
(13 KB, 144x90, DangerousBriskDiscus-mobile.mp4)
How in the turds is it that every fucking girl I've ever dated starts out thin, relaxes, puts on a bit of weight in the first couple years of our relationship and then sex gets like bananas better and it's fuggin obvious that I'm grabbing on their chub and THEY SEEM TO BE INTO TOO and one goddamned shitbutted unfortunate-ass day, they're all, I've gained 15 pounds, I need to eat less/exercise more.

Believe me, in the past I've been straight up. Yer chubs is hot as fuck. You aren't unhealthily overweight. Yes, I think you should be healthy but maybe hey don't go fuggin nuts about it. And here's the kicker; basically all women seem to hate that shit. Makes stuff awkward, makes 'em think yer a weirdo.

So now I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut while my gal's ALREADY SMALLISH HINEY in my hand goes back to feeling like a pair of croquet balls balanced atop a goddamn folded sawhorse.

O and double kicker! Bigger women do that shit too! I've dated gorgeous BBWs, remarked upon the bounty of their beauty and it's quickly progressed to, "Ew, weird. Why did you talk about my body like that? Hey guess what fucknut, DIET TIME."

I mean, whatever, ultimately all folks deserve the right to do whatever they want with their bodies. But. Got. Dam. I feel like putting on 15-20 lbs, noticing and enjoying your partner's (and your own!) heightened pleasures over it and then just feeling ok about it doesn't seem that far fetched, right?

Anyway I'm venting. Feel free to do the same in your replies. I'm sure many of us have similar bugbears to exorcise.
>>17847 (OP)

How about shutting up and letting things ride instead of ruining them. Your mouth is the main conflict here.

"HURR DURR your sexy AF with all this weight"

Just shut the fuck up dude. Damn....
Easy there, bud. Ain't said shit to my current gal about her body, not a peep. And never said any shit about "Hurr Durr you're fat me boner," to bigger women neither. This shit is perhaps more complex and deeply seeded than some of us are willing to realize. There are, in fact, people in the world today who are so dissatisfied with their bodies that a simple. "You look great in that," or perhaps a "Fug, you're gorgeous," is enough to set off their insecurities. And what should we do, not give compliments to our partners? Not let them know we find them attractive? I mean, whatever man, your reply to this if any will most likely be similarly aggressive and smarmy so, I dunno, sorry I offended you with my idiocy. And if this discussion thread just sucks incurably, no one will add to it, it will languish and disappear and we all can go back to our own shit. No need to get worked up about anything ever posted here.

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