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If I drink a quart of this everyday for 30 days how fat would I get? I consume 2300 calories a day on average and I am 5’9 with a sedentary lifestyle.
If you maintain your current weight eating 2300 calories, you should gain 30 lbs in a month but most people can't digest that much fat at once so you will likely not absorb all of the calories (will come out in the toilet sadly). Depends on your particular digestive system.
Our body can digest around 1000 calories of fat at a time. This means if you take your time and don't chug it in one sitting, but instead drink ~200 ml every 2-2.5 hours, you can absorb all of it. Start at 600 ml and work yourself up to 1 lt a day. Try to drink the last dose less than 1-2 hours before bed, as no physical exertion means it will all be stored as fat instead of used for energy. You'll find following this protocol with heavy cream instead of using sugary, carb-filled food to be the most efficient way to gain subcutaneous, soft fat instead of subdermal, harmful fat.

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