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Recently somebody made a new Adeline thread over on /ssbbw/ in the interests of getting her newest content shared after her hiatus following an injury. The thread was started on 7/26/2022 at 15:27:21 PM (I'm not sure what time zone bbw-chan uses) and since then, has been the fastest moving thread on /ssbbw/, getting 99 replies from 59 unique posters, as of this post (two days later). This follows ANOTHER Adeline thread that autosaged and was popular, but not nearly as fast. There also exists an active 'vintage' Adeline thread, but it obviously isn't as popular, but the fact that two threads dedicated to her exist for different reasons is striking. For comparison's sake, Boberry's newest thread was made 7/2/2022 at 12:18:44 PM, has 97 replies, and only *24* unique posters as of the creation of this thread.

Now, the primary reason for the swiftness and high-traffic of the thread is almost certainly due to the OP's dedication to sharing her content, being responsible for multiple daily content drops and inspiring others to contribute to the cause as well with other recent content of their own. In all honesty, I think it's probably one of the most successful threads /ssbbw/ has ever seen. Naturally its popularity is bound to dwindle now that nearly all of her most recent content has been shared, but its near 100 reply achievement in 2 days is unheard of on /ssbbw/.

Why is this? I think it's pretty clear that Adeline is by FAR the most attractive and one of the youngest models to get as fat as she's become. In addition, she's put on a whopping 60+ pounds over the course of 6 or 7 months after being practically immobilized from an injury. She's now tipping the scales at 669 pounds as of her latest weigh-in from a couple weeks ago, and her mobility is very quickly becoming compromised. The only comparable model to the age and size bracket would be Fat Miss T, and she's... well, an acquired taste and subjectively less attractive than Adeline.

This all strikes me as extremely interesting. Adeline has been, for lack of a better description, been something of a B-Tier model that everyone was aware of and enjoyed, but never saw any fandom-tier attention of the likes of Roxxie, Boberry, or recently, Jackie. Speaking of Jackie, she was voted as the *most popular* model on /ssbbw/, beating out Boberry in a semi-recent bracket-style poll here on /gen/ and was also participated in by a few subreddits - if I remember correctly Adeline was knocked out in the quarter-finals.

Here's where I propose my question to /gen/: It's obvious people are attracted to Adeline because of the very fresh content leaks, her attractiveness, utterly massive size, and completely unprecedented ballooning in size - but does that make her the BEST /ssbbw/ has to offer? Something is very unique here, and while I'm willing to chalk much of it up to her content leaks and discussions regarding her size and growth - especially from deathfeedists and health issue fetishists (no judgment) - a model gaining this much popularity practically out of nowhere is extremely unusual, at least according to the data. Or am I just overanalyzing things?
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Alright I'm done deleting and making the thread over and over because I can't figure out how to put spaces between paragraphs, don't mind me
It's because she's, you know, fucking enormous.

Still not sure what the problem with FatMissT is except some folks seem to expect perfection and no blemishes from their models who are gaining until they can't fucking walk.
But if her enormity is her main draw, then why was she not the most popular in the polls, beaten out by the likes of smaller models like Jackie and Roxxie? Why aren’t similarly sized models threads’ even remotely visible on /ssbbw/?
>Still not sure what the problem with FatMissT
Even before the blemishing, Adeline has a much more attractive face.
>Even before the blemishing, Adeline has a much more attractive face.
Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder Adelaine is less attractive that Fatmisst imo
>>18520 (OP)
it's because she's the fat blob goth gf doomer femjack come to life
Weird take, but alright
I... huh. She IS vapid and makeup-caked. I can see it.
Fatmisst is disgusting inside and out
Shit taste confirmed.
FatMissT, is that you?! Or your autistic boyfriend lmao? Everyone knows that FatMissT is one of the most hideous creatures ever to come on the scene. Her repulsion is the point. They like her cause she’s ugly.

As far as OP question goes, I think he answered it in the question. I think it’s as simple as, she’s by far the most attractive to get to her size at that speed, and also she’s had one of the fastest gains of all the “models,” regardless of prettiness. I use models in quotes cause again, the B in ssbBw seems to be optional now. Also, she’s been openly saying she’s into it, as opposed to boberry who is open about hating it. The willingness to gain, along with the gain itself, goes a long way
I'm guessing that one of her current main attractions rn is that we never thought she would get to immobility level of fatness.
I always thought she'd stay at around 500, but now she's edging 700 pounds and that's insanely hot.
>Differing opinions on models are actually models self-promoting

What a virgin. I like FatMissT and Adeline both. And at least I'm not hardcore projecting about who she is as a person >>18558. Go have sex, virgins.
There’s no way that many people think fat miss T is pretty. That’s too much for me to handle. It has to be a conspiracy. Don’t shatter my reality it’s so fragile
Yeah this is definitely part of it. I’ve always been a big Adeline fan but I never thought we’d see her break 550. 669 is unreal.
Yeah fatmisst is so hideous I almost threw up
I don’t think she’s like particularly ugly in the face or anything but the sores everywhere definitely get me.
I remember my first USSBBW
Nigga Adeline is the first "USBBW" to be actually attractive. Fat Miss T at least had the youth going for her, but being covered in sores and shit is gross. Honestly even Adeline's hyenine has been slipping because you can see in one of her vids that the underside of her belly is MEGA discolored.

Honestly I don't even know why I bother discussing taste on this website when you can have threads to 50 year old grandmas made by some ESL with "ANYBODY HAVE MORE/KNOW HER NAME?" in the subject line. Niggas just have an ugly fetish, I swear.
Just speaking for myself, I suddenly got into Adeline recently just because there are so few models who actually even get that big. It’s not because other big models are unattractive—it’s that there are comparatively so few of them. The fact she careened into giant-size unintentionally and is 300lbs+ larger than when she started just adds to the mystique.

I’d not overthink it, tbh. She’s cute and huge, and honestly it’s hard not to fuckin love that.

bruh adelen definitely be pooing her pants these days
>u can see in one of her vids that the underside of her belly is MEGA discolored

my dude that's not hygiene related, it's a skin condition that has nothing to do with cleanliness

super fat girls don't stay looking like blown up Barbie dolls forever. being that enormous is rough on the body, and shit happens
I wonder what she truly, genuinely think about being nearly 700 pounds.
I think the deathfeedists finally found their victim. They smell blood and can't wait for her to die.

For others it's watching a train wreck. They can't look away though they may think it's sick and wrong.

MissT imo is hideous. For some here it doesn't matter how bad the face is, how many blemishes, sores etc, are on the body. They are simply into the size of the woman. The bigger the better. She could have a full beard and they'd overlook it as long as she didn't have a penis and weighed 700 lbs.
Y'all be dumping on FatMissT like you weren't crucifying Adeline for having those surgery scars a few years back and screeching about possible WLS. Fickle bitches lmao
Adeline doesn't do anything for me. Never found her to be really pretty or cute. Just an average face imo. Considerably better face than MissT. Even if you cleaned MissT up, I'd find her hideous facially. Not a good face. No sir, I don't like it.

Seems to me a lot of SSBBWS have below avg faces. Maybe it's why some guys overlook the face and focus on the overall size instead.
On the topic of truly massive USSBBWs, we have to mention Bigcutie Echo. Honestly, I don't find her face attractive at all, but holy shit the video of her being lifted by that hospital crane into bed was one for the ages.
Gee, you think? Echo's and Tara's and Patty's appeals were in their size mainly, not the other usual factors. Even then none of them are straight up ugly, you guys are throwing off the curve with Adeline in the picture instead of just ranking her higher.
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Another USSBBW who was utterly amazing was Renee Williams. So sad that she tried to undergo WLS and it ended up killing her (wtg, Dr. Now!). Her arms were something to behold, and the scenes of her being wheeled out of her house were beyond belief.
I know at one point long ago there were only the ugly ones you could find content of online. The Echo's, Patties, and all. I had a pic or 2 of them back then. But when the Roxxie, Luna, BC models came about, those ugly ones got deleted and I finally had some content worth having.
If anyone can get off to the ugly ones, more power to ya. There's people around here that get off to bad drawings of fat women. I don't understand it myself. But it's probably just the thought that a woman could be so round and big that excites them.
Echos face is considerably better than taras, and she’s like 15 years older, Tara is gonna age horrendously
This is straight up bait. You people aren't even trying at this point. No one has this opinions unironically without having severe coomer brain.
idk man i really just don’t see how adeline is more attractive than fatmisst like she’s not ugly but just not my cup of tea honestly
Well, looks like the hype on Adeline is starting to die down a little, based on the activity in her thread(s) in SSBBW. I genuinely hope she made a ton of money on her videos, and for her sake, i genuinely hope she is into deathfeedism, cause otherwise its gota be pretty scary or shes just completely delusional about it.

Since this is in gen and doesnt have to stay too focused, does anyone want to guess who the next to hit 600 will be? It seems to me like Hayley is going to based on the fact that she's already gained 50 pounds since she started modeling, and is only 50 more away from 600. And while were talking faces, I really dont thhink hayley's is that pretty. I can totally see why other people do, but for me I would honestly give it a 6 or 7 at the highest. I truly find Adeline to be much, much more pretty and cute than Hayley or anyone else at their size.
Adeline has at least on tumblr said she's not into immobility in real life so she doesn't want to keep gaining to die. So the death feedists will have to hope for someone else to kill.

Isn't Haley pretty tall? At least 5' 7" or so? so 600 on her will be different than a shorter one. Agree with you on her face. Her teeth don't help.

Really interesting to hear someone say that matMissT is attractive. To me, she's one of the ugliest creatures I've ever seen on this planet. Obviously, to each their own though. Just interesting how we can be into megafats, but still have a difference on 2 members of that same group by so much.
90% of straight men: "Any woman over 250# is totally unfuckable if not outright repulsive."

99% of those 10% left over: "Any woman over 450# is totally unfuckable if not outright replusive."

50% of those .1% left over: "How can you possibly be into that ugly-ass 700 lb Model X??? 700 lb Model Z is -objectively- hotter!"
This, basically. Imagine being attracted to both and not having to play favorites like a damn fanboy.
Lmao you think a 700+ woman is gonna “age” at all
Tara’s body is already ruined unless she drastically changes
Her body is ruined, period. I don't believe you can get to that size and recover no matter what you do — too much sustained trauma to organs and systems.
you MsfatT lovers are a dedicated group aren't you?

she's homely. not a pretty girl. not even cute.
come back and disagree yet again. it won't change her appearance. she'll still be ugly.
>Cries over "da incels"
She's lucky to get some costumers to begin with, considering Jackie and Roxxie are still gaining and already dethroned Boberry.
It's almost as if there's a wide audience for SSBBW and each one of them stands out in such a way that you can have multiple favorites. You're all still acting like a bunch of incels though - no one is going to be shamed out of liking Tara.
the Tfat lovers are free to love that thing all they want. this was a thread about Adeline that turned into a fatT defenders picnic. Weird bunch.
Seriously. I don't know how anybody could ever argue that she is. Just retards I guess
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Both of them are repulsive by society's standards and you're just going to keep pretending she doesn't have any fans, huh? Quit being a spaz and maybe just let it be.
>>18520 (OP)
I seriously took the time to read in this Post about Adeline and her Hype and what not... But than it turns out wether FatMiss T is "cute" or "better looking than xxx"... Wtf is wrong with you retards.

As long as Adeline lives, no one will detrhone her except herself.
yeah, her fans are die hard types and turned this thread away from Adeline quick
Its cause they’re trying to convince themselves she’s pretty, not us. When you are arguing against objective reality you have to put up a big fight which is why they won’t drop it. If Adeline was 150 pounds she would still be very pretty, maybe not gorgeous but pretty, and have nice tits. If Tara was 150 she’d just be the same Appalachian trailer trash she is now but skinny.
Buddy, you're the one trying to convince US she's ugly. Wtf it's like I'm talking to a wall. And what the hell is this "if she were 150lbs" bullshit - why is that your metric for beauty if we're jerking it to women who are 500lbs overweight?
Not the same dude, but being pretty has nothing to do with weight. That's what you retards don't understand. It's the second b in bbw and not every fat goblina is a bbw, no matter how hard some people think it is. I hate all with a passion, who make me look bad, because they make people think FA's get truned on by such undeniably ugly fat ogres.
They're trying to justify their attraction to her. Really defensive of it. She looks like a hog which is part of what's got them hooked on her I guess. But I've noticed any time she's mentioned in a post about anything and said to be below average in looks, here they come out of the woodwork saying she's hot asf and all.
You MissT lovers really had no reason to get involved in this thread anyway because she was casually mentioned as being subpar in the looks department. You guys are really defensive of your poor taste.
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OP started this whole fucking thing by bringing her up in the first place, and now you think Tara's fans are in the wrong for defending our taste in wank? Lmao what even. If you prissy fags want to justify your boners by pitting one hambeast over another, that's fine. Keep simping for her, I'm sure she will reward you.
You're a failure. While OP mentioned her in the first post, he didn't do so to bring you dumbshits out in droves. In the follow up posts it begins with you defensive T-tards saying she's good looking.
I guess when you get turned on by ugly you get defensive.
I'm not all that into Adeline, never have been. She's too big now. But if I had to choose between her and MsT, Adeline easily. Face matters.
exactly face matters that’s why i choose fatmisst
You should choose a better optometrist
I got off to a video of Adelkine last night, waddling over to her couch a few feet away and then collapsing onto it naked.

She waddles like Patty Sanchez did. I felt disgusted with myself after I orgasmed, and I felt (still kind of do feel) partly responsible for what will likely be the early death of what is probably a very sweet woman that is someone's daughter.

I feel like an evil piece of shit and I wish I didn't have this fetish. This must be how gay observant members of Abrahamic religions feel
Which video is this?
I can get off on a really fat woman, but immobility is the line. I'll never understand what is so appealing about it.
Maybe it's about control? If so, that's fucked up.
But you're right, she is someone who has people who love her. Parents, siblings, friends. Anyone who wants her to die so they can masturbate is sick.
I think the control thing can cut both ways, too. There's the dom side where you like the idea of controlling someone who can't resist, which I'm not about, either. But then there's the other side of liking the idea of losing control because you're such a fucking pig. I definitely get that aspect of things, though I'm only into fantasy immobility, not the real deal.
Slither (2006)
For me it’s the utter self-ruin tbh. An out-of-control addict who has written off their hopes and dreams, lives a completely compromised existence, and still shovels in some cake, full well that’s the exact thing that did them in, ruined past recovery. A parent somewhere has to mentally process the fact that their lovely child is a write-off. She did a video a few years back about not being a donor because her organs weren’t viable. While that was great then, she’s gone even further downhill since, which is just mind-blowingly awesome. I’m not into smoking porn but I can understand how someone who is might appreciate something similar from someone hacking up a lung with COPD and then immediately lighting up. Their flames are extinguishing while meanwhile I wipe up after a wank and go back to my great life. It’s not something to be proud of, but there we are.
For me it's about extreme decadence, giving up everything for sensual pleasure. The idea someone would sacrifice the ability to •walk• for french fries and cake is incredibly hot. Not to mention other outward indicators like heavy breathing, sweating, etc. That said I'm definitely a fantasy feeder, not into slob, medical stuff, and other realities of SS/US life, much less dying.
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Same. It's why though I'm a huge Adeline fan- and a lover of immobility stuff- I won't consume it if she's not into it. The girl has to love herself and how far she's gone, love her size and excess, and think more=better; if she's not happy, I'm not happy, and judging by average immobile stories that how it goes for most others too.

I think our "Decadence" desire and form is Epicurian or Venusian; we want someone who's enormous because of their choice to consume pleasures, which personally is why all the weight gain fiction I want to make involves a girlfriend or wife gaining weight both for their appeal and their partners and simply just, going "too far" by accident. Mine also have a serious theme of happiness and personal fulfillment as well.
My question is: does anybody manage to get over 600 pounds if they really, genuinely hate it? Like if you loathe being that big surely you’ll hit your breaking point way before then.
Go watch my 600 pound life lol
They all genuinely hate it
I think she was into it when she was sub 500 pounds. But crossing the 600 threshold and absolutely blobbing out after her injury? I think she's waking up to the fact that she's stuck with it forever.
They don't, they're playing a part because otherwise they won't get into the show.
I'll take Vicious Cycles for $400.

It's a cocktail of lack of self control, enablers, and trauma for, like, all of them. Vanilla Hippo has gone on record to say she was asked to play things up, but she still went ahead with it all.
Her forehead is cute. Nice how she shouted out other models even if it was a otherwise I agreeable post.
Honestly Angelic. Beautiful. Beatific.
*an otherwise not agreeable post
Fat Miss T is what I assume people that live in Midwestern trailer parks look like and that's why I love her.
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OP returning to update the thread.

So if posters are to be believed on /ssbbw/, Adeline is now weighing 703.6 pounds according a post today - the video was not shared. So she's gained nearly 100 pounds since her injury in January. That's 100 fucking pounds of fat on somebody who was already over 600 pounds in 10 months. Regardless of weather or not Adeline is attractive to you, this is probably one of the largest, most massive gains for somebody so large on this website. All for a model that isn't into immobility, death feederism, and probably isn't big into feederism in general, she's gone on record saying that gaining isn't really her fetish.

How somebody, anybody manages to get so fast so quickly is 100% a result of addiction and a complete absence of self control or will power. Take all of this as you will, and even if she's larger than women I ever expect to masturbate to, this entire situation is extremely kinky.
she's picturesque- she looks like a BWS or anastimafilia drawing irl
At least she looks better than Renee Starr which looks like a dude almost transgender
Do you have a Gigatribe OP I, would love to have the vids from you if you have all of them or most of it as you say. If you have a Reddit we can arrange something through that place to.
The modding in her thread is strange AF, any off-topic discussion is removed swifty which only happens on /ssbbw if it really gets out of hand, links get taken down faster than any other model ofc, i'm slowly starting to believe her BF is a mod on this board which I have once read here, if this post get deleted it's probably true.
I can diagnose the autism in this post
If her boyfriend was a mod then why would he leave the links to the content up? Why would he leave her thread up at all? That doesn't make any sense.
that would make all plausible deniability disappear plus (anonfile) links have been removed before.
noticed this too
Does anybody remember Jess, the ex-mod who got outed as a bbwchan mod on Feabie? What I’m trying to say is, don’t rule out people involved in ThE sCeNe being active posters or mods on here.
Plausible deniability to who? Why would he give a shit if people here knew he was a mod?
Curvage mod KFD spends more time on bbwxhan than on Curvage. It wouldn’t surprise me if he were a mod here.
Why does it seems like everyone knows who KFD? I saw him shitpost a lot back when I was active on Curvage but no idea why he would be known duento that.
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She 100% gets preferential treatment and a mod knows something behind the scenes. Someone posted a gif comparison of her face at her current weight with a neck-up pic I don’t think has ever been shared online, she was lighter than she was modeling for sure. Mods deleted it, and then when someone reposted said pic to ask where it came from, it got deleted too, so I can only assume that she was relatively young in the pic (although it didn't look underage truth be told). So the mods either erred on the side of caution for it being underage, or 100% knew how old Adeline was in the pic. Maybe her or her boyfriend contacted a mod to give them that info. We’ll never know.
this is some paranoid ass, qanon, Charlie Day ranting and raving at the evidence board type shit. touch a little grass.
How so? How is anything said far-fetched? We’ve already established that Adeline threads have additional policing, that scenario is completely plausible.
You guys are so stupid. Mods deleteting underage photos isn't "extra policing." It's basic moderation that would happen in any thread on any site. Plus this site has literally one mod who has openly admitted multiple times that he doesn't even do anything about any posts unless something gets reported to him and the majority of the time he doesn't even read the reports he just closes and deletes. Go into any thread you want on any other board and report some random post and watch it disappear despite breaking no rules. Somebody, likely Adeline herself, sits in her thread and reports anything she doesn't like. Like I said before, if a mod was dating her or simping for her or whatever, he wouldn't let the thread be up at all.
Retard if you’ve even been in the Adeline thread whole DAYS worth of posts have been nuked before. That’s not somebody who’s getting individual reports and deleting individual posts, that’s actively observing and mass nuking discussion. And I’ve seen how quickly it takes for reported posts to get deleted on your average “who is this???” thread, it’s lightyears faster on posts in the Adeline thread.
I wonder how a ussbbw would react on a trampoline. Will the structure cave in? Will she break the springs? Would she put a whole into the canvas?
They wouldn’t climb on.

There's a thing called steps.
Yes and most USBBWs aren't very good with them.
Not the point - if you're 600lbs and over you've become accustomed to furniture and objects that aren't structurally meant for your size along your gaining journey. No USSBBW with an IQ above room temperature isn't going to risk certain injury over one full-weighted bounce on a trampoline for the sake of your erection.
What about a pool trampoline? She can fall in the water.
I don’t think most SSBBWs are even capable of jumping lol. She’d never even get her feet off the ground to jump on a trampoline
The canvas would just rip
Why do the mods remove every request for the video of her shitting herself?
Because it's been long established there's a mod that is personally invested in her, either as a friend or her boyfriend, and is willing to give that thread special treatment. There's no vid of her shitting herself - even if it was a gold star clip otherwise there is zero chance she would put it up for sale and debase herself like that (or debase further depending on if you think being 700lbs is already worthy of derision).
a model that never burps on cam isn't going to have a fucking scat vid of all things. the most out there vids she shot are those bondage ones, she mostly shows the same things over and over again it would've grown pretty stale if her weight didn't climb so fast.
That is also very true - were she not gaining at breakneck pace, her content would ordinarily be pretty tame. I love her as a model and I think she's hot as fuck, but I can't name too many of her clips as standalone favorites; her best stuff is always within the context of comparing to what she did in the past, not to others.
>64encoded link posted in the Adeline thread
>posts asking how to decode it and someone giving them the answer get deleted
>said encoded post stays up
The fuck is with the moderation in that thread? 64 encoding doesn’t even do much of anything anymore. The whole Beccabae thread is nothing but shitflinging and not a single post has been deleted.
As I've said multiple times now, the mod/mods here literally don't do a fucking thing unless they get reports. Adeline can just sit in her thread and report any post she doesn't like and then a mod comes in and just deletes everything up until the last post with content in it. Report anything in that Beccabae thread and watch half the thread disappear.
We don’t care which model did the poopy, we want the video of the model shitting herself and we’re gonna get it.
The only way that's going to happen is if you pay her $10K and give her your social, in case you leak it she can ruin you afterwards. Otherwise, keep manifesting. I'm sure it's helping.
I’ll gladly chip in at least 5 or 10. There’s gotta be at least a thousand of us wanting it. Solid or liquid leak, doesn’t matter.

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