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Post some of your best and dankest BBW or FA related memes
I'm about to get fucking roasted for how shit of a meme this is aren't I?
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Whoever the fuck you are, these memes are dank as all hell.
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My ex became a meme. I swear this Challenger is Internetfatgirlworld famous.
Thats one marvelous girl. Must suck to lose such a gem.
It actually doesn't. She is a narcissist with some serious emotional issues. I will never touch again unless she gets some serious psychological counseling
Once you get to girls that big, it seems like you have a hard time finding someone that isn't narcissistic or otherwise unstable.
Real talk, fellas: Why is it so hard to find a girl who isn't really up her own ass or doesn't have depressingly low self esteem? Not even just talking about fat girls here.

Social media.
Feels like a slow-moving culture war. You got the beta-male posturing of teenage boys on the one side, and women confusing power/value with looking good and having money. It's anti-social attitudes all the way down, at least in my country.
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I made this shitty meme ages ago. Does anyone know who the artist of the original picture is? I'm posting it here because I can't remember lol
ITT: The entire spectrum
He got off easy, they typically post shots of guys vomiting in reply.
Link to the convos?

Anyone got the og 4chan post?
It's a robot thread? That explains the lack of vitriol.
Ah, interesting! Thanks!
Where do you people find these? The only ones I find are groan-worthy tumblr macros.
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Just thought of this after my Ex gave me a lecture on being into fat girls
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Not positive but funny anyway
she's hot
yeah, who is she?
I never really see any. I've always considered this meme one that has little artistic manifestation.
I see lots of greentexts but no memes to be had.

> little artistic manifestation.

tbh that true of wg in general. I haven't really looked into why. Maybe otherkin are too tempting a target, so all of the memers jump on that bandwagon, lol
Got an English version of this meme?
Wasnt there one of the distracted boyfriend meme where he and the girl were looking at a ssbbw?
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A top tier meme to redeem myself for the shit tier meme I made for this thread
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Here's one I made earlier. The people on r/fatadmirermemes promptly became angry about it and accused me of being fatphobic. Classic Reddit.
Fuck em dude, I think it's hilarious
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It may have something to do with me replying with this after someone started reeeeing that she is both fat and healthy... she's 300+ lbs.
>All three
I don't know, I've seen some pretty flat ass BBWs before.
That huff at the end
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This will never not be funny to me
literally me
This is more of a humor thread, since not every picture here is a meme.
meme just became the word for funny internet image sometime in the early 2010s
Holy shit, did we actually get a genuine "AcKsHuAlLy It'S nOt A mEmE, iT's An ImAgE mAcRo" in the current year? I thought that died out in the late 00s. You know, when it stopped being relevant or accurate.
>>4950 'Cause his mom is an Only Fans ho?
Someone been on /pol/?
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what's project veritas? how is it related to BBWs? Is this just a random meme you posted here because you can't read? lol
Anyone know what happened the Jae thread in ssbbw?
The whistle blower in the video is a bbw.
The absolute fuck are you talking about and how retarded are you to push your bullshit on a porn board of all things.

Kill yourself. Spare everyone that has to deal with your pants-shitting idiocy.

you didn't post a video, moron
Dunno what thread you were watching. No memes to be had in there. Just faggotry.
She's old and average American woman sized.
Agreed, but I had to make it relevant somehow. Her face is a bit bloated. BBW now?
Bro this is the best post in the thread fuck reddit for not appreciating it
I was in that thread, heh.
Anything else brought up or was it that one alpha?
nah it was just a bbw porn dump thread, guy just happened to fuck a model I was posting.
Not sure I believe this
It's too many notches on this dude's bed.
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It's because women are taught that appearance is everything. They think that if they are 'pretty' (by 'normal' standards) then they can get away with murder and deserve a man who will wait on them hand and foot, and that if they are 'ugly' (by 'normal' standards) or fear that they are 'ugly' (by 'normal' standards) then they are not worthy of existance.

It takes a lot of power to undo that kind of brainwashing and get them to realise that A) beauty is in the eye of the beholder, not an absolute thing that holds true for everyone and B) there's more to a person than these gangly skin-sacks we walk around in.

Social media didn't invent this problem, but it magnified it tenfold by giving the narcisistic ones an outlet to signal how beautiful and how virtuous they are, and the ones with low self esteem an outlet to attract attention by telling everyone how awful their self esteem is. It also ends up creating echo chambers, so those behaviours are reinforced on a daily basis. That's partly why so many women think those awful fake eyebrows and pumped up lips are attractive.

The problem has spread to men too, so you end up with the musclebound meatheads who think they're top-shit and the preening metrosexuals.

People really need to stop caring how 'beautiful' or 'ugly' they are and worry about whether they're a decent and/or interesting person, with an array of skills and interests.
Dank AF. (And in my eyes, proof our fetish used to be mainstream.)

Truest of all memes. The triple whammy is best.

Remember, there's a difference between the 'body positivity' movement and 'fat acceptance' - the first want all bodies to be accepted, the second just want people to be nicer to fat chicks. We degenerates should be backing the second camp.
I am no degenerate, but back the acceptance fat chicks, obviously. I am an FA.
>We degenerates should be backing the second camp.
fuck that, we should back none of it. I want our taste to be a niche and only for elite-taste men. backing FA made fat women overconfident and pretentious.
>I want our taste to be a niche and only for elite-taste men. backing FA made fat women overconfident and pretentious.
From a real-life partnering up perspective I agree. But from a lurking in the shadows, binging on jpegs point of view I can't help but feel it would be depriving us of material. Though I must admit, perhaps the 'overconfidence' is what's driving them to hide behind paywalls.

Tough call...

Deidrababe. An early BigCuties model
>overpower my sense of reason
this mf praying to ben shapiro for forgiveness after he cooms. 4chins is so cringe
found it on /vr
auth right and lib left should be reversed because fetishes usually embody the opposite of one's political ideals. Slob stuff is more common the right while stuff that enforces hierachy is more common on the left
>>14545 You clearly don't know what a hierarchy is and adults shouldn't speak about things that they know nothing about.
I literally study the stuff dipshit
What We Talk about When We Talk About Hierarchy

It would be interesting to talk about the nature of hierarchy, like two philosophers meeting at the crossroads
we might talk of corporate hierarchies and social hierarchies, hierarchies of all kinds, but being good philosophers we would always take care to aim at and hopefully arrive at the truth or something like it at least
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A friend sent this to our group chat. In my mind I was like “They don't know that I have masturbated several times to this girl"
Oh fuck, she's being meme'd. Shitstorm incoming.
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Her name was cat pause, she was a fat studies activist in New Zealand who actually recently died in March. So of course you know all the fat phobic assholes assume it was cause of her weight but the cause is unknown. She was young tho, like 40 or so, and easily 450+ pounds, based on the few pictures available
I betcha she died cause of being fat
That or the dead baby juice shot she statistically most likely got the full range of based on her ideology. Or both.
Boy you are terrified of going outside, huh.
>That or the dead baby juice shot she statistically most likely got the full range of based on her ideology. Or both.

What they don't tell you about the red pill is that you see the truth, but you lose 80 IQ points. So no one knows wtf you're saying, or believes you if they do.
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Those “Fat Hooter's waitress" clips are becoming true
>>17782 At the risk of sounding like a queer... I have to say that this pic is grotesque and disgusting, and not funny at all.
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not a meme but it has potential
Guy from Georgia straight wearing a polo
Any explanation???
That ChubbyChiquita has some videos discussing Greek myths.
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Does anyone have the fat version of this meme? It was circling around a while ago.
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Good cookbook.
I know it’s just a meme but thin and average women have stretch marks too. Pretty much all women have stretch marks on their hips and boobs
Bruh, these aren't "memes," they're just creepy spank material
I know creations sprung up from the mind of britbong without even looking at the flag. you fucks are deranged.
*I know these creations
Holy shit, incredible deep cut
None of these memes are funny
I thought this was Juan orlando for a split second
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Anyone have that ancient meme of pic related, but the screaming is replaced by shitty WG fiction?
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Does anyone have the version of this pic of pierce in front of his paintings where olivia jensen is photshopped over all the paintings?
Okay but are you really?
what in the Ohio is this mf waffling about my Norwood in Hitler 💀 Mr. Electra jelq the nigga back to hyperborea
>>30195 What are you on about this time, dumb dumb? Let me guess. Is it POTATOES
He fucked Lexxi Luxe... My dream... Even though she was better when she was younger.
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a BBW version of the Mr, Incredible uncanny stages meme has potential. start out with a model normies would call curvy then proceed to show increasingly heavier BBW models, do the same with SSBBW models and end the vid with someone like Echo

or a pipeline where you go from plus size hauls to full blown force feeding
Too fucking real bro
So trve
Don't fat girls "Objectively" smell worse, or just muskier?
Why is it furry
>Don't fat girls "Objectively" smell worse, or just muskier?
yes, and that is a good thing
That's cute af
Did Saxxon go nuts?
I guess so. He started writing captions which are longer than Ulysses, which is never a good sign. It looks like someone took one for the team and read them, and made this meme to give us an idea of what they're like.
I did and yes, I did. I’m actually a huge fan of the writing, although the png format isn’t the most fun to read.

I like how bizarre his stories get.
Project Veritas is/was a Republican group that likes to secretly record and selectively edit conversations with Democratic organizers or left leaning orgs then they sell these videos to Fox News to outrage Republicans. The founder is a convicted felon for fraud and pedophilia. Ya know, typical Republican.
>2001 Iraq
Why are normies so dumb?
>The founder is a convicted felon for fraud and pedophilia.
Schizophrenia. The Tory austerity must finally be getting to you guys
Republicans think Mitch McConnell should retire since he went senile and lack executive decision making. They are worried Vivek the Hindu is going to win
Come on bro... O'Keefe is enough of a scumbag without making shit up. Let's keep it where the Right are the ones to cry pedo when they run out of arguments.
Traffic to conservative news sites are down cause there's a perception they're manipulating statistics. Fox News viewership is down by 50% from 2016.
In thumbnail mode, this pic looks like a closeup of an angry Mario
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Nah man, run of the mill slob ssbbw fetish. Once you’ve seen the big girl shower squat you will understand.
Absolutely has a scat fetish. Don't think too hard about this. I can jack off to whales without wondering how they take a dump, but this perv obsesses over doing that in showers exclusively.
I don’t think I have a scat fetish and I find these memes funny. I live pretty far into the Deep South and have a couple fuck buddies who fit the bill. When I was younger and let her stay overnight this shit scared the fuck out of me when it was happening but it’s funny now and I get the draw even if I wouldn’t do it.
Man, I wish that pic was in higher resolution and without the text
Ai can fix that now.
Idk if it was the time the NY Post picked up that fake account with her vids on it or this vid in particular I've seen meme'd 3 separate times now, but Bo's gotta be regretting filming on an airplane by now.

Also 22 million views is fucking NUTS.
From what I heard, I wouldn't be suprised if she's one of those "there's no such thing as vad publicity" people
Lul Nintendo has to be self aware at this point right? Does one of the employees have a fetish? There's no way they haven't seen so much cursed fanart by now.

Anyway based Bowser
Just when I thought Bowser couldn't get any more based they drop this on us
I hate his stories if you like them that's cool but honestly to me they read as the same shit over and over girl monologues about being in denial and or a hyper glutton sociopath grows to become a multiverse l eldritch blob rinse and repeat its borning to me. Then again no one cares anyway but whatever.
Anybody has the weight gain fetishes tier list?
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That would be hilarious..
Okay, you are a lying piece of shit for one.
but also why the fuck are we having decisions about politics on this board.
FUCK OFF both of you This is probably is the scumbag US Marine who drolls over Kyleritten Houses attorney.
She is hot don't get me wrong, but it;s really weird
Disgusting fucker,
I'm curious to what the original looks
Anyone have that "plunp southern belle gf" meme?
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Retro style advertisement for feederism. I hope I made Don draper proud.
You could’ve done anything with your free time, and you chose to make this?

Graphic design is my passion
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she's beautiful in every way (style, body, light, scenery, composition, attention to detail,...). your talent and experience are obvious.

not sure if that really fits the "meme" category: i'm more of the tinkerer, toying around with some bbw models footage (mostly video, pictures, also cheap screenshotty stuff).
HOW COME SHE NEVER TEXT U FIRST. I just noticed that about Rachel 👀

This is an AI image that I edited and put the text around. I don't have the skill to make drawings of that midcentury Americana style. But I liked how it turned out.
either way, you clearly have taste.
Hell yeah he would
Make more
How do you make your LoL UI look like that?
These are unironically hot. Especially that last one.
Can some post the version of the second image here that has the art teacher(?) explaining how to draw bellies above it
post more of these plz lmfaoo
makes normies so mad
why do the people in these drawings look so unhappy?
The implication behind seeing these memes outside of places like here is the implication that you're settling for fucking an ugly fat chick - not because you want to.
Alot of broke toxic ppl here lol sorry you dont have r8 money
forgive my ignorace, but what's up with echo?
...and she's not into it either, just fucking the guy because she's lonely and any attention is good attention. It's a happy world these channers live in.
Who made this?
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Just a normal day at the 2020-2022 Covid Pandemic. Everyone turned really fat.
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I was born in a small village. I was still a child when my life was changed forever. It was not soldiers that invaded my world, but the relentless hunger of my love. Torn from the simplicity of my youth, I was made to indulge her desires. With each new phase, my role changed, along with the meals she made me eat. Food is... peculiar. With each bite, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw pleasure and pain... Love changed me - and not only my body. Food can control. I was invaded by desires, burrowing and breeding inside me. A philosopher once said, 'It is not just the flesh we inhabit, but a hunger.' 'Make no mistake, our true appetite is our deepest connection.' My appetite - my desire was shaped by her. And so was my past. All that's left is the future. And mine is vengeance. On those who would feed off the desires of others. This is what I learned from her. And then it hit me. It was she who should feel my wrath. She and the hunger she chose as the basis for control. Desires, cravings - consuming us all - appetites spanning history. By controlling the appetite, my love intends to dominate. Desires implanted into our minds, draining our will as they spread from one craving to the next. A parasite upon the soul. That is what she is. As one born into this world, she's afflicted. I hold her responsible for killing my freedom. Killing all traces of my past... Killing any promise of a future... We are all but consumed men forced to live upon this earth. A world reduced to indulgence. She plans to use her hunger to control the world. She thinks she can.

"And the 'mother desire' of all those cravings is food.

"The hunger became flesh. The final parasite.

"It knows no bounds. A universal strain of desire.

"I will extinguish the source of this hunger. With this, I'll rid the world of its grasp. All men will breathe free again - reclaim their past, present, and future. This is no destroyer. It is a 'liberator,' to free the world from her grasp. Let the world be. Without this shared hunger, the world will be torn asunder. And then, it shall be free. People will suffer, of course - a phantom pain. The world will need a new common bond. A bond of survival. My resolve shall be the thread by which all people are bound together, in equality. No cravings will be needed. Every man will be forced to recognize his neighbor. People will endure their hunger. They will link lost hands. And the world will become one.

If anyone can make a better version I’m open to see what you have
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>>1855 (OP)
Drake is honestly a disgusting person and an eyesore and a vibesore


I think y’all unironically post pictures of drake because y’all scared of the Holocaust, rather than y’all actually being into this kink

That would be so bizarrely low but then I hear 20,000 kids got killed because of you faggots.
Y’all are NEVER welcome
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Like, how many people do we have to shoot just to be around fun girls instead of bizarre vile spammer faggots that fear all good vibes out of fear of going extinct.
Sir this is a meme thread not a rant thread
Passed away.
Going to need a source on that.
>>53186 A whole lotta Rosie!
Anyone got the text message “that’s hot” “that’s what” meme?

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