
(45 KB, 500x500, artworks-000453910350-ykk9ma-t500x500.jpg)
Subject title should be enough:

I'll start:

The fucking state of Omegle man
The fucking state
So many gay fat fucks pretending to be women because they also have a "straight guy fetish"

Had one I thought was a chick, she wanted to chat on KiK, fucking jackpot in this day and age. Sends me all these pictures of a very obese fat girl saying it's her, some amateur stuff not some obvious known webmodel. Basically spend the full weekend sexting via kik. Monday evening post work comes and I look and I can't find her on Kik but I do notice a strage profile picture I've not seen before. Click it and it's clearly a fat dude but the addy was hers. Call the dude out. Immediately blocks me and removes me as a contact.

2nd time. Person claiming to be a girl on Omegle suggest we talk more on Kik. They add me and I get them to send a belly picture. They fuck up and fail to properly crop the picture so I can still see part of the penis shaft. Call them out. Dude goes "Oh come on fats fat man and give me a chance." Literally all caps back "I'M NOT INTO DUDES AND YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE A CHICK. THE FUCK MAN I'M DONE". Literally as I'm blocking him he tries to send through 3 more picture that seemed to be him jerking himself off from what of them had loaded.

3 one literally today.

Persons says they're a 23 year old SSBBW says how there's so many rude guys on Omegle and it's nice that I was fairly polite and being a bit civil to start with. get chatting. A good 15 minutes or so in we're talking fat stuff and her gainning and about her fat body. Talk about how her belly is probably hanging quite a bit. She says yeh.
Dude then says "yeh it hangs far enough you can't even see my cock".
Dude: Oh come on I'm fat enough anyway I can't use it I'm basically like a fat chick.
Me: No Fuck No
Dude: Might as well continue you're a faggot now like me
Me: The Fuck I am you weirdo fuck.

Like seriously WTF is going on?

I had it happen on Feabie too.

3 fucking times

Gay guys messaging me going "Oh I'd turn you gay for me fat body"
Like Fuck no

How is it this fucking bad?

That's not even mentioning the ones who are most likely gay a fat guys pretending to be women who immediately disconnent on Omegle the moment you mention a female specific body part because apparently they're fine with saying they're naked and want to know what I'd do to them they immediately DC the moment you mention tits or pussy.

Oh and don't get me started on how suddenly Omegle fat fetish tags are also over-run with content selling bots.
I’m not reading all that shit, but what I gathered from skimming is you’re mad/surprised that people who claim to be women with your fetish on Omegle are in fact men.

No shit.

Go outside.
I'm with the Aussie on this one. You're a dumbass if you think there are gonna be actual girls on fat tags on omegle. It's fine for roleplaying if you're patient and don't mind talking to catfishes. But if you're trying to meet an actual woman, I cannot think of a bigger waste of time

1) It actually used to be pretty good, not for meeting women for anything more than a bit of fun for a little bit but used to have a pretty good success rate.

2) Not surprised. Just shocked how it's gone from them pretending to be girls to within minutes turning round basically going that they're a guy then getting mad when you won't carry on the same kind of chat with them.
Yeah you shouldn't expect anything else on fucking omegle lol.
But my biggest problem at the moment is all the filming in portrait mode. Just tilt your phone. And if you absolutely have to film in portrait, just make it so we see your as much as your body as possible. Why do so many of them have to film with half their bellies out of the shot? Or even worse when they only use half the screen, and the top half is just the fucking roof.
Filming in portrait is one of the worst things that have happened and so many are doing it lately, fuck off.

TikTok generation man, well that and the rise of a few other sites where they have a lot of videos in portrait mode or even almost seem designed as sites just for portrait mode content more.

If you actually go outside, you might find an actual woman instead of spazzing out over some dude.
(75 KB, 540x720, lips1.jpg) (74 KB, 428x720, lips2.jpg) (1.1 MB, 764x873, lips3.png)
I think omegle is clearly mostly dudes, but I'll contribute to the thread theme.

For me, it's lip fillers. They're a cancer infesting the community(and most women in general it seems) and they look AWFUL.
>turning your lips into a subscription service that degrades over time
>inb4 coomers respond YOOO I LOVE DEM BIMBO LIPZ YO
fuck off retard go simp on /ssbbw/
>>18978 (OP)
>Using Omegle to meet "people"
>Gets catfished
>Blames the Platform and not his methods

Bro, go outside, or at least use an app that ask for verification.
I can understand tiktok and shit, but when you’re selling a video for 15 dollars on curvage… at least don’t cut away half your body and belly please
THIS, thank you. An SSBBW I was talking to (and actually liked me it seems) literally got CANCER and then decided to cope by apparently.... getting lip fillers. Total turn-off i had to step away. And they're creepy by themselves but look like trash on her even more. Unironically it made me reconsider my stance on free Healthcare because she wouldn't have been able to butcher herself if she was too worried about paying chemo bills.

Women ☕

So much for not being an asshole. The woman is already depressed by being obese, having cancer, and being bald. And here you are leading her on and then ghosting when she tries to be happy in the face or certain death.

No wonder women turn batshit crazy. It's because of dudes like you
People not being able to see very obvious photoshops/morphs.
>>19708 (Cross-thread)

Lip fillers are a classic example of how women's fashion trends aren't about looking attractive to men, they're about signaling to other women that you're trendy/fashionable. Does any male actually find that look attractive?

I had a coworker (not fat) who'd had so many fillers and botox that her entire upper lip was paralyzed, only her lower lip and jaw would move when she talked. She looked like a cat. Otherwise a normal looking middle aged woman, and she was good at her job and had a pleasant personality, so I felt guilty about how much it grossed me out... but I found it impossible to shake that low-key feeling of being creeped out by her, it was literal uncanny valley shit.

Oh well, at least those goddamn caterpillar eyebrows that were popular for a while have finally died down.
They look ok when they are more subtle but some people take them way too far. I think that plump princesses lips are an improvement.
And if you stopped opening your mouth people might stop punching you for stating stupidly obvious things as though you're imparting some new unknown information.
There's stuff like Omegle but tht require verification?

Do go on, you have my interest.....
File lawsuits against corrupt unions against minorities. Make them cry to their wives & families since they like to fuck up everyone else household. Pro-NRA members are fed up & trigger ready. Bloodshed to get our point across
Bbwchan is the last place I expected to see fedposting
Not fed posting. Need name & location involved.
How big is your dick if you dont mind me asking?

Really? This is the first place that I expect people to shout out their political and religious bullshit narratives.
>I found it impossible to shake that low-key feeling of being creeped out by her, it was literal uncanny valley shit.
This is essentially how I've been feeling anytime I see a girls photos/IRL with lip fillers, so it's refreshing to see that I'm not insane. Look at caitidees, her lips are uneven. It's so off-putting.

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