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Anyone got any recommendations for online storage options? I have about 6TB of porn I'd like to move from my external HDs to online, preferably to somewhere that lets me stream them from the site once they're uploaded. Any tips on the best and most cost effective options?
Build or buy your own NAS server and call it a day. You're going to be wasting money paying monthly for 6TB of cloud storage. In fact, I don't think there's even cloud storage that huge available for individuals.
Using the NAS, make sure to get two hard drives and put them in raid 1 mode so they'll mirror each other. That way if one drive fails, you'll have a copy of the data on the other.

Another way to make sure you don't lose things is just sharing them on this site. I really enjoy how GoFile tells me how many people have downloaded my upload. It gets my archivist bones all warm and fuzzy when I know that there are now over 100 copies. Especially when it's a model who's site-rip is endangered media.
>Another way to make sure you don't lose things is just sharing them on this site.

lol, this site is barely held together as it is. I wouldn't trust this place at all for preservation, especially when only a handful of people reupload as it is.
Prob best advice for him. He might need to go through and delete out some stuff he doesn't really want or need ( I don't know how someone can reach 6TB of porn)
>>18373 You just want him to share it cause you don't have 6TB.

Right, nobody reups anything. They just grab and go.. and I suspect there's times when they grab, wank, delete, grab something else, then wish they had it again so they come back begging for reups

Exactly. Imagine having to bump beg just to see your own videos.
I’m guessing he’s looking for online storage because he needs the shit outside of his house.

If it was a few hundred GBs then yeah, but he's talking about 6TBs. The only consumer level that I found was Mega.nz for $20 a month. And even then there's a chance of stuff getting DCMA'd
>>18367 (OP)
Dude once a month just a 2TB hard drive for whatever PC you're using and boom every 3 months copy all the files to there, make sure you have several redundancy hard drives. It'd probably be cheaper in the long run

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