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The NY Post made an article about an OF model, it's weird since it isn't the first time they make this type of articles about models.
I don't know if they want to attract more people to the fetish or something
Onlyfans is part of the Murdoch business empire, the New York Post shills it practically every day. Usually it's a conventionally attractive woman with a headline like "this teacher makes $10,000 a month on Onlyfans!" or whatever, but they run those kinds of articles so often that maybe they're changing it up and highlighting weird fetish shit just for kicks.
Your average person thinks it's absurd and give them clicks, thus giving them revenue. Standard tabloid stuff that has been going on for well over a century. Sex sell, absurdity sells, so it's no wonder news sites love stories like that. No big conspiracy here.
Who is she?
The NY Post, it's liberal counterpart the Daily News, and Newsday don't sell. The shift from local to national news pretty much alienated longtime readers. Only Fans is merely for women not attractive enough to work in the Strip Clubs and Nightclubs in NY.

Source on OnlyFans owned by Murdoch? Sounds like something you just made up

Onlyfans is owned by a UK company.....Murdoch just controls several news outlets over there including the Sun.
12k a month isn't bad for someone who isn't even active in the feedist community. Looks like she's only active on TikTok and IG
Antonia Graham. I think this article might be old, because she had a health scare and went on hiatus (as far as I was aware). I don't know what kind of health scare, but I know she was in hospital and had surgery. In more recent photos she has a scar on her belly and has lost a bit of weight.

Her videos were pretty good though.
The NY Post puts porn stars on their blog. It has less to do with Only Fans and more to do with newscasters and conservatives being sex crazed.
Although I've always like fat women the whole reason I discovered this fetish/preference is after seeing an article about Tiffany Cushinberry in a mainstream magazine over a decade ago. I wonder how many more boys will discover this when they see these articles.
>Her videos were pretty good though
Care to share?
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>>18151 (OP)
The Post is a mix of muckraking journalism, batshit right wing opining, and grabbing eyeballs at any cost, and has been since long before the internet. Porn sells, fat sells... do the math.
It's a part of jewish porn empire.
Yup we heebs fucked your mother and sold pictures of it and now Russia's gonna do it to you.

Right. So because Murdoch owns news outlets in the same country as the OnlyFans owner, they must be in on it together. Yeah that makes sense
Is bbwchan a porn duchy under the porn empire, or an independent state?
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Murdoch is right up there with Bloomberg and Warren Buffett as the most boomer New Yorker. Nobody buys his papers aside from boomers.
Times Square was known for porn and filth before the corporations came over. Really, Eric Adams Era New York is just the Sixties and Seventies without the Mob

No wonder people don't take you Aussies seriously.........

I’m aware. I fail to see what that has to do with him shilling for OnlyFans as that other dude suggested.
New York women are high test giga stacys who want to fuck in Central Park, fuck in Jones Beach, or a quickie in City Island. The post is aimed is merely gossip rag for conservatives cranky that they're not bankers
I like to think of this structure akin to the concept of HRE. There are wealthy and powerful Jewish families who have long been interbreeding with european royal and noble families, consolidating their grip on power and wealth. While some "new money" may enter the club, they always will be subservient to those who have a long heritage besides them.
You are probably right.
I take a wild guess and say that they also talk a lot about the America's greatest ally.
Anyone got Antonia Graham's videos or links? Just found out about her and can't find if she deleted it.
Anyone got Antonia Graham's videos or links? Just found out about her and can't find anything. Is he OF gone?

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