She wore glasses and dressed in relatively hot clothing for a librarian, no pants, but knee-length skirts, tightish blouses and wrap dresses (which are the greatest on fat women). I was a bookworm/dork and library regular from my pre-boner childhood so I didn't really "notice" her til I turned 10 or so. Then a couple years after that she gained a LOT of weight, very quickly, added like 1/3 to her ass and her boobs were gigantic and I started low-level stalking her, always choosing a seat near the front desk so I wouldn't miss it when she got up to do something. By high school I had more of a life so my library visits were infrequent, and they had her working the AV stuff so I didn't see as much of her, unfortunately.
> was thin but one day she let slip that she used to be 350 pounds
This is a bit off-topic, but you just reminded me about a coworker I used to have. She was pretty average (in terms of looks and weight) but we got along really well and I definitely fancied her. Unfortunately she had a boyfriend. But likewise she once let it slip that she used to be huge (she didn't specify a weight but she said she was REALLY fat) and that definitely set my imagination running lol
Almost every teacher I ever had was older than my parents. Fat or otherwise, there were exactly zero attractive ones. Even the interns; something about the way they dressed or talked made them not even sexual beings, let alone attractive or not.
I remember a middle school science teacher I had. I can't even recall her name. She wasn't hugely fat but middle aged and her ass was enormous and very wide. Kids used to chuckle when she'd turn around and write on the board. I do remember liking it.
I wasn't a fatfag until later in live, but there were 3 teachers that likely helped push me in this direction in hindsight.

There were two kindergarten teachers, both of whom I didn't have who were always super nice to me even if I wasn't their student (One of whom actually married my fourth/fifth grade(they condensed 1-2 and 4-5 to the same teachers with most of the teachers at my school) teacher, who was probably my favorite teacher of all of my schooling. Both dark-haired Jews. There was also a teacher's assistant who worked in the SPED department who was just starting in the system at the time who I can definitely say influenced my tastes, bottom heavy ginger, not pale though. Beyond that though there wasn't anyone really beyond a super based old(Late 50s) Polynesian woman who was also a teacher's assistant but in Middle School who I had no attraction to whats so ever but she was just a cool fucking person.
my middle school principal was this gorgeous ssbbw latina milf. couldn't even admit to myself back then that i liked fat girls but i remember fantasizing about her constantly. was very sweet too and conscientious. always waddling around checking up with everyone, badonkadonk bobbing with every step...i think being around her at such a sexually vulnerable time kind of shaped my idea of a perfect woman cause if i had a girl like that in my life right now i would've already proposed.
also one of the chaperones was this redhead milf. wasn't exactly bbw but had a pumpkincakez dumptruck she would always have in tight jeans. i think i might've spent like half of eighth grade staring at that thing.
One of my former high school gym and math teachers was a bit of a hot mess. She was a reasonably cute redhead in her mid 20s, pale skin, freckles, but always dressed in boring polo tops and shorts. She’d always been untoned and right on the borderline between average and chubby, which was pretty ironic for someone teaching gym.

Then one year she suddenly started really porking up. Her face got puffy and round, she started getting a big soft gut and thick thighs. I started to love gym class, I’d already discovered my fetish by then but had never seen a weight gain like this outside of the internet. She would often show up in ill-fitting polo tops, which made it easy to see her belly jiggle whenever she demonstrated something, and several times her belly flab completely spilled out from under her top. She would’ve gained at least 50-60lbs that year, if not more, and ended up a bit of a round, bloated, porky mess. As you can imagine, students made jokes and gossiped behind her back about it, including false rumors she was pregnant.

I didn’t see her again after I graduated but heard that she left the school a couple of years later. It turned out that the school was a bit of a toxic workplace for some teachers and that she had depression and a bit of a drinking problem because of it. That most likely explains why she gained so much weight and didn’t really seem to notice or care very much, but makes me feel a little guilty for enjoying watching it happen.
For my kindergaten-3rd grade school, there was this one substitute teacher who was huge, huge belly, big ass, I absolutely loved it when we had her, I would fantasize about her getting even fatter when I got bored sometimes
Had a pear shaped science teacher on the heavier side in maybe 3rd grade. She was explaining to us how animals store energy for the winter and asked us to guess how. After a couple wrong guesses I kid you not she literally slapped her belly (she was wearing this teal flowy top and tight blue jeans) and exclaimed that it was fat. (Knowing what I know now I’d say she was 5’7-5’8 and 240 lbs)

A different teacher in sixth grade was this short pale woman with a round face and a nice hanging double belly that jiggled whenever she walked. My ass was in the advanced classes or whatever so I didn’t have her as my own teacher but I would see her from time to time and goddamn. Lets just say she’s part of the reason while I love double bellies. (I’d say she was 5’3-5’4 and 270 lbs)
>>19116 (OP)
I'm in my early 30's, so growing up we didn't really have them with the exception of those that were old.
My grade 9 English teacher walked into the class in 2005, I knew at that instance that BBW was attractive to me. She was brunette, with freckles at about 5'4" at maybe 250 lbs, with a pear-shape and of German heritage; she seriously reminded me of Fiona from Shrek.

She was getting married within that year, but I remember my cohorts made fun of her weight and being in a tight wedding dress. I hid my fetish, but everyday on the internet when I got home I was searching stuff.

Eventually the teacher got pregnant and packed on alot, I hope she is doing well.

I had an English teacher who was assisting another teacher; this teacher was in her 20s and was just out of teacher's college. She was about 5'6" at maybe 170 lbs to 190 lbs, with dirty blonde hair and glasses and she was pear-shape; she was a total PAWG and those dress pants accentuated all of her thighs and ass.

Lastly, I after graduating college I worked for a school board in their IT department; moving equipment around and doing site visits. That job was awesome, it was BBW, MILF, PAWG heaven, all sorts of shapes in really great outfits. I could go from school to school and check out the scenery, no one would question what I was there for, because I worked for head office. Also that job paid for mileage on my fuel bill which was great. I really miss that job, but unfortunately I couldn't get into a permanent position.
This wasn't my teacher but ~a~ teacher... I went to see my niece in her school play years ago and was talking with my sister (her mom, duh) and a few other parents after it ended, while waiting for the kids to come out from backstage. In my line of sight was a tall, MILFy-hot, short-haired brunette. She was barely plump o/a but with a bizarrely huge, oddly shaped ass. She wore a too-short cardigan and dark, very tight pants so it was all out there, a pair of slightly squashed pumpkins 3' wide, 1' deep, and 2' tall, set really high on her torso with these big bulges on the sides like an extra ass — what I realized was an extreme case of VPL. For most of the time I was standing there she was facing away from me, talking to another parent, maybe 15' away so it was all I could do to keep my shit together while trying to carry on my own conversation. A few minutes later I was introduced to her by my sister, an English teacher who helped out with the play. Later my sister made a mild crack (npi) about her ass and I played along like I wasn't dying to bury my head in it. I can't imagine if I was 16 years old in her class, I'd probably die of blue balls.
there's this super thick alt girl from one of my classes in college that's a high school teacher now, and just my god. her ass and thighs are huge and she's just been putting on weight for years so her muffintop is really serious now. if i had her as a teacher i would've been seriously struggling lmao
This thread makes me sad that I never had any fat teachers.

But I want to ask a question: Anyone here been with a teacher? What's it like?

My wife is a 450 lb high school English teacher.
Lucky, what's her fat distribution and what grade does she teach?
She's out there doing God's work creating a legion of fat admirers.
Definitely, though she'd be more effective in elementary school/jr. high when that stuff is more maleable.
Does she have any hot weight related stories from school?
>>19116 (OP)
most of my fat teachers were frumpy and not even i could find them attractive, but i did have one science teacher in high school who came close. objectively attractive blonde, i.e. typical pretty scandinavian, about 5'9 and significantly pear-shaped. she danced on that border between being thick and attractive in a mainstream way for "normal" guys, but wasn't far off from being a bbw. had INSANE hips with little pot belly. on top of everything else, she was actually a decent teacher

best memory i have of her is standing behind her in gym class with my friend when she was the substitute teacher, and having her demonstrate squats. both of us couldn't keep our shit together
>>19116 (OP)
This was in primary school, and I was very young- so many of the details in regards to size are probably exaggerated as they were from a childs perspective. However, it did happen.

I had a teacher named Miss Francis. She was huge- probably about 300 lbs. She and another teacher whose name I forgot were the only two obese teachers in school and they always ate lunch together.

She was young, maybe 23-26, long dark hair and a chubby face, and waddled around the school. But that's just where the story begins:

We had a school assignment to make a model of a mountain we were studying. So I got the idea with my mum to make a cake. We put a lot of effort in, making this amazing chocolate and coconut cake and sprinkled the top with coconut frosting for the "ice capped mountain" look.

We get to class, all the kids get a slice- but this thing is huge. I am drooling at the thought of taking it home and getting to eat a big slice of cake every day. It's not as big as a wedding cake or anything crazy like that, but as a kid this was the largest cake i've ever seen.

So we all go out for recess, and when I come back (a little early for cake)? The cake is GONE, and there is miss francis and the other teacher licking chocolate off their fingers with a guilty look on their faces. She was a pear shape and seemed to barely squeeze into her desk, and the other one had huge boobs.

She tells me oh, it was just so well done that she shared it with the other teachers and that's why it was all gone but it was only those two fat whales in there. At the time I was so angry but looking back this was probably a formative moment for me in this fetish.

She also had a habit of accidentally knocking things off peoples desks as she passed because her ass was just that big. She would always blame them, and angrily tell them to pick up their stuff.

Hated her guts but damn

She teaches 9th. She's 5-7 and used to be hourglass shaped with a fat ass and huge tits, but once she passed 400 her belly became her main feature along with her upper arms.


She does. Late last year she was trying out some skinny jeans/jegging type pants at work, and a group of seniors walked by her and went "Daaaaamn, miss" because he ass looked ginormous. She's definitely been an awakening for some students.

She's also on her 4th desk chair because she keeps breaking them.
Tell me more about the broken chairs.

I bought her the first chair for her latest classroom, and after about 7 months the wheel base broke and she fell on her ass in front of her kids. It was a metal base.

Second chair the seat actually snapped so one side was hanging down. Usable but very lopsided.

For a while after that she used those blue plastic rolling chairs all schools tend to have, but her ass completely made it disappear when she was sitting on it. It wasn't a professional visual for the kids.

Her last chair's armrests have been very strained because she's too wide to fit in between. I've tried to tight them a bit but they don't want to stay secure anymore.
5-7 out of what?
That's her height I believe.
>the wheel base broke and she fell on her ass in front of her kids
Did she need any help getting up after she fell?
I had a teacher who was incredibly fat, SSBBW territory but she was super ugly and old so it wasn't really sexy. Ironically her husband worked at the same school and he was also super fat. We're talking like 600lbs territory.

In regards to sexy teachers, I had one in secondary school. She was chubby but not fat. I remember someone at school kept dropping pens on the floor so she would bend over the pick them up. I looked at him and we made eye contact and it was at that moment he knew I sussed him. But I was glad he kept doing it anyway.

Correct, it is her height.


No she didn't. For being so huge she is pretty capable of helping herself. She does get tired easily, but she's fully able to get herself up, and she's stubborn about being able to do so.
So back when I was in highschool i had a super hot bbw spanish teacher. She was young, (24 and her first year teaching) short and fat as fuuuck (5'2 and prob 280 to 300). She had everything that ticked all my boxes huge tits bigger belly a fat ass, italian. Found out a few years after i graduated she was fired after getting too friendly with her students. I know its gross and horrible but 13 years later i still cant help wishing i got to hit that.
Don't these people ever realize that working in education and porn are pretty much mutually exclusive?
Oh wait I'm an idiot
>7th grade science teacher was super mean and fat as fuck and never got out of her rolling chair
>9th grade algebra teacher was pregnant and got to watch her grow as the school year passed by
>12th grade english teacher was nicely shaped and had one of the nicest asses I've ever seen in person. One day she wore a long dress/sundress alongside the school jacket and that dress wasn't agreeing with her because when she turned around, you could tell her ass was winning the battle and eating the dress enough to see the individual folds and cheek division.
>Another time, she wore these super tight khakis and accidentally dropped something so she bent over to pick it back up. It was after we had taken a big test, so we had free time and no one was paying attention. Another kid and I were the only ones and we made eye contact after to confirm what we were seeing.

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