
(996 KB, 244x170, doctor-who-wilfred.gif)
Well everyone...shit I don't even know how to say this. I've been a part of the FA community since Geocities. I grew up on all this. I met a girl, got married, and had kids. Wife was amazing and very involved in the bashes and OF and all that. Last saturday she died of a heart attack and I can't continue to be a part of /bbw/ of Feabie or any of this. Whatever will be will be, but I cannot be a part of it. Damn. Just no words.

Be great everyone. Do what's right, and don't let your fetish become morbid and affect your health. I beg you.
Fuck man, I'm so sorry.
oof, how old was she? are your kids grown up?
She was 33. Yeah 3 kids.
Fuuuuuuuck that's hot... Plz post some pics of her again, especially anything recent
Admittedly I was thinking the same thing but damn son issa little early don’t you think?
>>18694 (OP)
Skinny women drop dead from heart attacks every single day your wife could've died front this regardless of her weight
It was very much related to her weight. The doctors said uf she had been 200 pounds lighter she would have no problems. Her cholesterol and heart were in terrible shape. I didn't know.
How heavy was she though? Or like BMI?

Obviously this plays on my mind RE my girlfriend, who's like 330-350 with BMI touching 60. Typically that would be said to take ten years off of your life, but I'm nearly six years older, quite a drinker, and also not exactly thin (BMI like 32 ish). As women have a longer life expectancy I still expect to pop my clogs first
Sorry for your loss... of credibility.

Come on people. I know it's a big, diverse world and everyone processes grief differently but no one does this, at least not this way, 4 days after their beloved wife and the mother of their children dies.
"You think it was her weight, Doc?"
"I'm sorry but that seems to be the case. It was very much related to her weight. Uf she had been 200 pounds lighter she would have no problems. Her cholesterol and heart were in terrible shape."
"I didn't know... What uf she was 150 pounds lighter?"
"Look at the fucking wall — who's got the medical degrees here, Son? I said 200, I meant 200."
"Oh God... What will I do?"
"You know what you can do? Go to bbw-chan and warn every one of those twisted little incels. Tell them what you're going through, about the dangers of hyper obesity. Let your wife's death mean something."
"That sounds like a good idea. Super appropriate."
"Just one thing, Son."
"What's that, Doc?"
"Do it with a Dr. Who gif."
"Thanks Doc."
There's one of these threads come around ever few months. If you hadn't said 200 pounds less you might of gotten away with it.

And if it is the truth - getting sympathy from a chan full of degen swine, many of whom have a health/death fetish - then you are really looking in the wrong place.

Agreed. Highly skeptical.

Not that a fat woman dying of a heart attack isn't plausible, heart disease is a leading cause of death in the US... but the way this is posted makes it a pretty obvious fake.

OP can go ahead and prove me wrong, though. You said she was active on OF, surely you could share her page since that would've been public. Or if you deleted it out of grief you could give us the handle and we'll find it with the wayback machine.
Anyone who thinks this is legit, I'd like to talk to you about my prosperity ministry and Seychelles-based crypto fund.
Agreed. At 33 a heart attack is almost certainly some defect or random chance, unless we're taking 500+. I had a very fit friend in his 20s die like that. It happens.

I can't see a doctor specifying 200 pounds less would have certainly saved anyone. A real doctor would be much more up front about the uncertainty.
(84 KB, 511x497, the western artstyle.jpg)
gj op you managed to bait a lot of anons this time with your larp

but your texts still read like some deathfat porn novels written by a horny boomer

can we expect to see betty return in the next season?
I came in 10 seconds to OP's post btw.
Sorry for your loss, that said, you knew this going in, if you were an active feeder and you feel guilt that’s one thing, but is denying the happiness that a fat woman brought you and others could possibly bring you in the future worth swearing off fat admiration?
how do you do fellow degenerates
If OP is really grieving here, that sucks, and I am sorry. Makes sense to question everything under the circumstances.

Separately: whether or not this story is real, there are some things I know:

1. It's not clear whether how much of the heart attack risk associated with fatness is due to the fatness itself vs. a history of dieting and weight cycling.
2. Doctors act as though this is not true and treat fat patients (especially very fat patients) like shit. They stop being curious about circumstances and blame everything on fat.
3. People of all sizes can have heart attacks.

I'll let you figure out what to do with all that.
Op committed manslaughter?
>Op committed manslaughter?

Huh, maybe. Would make an excellent Don't Fuck With Cats-style doc series if we all came together to try and out this guy, no?
Right? WTF

I hope he just means he’s grieving and needs to take an indefinite time away
Your wife died at age 33, and you've used GeoCities...so you're about 40?

Top kek.
>>18694 (OP)
Damn dude I probably shouldn't bring this up because of how politically hot this topic is, but did she by chance get the vaccine and subsequent boosters?
But seriously nice bait OP

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