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Noticed that a new Reiina thread was taken down on /bbw and the old bump locked thread is gone too. I know there was some drama on the old thread a while back but I’ve never seen the mods take down a whole thread before without any warning. Anyone know what’s up?
>>18055 (OP) just a guess, but everyone either subs to her OF or gets her vids off coomer, so theres not much point having a thread about her on a board thats intended exclusively for content sharing
threads without videos usually get deleted bc its basically just begging and theres a thread for begging
1. Commer makes the whole thread redundant. Why mess around with links that'll expire in a day when I can just go onto coomer anytime I want?

2. People spent more time complaning about her fiance.

3. She (or someone who pretends to be her) usually shows up and gaslights arguments within the thread.
Her thread usually turned into shit flinging after she'd make essayposts about her rat looking boyfriend.

Also it was entertaining to see her ID in the thread was the same as multiple other posts from before, implying she was posting OC while LARPing as a fan
Anyone know what’s up with the coomer? It hasn’t been updated in awhile

The person who's been updating it cancelled/didn't renew their sub. Someone is going to have to bite the bullet for everyone else
Any update? Anyone know what's happening to her? Why did she start smoking? And why is Coomer not being updated?

I already explained the reason dude. Pay the sub to update coomer or wait.
Whos got pics of the boyfriedn now i wana see what he looks like lolll is he really that ugly (i think shes fuckin so weird so i bet hes a weirdo too)
I mean just go to any old livestream on her of or commer and u will see this annoying weasel looking guy in any given shot. She always refers to that whipped dude as her “partner” lmao

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