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Has anyone noticed within this community that the dynamic of older women and younger men is becoming more common? I dont notice it almost at all outside the community, but to be fair the only reason I know this is because I can read feabie profiles and see the ages of people flirting with eachother.

I have to wonder if it's something most of the older women are into or if it's just something that they are indifferent to when they like a certain guy. People around the community will salivate over any contrast at all, or no contrast even. I'm leaning more towards it's all just happenstance since I think most of the older women know that younger guys just want to fuck them and not hang around too long. Also considering that most older women have kids it makes it even less likely for men of any age group to commit.

Ultimately I think the reason it seems more common now has more to do with a larger pool of people in the community and less emphasis on picking a partner based on personal life attributes like money or personality and more on superficial traits like body type. Let's be honest, places like FF, feabie, or dims back in the day were almost like e-clubs. You might find an s/o there but most of whats going on is people finding hook up partners. Age is hardly a factor for most, but I am still intrigued by the few who are actively seeking this dynamic and are not just falling in it by happenstance.
>>17866 (OP)

It’s probably not that deep. Consider this

>the older ladies get to choose between fucking a young fit guy or some guy their age
>naturally they choose the younger guy
>the young guy just wants to get his dick wet, he doesn’t care

There you go.
You don't see that as a little contrary to women's typical preferences when it comes to age. that being that women are mainly into men their age or older?

And dudes are typically into skinny women. What’s your point?
All of you are fucking useless morons. Shut the fuck up, stop reading this garbage threads OP makes, and read more history. 99%of anons are here to decieve you into believing a lie.

Pretty sure OP is just some old guy salty that chicks are dodging his DMs and talking to some 20 year old instead.
take your meds
>>17866 (OP)
>within this community
What community?
>>17866 (OP)
You know, a few years ago I busted the balls of a guy here who posted that he was going after older women in their late 30s, 40s and 50s, but honestly the more time I've had to think about it, I think he was on to something. Older women are alot more emotionally stable as they age and know what they want compared to the constant BPD types in their 20s and early 30s.

I was in my 20s when I told him that he needs to work on his mommy issues, but now as I've passed the 30 mark, I can see his point much more clearly.
>Older women are alot more emotionally stable as they age and know what they want compared to the constant BPD types in their 20s and early 30s.
While there are obvious exceptions to this on both ends, this definitely does seem like the case on a by-person basis. Add to this that they generally have less outlandish standards. Being a decent person with their shit together seems to generally be good enough.
>>17866 (OP)
Older women tend to be fatter than younger ones, thats my theory on it.

Sex is better, at least with my experience. Older women are more comfortable in/with their bodies and thus freer with them. This is particularly meaningful with BBWs. Some of the fat women I dated when I was younger were lights-off and almost paralyzed by self-consciousness. (Granted, this was a while ago — maybe with SA younger fatties are more confident.

They also know what they want and have (hopefully) learned a few tricks. They're realistic about what sex means and what they're supposed to get out of it.

Of course all this assumes a stable, somewhat worldly older woman. All bets are off otherwise.


Experience means they're harder to get over on. Not in a sinister manipulative way, just that older women don't fall as easy for bullshit because they've seen too much of it.

With the clock ticking, they're more likely to be looking for a relationship, even if they say they aren't. They also carry more baggage, emotional and so on, and can be more cynical, which can be a drag.
>With the clock ticking, they're more likely to be looking for a relationship, even if they say they aren't
This one depends on how old "older" is, IMO. Once they pass roughly the 45-50 or so mark, they seem to view a relationship as more of an "If it happens, it happens" thing, as opposed to necessity. Of course, that could just be personal experience, or older women just not going for guys my age.
>I am still intrigued by the few who are actively seeking this dynamic and are not just falling in it by happenstance.
I've always been into matures / older as a preference but I can't substantiate why. I imagine its the opposite of what nonces like. Nonces seem to be attracted to pre-pubescent bodies, whereas I'm on the other end of the scale and like post-pubescent bodies with fat distributed around the ass, tits, hips etc.

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