
(77 KB, 944x959, f29a1afda0175b14.jpg)
5 years ago I jerked off to her and my life has been crumbling down since then
dimepiece, would bang

i deal with the fact that she's a lolcow by not watching her videos and spoiling the illusion
>>18318 (OP)
> I jerked off to her and my life has been crumbling down since then

Really? She's the hill you wanna die on?
Her absolute gluttony and wheezing is straight up hot but her face and personality is not
There's better girls out there than her, but the fact that she nearly ate herself to 600 lbs while being a weight loss channel and admitted she was bedbound at one point is hot af

Can't wait for her current diet to fail
She is 600lbs now? Last I saw of her she was somewhere in the 400s
She's a bitch but I'd fuck her into next week. Pretty face and lovely body.
This was peak Amberlynn, like two years ago I think.
she's been hovering around 500 for a while now
>admitted she was bedbound at one point
In what video did she talk about this?

>>but the fact that she nearly ate herself to 600 lbs while being a weight loss channel and admitted she was bedbound at one point is hot af

And that for some reason makes up for her bitchy attitude and so-so face?
Bro who cares?

Non-Simps care. Are you a Simp or Chad? Answer carefully.
This simp wants to date her instead of fuck that mound of fat and dip. I bet you want to know a bbw's hobbies to see if you are compatible before you jerk it. Pathetic.

>bitchy attitude

you say this like it's a bug and not a feature

And that's why the only woman you've ever touched is your mother. Go stick your dick in an ant hill sperg.

There's a difference between being in a mood and just being a straight up cunt.
Would love to see Amberlyn balloon past 600. Not sure if it would be hotter for her to do this while trying to "lose weight" as she did previously or for her to embrace the feedee lifestyle.

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