
(28 KB, 534x800, b9a4a6a7a98bc4dae8e1a1622753a8471f4365450a2791042a3775ee290b1640.jpg) (3.5 MB, 1920x1080, 5a9d74fe65e9913cb3b3ac69a346a691fcf8593c8d253536919061a3e9d3dd50.webm)
Recently somebody made a new Adeline thread over on /ssbbw/ in the interests of getting her newest content shared after her hiatus following an injury. The thread was started on 7/26/2022 at 15:27:21 PM (I'm not sure what time zone bbw-chan uses) and since then, has been the fastest moving thread on /ssbbw/, getting 97 replies from 57 unique posters, as of this post (two days later). This follows ANOTHER Adeline thread that autosaged and was popular, but not nearly as fast. There also exists an active 'vintage' Adeline thread, but it obviously isn't as popular, but the fact that two threads dedicated to her exist for different reasons is striking. For comparison's sake, Boberry's newest thread was made 7/2/2022 at 12:18:44 PM, has 96 replies, and only *23* unique posters as of the creation of this thread.

Now, the primary reason for the swiftness and high-traffic of the thread is almost certainly due to the OP's dedication to sharing her content, being responsible for multiple daily content drops and inspiring others to contribute to the cause as well with other recent content of their own. In all honesty, I think it's probably one of the most successful threads /ssbbw/ has ever seen. Naturally its popularity is bound to dwindle now that nearly all of her most recent content has been shared, but its near 100 reply achievement in 2 days is unheard of on /ssbbw/.

Why is this? I think it's pretty clear that Adeline is by FAR the most attractive and one of the youngest models to get as fat as she's become. In addition, she's put on a whopping 60+ pounds over the course of 6 or 7 months after being practically immobilized from an injury. She's now tipping the scales at 669 pounds as of her latest weigh-in from a couple weeks ago, and her mobility is very quickly becoming compromised. The only comparable model to the age and size bracket would be Fat Miss T, and she's... well, an acquired taste and subjectively less attractive than Adeline.

This all strikes me as extremely interesting. Adeline has been, for lack of a better description, been something of a B-Tier model that everyone was aware of and enjoyed, but never saw any fandom-tier attention of the likes of Roxxie, Boberry, or recently, Jackie. Speaking of Jackie, she was voted as the *most popular* model on /ssbbw/, beating out Boberry in a semi-recent bracket-style poll here on /gen/ and was also participated in by a few subreddits - if I remember correctly Adeline was knocked out in the quarter-finals.

Here's where I propose my question to /gen/: It's obvious people are attracted to Adeline because of the very fresh content leaks, her attractiveness, utterly massive size, and completely unprecedented ballooning in size - but does that make her the BEST /ssbbw/ has to offer? Something is very unique here, and while I'm willing to chalk much of it up to her content leaks and discussions regarding her size and growth - especially from deathfeedists and health issue fetishists (no judgment) - a model gaining this much popularity practically out of nowhere is extremely unusual, at least according to the data. Or am I just overanalyzing things?
(19 KB, 300x309, 1417925874445.png)
Well the spacing in the OP looks like complete shit, I'm sorry it didn't paragraph the way I wanted it to.
(179 KB, 1157x1157, 2013 vs 2021.jpg(1).jpg) (246 KB, 1157x1157, 2013 vs 2021.jpg)
Some comparison pics. As is notated in the filenames, left pics are from 2013, right from 2021 - likely still under 600.

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