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Last thread bumplocked. Any salacious drama lately?
Babyfat and Mothra have been deleted/banned. Not sure if that’s salacious but they were annoying.
Garbage humans who weren’t as innocent as they played their followers to be. They stuck their nose in everyone’s business as traditional trolls to entertain themselves and then played victim like they are shocked people pushed back. Maybe feabie will be 1% less toxic now.
Mothra was a POS.

yeah fuck mothra godzilla could totally kick her ass
did the "coldstonesteveaustin's Australian adventure" storyline run out of steam already?
What’s the over/under (weeks) on BiggestMermaid’s next failed relationship that isn’t her fault.
>>18648 (OP)
Unrelated, but important: A fellow Lebanese on this corner of the web ? It's a pleasure seeing someone from here.
Okay, does anyone have any solid deets on why/how those two got banned?

You're never going to get any "solid deets". Just assume that the mods got tired of their shit and finally pulled the trigger.
>Garbage humans who weren’t as innocent as they played their followers to be
This. Allegedly, they took the credit card details of a literal retard(Coleman2020) and used it for themselves.(I haven't seen all screenshots but I saw them admit to taking his details one of the original threads. Like they admitted to it because 'it was okay because he gave it to them.' Lol.) Clearly, this didn't go as well as they expected, and they're now trying to save face by deleting(and catching permabans like I'm pretty sure mothra caught) and crying about how "it's the admins!!" Good riddance. Taking advantage of a literal retard is psychopathic, and it's telling that most of the userbases reaction was "we have to get rid of the sex pest!!! Feabie admins suck!!!" like literally stealing from someone whom quite literally can't know any better isn't worse, lmao.
They deleted after the previous thread was making fun of them. Once again, good riddance. Maybe they shouldn't have liveblogged their relationship.
How many dudes on Feabie are Literal Retards though? Pretty common from what I’ve seen.
I get what you're trying to say, and in some way I agree. But it's not common for someone whom literally was in the special olympics to be on feabie, hence the "literal retard" moniker. There's a few of them (like FuturePhil), though.
Any proof of that? Cause they had also claimed from another week or so prior that he had stalked someone to their hometown and tried to guilt the woman into a date.

Sucks. I had a crush on Mothra.

Most of em' are just lads. Like dudes everyone kinda sees and knows but there's nothing that stands out life wise to involve yourself heavily in. That's like how dudes here fucking hate hedonismbot but every post I see from him randomly is about video games and sauces.
Are you one of the actual retards on Feabie? Your crush on mothra is clouding your judgment.

Coleman is genuinely, legitimately retarded. Has been to the special olympics retarded. There is no way this man was able to make his way to someone’s town to stalk them.

Mothra and her weird little no-lifers personality cult are fucking demons for engaging sexually with a severely intellectually handicapped man. I hope mothra got a permaban, because she brings nothing to the orange hell portal but drama and intense retardation.
Wow. This is literally the best news I’ve ever seen on the chan, better than any model coming back and making content again. Mothra and babyfat are truly shitty people and feabie is legitimately better off without them
This is definitely going to resurface at some point in a hilariously disastrous way.
Idk who any of the people mentioned in this thread are. There are a lot of transexuals in my newsfeed. It's beginning to make me think I'm mentally retarded for being on feabie. i think I will leave
Oh so they were revealed to be actual monsters. Got it.
Never heard of her.
I've seen her like once or twice.
>That's like how dudes here fucking hate hedonismbot but every post I see from him randomly is about video games and sauces.
You have to look on the statuses of other people for his bullshit.

Seems like some of the shitty parts of the site are taking care of themselves, at least. Not anywhere near fast enough, though, and the """content creator""" blight is as present as ever.

Mothra had other usernames like Tsundere and uhhh. Blanking on the other one. I feel like it would be impossible not to notice her if you spent any amount of time on the site in the past few months. She and Babyfat were posting several times an hour and reply-guying all over the place. They have an entourage of simps and hangers-on.
They do have an army of simps, somehow. Looks like Fuckme got banned too case he hasn’t been on in over a week and he was obsessed with those two. I blocked babyfat after she commented some bs on my post and blocked Mothra shortly thereafter, back when her name was still Mothra
>You have to look on the statuses of other people for his bullshit.
Oh, then it's ignorable lmao. There's lot of shit there I don't understand getting worked up over any of it, like one dude blocked me for talking about guns.

Tsundere was the only other one I think. Bet they'll be back. Sucks tho, Mothra's fine as hell otherwise and i'd kill to be her feeder that gets her over 600lbs like her bio said.

I think it's just what happens when you're a good looking chick on dating sites who shitpost. Like em or not, they were pretty funny and it's relaxing for dudes putting on dating site airs to chat with a chick whos openly laughing about period problems.
I don't think babyfat got banned because I can still see PMs from her, but with her friend gone, well. Sucks there too, she gave me practical hair care advice.
>>like em or not
I don’t like them
To be fair, I've all but shut out a lot of the dramashitters out of my feed, particularly in the past couple of months. Occasionally I'll see one pop up on a status of a friend of mine, but that's about it. My circle on there's pretty small nowadays, and even then, many of them have been pretty inactive as of late.

Hatmouse. That was the other username she used.
Does anyone know if "ner0" was banned too? Either the blocked me or they got banned/deleted. they were definitely friends with babyfat and mothra

He’s gone. He is long distance dating Babyfat.
Of course he was wow. I’m so not surprised. I am surprised that all this feabie trash has randomly taken itself out though its awesome
Hedonismbot makes me feel physically ill. Seeing someone who is very much not into this, and likely has mental health issues and an eating disorder so willingly degrade himself and post shirtless picture of his revolting, saggy moobies, just makes me want to delete my Feabie profile.

It’s revolting this community encourages someone who is clearly suffering from mental illness.
>It’s revolting this community encourages someone who is clearly suffering from mental illness.
I never got that feel from him, but I also never paid attention to him. Have any screencap in particular? It would be better for everyone if he got help.
Does Fupatrooper actually have a job or she just selling hole to that old guy she’s dating?
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Don't think she does. She posts way too much and brags about her vacations too much to have one. She was just posting about her week of partying plus the stu rapist bash. Weird behavior for a supposed recovering alcoholic.

Saw this (gag inducing) post from trainwreck biggestmermaid today. When does it become appropriate to tell someone they should probably lose weight even in fat fetishlandia?
Honestly in her situation she should lose weight. She needs to get her shit together. But you know that if people started saying she should lose weight all the fucking psychos on feabie woukd absolutely lose their shit about it and come to her defense and say it’s never approprstie to tell someone to lose weight.

As for fupatrooper, is she confirmed a recovering alcoholic? Like did she refer to herself as such? I haven’t even checked her profile since she got back on feabie and I’m not gona go through all her posts to check now. I remember her on her old profile saying something about cutting back on wine, and she did definitely drink a lot and like every single night, but I mean that’s not that Uncommon
I mean it’s not uncommon to want to cut back on drinking, and that it doesn’t necessarily mean someone is a recovering alcoholic

Either way, she probably has like a part time job or something, that doesn’t cover all her bills, but she has it just to have a job. And then her guy probably pays for like everything else. When we (briefly) chatted years and years ago, when she lived in Boston, she was working for like a hotel or something in hospitality, and for all you young ones on here that don’t know this, hospitality pays NOTHING and there is absolutely zero chance she can afford all those vacations on her own with that job.
>Honestly in her situation she should lose weight. She needs to get her shit together. But you know that if people started saying she should lose weight all the fucking psychos on feabie woukd absolutely lose their shit about it and come to her defense and say it’s never approprstie to tell someone to lose weight.
Spot on. #deathfeedism until the person actually dies, then you can't talk about it, or even suggest that their weight had anything to do with it.

>As for fupatrooper, is she confirmed a recovering alcoholic? Like did she refer to herself as such? I haven’t even checked her profile since she got back on feabie and I’m not gona go through all her posts to check now. I remember her on her old profile saying something about cutting back on wine, and she did definitely drink a lot and like every single night, but I mean that’s not that Uncommon

She said it herself when questioned about why she lost weight(she was responding to a post in a prior thread actually)
She is also dating an almost 70 year old man who also used to date Amatrix(he went by MJMOORE-xtaxpros on feabie), so it's not unfathomable that she wouldn't be working. (she won't acknowledge this though, she's ignored it several times before when bringing up other things posted about her)
>When we (briefly) chatted years and years ago, when she lived in Boston, she was working for like a hotel or something in hospitality
This sounds about right, I vaguely recall her saying she was working that job in the very brief period I talked to her. Probably was in like 2017 or 18.
>>(she won't acknowledge this though, she's ignored it several times before when bringing up other things posted about her)

She probably fancies herself as a very independent woman and I wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt like talking about/ admiting that someone else is paying for her shit. Im sure part of her is happy to sit and do nothing and be a trophy "wife" (i know they arent married), but i also wouldnt be surprised if shees in some form of denial, telling herself "i could pay for all this stuff myself if i had to"
She is a recovering alcoholic. Someone I used to know told me she drank a lot. Not just the occasional bottle of wine but several handles of hard stuff. Whenever someone confronts her about it she’ll block them.
Isn't that why she left the east coast?
I know the dude she was grifting from out there. He flat out told her to leave because she couldn't even clean up after herself and was just wasted all the time without putting money into rent.

That old tax dude she is with talks about AA on his fucking Twitter
Wow. I had no idea it was that bad. In general I’m glad when anyone makes the healthy choice to realize they have a problem and does something about it. It is interesting of her to brag about going to the bash but I mean she does live there so it’s not like it’s far, Vegas is only like a half hour drive across, and it’s totally possible that she didn’t drink when she was there
Looks like sugar daddy money is going to good use after all
Did cold stone and rayzor delete their feabie accounts?
Jesus dude. Great find lol
mothra is now back on there as tsundere lol. good to see the ban/delete/whatever didn’t even last a fucking month
Lol. immedaitely blocked
Holy fuck I’m so tired of this girl always saying she’s going to kill herself. Her life seems genuinely awful as she’s been homeless many times and literally nothing seems to go right for her.

She’d probably be prime death feedee material tho, it probably wouldn’t be hard to convince her to just give in since she has nothing else going her way.
She has a nice body it says 392 pounds at 5’2 that’s pretty big, not listed as a feedee, must just be depression eating/stuffing which can be just as hot
Murphy wants to hand out knuckle sandwiches. Could that little bitch even beat up a wet piece of toilet paper?
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Yes yes, you're so edgy. Good boy.

Man, I REALLY hope that's a bad joke, because if it isn't I hope she gets some serious help.

Lol whelp

You know what sucks? You can't exclude options on the my type filter.

Feabie allows you to filter it to only show people who have ticked "Trans" or "non-conforming" but you can't set it to exclude anyone who has.

If a trans person has also ticked the "female" option, which they usually do, they will always show up if you are showing women.
Imagine feeding a suicidal woman up to 500+ lbs and eventually her depression subsides but oops it's too late :)
Age: 18-30
Weight: 400-600 lbs
Identify as: BBW
Gender: Female
Looking for: Relationship
V: Only members with photos
V: Recently online (last 30 days)

Search results (105)

ayyyy lmao

what happend to darkxcorners aka cuntsaurusrex? sucks that she never started the OF she was low-key considering.
I am the rare lurking unicorn with dark feederism preferences. Frankly I will tell you as a biological woman (fucking hate the trans shit shilling making me even have to differentiate and clarify basic information) that I would love a relationship where someone encouraged/manipulated me into eating till I was 500 lbs+. Depression eating is based tier, self aware depression eating also weird but also poetic based tier.

It's fucked up. But God bless you weird anon.
The funny part with these sorts of posts about muh cis men is you can tell they think trans men are just butch women lol, I'd love to bring it up and see them try and squirm out of it in a woke way
Please tell me you're attractive too

>redpilled on the tranny question

Good thing this is an anonymous imageboard or your inbox would be blowing up with marriage proposals right about now
Good thing you have the imagination and/or naivete to believe that's a cis woman posting that.
Truly that's the annoying part. There's a lotta low quality NPC's also into feederism. So when I read you guys here having problems because wading through Feabie is the same for y'all I can sympathize on the flip side.

What was the age old adage they said? No girls on the internet? Meme or true? Anyways it's a sad day when CIS women have to drop ”tits or gtfo” because you know trannies can get boob jobs right? So what is it now timestamps on or next to the vagina?

This is why I hate troons and cognitive dissonance. Who do you respect more? The OnlyFans whore or the NEET shut-in? None of it matters I just like watching you all as you all like watching most of the horror that is Feabie.
Is there any realistic way I can add you on the social media or messenger app of your choice? You name it, tumblr twitter discord whatever. I don't care if nothing else the "God bless you" sealed the ribbon as someone also only insane with fat prefs, I want you at least as a cathartic friend. Not sure how I'd confirm I'm the real anon but alas pls.
I'm gonna regret saying it, but the site has been boring without its resident lolcows like Coldstone.
I can't believe she actually deleted. It's too good to be true. It's probably for the best for her though, she has a lot of emotional maturing to do
I'll take boring over the shitshow it normally is, to be honest.

I wouldn't be surprised if she rejoined within a few months once her relationship goes under. Getting rid of Feabie is a step in the positive direction, but I have a gut feeling most of the negative influences on her wellness are still there.

Speaking of deleting accounts, though, by any chance does anyone know whatever happened with Bre_Neree? Kinda miss lurking her stuff.
So today there is supposed to be a mass exodus to combat the feabie admins supposedly being racist or whatever blah blah blah. They will go on with this crap for a few days but you know none of them will actually leave.
I’ve been on feabie for like 5 or 6 years, not really actively at all like not checking regularly by any means, but I’ve never seen so many people posting discords like this before, but I’m pretty sure the admins are assuming people will come back yeah
There may be like one or two more permanent leavers, but nothing more than drop in the bucket. Seems like when site cancers actually do leave, it's during a lull in drama.
so since the drama well has dried up, anybody remember a couple years ago when the ex-bbwchan mod got outed on feabie and shunned because she was also trying to be an active member of the community?
She must live somewhere near me, I see her on Plenty of Fish all the time!
Never mind, it’s Mermaidtails who I’m thinking of.
So a lack of actual skills and another "professional" crying about society. Good luck on that job resume


Where did Darkxcorners dissappear to?
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Don't worry, middle aged angry far left white women are going to create a new platform and safe space for the community before they forget about this completely in a week or so.

none of them are actually going to leave. accusing the admins of being every kind of intolerant and policing the newsfeed are their only hobbies. the ones posting about the exodus and deleting mostly have accounts that are several years old and have claimed exodus before. it amazes me they compare the people that run the site to nazis....yet they stay?
if any of them would take a moment to have a critical thought and look at the screenshot the mods posted..you'd understand their reasoning and that the situation isn't what it's been warperd into.
I would have agreed a few years ago, but at this point, it's borderline viable, given the corporate obsession with hiring diversity officers now.

I await this invariably imploding due to infighting.

The kicker is that the admins have capitulated to these people time and time again, and it's never enough. I would love if they'd grow a pair and kindly tell them to fuck off.
This, these women will never leave, and are too poor to have been paying for XL in the first place. It will change nothing, aside from shitting up the news feed over literal retardation.
StudioJiggly seems like an annoying lolcow of extreme retardation who clearly just wants to be mad about something. Claims she doesn't want to be the "face of anti racism" and has made posts and comments for a week crying about it. She really needs to give it up.
Exactly. They'll never leave. I will say the cure to Feabie is the removal of the activity feed though. It pretty much feeds into the narcissism.
>it's borderline viable, given the corporate obsession with hiring diversity officers now.
There's only so many HR positions out there per company

Can someone post a tl;dr or basic screenshots of this latest drama? I deleted my Feabie because it was a huge waste of time, but I'm still curious to gawk.

If I still had an account I'd bet literal money that the whining of the newsfeed regulars will come to nothing and they'll all be back three weeks from now.
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Lmao these people are literally braindead.
Are they nuking profiles? Member number keeps dropping.
Lmao this is great.

How is this "great"?
They must make a lot of money off of gray faces and scammers cause there’s no other way this makes financial sense for them

I highly doubt any of these people spamming the cancel XL hash tag ever actually paid for it
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I am once again asking you so that I don't have to make an account there what exactly all the thots are mad about this time

Oh yeah, they permabanned a bunch last night they said, including StudioJiggly (thank God) too. Maybe it will get better around there? I don't give a fuck if they make money or not, it's just a way to see free pics. Tired of sifting through idiots trying to change it to fit what they want. Those people are not what most of us are there for anyhow.
So sick of any mention of fat-phobia. The term "Thinnos" is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

I'm a fat fuck myself, but I don't understand all the bellyaching. Honestly I look down on fatties who complain and bitch and moan that they can't help it and that they don't have a choice and how hard it is to be fat.

All these landwhales who were never part of the fetish pretending they are fat on purpose when really they are just unable to lose weight and low self esteem.
I mean I get that it’s annoying when barely fat people act like they’re 500 pounds and like they’re life is hard as fuck when it isn’t, shit pisses me off to no end, like 180-200 pound girls complaining about seating at restaurants I’m like you’re literally normal stop bitching
So they claim they were doxxed? Didn't they post themselves on grommr as owners of the site?

Yeah they’re claiming StudioJiggly was threatening to doxx admins when she was asking for transparency on the diversity of the admin team while simultaneously posting the corporate address of Grokio.
So she spoke about public knowledge lol
Yeah. Its not hard to find info about all the “corporate addresses” for Grokio considering they’re registration companies who hold addresses for registering in different states. The corporate contact to most of those state registrations, again as public knowledge, being a William Cossage.
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"All biz," which cites absolutely zero sources and has zero time stamps on its data, claims grokio's revenue is 180k. Doesnt say per month, per year or when that number is from but if that's revenue per year before expenses, it doesnt seem to me like they can afford to be kicking all their highest engaging members
It's definitely kind of annoying seeing women who barely qualify as chubby, much less fat, complain about how fat they are, but it doesn't make fatter women not come off as total cunts when they bitch about women less fat than them, and the guys who act positively towards them. I'm just glad most fat girls IRL, or even on Feabie, don't have this mindset.
>Feabie is only two people

That explains a lot
Nah it's definitley more than two people.

I had a job interview with them a few years ago and 3 people joined just to interview me- they have a lot of employees for each service (They have the furry ones and the gay specific ones too after all)

I think honestly Feabie doesn't make them much money compared to their other services, ironically.

I also think their whole spiel about being full of non binary people of colour etc. is also fake- None of the people I talked to were, and I highly doubt the employees of a service specifically to gay men are full of women, non binary, trans, etc. I would imagine 70% of their employees are gay men.
Anyone else just not believe Summer_ is 500lbs? She posts the same photos over and over again and any photo demonstrating “size” is a tricky zoomed-in angle that anyone over 250lbs might look huge in.

Agree, she’s 300 tops.
I've seen her in person and there's no way she's 500lbs. She's certainly huge for a British woman though.
For sure she’s fat but she looks like a crazy person saying shes 500lbs.
She's full of it. Every face pic is duckface
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>what exactly all the thots are mad about this time

A feabie user reported someone being racist to the mods. Mods didn't remove the user or the comment. User messages mods again, this time her public posts get deleted. She messages friends of hers- which go far, since women on feabie are very close knit- and goes for official inquiry sending direct emails to the mod team asking why with picture evidence. Mods ban her.
This starts a problem, because she's semi-popular and has plenty of friends who know what the fuck, who all begin publicly asking questions. Instead of doing what their own rules say, mods go full Barbara Streisand and begin banning everyone who even mentions the issue, to the point where they have a bot now that auto-deletes comments that mention the person or attempt to discuss it. Thousands so far have been banned, many just for asking "What the fuck is going on with this --- hastag?". Pretty funny inadvertent trolling to be frank, but shows that the feabie owners have always been hypocrites.

>I also think their whole spiel about being full of non binary people of colour etc. is also fake
It likely is, and it's such an ugly way to go about it, too- like, you have to WORK to get a trans person onto staff somewhere since they're only 0.5% the population, and many aren't yet okay with being open or just don't have the depth of experience that the community wants to see. Shit, you just might not have anyone locally to fill the position.
Most people on feabie I've spoken with all know the alternate sexuality choices are very face value. They appreciate it, but it's to pander.
>>18648 (OP)

I had a decent shitposting account (TomSelleck) but it got banned. Now it's expired, I'm tempted to head back in and hunt for cringe.
why did you get banned?
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My brothers in Christ, I require your counsel. I have waded into the murky waters of sin and Feabie in the hopes of procuring a based feedee bbw waifu. I lack experience in these matters, and I need to know: is this normal? Is this what finding a feedee is like? I may not have experience with feedees but I know strippers, this feels like a scam. How tf do people actually find an outlet for this infernal fetish irl? blue is me pink is the wench
Unfortunately she just wants your money. Feabie seems to be infested with girls with similar intentions who you'll have similar interactions with.
If they start talking about how much they want to weigh, how hungry they are, how they want a feeder straight away then it's just a money grab. You want to look for girls that just have normal conversations, that's where your based feedee bbw waifu lies.

Message me here and we can coordinate Discord and chat sometime if you are still here Anon. Sorry for not replying sooner I forgot this thread was still here.
Talk to women about normal random stuff. If she has no interest in your personal thoughts, there is a high chance she is not interested in you but money or something else not worth investing. Just bee urself bro
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Feabie is honestly just a huge fucking dumpster fire of a site and I should have known that from day one when they decided to mesh social media with a dating website.

Most of the women I've encountered on there are incredibly vapid and self-serving and all the dudes are total simps for it

I really do wish that there was a better alternative to the site, but there really isn't
I've gotten that "social anxiety" excuse from a few different profiles that popped up and then disappeared a few days later, I think it's a script from scammers that try to get money from feeders.
It is simultaneously a social media, dating, kink, and model site. Why the fuck would I want to mix any of these? Just cause I share a kink with someone doesn't mean I want to socialize with them. It does have one thing going for it, which is that it actually has women on it, but good luck talking to any of them. My inbox is full of dead-end conversations, ghosting, and unopened messages. Fuck this site, I hope it goes out of business. Somebody should just make a feedism tinder and call it a day.
Gonna have to concur with the other replies to this, this is 100% a scammer. If you opened up with fetish/fat chat, you're also doing it wrong. Always, always start with normal conversation. If she doesn't answer or immediately steer it to this sort of thing, she's likely either a scammer or not worth your time if you're looking for a feedee partner. As a rule of thumb, it's a good idea to avoid people with Paypal, OF, etc. in their profiles as well.

I feel this on a spiritual level. Granted, it kinda makes sense, since most women have to sift through upwards of hundreds of messages, so unless someone stands out, there's little reason for them to converse with any given person.

That said, a word of advice: The less followers a woman has, the more likely they are to respond to and carry a conversation with you, more often than not. Anyone above 500 followers is an uphill battle at best.
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I only had a tiny bit of time on the site, as I realized as a guy who likes fat girls who isn't a feeder nor does weight gain turn me on, the site wasn't for me. But honestly, all of these statements are 100% correct. Putting all of these things together is just a recipe for disaster and it's shocking the creators didn't see it coming.

I just want a regular fucking dating site for chubby chasers that isn't owned by the dating Monopoly that is Match and isn't swipe shit.
I'm the OP of >>19931 and I don't really care that the goofball in >>20120 is impersonating me but I would like defend my name by making it known that I am not the type of nigga to look for "cathartic friend[s]" or say "alas pls"
You're right that they're acting rationally, because their inboxes are full and they simply cannot pay attention to everybody. But then the website should be redesigned to avoid creating these situations in the first place. For example, why is Feabie global? Why am I fighting for the attention of local women with men from Norway and Brazil? Why are we all in the same room together? All it means is that I have to compete with every single feeder on Earth for the attention of any one woman. It's absolutely ridiculous. No other dating app is like this. It is only the poor design of Feabie, since they tried to make it a social media site too. But like I said before: I couldn't care less about socializing with other feeders.

All I want is feedism tinder. Location based, swipe left or right, and that's it. I don't want to know that some ugly SSBBW from Kentucky's mom just died and she doesn't know how to deal with the grief. I don't want to watch a chick with 3.2k followers post a status and immediately get 5 comments of simps making lame jokes in a desperate attempt to get her attention.

The women who are on it for the dating are grossed out by the men who are on it for the kink. The women who are on it for the social media are annoyed by the men who are on it for the dating. The women who are on it for the modelling don't even use it as social media. Etc. How many bios have you seen that say "married, only looking for friends" or "message me something besides feedism or you're getting blocked", etc? Why are married women on a dating site? The site is a complete mess.

And this should go without saying, but: as a man, I don't want to see a single other man on a dating site, which Feabie shows you by default. I use the global filter to filter out men, but their comments still show up, and they can still see my profile and message me, which they do occasionally.
>username is a Touhou reference
Enjoy your correspondence with a true and honest 100% definitely cis girl, >>20120
skitsy, go back to being a pick me on /trash/ and talk about how evil other women are because youre an insufferable alt right troll.

steer clear, fellas, shes nuts.
She's so cringe. She posts herself on every BBW /trash/ thread and has a captive audience on the chan discord.

"Lol it's free content y u so mad" Yeah, and a half-eaten hotdog on the street is a free meal.
that wasn’t me but you’ve summoned me now. You know I’ve been in this scene since I was a teen right? People’s lives change.
sorry my existence is such a bother to you.
both of you seem upset because I’m just here. I don’t have anything witty to say. apologies for whatever I’ve done to personally upset you.
I have no idea who skitsy is and I don't make posts on /trash/ dunno but if you want confirmation we can always VC.

Also I didn't know I wasn't allowed to like ZUN's autistic masterpieces.
>For example, why is Feabie global?
Consider how small the active Feabie userbase is. If it was restricted to locals, even if "Local" was ~300 miles out, there's no shortage of areas that you'd only see a handful of women on, at best. Your choices are too much competition or virtually nothing to compete for, pick your poison. Feedism, as a whole, is still a relatively niche fetish, so there's not gonna be an abundance of nearby women, unless you live in a megacity.

>The women who are on it for the dating are grossed out by the men who are on it for the kink. The women who are on it for the social media are annoyed by the men who are on it for the dating. The women who are on it for the modelling don't even use it as social media. Etc. How many bios have you seen that say "married, only looking for friends" or "message me something besides feedism or you're getting blocked", etc? Why are married women on a dating site? The site is a complete mess.
There's definitely something to be said about the site's filtering system. Could definitely do with a bit more robustness overall, should be an option to filter out content creators, for example. As much of a mess as Feabie seems, it's still a cleaner system than something like, say, Fetlife, where you have no way of searching for people that are in nearby cities, and have to poke through every nearby city individually, nor is there any way to filter by kink or intention.

If Feabie didn't have a Social media angle, odds are it would die out. Given how small the userbase is as-is, there'd be little reason to stick around if it ran on a Tinder-style, local-only system. At the end of the day, I feel like it's a necessary evil for the site to continue existing.
>Given how small the userbase is as-is, there'd be little reason to stick around if it ran on a Tinder-style, local-only system. At the end of the day, I feel like it's a necessary evil for the site to continue existing.

Counterpoint: WooPlus, an app designed to cater to a plus-size clientele, automatically expands its radius as you go. I'm based in NY but got profiles for DC after a while. OKCupid works the same way.
Fair point. Haven't touched OKC in several years, and I could never get Wooplus to actually work. I could be speaking from bias as well, since most of the best women I've found on there have been far from local.

In unrelated news, looks like they locked new memberships again starting around 5 days ago.
>>Without social media feabie would die

I just checked and it’s down to 104,000 members, it was at like 105,500 before they deleted people. I’m very curious to see what the future is for feabie because I agree that without social media it will die because wooplus already exists and it’s a very very small niche community, there isn’t room for multiple of the exact same type of app. Feabie is really the only one of its kind. I feel like this was a dumb business move on their behalf
Agreed as much as i hate to admit, these fucking scamming bitches got me and nearly robbed me blind to the point im kind of fucking done with feederism in general. I noticed that they started to hit me up on snap wanting me to "help" them told the girl you can do that shit w/o me and she started to ask for Paypal Cashapp and Bitcoin on Cashapp and deleted her.

As for the recent Feabie drama it seem like some lul worthy shit that seem like many say once a little bit of heat get on them the go ban crazy to hide the truth which is sickening I see why the site turned into a dumpster fire and hope it goes under because some of these deluded simps and landwhales need reality to check them.
That’s the truth of it. It’s mostly a social network for advertising content and finding new simps to scam.
I pull good, Feabie is a time suck. The women on there are nuts, scammers or hate their bodies. I’ve fattened hotter, fatter feedees who were more into cake fucking on Tinder than feabie.
Some don’t know they’re feedees yet,
some don’t know fat preferences exist. The women on feabie are rarely actually feedees or single or looking. If they were they’d find someone on feabie, they just go to feabie for money and ego.
I seriously have no need for a feedism social media. Just because you're fat, or a feedee, doesn't mean I want to socialize with you. I have wasted so much time on Feabie chatting with girls about retarded shit. And it's not like I'm being dishonest about my intentions. It's that the website is ALSO a dating/kink site, and their profile will appear like they're on there for dating, so it's not like I'm an idiot for assuming that they're on there to date/hook up. Fast forward many wasted hours and messages, and I realize that they're just on there for attention, and I've been used. Let's be clear: if we're not going to hook up, I do not want to talk with you. I don't need any more friends. Maybe if we met at a book club or a cooking class we could be just friends, but not on Feabie, sorry. But Feabie doesn't make any of this clear, because despite having the tiny promise of dating/hookups, which is what keeps me on there, most of it's interactions are purely social, which actually makes it a huge time waster.

Feabie turns otherwise mediocre girls into minor celebrities with thousands of followers and an inbox full of DMs. This creates a really toxic environment, where suddenly I need to beg/perform/simp for a girl's attention, who in any other situation would be eager for my attention, not the other way around.

Tinder might be the best bet, because it is a hookup app first, not a social media app, so it might just be easier to find a BBW on a hookup app than a hookup on a BBW social media app.

Don’t beg, simp, or perform, that sounds desperate AF. Just talk to people who post about things that are interesting to you and engage with them on a human level. If they don’t respond then they’re not the one.
You're either straight up lying or you don't fuck. I've met with multiple women from feabie, dated one also and they were the only 300-400+ women in my area on any social media or dating app. All completely normal to above average in terms of mental wellbeing. I've been with thin girls more fucked up
The horniness overcame you did it? At least you learnt your lesson. It's the demand for $70 dinners that set alarm bells off for me.
You might be right. It’s not impossible.
I might consider those women ugly as fuck and not worth the effort.
Also I fucked a couple women on that site including a bigcutie, none of them were worth the drama even if they were a waste of time.

Also even the models hate their bodies and didn’t intend to get fat.

Few of those obese women on that site are any fun to humiliate as they aren’t actual feedees.

Which BigCutie?
I’m not about to dox women who makes a living off selling the fantasy to simps that she intended to get that big rather than shit like abuse pcos and depression.
>Just talk to people who post about things that are interesting to you and engage with them on a human level. If they don’t respond then they’re not the one.
That is what I do, and they don't respond. That's what I'm saying: being a normal person with dignity isn't rewarded on Feabie. Just look at all the simps leaving comments on girls posts/profiles and you'll know what I mean.
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For a bunch of dudes claiming to be against drama, ya'll sure are full of it

I've been invited to a couple of their discords and it's been alright, one's got a gaming group for little stuff firing up already.
I've also met up with multiple women from Feabie. Most of them were reasonable enough in terms of mental wellness, though it's worth noting that none of them were constantly attention-whoring on the site. Had to sift through a lot of ghosters and other assorted nonsense to find them, though. Hell, most of them ended up ghosting anyway.

If simping for women on the site was actually rewarding, you wouldn't see the same batch of guys simp for several women for months on end.
Dude I’m not trying to be a dick here but I’ve slept with numerous women off of feabie, including some relatively “feabie famous” ones (I know that’s cringe but whatever) and I literally just talked to them like a normal person. If you hit these women up and they don’t reciprocate at all, you’re either very unoriginal with your messages or just ugly/they aren’t attracted to you.

If you take care of yourself, dress nice, and look half decent you’ll easily get women off feabie. If you’re not, then you’re doing something wrong.
>I literally just talked to them like a normal person
>If you take care of yourself, dress nice, and look half decent you’ll easily get women off feabie.

This is exactly what I do. Idk what to tell you, I'm a pretty self aware guy, I know how sociable/attractive I am. I've even gotten along pretty well with a few "feabie famous" girls, gotten snaps and whatever, but everything has just fizzled out eventually. Whatever, I don't want to turn this into a pity party. I know how to help myself, I'm just sharing my experiences.

Where do you live? Did you travel to meet any of those ladies?
Southern United States, I have been very lucky to live close to and drive to many cities where these women reside in. I do understand that some places might be harder, maybe I just got lucky.

For what’s it’s worth, I’ve found way hotter bbws on tinder.
Yeah, I'm a Californian, it's so hard to find something good here, even with the liberal values and body positivity stuff.
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yup we do stupid shit when horny and i agree on that dinner shit how you gonna eat better than me? Eating sushi and steak while im managing by on frozen meals and (not) Mcdonalds? FOH.
I'm in NYC. There's surprisingly not much going on here on feabie. I think having a car and being able to travel to other cities would be helpful, it increases your radius by a lot. Right now I can only meet with chicks that I can take the subway to, lol.
Curious, do you have a face pic? I wonder how big a factor that plays in response rates.
Lol. No.

Of course it's a factor in response rates. It's probably the biggest factor. It's the first thing she sees before deciding to even open your message.
Why has Feabie locked to new members? Does anyone know how long it is locked for?
Feabie pulled a racism that could have been mitigated by a simple "we fucked up soz." Instead they doubled down by auto banning users who used sus words using a script (IE admin, racist, feabie, grokio, etc). Unfortunately by doing this they banned a solid chunk of the active community.
Grokio's admins are currently in Spain for a Grommr event so the running theory is that they will open memberships sometime after October third.
Oh wow. Thanks for the update fren
Why does every non-binary fatty on feabie dress like a guy who vapes outside the gas station all day?
They didn’t really do a racism, that dumb bitch studiojiggly thought a guy making a supportive content was calling her a monkey and she chimped out on the admin.
I think you kind of answered your own question there, champ
Studiojiggly is that you? Nobody cares about your feabie woman logic takes. Enjoy your permaban dumbass. Imagine unironically posting this after getting literally BTFO by the admin posts. Feabie admins can be absolute morons sometimes, but they weren't in the wrong here.
>Unfortunately by doing this they banned a solid chunk of the active community.
LMAO. If you think perverts like Murphy or lolcows like Amatrix getting banned were a bad thing, you are exactly whats ruining the website. Good riddance. kysty <3
>>20927 I don't give a shit about the "racism", it was incredibly mild and ambiguous and the userbase sperged out. But Feabie admin is retarded for banning anyone who even mentioned it, and in turn, anyone who mentioned all the banning.
>>is clearly female
Take me seriously! Use the pronouns I made up! You have to or else your phobic! You have to take me seriously as a serious person!
>>vapes outside a gas station for the rest of her life
I'll be able to answer that whenever someone can provide a clear-cut answer to as to why fat females with massive tits disproportionately identify as nonbinary.
Does a neckbeard basement dweller ever dream of being more than a neckbeard basement dweller?

Maybe to dissuade being approached by dudes.
Lol, don't give yourself an aneurysm pal. I'm not her and whatever happened was absolutely blown out of proportion and exacerbated by the admins. Why do you agree with the admins censoring the website? You some kind of bootlicker?
Maybe, though I feel like there's some baggage issues there too. Can't say I've met such a woman that wasn't a headcase, or eventually became one.

It's basically Keffals-Kiwifarms tier in terms of neither party being likable. I don't like shit getting censored, but let's not pretend that most of the people getting banned shouldn't have been years ago. I'd wager that if there's a wordfilter autoban, some will end up being overturned once the admins actually get around to investigating shit individually.
Anyone noticed you can't create a new account on Feabie? Deleted a while back and noticed they aren't accepting new members anymore
Yep, that's been the case for a few weeks, ever since this last shitshow started. Guessing that they'll reopen memberships within the week.

Well, this is a fun little blog, let's see what all else we have here:
>Empty profiles and oft-deleted accounts
Empty profiles I 100% agree with, gives me absolutely nothing to start a conversation off with, and makes it more difficult to carry on a conversation in general. Oft-deleted accounts I can mostly get on board with, though in the case of females, it's more a red flag of mental instability than anything else. I remember there being one girl that would delete and make new profiles on and off for years. That said, the best woman I've ever met off Feabie was a serial deleter, so there's clearly exceptions to the rule.
>No site activity
This is a good thing. I'd take people with no public activity over people who word-vomit their garbage takes day in and day out every day. It shows that they have some degree of self-restraint, and are more likely to be sound of mind. As for guys, is actively simping on statuses REALLY that much better than no activity? Think about it.
>No photographs of yourself
This one's understandable, though I can't wholly agree with it. On Feabie, greyfaces have a very bad reputation due to an abundance of bad apples, whether they're just closested coomers, trying to find a side fuck despite being in a relationship, etc. However, there's other, wholly valid reasons to desire anonymity, so I have little issue with people without pictures. From personal experience, pics definitely do help catch my attention, but in the rare situation someone actually does message me first and they have no profile pic, having some information in their profile at least gives me something to work with in terms of conversation. Granted, that's just the guy perspective, and I don't have to slog through hundreds of messages from thirsty dudes.
>Terrible etiquette and bad manners
Agreed on this front. It just makes people look like morons, and poisons the well for everyone else (See also: The greyface thing mentioned earlier)
>Assuming the object of your affection is starved for attention
I do more or less agree here as well on paper, but how is this fundamentally any different from the people who assume that people without profile pictures have bad intentions, just because it's fairly commonplace? Hint: There is none. There's definitely a fair number of people who sort of are attention-starved on the site, though it certainly doesn't justify acting like a dick towards them
>>21136 Can you imagine incessantly and insufferably posting on Feabie then thinking people don't have enough access to your brilliance so you make a whole blog and create more takes nobody gives a fuck about?

I've always been curious who the people are who find this woman attractive, physically and personality wise.
I'm curious too honestly. I guess it feeds the narcissism. I think being around someone like this would be like walking on eggshells constantly. No wonder you're almost 40 and still single.
>I've always been curious who the people are who find this woman attractive, physically and personality wise.
Guys with zero self-esteem, at least mostly as far as the personality end of things goes. Anyone who is fine with being treated like trash and still will treat the person doing so like a goddess has deeper issues.
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Went ahead a pressed the self-destruct button on my account it's a shame to see 7(?!) fucking years on that site go but like all of you said, the site became full on cancer and an echo chamber for some the most toxic misguided women. Kind of wish I had a time machine and I could've stopped myself from getting robbed on the site I learned and moved on to hell with Feabie. If the site gets shut down I'll pour one out....
I deleted a while ago can someone post pics of loradayton I don’t remember what she looks like but I think she was ugly and I had her blocked
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the "God shaped hole" theory takes the W here. These women are praying to months under the guise of manifestations.
Women are more naturally superstitious and drawn to occultic tendency..

Contrary to popular belief, the most pious Christians statistically lean towards women on the older side, when they've finally "woken up". It depends.

Yes though if you're using feabie as social media anyway you probably have a couple screws loose. And our generations to begin with are empty inside. This woman wants Christ subconsciously, very very strongly.
what's been going on with BiggestMermaid these days? Been off Feabie for years, but I've spoken with her a few times.
loradayton never shared any face photos as far as I'm aware. Just some photos of her saggy arms. Here are more of her hot takes including info about how she's been saving screen captures for years that she can finally release since feabie banned her. Yes saving screencaps for years. I thought people were on feabie for fetish but it seems more like drama bullshit. https://loradayton.com/2022/10/02/no-im-not-the-mole/
sign ups are turned on again
The Feabie cliques are not in a place to be crying racism when they were once demanding that all new Filipino accounts be deleted and the site closed to new subscribers.
They took all those fat Filipino girls away from us!
Yea how are we gonna bang all these hot fat babes in the middle of nowhere with low self esteem if there are social justice warriors around mucking up the feed

I need to cooom
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>Yea how are we gonna bang all these hot fat babes in the middle of nowhere with low self esteem if there are social justice warriors around mucking up the feed
>I need to cooom
Not sure about currently, but I know she’s been crossing the country for people who either lead her on or get sick of her shit after she’s been around for a while.
Honestly. How is that site working for the women on it. None exit being single. They end up resentfully making porn in their 30s after getting ghosted by the same handful of cheaters/players, chasing men who are out of their league even while into fat women.

You can fuck her when you love her , says it right in her profile!!

I'm kinda OOTL about that piece of drama, I might have been "on" Feabie during that time but I rarely remember what exactly happened but let me take a guess

Flippino folks were acessing site and with the site's rampant scammer problem some of the "crusaders" of Feabie wanted anyone who had a Flippino account get purged off the site, which might have lead to some of the "crusaders" themselves possibly getting banned themselves for being overtly(?) racist that the admin team decided to close off new membership until the fire died down.

Am I close?
If I remember correctly a popular Filipino creator on TikTok posted that it was a good dating website with no context that it was a fat fetish site. She showed a lot of men's profiles/pictures. There was a mass joining of Filipino people and Feabie deleted every Filipino person's account.
>Can you imagine incessantly and insufferably posting on Feabie then thinking people don't have enough access to your brilliance so you make a whole blog and create more takes nobody gives a fuck about?

Our generation is suffering an epidemic of self-obsession.
Admin keeping all that sweet sweet Filipino bloated belly to themselves 😔
Very close. She had also mentioned in the comments that white men were rich and someone else brought up green cards so then everyone was running over to Feabie so they could talk to rich white guys. Besides being pissed that this chick showed their pictures and conversations without the person’s consent the people were pissed off because they didn’t want more scammers.
At this point, I'd legitimately give my money to scammers over some of the women on that site.
Yeah, the women have it so streamlined convos go from “looking for a feeder” to “give me money”. It legitimately gave me a mental episode trying to date women there and it’s all a pay to play game.
Deleted feabie and I decided to just grab bellys from random women on bumble till I found a feedee who didn’t know it.
re: loradayton bullshit. Just shows what a cunt hypocrite she is like all feabie morons. They'll be sucking at the feabie teat forever so long as its a website.
Is there anything worse to see on a profile than:
> Relationship status: Married.
> I'm looking for: Friends.
What is the point of this fucking website?
idk i kinda like being on a social media platform where it just so happens that being into fat stuff isnt taboo

Relationship Status: It’s Complicated
Looking For: Casual Encounters

Is probably worse.
Half of you are probably married, STFU…
Plenty of married women on there.
Don’t let the sanctimonious fool ya!
Honestly if it weren’t for married men, feabie women would be getting a lot less dick.
Is this already bumplocked?
Hell even the feeders kind of suck, met up with a girl who was a feeder and motherfucker wanted me to eat straight lard to gain some weight
Mutual encouragment for the most part, made a friend on there who basically just does that shit constantly
Dom feeder shit: I’ve made girls I met on hinge eat a stick of butter.
Well if it was butter that would be different cause butter actually tastes good compared to just industrial tasting.

How the hell do you approach though on hinge with feederism shit? Putting it in your bio or?
Make food, cooking and eating a hobbies in the bio. I’m also like 6’3” and lean af so it’s clear who’s doing the eating.
Otherwise, just grab a handful of fat ass, progress to belly grabs and make it clear in the first few dates you’re into fat chicks. Ease into the feeder stuff but mostly “enjoy the food, if anything you’d look great with a couple pounds” comments get the job done.
Fat chicks are insecure and weird, if you’re attractive and a catch they’ll get over the insecurities and be turned on by the fact a hot dude is grabbing their belly.
That makes sense, for the most part I just tend to be open with larger women who tend to be okay with it and think it's the ticket to a free meal lmao.

I have added food to the bio on the advisement of a feedee friend, a lot of the issue is I look like a depressed golden retriever e-boy so I attract red flag anorexic girls projecting fanfiction romances on me lmao.
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The most mentally stable woman on Feabie.
Is this thread dead???
I dated a guy like this, this shit is seriously bad for your partner's mental health. It's not cute or quirky to randomly be distant and passive-aggressive to your partner over made-up shit on a weekly basis. It's so immature and delusional of her to think this something to strive for, it's like she read too much YA and now she thinks being toxic is an interesting and admirable personality trait.
At least my guy was self-aware that it was a mental problem, but I guess if you're a blue-hair woman you get simps complimenting and thirsting over your most severe flaws so you never have to introspect.

Are you a male feedee? Curious enjoy your experiences, are there many female feeders?
Curious about* damn swype
>been on feabie on and off for 6 years now
>big fat guy, handsome face, very tall
>only people that ever visit my account are gay men, ugly trans girls that do not pass at all, extremely mentally unwell morbidly obese middle aged women
Bro you just described 95% of the userbase
I only ever get 200 pounders asking me to send them $100 for a Dominoes pizza.
It probably also helps that she has a pretty fantastic body, so thirsty dudes will look past her blatant unwellness because T&A.
Any time I ever think that the grass must be greener on the other side, I need to read this.
Overlooking someone's problems because they're hot is unfortunate but understandable; what's so insane about that screencap to me is that she's actively bragging about being like that like she knows guys find it hot and interesting. And they apparently do. Makes me wonder if she really even is unwell because this comes off as someoe trying to LARP as le hot but toxic bpd girl trope that seems to be in vogue these days
I feel like it's more guys playing nice to get nudes/sex than actively being interested in that sort of relationship. There are obviously going to be exceptions, of course. Given the rest of her statuses, there's definitely something deeply wrong with her.
Coldstone is so addicted to drama and attention, having her wedding canceled by the storm and getting an ARTICLE about it is probably the best day of her life.
Cool, I hope they show up on 90 day fiance.
can’t believe I’m even saying this but she looks way smaller than she would portray herself on feabie lmao

Maybe she’s losing weight for wedding pics (or for Australian citizenship). It’s been about six months since she was on there and she was pretty big in her Feabie photos.

Lol wtf do you mean for Australian citizenship? You think we have a weight limit or some shit? We have so many pacific islanders here, dude. And they're all fucking 200kg by high school
while I agree with this, what likely happened is she tweeted or posted on Facebook or instagram about it, it went just viral enough that an assignment editor, producer or reporter at this station saw it and they reached out to her to ask if they could do a story on it. I used to work the desk at a small news station in a bumfuck midwest town and we would eat up these kinds of bullshit stories, especially if the person involved has a big personality like coldstone.

hard agree that I expected her to be more of a blob though. I think this is my first time seeing a full body pic of her. she used to post about needing a wheelchair in the airport but she just looks normal fat here like any chick you see at Walmart lmfao

Yeah none of us know how reporting news works bro. Thanks for explaining it.
The fuckin aussies in Gen are such punks
crikey mate, didn't you guys just get the internet like 2 years ago?
I'm more surprised at the fact that he's still dealing with her than anything else.

Your country has health standards to gain citizenship. Fat people get denied citizenship all the time if their weight impacts their health. If you’re born there, you’re free to get as fat as you want.
In the case of the Pacific Islanders, maybe their weight doesn’t impact their health. Pretty sure in CSSA’s case her weight is impacting her health.
Not even the same woman, retard.
She was Pugh on Ash’s Vast Press blog… same age do the math …retard
Feabies done. It’s just sad fat women complaining about being fat.

“It’s just sad fat women complaining about being fat.”

Are you writing erotica?
The Feabie from a couple of years ago is all but dead, sure. Not even sure why there's still an event tab on the site, given that it all but died off once the 'Rona hit. A lot of the semblance of community died off due to endless infighting, on top of an unstoppable flood of """content creators""", legit or otherwise. There's still some decent people on there, just a bit tricker to come by.
>One of my longest-term friends from there decided to stop using the site wholesale
Feels bad man.
At this point. If you can pull on feabie you will have a higher likelyhood if finding a fetish/feeder friendly woman on any of the app. Americans are fat as hell, some of those women might be actually into fetish play and decent to date: both of those are unlikely on feabie anymore:
I'm not really into the fetish side, though. I'm just attracted to fat chicks. I've been tempted to fiddle with more vanilla sites again, by virtue of them probably having anything resembling a local scene, but I haven't been assed.
Tiktok and Instagram are full of big fat women. if you like them bigger than that, it’s in fetish territory.

the thing that sucks about regular dating sites though is that even if there are attractive fat women on there, more often than not they hate their bodies and you have to do all this work to convince them they're attractive to you

at least on fat-focused platforms the women already understand what the deal is so you can skip past the part where you have to talk about it
Counterpoint: I’ve met more feedees off dating apps than feabie. I met more women who hated their fat body and didn’t intend to get fat off feabie than anywhere. Really if she’s on feabie and not a feedee, she hates her fat body. Plus the woman on apps are not pretending to be cool with this fetish for money, that’s a plus.
Why would I use either of those sites though

Comparatively speaking, this isn't as big of a deal for me. The best girl I ever met off of Feabie fell into the "Hated her body" category, and was only there for the positive attention. I have no issues working with the right person, or hell, helping them lose weight, if that's what they truly want for themselves. I'd rather have an insecure fat girl with a heart of gold than a girl whose douchiness matches her size. The former's easier to work with than the latter. Also, what >>25114 said about the pay2play thing.
The attorney is one of us
To be honest she looks like an annoying millenial in her 40s, but dhe's probably like 37.
100% lurks /ssbbw/ and hits every download link he can
She should personality shame herself for making her attorney husband her personality.
>Decide to check Global feed for shits and giggles
>"I need a stuffing right now so bad"
>"Wish I had a feeder stuff me right now"
>"Someone doordash me Chipotle"
>"Why are people so entitled these days?"
All within a half hour of each other. The jokes write themselves.
Too many people fed stray pussy. Now feabies just beggars looking to get fed. What kinda simp gives these people money so beyond me. Free porn is everywhere, these women aren’t into the fetish if they need to be paid to fucking eat.
>All within a half hour of each other. The jokes write themselves.

It's just fishing dude. Lots of the women on Feabie are just as desperate as the men, and also just as spooked by connection.
I just logged on to my old creeping account for the first time in a while and my immediate reaction is that there are less women than even on feabie. The general landscape just seems very dead. Looked up multiple usernames I remembered only to find out they were gone.
Did anything ever come of this?
To ask the question is to answer it
Board dead???
Without the men who would pay them to exist?
I think Ninjah is one of the most disgusting creatures I've ever had the displeasure of seeing.
I like Ninjah but that's only when I'm in the mood to watch someone so ridiculously obese I don't care about how attractive they are. She doesn't have a lot of conventionally attractive features. She only appeals to the deathfeedists that love to see someone massive and willing to put out content (if rare).
anyone know about this list of top users on feabie they are talking about?
Site is hemorrhaging members. Every time I log in there's less people. It went from like 100k to 96 in the past week. I love it. Burn it down. Or better yet leave it up so we can see these spinsters in 10 years complaining about the exact same thing they have been for feabies lifespan. I can't believe I thought it was bad way back when. Those were the fun times. This "community" is garbage and hopefully total economic turmoil on the horizon will whip us all into shape and remind us what really matters in life. Stop giving these demons attention. Stop giving them money. Get some skills and find a nice lady in the real world.
>>28777 That's funny. I always thought it was "sphinxster". Like the egypt sphinx. But I agree with much of what you've said. I don't think this site needs to go down. I think it caters to a specific crowd as it is and that there should be another bbw board elsewhere organized by different ppl with a different vision. Unfortunately it's not as easy as it sounds to find a host. That's the trouble. This site's not too bad though. When they changed the boards last time it made things better, imo. But it's not enough. I almost think that an anime board is necessary if for no other reason to keep bbwdraw clean from garbage, and still bbwdraw's more popular than inf so I don't know. I think more boards are a good idea, but it has to be the right boards, otherwise the problems become worse. Also it's not likely for them to remove any of the existing boards so better boards should be introduced, but who can be entrusted for such a difficult task? The fact of the matter is there are no real solutions for this situation. It's sad to us because we all know in our hearts that things could be better.
I didn't think it was possible for feabie to get worse and it did. I genuinely hope it burns along with most of the pathetic people on there.
Based. Trips confirm
yeah the appeal of feabie when I was on there was the accessibility of models and quasi-internet famous fat girls. now it's just... a ghost town, relative to a couple years ago. I quit a couple years ago and maintain a greyface account for morbid curiosity's sake. my assumption is that coomers and creepy old men ran everyone off?
Feabie is example #1000000 of discord killing off public forums
No, the admins just banned 90 percent of the active lolcows
>>28819 Sounds about right.
IMO, the fact that it become such a financial thing to begin with was the beginning of the end. It became less about pleasure, more about business. Of course, the thirsty simps on there kinda brought it on themselves.

Depends on your definition of "worse". It used to somehow be more toxic, but when that element was culled a bit, it just became boring. Though their recent shift to the Corporate art style on the login screen is a definitive downgrade.

It's a damn shame it's becoming an increasingly mandatory program for socialization.
thedumplin/curioslyclever breakup drama is vaguely interesting, I guess? it spilled over into /bbw/. the last girl/girl breakup we had on feabie (that I remember at least) was BiggestMermaid and BigBellySea.
some Polish man decided to list the most followed users and people apparently took it as a personal insult
I stumbled back onto Feabie a few days ago now. Does anyone still recommend it? I had okay success with it back in the day, but I don't think it's worth it anymore.
>pretty sure I deleted my profile since I found someone I knew irl on there
I recommend it and don't. I found my girlfriend there, the love of my life. We have plans to move in together, we talk about getting married- my life has taken a huge turn for the better, and all of it because of a chance meeting on Feabie

But Feabie is just a place. I had a miserable 9 years on feabie before finding proper success. In that 9 years I only managed to get 10 women to reply to me, of which only 4 went anywhere. I briefly dated another girl on there and got some supremely hot conversations and pictures out of the others. Finally I found the one.

If you're looking for feedism specifically? Feabie is one of the only places, so of course I recommend it. If you just want to find the right person for you or just want a bbw not a feedee, then there are far better options.

I felt sort of trapped into needing feedism. I'm a BHM feedee and over the course of that 9 years gained so much weight I felt like nobody "regular" could love me. Ironically, my girlfriend wasn't a feeder or a FA (although she has come around) and just found the website by accident, deleting her account after only one day. I'm lucky we found each other before she did.

Why did she quit? Because she was barraged by hundreds of thirsty guys. That's the state of Feabie and my true review: you will be lost in the hundreds of other messages. The women on there have 1000's of followers and have type filters on to filter you out, most likely.

If you want a chance, filter to nearby your location. Don't message anyone too far away. Read their profiles. Make the very first line of your message related to them (so they see it in the preview when scrolling through messages). You need quality AND quantity of messages.
It's because a social dating site for straights and normies is a fucking retarded idea. It's always going to be ceded to the worst people with no shame and an army of simps. It's just a stupid idea. 50% autists with fetishes and 50% fat normies who are miserable 100% of the time. What could go wrong? Tbh, they should have taken more from FF, had forums and blog posts and also a robust dating profile interaction.
not sure where it started but wtf is the drama with ivy and rosiejade?

I think rosiejade requested ivy to take down her feedism content that ivy produced, ivy refused because she owns the content after rosiejade signed a release. Some back and forth happened that I can’t figure out because they’re crazy. Rosiejade made some appeals for morality despite the legal enforcement of the contract. Ivy doesn’t have to do shit but knowing it’s causing Rosiejade this much distress she probably should comply. But maybe this situation is bringing enough interest to the content that it doesn’t make financial sense yet.
Kinda hard since Feabie hasn't been around that long.
Feabie cannot possibly be more dead.
She is a woman. The average troon on Twitter is just some basic bitch who dies her hair. Gays hate corporations and shills more than conservatives
does this have any actual relation to feabie
Did you not see the troon flag in their bio?
Gays don't do that. Only Zoomers do
i tried using feabie a few times and i think there's a requirement that you've gotta be retarded or a scammer to sign up.

you have to take an iq test and they only accept you if it's below 50.
>my assumption is that coomers and creepy old men ran everyone off?
Always is the case. I know several girls (sane ones, mostly) from feabie who I still talk to outside of it on snapchat and kik ect, the usual story is "I left since I'm getting a lot of creeps" Being a cumbrain isn't enough to scare them away, the reality is many lack zero social skills and are probably autisitic and haven't had any interactions with women past high school
The reality is these women aren’t interested in the guys who are in their league. If they stay on feabie it’s for scamming simps or ego boost.
These women got off feabie because they all fucked the same handful of guys and didn’t get wifed up by them.
It’s kinda crazy. Fat women have no men after them IRL. Then feabie exists and scammers and whores destroy any reason for a decent man to be there. Now the scammers and whores complain about whose left, cumbrained idiots who put up with them.
Shame it's slowly dying, it was shit but at least it concentrated people in one place. Like any heavy element it's only stable for so long before it becomes inert.

I need an alternative that isn't fucking insta or tiktok
The reality is feabie isn’t for social media. It’s pornography advertising kept alive by johns paying the whores for online feeding sessions.
It’s sucks but fat women would rather stay single than lose weight or date a fat fetishist.
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>Decide to look up one of the original people I really hit it off with on Feabie for shits and giggles today
>She died a few months ago

Well, now my day's ruined, even if she went off the deep end about 3 years ago, and we stopped talking some months afterwards.
I'll say a prayer for her, I'm sorry are you sure? What happened
I’ve been using Feabie for a short while and the site sucks. Most of the women there are fucking insane and have mental issues. You ever just look at the standard members feed? Everyone is either the most boring person you’ll ever meet or have like 50 conditions and deep childhood trauma which is probably which they’re so fucking fat. Trauma induced eating disorders ain’t hot but that seems to be the reality for most people there. The rest are just shilling their onlyfans and want to take advantage of horny men.

I’ve only been using it for a week or so, but I have had a few messages and back and forths, about 5 which is probably decent. But outside of being fat, most of these women have nothing going for them and being able to see the utter drivel they talk about publicly is off putting. I think Fantasy Feeder is probably better.

As stated here, they don’t even seem remotely interested in actually finding someone despite what they say, they like the attention of an army of simps and bitching about weird men and patting themselves on their back.

As with any dating site a lot of women seem to have delusions in what men they can get. Even the absolute munters of women expect Brad Pitt to show up in their DMs. I dunno man, out of the entire site there’s like... 3 women in my country which seem interesting but if they don’t reply than the pool has dried up already.

Think I’ll just stick to normal dating sites.
It used to be a lot better. All the cretins and troons chased decent people off. There are actually women into feederism who are otherwise normal and well-balanced people, they just don't come to Feabie anymore
OF, patreon, and clip stores ruined the kink. The whole community is just an ad now. Feeder or feedee they expect money from dudes. “If you aren’t actively feeding me don’t talk to me, gaining is expensive.” Or “I don’t fetish talk or encourage for free, buy my ‘encouragement’ sessions”. (But I thought gaining was the expensive side lol). Very rare do people gain because they want to and share because they think it’s hot and to build a following/fans. They just jump from nobody to ‘curvage model’ or OF. And holy shit is there some shovelware on the curvageclips store

And yea the troon worship on that site and tumblr feedees is weird as fuck.
again, if you're signing up for feabie in 2023, you missed the boat years ago. in 2018-19 and even early pandemic days there were TONS of women / semi-internet famous fat girls / models to hit up and now the place is tumbleweeds. I know it's easy to blame the Onlyfans boom but having lived through the glory days and eventual downfall I can tell you crusty coomers, actual retards, and in some cases toxicity within the women's cliques drove a lot of people off as well. OF helped but the community dug its own grave IMO.
I met a girl off of feabies. We didn’t work out for political reasons.
She tried to make me eat ass and wasn’t even well shaven or cleaned.
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So for those delusional saps who still have a bit of hope left, where do we go now (for real relationships)? IRL is the obvious choice, but if you live in a white trash town or want to move to another country, that option isn't available.

I heard of one guy who found his wife off twitter (and he was a white nationalist/skullmask wigger so it's not a "muh liberal bias" case). I opened a twitter account but I don't see how he managed it.
I tried discord - terrible mistake.
I'm on Telegram, but everything is even more atomized than twitter.

I'm thinking of opening a facebook and maybe a tiktok (yes I'm that desperate). Where do women hang out online?
The women are entirely toxic. They thought there was an endless supply of tall fit men, but in reality they all fucked the same handful of men and got really jealous and possessive.
The leftovers look like coomers and losers because they’re basically cucks who wanna pay for attention.
I wasn't "run off" Feabie per se, but I was sort of soft exiled because I was in EVERYONE'S DMs and, well, people talk. No regrets other than just not being a little more careful or discerning, but yeah even during the best days of Feabie there was a lot of jealousy and secret fighting over the small handful of decent men.
/soc/ on 4chan is worth a shot but just be aware that it will be tremendously difficult
White supremacists are poorfags who always get mail order brides from Europe. They end up getting divorced cause they won't tone down the extremism.
I'm 99.9% sure. She doesn't seem the sort to fake her own death, and all available info seems to point to it being legit.

Probably for the best. Getting a GF made me realize how much of a wasteland the site's truly become. While it was a huge drama factory years back, that ended up being replaced with... Basically nothing.

Though I will say that I've met a handful of women on there who clearly had conditions + trauma to contend with, but were still fundamentally good people. Most ended up being garbage, but sometimes there's still something there.

I've met a few off there, with mixed results. Nothing as bad as that, though. Worst I've had was some ghostings after the fact.
You guys saying the site used to be good are kidding yourselves, every time I met a fat girl off feabie they always had some kind of mental issue. No shit, girls who prioritize their kink in their dating life are fucked up. Hit it, but don’t expect anything else. There’s plenty of perfectly normal fat girls at the bar or anywhere near law you might meet women who don’t have hundred of dudes fawning over them and most of them are just happy to hear that a man worships their body. Hell I’ve fucked more feabie girls from matching with them on tinder than on that stupid site. Goddamn.
>I met a fat girl off feabie they always had some kind of mental issue.
It's always a red flag when they're super beautiful yet single, have been on the site for more than a year or so and post a lot. Some girls are indeed ok on that site, but they immediately close their account since the coomer spaghetti lords bother them in droves weirding them out.
>We didn’t work out for political reasons.
Who brought it up first? You or her? I'm assuming the latter. The moment I see politics on the front of their profile acting like they're a pseudo political activist is when I know they're crazy.
what is yall impression of protagonist? i've seen her like a feedist post but her timeline is nothing but remarks about "how she looks so good" today while never sharing a pic, how most men aren't good enough for her (cope) and slice of life tweets. oh and all her profile pics are from the waist up leading some people to think she's actually skinny but i've seen a full body pic that shows she has a apron belly without much fat elsewhere. don't think she would try to hide that if she had a mean hourglass.
>It's always a red flag when they're super beautiful yet single

this so much, every good girl is scooped up at around age 24, any single girl older than that got major baggage not to mention its them sloppy seconds your pursuiting
Back in the day, it was much easier to find decent conversation, even if the girls were never necessarily ideal in terms of mental health. But the remotely sane ones were mostly chased off.
>No shit, girls who prioritize their kink in their dating life are fucked up.
Found your problem. The ones that were Vanilla, or at least didn't make kink a central part of their identity, were always better, on average.

>It's always a red flag when they're super beautiful yet single, have been on the site for more than a year or so and post a lot
I assume you mean conventionally-beautiful, by fat girl standards. But yes, they tend to be super batshit at that point. ESPECIALLY if they're in their late 20s-30s.

Yep, this is basically what happened with the girl mentioned in >>33093 as the years went on, sadly.

As I like to say, almost every single girl past that point is either irredeemable trash, or is good GF material, but only for a very specific kind of person. Once you're dating in that age bracket, you sort of have to learn to differentiate between those two categories.
/soc/ is like 60% homosexual/tranny/hyperdegenerate (even more than us). That being said, I've actually talked to two women from there in many long conversations, but eventually rejected them because they weren't what I was looking for. I've updated my ad to be a little more specific, and have not gotten a single mesage since.

If shitty wahmen chase all the good women away on feabie, I can't imagine all the dick pic and gay porn on /soc/ will retain women any longer. I'll keep trying, but are there any other options?

ChadLeftist, is that you?
sorry for responding to a year-old post but I used to love DM'ing her. girl puts up a tough front but she would dish out the fat talk and nudes if she liked you well enough. her FetLife (same username) is loaded with good stuff btw.

Anyone else like that? Asking for a friend.

Not far off from my own experience. I'd say I'm relatively handsome, fit, and interesting. Back in the day on Feabie, I had a good amount of DMs, to the point that I had to buy a subscription to get past the messaging limit to continue talking to people.

The problem was, I wasn't the one starting conversations- women were DMing me, even when I wasn't posting at all on the main feed. It seemed like those I had more than a few messages with, eventually the dynamic with many of them would change, I'm guess bc all of them were talking to one another.

I was new to my state at the time, so unless I REALLY didn't even want to talk to a person, I wasn't ruling out anyone for friendly conversation, and I think that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way who were wanting/expecting more.

It was an off dynamic. I think I got along best with the folks who didn't seem to be involved much on the main feed, not engaging with the folk who were posting every thought that entered their head for the entire site to see. FA communities were/are freaking weird to navigate. Too much jealousy and drama to even really make friends a lot of the time.
That’s called letting the trash take itself out. These women are talking to a ton of guys, getting money from some even.
They were tracking me. I was on a spreadsheet. I had a girl I was friendly with getting updates on my location change when I’d go on vacation, she’s been off the site for a year and still was getting fed information.
If men were doing this to these women it’d have been an abusive violation of privacy. Every woman I met off feabie was an unhinged abuser who’d gaslight out of reflex.

Oof. That explains a lot, honestly. I had sneaking suspicions that some folks were DMing me just to test if i would engage them back or not, in order to report back to another person I had started a convo with previously...

What were some of these women expecting? To not answer all other messages just because you exchanged 4 messages a week ago? It's really what that felt like. I'd be happy to close my account or not respond to other women if I were actually dating someone, but these people had ZERO chill. Just, obsessed from first DM.

I'll say, EVERY conversation I had with the 'main feed' clique of people ended abruptly, or awkwardly. I even had people from that group get angry for not responding quickly enough (I.E. within the same day!?), as if other people didn't have jobs or lives outside of this fringe hellscape of a website. Red flags all around.

I remember always seeing a posts mentioning a large private group video chat, that seemingly people spent their entire days on... even during weekdays. I could never. I didn't trust main feed folks not to screencap or just be creepy in general. From the sounds of things, they were doing that already.
Old guy here. I've been married since before Feabie came out, but it's funny to me how much these stories remind me of what it was like to be a guy on Dimensions in the mid-2000s. The dirty secret of the community, then and now, is that if you're the "new meat" as a male newcomer who attracts women's attention, you're going to be at the center of everybody's gossip even if you don't realize it.

Being the new guy and getting tons of attention from attractive women was overwhelming and fun at first, and a huge self-esteem boost, but then I realized how it made it impossible to have a normal "getting to know you" dating life with any one person. You basically can't sneeze in anyone's direction without the entire community knowing it, and once you've dated or hooked up a few times you're only a degree or two of separation from absolutely everybody in the scene, female or male.

I made a Feabie account when it first came out (2015?), because I was too curious about the idea of a feedist social network not to at least lurk for a bit. I only lurked for a couple months, as a grayface who never interacted with anyone, but it was obvious even then that adding a Facebook-style social feed was going to take all the existing social dysfunction of the community and amp it up to 11.

It does make me feel ancient when I think back to my Dims days and realize that a lot of the "inner circle" of people who spent their entire lives on the forum conniving with each other, and who seemed to me back then like they were middle-aged spinsters and permanent bachelors, were younger then than I am now.
100% every woman on there knew this. Would call it a cesspool and race each other to jump on new dick while it was fresh.
There’s a few mafias of crazy, desperately single women. They’ll all date each others ex’s and form weird beefs and rivalries. They collectively blame everything on men and wonder why they’re single.
This does not surprise me at all. I don’t know if she ran it or if she was even supposed to say it out loud, but I know FupaTrooper posted a few times about the secret Feabie women subreddit for keeping track of the men in the community.

I also got “new meat” treatment from Heather (yes, that one, AMA) but I think that was more her being horny than trying to feel me out for the sake of the secret underground society of Feabie women.
I totally believe all of this and was aware that “people talk”, but never knew the extent of it. Wow how do these people not have lives to take it to this level of extreme. How did you find out about it and do you have some more stories/examples? I always figured it was more of a ‘stay away from this user because they are a creep’ than full scale mafia and minions. I don’t doubt it though, it makes sense just from seeing how people act and carry themselves on there.
Posts like these make me nervous. I'm a 24yo woman and I just got dumped in the middle of what I thought was a serious relationship, are men going to assume I'm crazy now because I'm single?
You thought it was a good relationship, he didn’t.
Getting fired is never a good resume item. Bad experience is worse than no experience.
>comparing relationship histories to work resumes

How's high school going?
>I also got “new meat” treatment from Heather (yes, that one, AMA) but I think that was more her being horny than trying to feel me out for the sake of the secret underground society of Feabie women.
You and me both, brother, and every other guy in the scene. This happened to me on Dimensions almost twenty years ago. There's something wholesome about Heather, she's a smart sex-positive woman with a level head and a good heart who's enthusiastic about meeting new guys who share her kink. She lost interest in me pretty quickly when she realized how young and inexperienced I was, but she still went out of her way to introduce me to her IRL friends at bashes and generally help me integrate into the scene. She genuinely cares about helping new people who seem promising become part of the BBW/FA world.
Lost sexual/romantic interest in me, I should say
If dumping someome is "firing" them as opposed to "quitting" the relationship, then by this logic, women who "fire" a bunch of men have a better "resume" than women who got "fired".
I'm sure you think that women who can't commit are crazy, so this logic seems like a forced way to make it still be women's fault even when a man has commitment issues.
I understand that women on feabie in particular ARE single for red-flag reasons, but I've seen this "any woman over 24 who is single has something wrong with her" meme one too many times and it's annoying to see when you did everything right for a man and he dumped you anyway for no reason. Just keep in mind that sometimes a woman is single through no fault of her own.
Nah you're fine. I think a better way of putting it is: it's a red flag if a girl is over 24 and is still exclusively seeking casual relationships, or is hopping from one short-term relationship to another. And it gets way worse as she gets past 30, it just starts around 24-25. So just stay focused on recovering from the breakup and then seeking your next serious relationship and you'll be fine. Or don't, I'm just some guy.
I can see why he dumped you.
Lady, you're justifying your love life to a literal child who posts bad AI scat photos and derails any thread they're on to talk about wafflestomping. It's not worth it.
Some honest and well-intentioned advice, from a middle aged married guy who's almost 20 years older than you. This is assuming you're involved in Feabie or other online BBW/FA/feedist communities.

Ignore male posters in venues like this one who say that you're washed up at 24, or are damaged goods because you didn't immediately marry the first guy you dated. That kind of "red pill" talk is the equal and opposite version of "all men are scum" online feminism. Both should be kept at a distance. Only deeply insecure guys will care that you had a previous serious relationship and it didn't work out. But >>34309 is right that it will be a dealbreaker to worthwhile guys if you have a habit of casual sex/hookups/flings, especially with it's with guys who are more attractive than they are ("virgin vs. Chad" is a meme, but it's based in the reality of male human nature.)

Avoid getting sucked into the bucket crab mentality. Even if it starts as a joke or venting, if you repeat "all men are scum" long enough you'll start to internalize it, and any man worth being in a relationship with will be able to smell that bitterness and spitefulness from a mile off. Guys want to feel that you're being responsibly cautious but willing to put your trust in them specifically if they put in the effort to be trustworthy in return. Yes, this is a hard balance to strike. The battle of the sexes is ugly for both sides.

In the aftermath of an unexpected breakup, you're a lot better off getting support from your IRL female friends, even if they're not fat, than listening to the angry bucket crabs in online fat communities. It might feel tempting to give in to your bitterness, and a lot of women are going to offer you a seemingly sympathetic ear, but this will come at the price of you internalizing their personalities and values, and getting sucked into the gossip spiderweb. Always ask yourself, is this woman someone who seems like she has an offline life that I would want to emulate, or is she a bitter and damaged person who uses being an online queen bee to cope for being a lonely failure in the real world? If you're dating in the community, figuring out who to trust isn't easy, and it's okay to listen to rumors about a particular guy being a player / closet FA / untrustworthy scumbag, but always, always consider the source.

Good luck out there, as an older Millennial I really do think that Zoomers (of both sexes) have it even worse than my generation did.
Thank you for the thoughtful advice. To clarify, I have absolutely no anger towards men in general, or even my ex! I still love him, after all. I was just trying to make this point, which you've phrased really well:

>That kind of "red pill" talk is the equal and opposite version of "all men are scum"

That was all I'm trying to say. We're on a thread mocking crazy libfems, but some men here obviously employing the same retarded logic as they are. I just want people to stop being retarded. A lot to ask on an image board, I know. It's on me for replying to an obvious troll, but I've found that this sentiment is really common and I just wanted to sperg about it. Sorry for derailing.
It’s always a red flag when you wanted the relationship to continue but got dumped. These are typically people users who drained their partners till they tapped out (regardless of gender). Oftentimes it shows a stunted maturity where the dumped partner has been deadfishing while the dumping partner has been growing as a person until the two aren’t compatible.
Your overall tone reeks of your problem if being “other peoples fault”. “Random men online said I’m damaged goods”. Well, prove them wrong by rising up to the challenge instead of whining on a pornography message board.
I'm just trying to tell you that you have a very "magical thinking" way of looking at relationships. It sounds like you read this on some redpill version of psych2go or whatever and don't really have much relationship experience to see through bullshit theories like this. There are lots of reasons people grow apart during relationships, or even circumstantial reasons people have to break up. It can be the dumper's fault, the dumpee's fault, both, or neither. If you look at any woman who's single at 25 and go "well there's something wrong with her then" you're an immature retard. And if we accept your premise that getting dumped is always your fault, then what about women who dump one man after the other? Surely that's the men's fault for not "growing as people"? Oh right, no, that's also somehow her fault. You are literally the male version of the lolcow women in this thread. I'm just trying to wake you up to the real world.

>Your overall tone reeks of your problem if being “other peoples fault”.
I said literally nothing to this effect so I'm gonna go ahead and guess you can't read. Per my post:
>Just keep in mind that *SOMETIMES* a woman is single through no fault of her own.
Emphasis mine.

I'm just trying to tell you that you have a very "magical thinking" way of looking at relationships. It sounds like you read this on some redpill version of psych2go or whatever and don't really have much relationship experience to see through bullshit theories like this. There are lots of reasons people grow apart during relationships, or even circumstantial reasons people have to break up. It can be the dumper's fault, the dumpee's fault, both, or neither. If you look at any woman who's single at 25 and go "well there's something wrong with her then" you're an immature retard. And if we accept your premise that getting dumped is always your fault, then what about women who dump one man after the other? Surely that's the men's fault for not "growing as people"? Oh right, no, that's also somehow her fault. You are literally the male version of the lolcow women in this thread. I'm just trying to wake you up to the real world.

>Your overall tone reeks of your problem if being “other peoples fault”.
I said literally nothing to this effect so I'm gonna go ahead and guess you can't read. Per my post:
>Just keep in mind that *SOMETIMES* a woman is single through NO FAULT of her own.

Nowhere did I say it's anyone else's fault necessarily.
I agree with all of this. We didn’t get to hook up for a multitude of reasons but she was exceptionally sweet and very open to answering all my questions as a somewhat starstruck 25 year old, lol. When I said I got new meat’d by her I should have emphasized that I was fucking THRILLED about it.
Corgifairy made the video groupchat I think. Two girls from my area who I thought were cute, were Frog and Notsolittlemermaid.
I don't get this site. I wasn't on main feed, wasn't begging in dms, wasn't selling content, but I still got seemingly permabanned. I get it's a cesspool but avoiding global helped a ton and I was talking to some pretty nice people. Is there a way to circumvent this?
I can't say I 100% disagree with the "25 and over and still single indicates deeper issues" notion. Generally, there's higher-than-normal levels of baggage at that point, but the question becomes whether there's something salvageable beneath said baggage. In many cases, there's some degree of being victims of circumstance, but the real show of strength comes in how people respond to said circumstances in the longer term. If their response is to internalize sexism, as a number of women on Feabie, as well as incels do, then yeah, they're probably fucked and likely beyond saving.

Sometimes, though, those "deeper issues" may be more quirks than anything, and may simply require a certain sort of person to make a relationship actually work. They're not for everyone, but they're someone's someone. I'd like to think my relationship is a poster child for this notion.
It’s not a horrible dealbreaker if she learned from her mistakes, picks up the slack and actually dates in her league. But in general it’s never good when someone improves their life by removing you.
Most of the women hysterical that their boyfreind would have the gall to break up with them aren’t learning lessons. They’re gonna take out their frustrations on their next man instead of figuring out what made them so easy to dump.
Wish I had boned Heather when I had the chance. She was pushing 600 pounds at the time but I was pursuing other women like a retard
Truth is: yes you’re less desirable on average but regardless most guys aren’t in a position to dictate their preferences.
The guys in this forum aren’t the type of guys who dump girls like you and can go get a fresh woman without the baggage.
Guys who are in demand will probably pass on your personality. You don’t sound like you bring much to a relationship except stank pussy I could pull every night of the week.
Within my first few weeks on Feabie, Heather DM'd me and asked if I'd be interested in meeting a BigCutie who was my age and lived a couple hours away. Nothing came of it but I can totally confirm Heather's really sweet and wants the best for people in her community.
Does Heather just pop out of the blue for you people? Seriously, this sounds too good to be true that she's just willing to hook people up with her girls.

And which one was she trying to set you up with?
This board:
>reee why are women so mean to men, it's not fair
>Oh no someone made the mistake of admitting to being a woman on a chan, time to insult her pussy for no reason to put her in her place

I propose that the men on this board date the women on feabie. It's a match made in heaven.
In my experience (I am >>34283), I saw she looked at my profile, so I reached out. Easy as that.
The thing is, they PERCEIVE that their life is being improved by removing their partner from it. That doesn't necessarily mean they're correct in that assumption, it could very well be an issue of short-sightedness.

Similarly, they could be correct, and the relationship didn't work for them, specifically. That doesn't necessarily mean that person who they broke off with is undateable as a whole, though the more often it happens, the more likely there's something seriously off about them.

The earlier post saying that there's no definitive party that one could point fingers at for relationships ending was 100% correct. It really varies from situation to situation.

>I propose that the men on this board date the women on feabie. It's a match made in heaven.
Way ahead of you. Fortunately, I managed to find a not-dickhead one.
But we can all agree that open boxes that have been returned to the store have a discounted price for a reason.
Thank you. This premise people keep repeating here that relationships only end because one person had a glaring flaw that made them deserve to get dumped is literally a middle schooler's understanding of relationships. I'd go so far as to say this is probably one of the more uncommon reasons to break up. I've both dumped people and been dumped and it was never about someone being "bad". People grow apart, life circumstances change how feasible the relationship is, people discover they have different long-term goals, or that they're incompatible in some way, etc. The biggest problem with my relationship was that it was long-distance, for example. After interacting with the people on this thread, I've realized that anyone who believes these extreme blanket statements has probably never been in a real relationship before, so I no >>34538
Thank you. This premise people keep repeating here that relationships only end because one person had a glaring flaw that made them deserve to get dumped is literally a middle schooler's understanding of relationships. I'd go so far as to say this is probably one of the more uncommon reasons to break up. I've both dumped people and been dumped and it was never about someone being bad. People grow apart, life circumstances change how feasible the relationship is, people discover they have different long-term goals, or that they're incompatible in some way, etc. After interacting with the people on this thread, I've realized that anyone who believes these extreme blanket statements has probably never been in a real relationship before, so I no longer worry what such people might think of me.

worry what such people might think of me.
Thank you. This premise people keep repeating here that relationships only end because one person had a glaring flaw that made them deserve to get dumped is literally a middle schooler's understanding of relationships. I'd go so far as to say this is probably one of the more uncommon reasons to break up. I've both dumped people and been dumped and it was never about someone being bad. People grow apart, life circumstances change how feasible the relationship is, people discover they have different long-term goals, or that they're incompatible in some way, etc. After interacting with the people on this thread, I've realized that anyone who believes these extreme blanket statements has probably never been in a real relationship before, so I no longer worry what such people might think of me.
Who would want to date a bitch who thinks they can argue away men’s preferences?
No one’s stopping you from dating losers who can’t express their preferences and will let you walk all over them and tell them what to think.

But to any winner: you’re a dented can in the discount bin.
Bbw-chan underage LARPer observatory
Ignoring the comparison of people to objects for a moment, the value of people in terms of relationships is a hell of a lot more subjective than the value of non-sentient things. Something that is plainly damaged, worn, or otherwise less-than-ideal will naturally fetch a lower price than something brand-new. However, how can one properly analyze the value of a person? The best gauge is broader social trends, but even that isn't absolute. Some people value vanilla relationships, while others value ones with kink. Some people want to eventually raise families, while others don't. And to wrap things around to the nature of this board, some people will refuse to be in relationships with fat girls, while others embrace it. Your argument oversimplifies relationships in general.

Yeah. I was only ever in one relationship before my current one, and that ended up more or less being mutual though I was the one to initiate it. There was simply lack of shared interest between us. The physical chemistry was there, as was emotional, to an extent. But figuring out what to do for date nights never really worked out. We still remained friends for a good few years before I started nuking social media and she opted to not shift communication platforms. I hold no ill will towards her, and I'm sure she's someone's someone, just not my someone.
We both live in Canada. Unless you live in one of the three major cities, IRL is going to be harder. I live in the 807 and basically, good luck.

I hear there is wooplus, but I don't know if anyone in my area is there, and they have no free option to try it out.
Don't even bother making a logical argument. They're just trolls trying to "own the women". I mean just look at >>34560, what man who has actually been within arm's length of a woman unironically uses "winner"? I doubt even the most extremist redpiller really thinks a woman is damaged goods because she's had one failed relationship by 24. Anyone who has been in a relationship doesn't need basic concepts of chemistry and compatibility explained to them.
(15 KB, 1373x112, fatphobicddsf.png)
I swear I see a braindead take like this on a near daily basis on that site.
what's so braindead about it? if you scrap the part about Victorian dresses being based on steatopygic African women its a truthful post imo
OP remember these are your white knights.
No one said “one failed relationship”, this dummy got dumped by the man she wanted to marry and has not reflected on why.
Also im thirty something and married. I’ve dated tons and never settled for old bitter hags.
“Winners” def exist, we’re tall, fit and successful.
Men with options prefer women who aren’t used up and bitter. Losers get to reheat the leftovers that might get you sick.
>no one said one failed relationship
That's all anyone said. I said I got dumped once by 24 and now suddenly I'm an "old used up bitter hag" or whatever.

>has not reflected on why
How did you make it to a marriage in your mid 30s and still think there is always an obvious way that a relationship ending is someone's "fault"? The "whiteknights" have a better understanding of relationships than you. I can't believe I'm giving in and actually justifying my breakup to you guys, but for your information, it was long-distance. I wanted to make it work but I guess it was too hard for him, which is understandable. Feel free to write more fanfiction now about how I drove him away with my craziness and stanky pussy or whatever, as if relationships never end for circumstantial or benign reasons.

>“Winners” def exist
Yes, hot guys exist. Anyone who self-describes as such or clings to this "magic system" model of relationships is very unlikely to have much relationship experience though.

I honestly don't know why you're all trying so hard to insult me, is it really so offensive to men that I said sometimes when a relationship ends it's not unilaterally the woman's fault? Is that really so controversial? I didn't even say it's sometimes the man's fault (although that's obvious also true). I just said it's not always the woman's fault. It can be both people's fault but it's more commonly no one's fault.
No one has actually replied with an argument to the contrary, just lots of unoriginal insults piling on me because I made the mistake of being a woman on a chan. Maybe you all think I represent all the crazy feabie girls that have rejected you. If you're happily married in your 30s then what are you even getting out of putting a random woman "in her place"?
You asked why guys with options to pick from often screen against older women with more exes.
Date in your league and accept that you’re not everyone’s prized pig. But you have no moral high ground insulting men’s preferences when you don’t meet them.
You’re as bad as the short bald broke men in the other thread complaining models don’t want to date them.
>You asked why guys with options to pick from often screen against older women with more exes
>But you have no moral high ground insulting men’s preferences

I literally did none of this. Seriously, quote the part of any of my posts where I "asked why men don't want older women with a ton of exes" or insulted men for not wanting older women. I really feel like you guys are just talking to imaginary women that were mean to you in your past or something and you're taking your "revenge" out on me, because this is a schizophrenic interpretation of my posts.

I said
>not every woman who is single at 24 is necessarily a crazy slut who has been through multiple guys. It's entirely possible that her long-term relationship just didn't work out for a benign reason
>not everyone who has gone through a breakup had some red flag flaw that made them deserve it
And I EVEN said, and this is a direct quote from my post:
>I understand that women on feabie in particular ARE single for red-flag reasons.

If you don't disagree with either of these points then fuck off and stop schizoposting your angry revenge fanfic about stacy at me.
>You asked why guys with options to pick from often screen against older women with more exes
>But you have no moral high ground insulting men’s preferences

I literally did none of this. Seriously, quote the part of any of my posts where I "asked why men don't want older women with a ton of exes". I really feel like you guys are just talking to imaginary women that were mean to you in your past or something and you're taking your "revenge" out on me, because this is a schizophrenic interpretation of my posts.

I said
>not every woman who is single at 24 is necessarily a crazy slut who has been through multiple guys. It's entirely possible that her long-term relationship just didn't work out for a benign reason
>not everyone who has gone through a breakup had some red flag flaw that made them deserve it
And I EVEN said, and this is a direct quote from my post:
>I understand that women on feabie in particular ARE single for red-flag reasons.

If you don't disagree with either of these points then fuck off and stop schizoposting your angry revenge fanfic about stacy at me.

Also, how underage are you guys such that 24 is so old and washed up? Am I arguing with literal high-schoolers? If you're 20 or somethjng and you don't want to date a 24yo, that's completely understandable; I don't think 24yo women are looking to date 20yo guys either. But you'd better hope the immediate next long-term relationship you get into works out, or else you'll also be 23 or 24 and single like me, and then you can't have this stupid moral highground anymore. Unless that only applies to women, which wouldn't surprise me anymore.
Way to shift the goal posts. You came in here to stoke up your white knight army to censure peoples very reasonable statementsz
Literal schizopsting, I have no response other than friendly advice to take your meds
Why don’t you leave the mentally unwell out of your pity party, you’re not gonna win over any sympathy insulting disabled people more.
It's a way of saying that your replies are conspirational and out-of-touch with reality. If you care so much "ableist terms" you're on the wrong site and especially the wrong thread, btw.
Dusty and bitter.
How many cats do you have lady?
Wow, a cat lady joke in 2023... you really cut deep with that one. Yes, I'm so dusty at 24 and patiently explaining my point while seething retards insult me betrays my inner bitterness.

Look, if everyone on here is actually under 20 and they think I'm forcing them to find 25yos attractive, then I truly apologize for coming off that way. I didn't realize people here were so young, I thought it was typical just redpill nonesense where a woman has to be under 20 to be fertile even though the man saying it is 30 himself.
Are you really arguing men don’t find younger women with fewer exes more desirable?
Did you just come here to complain that some 30 year old men exclude you from their dating criteria?
Are you here to argue against the stereotype older single women have as notoriously bitter rejected women anxious to get married and rush into kids.
I’m betting at least 3 cats.
As someone who's never had a relationship (and might never will) who isn't getting younger I think the cap of where I want to pursue a woman at is 25, that's just what I think, I don't ask the age of a woman before I decide to hit on her. But if a women looks - avoiding the word old here - like somone who could be a mom i'm assuming she has a BF/Husband (There's some leeway because I like fat chick though). I'm also assuming her to be harder to sway.
Even the so-called "happy single" are that way because they have reference material (prob some FWB's as well). The thought of a women having performed sexual acts with an ex, not a couple of times but hundred of times during a lengthy relationship is disgusting too but unless they filmed it I won't have to constatly think of it. The reason why it's weird for a women to be single is because you don't have to put in much effort to get a relationship, opportunies arrive without you having to do anything. Let's not forget girls date older guys starting with high school, that creates a ripple effect of guys not being able to date the girls they are the most attracted to at that point.
>Are you really arguing men don’t find younger women with fewer exes more desirable?
There are men who want more "Experienced" women out there, yes. Again, it's basically akin to saying "More men want skinny women, therefore men don't want fat women". At most, you could make the argument that the supply of older women significantly exceeds the demand for them. But given your posts, it's plain that you see anyone that agrees with you is reasonable, and anyone that doesn't is a White Knight or whatever.

>The reason why it's weird for a women to be single is because you don't have to put in much effort to get a relationship, opportunies arrive without you having to do anything.
This boldly assumes that a woman will jump on whatever relationship offer gets thrown at them. They still have to filter out shit guys pretty hard (Especially with the modern online dating pool), something that many guys will never have to do. Both sexes face their own set of challenges on that front.
>This boldly assumes that a woman will jump on whatever relationship offer gets thrown at them. They still have to filter out shit guys pretty hard (Especially with the modern online dating pool), something that many guys will never have to do. Both sexes face their own set of challenges on that front.

Oh, I know they don't but you can't become selective (what we may as well call hypergamous) without having reference material first, and the average women has it plenty relatively soon in her life.

If woman says she needs to filter out "shit men" i'm going to think she looks down upon the majority of men, but this selectiveness is quite hot in some type of way so it's a double edged sword.
>Are you really arguing men don’t find younger women with fewer exes more desirable?

>Did you just come here to complain that some 30 year old men exclude you from their dating criteria?
No, and I don't want to date 30yos anyway

>Are you here to argue against the stereotype older single women have as notoriously bitter rejected women anxious to get married and rush into kids.
And no.

Are you trying to blindly guess what I might be saying without reading any of my post? You are literally 0 for 3 here. If you want to find out what I'm saying, just read the words I wrote. They're right there in front of you.
I don’t know how things work north of the border but in America we don’t put up with your kind of trouble making.
You’ve been warned. Watch it Canuck.
Understood, sir.
I will use this lovely reply as an excuse to exit the thread because I've derailed it way too much.
The reality is this is what the “sane” women on feabie sound like. It’s the weirdest thing, these women are desperate freaks irl but then go online to have some fake bad bitch personae with the only men sick enough to find them attractive.
Feabies a rotting corpse. The only people left are women looking to get money from men they hate, and men big enough losers to play that game.
I was on Feabie once, I garnered quite a bit of popularity across both genders while I was there. Made some not-so-great choices I’m not proud of, but the result is that I’ll pretty much never be accepted there again. Not to say that everyone who fucks up deserves a second chance, but when I have the foresight to pull my head out of my ass I’m a good enough guy. Feelsbad I guess
You also forgot desperate homosexuals who can't read. I put several notices on my profile about having "I will not respond to men. Do not contact me" and yet all these years 95% of my interactions are from gay men who try to butter me up by calling me "cute" or "sexy". And with Feabie's really idiotic blocking limits based on gender there's only so much you can do.

But yeah, Feabie is a dead site walking at this point. There has been zero local activity when there used to be quite a bit and even the follows I have barely post anything unless they are shilling for their paid sites. It's pretty bad when Fantasy Feeder has more local activity near me than Feabie. Not a lot, mind you, but definitely more.
Lmaoooo drop the username
(573 KB, 501x661, averagefeabieman.png)
>and men big enough losers to play that game.
Pic related, average feabie "man".
I figured that's what DocGyara and Gnarly Otaku look like without the Twitter filter. Somehow the black girls dressed like Double D are far more womanly than these queer men
Kisame here. I am a Frenchie. We either dress in flannel for fall and winter and floral pants for summer. I flat out don't know why Fetterman is dressed like a Muslim cleric. I thought fat tankies dressed in jumpsuits
>Claims to be a Frenchie yet your post has the USA flag on it.
Lol I think it’s obvious that Fetterman doesn’t give a flying fuck what anyone thinks about how he dresses.
His constitutions do since Pennsylvania is full of Amish and Mennonites
(12 KB, 350x350, barack_obama_les_guignols_de_l_info.webp)
Kisame here. Frenchies take the dim view that blacks are just office workers who work for a jingoistic American empire. It's the same reason Alex from Totally Spies is written as a valley girl. Americans are painted as either proud jingoists or Republicans are painted as dumb manchildren
Don’t forget about the French genocide of the Algerians and basically happily executing Jews for the Nazis after surrendering the country.
France is more known for the Student Revolution of 68 that ousted the Catholic conservative WWII military. Jews are the biggest Francophiles to the point that they want the world to be like Canada even though Trudeau would execute them with military police
You mean like how America surrendered to Vietnam, Korea, Iran twice, Latin America, Saudi Arabia, and Afghanistan?
Dawgs this board is about fat chicks.
Fat chicks are wearing the mask so they don't get COVID
If my jeans can’t stop a fart a mask sure can’t stop bioengineered virus particles.
Did anyone ever talk to Cunt Dracula/Delilah Boopity? I wonder what's behind her extreme oversharing habits, she used to post pictures from her filthy apartment and now she is having bedbugs. I know everyone can get them, but it does seem like filthy people are getting them more often.
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feabie is a shithole
Someone wanted 80 bucks for me to paypal them breakfast and I "get to watch". I'm so fucking fed up with this shit.

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