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Gainers, feedees, we all know they have the goal to at least consume a large amount of fattening substances to gain weight. We express how hot that is, we talk about the long-term health implications, but there's a subject matter I haven't seen being talked yet here. I'm not into that stuff at all, and in fact, I vibe less with the burping and the farting some feedees do in their videos, but how about the digestion? How much more do they need to sit on their bathroom thrones compared to someone who eats normally? How much more do they tend to have bathroom troubles, and digestive issues? Even worse, once they reach USSBBW territory, can they even sit on toilets? Do they need specially made larger ones? Can they even do it themselves, or do they need help? Being a helper in that case sounds nasty af. Can their bum cheeks even allow the waste to be disposed properly?

This thread is gonna be shitty... But I'm still curious. Do any of you have anything to say implying a fat person who obviously eats too much, and the toilet?

I already have my regular shitty issues as a barely overweight guy, so I can't imagine how worse it could be for someone who probably gives too much work on their digestive systems.
When are you guys ever going to fucking die and leave me the fuck alone?
What no pussy does to a mf
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I always wondered. I always figured the big gainers would end up having to dump like horses. Maybe they get bedpans?

Here is a toilet seat. Maybe one of those pressured toilets can handle a mega gainer horse dump?
Another reason why I find morbid obesity disgusting. You know damn well none of them ever get fully cleaned and have pockets of filth from weeks or even months ago.
Yeah I’m not into toilet stuff at all, but I do want to see Sadie taking a dump. Just the logistics of it makes my brain hurt. How does she fit? How does she wipe? It must be crazy
>>17911 Nigga, you must be crazy. ..Or a woman

Why? Because I’m curious how a woman with a 100” ass manages to fit on a 20” seat?
>>17914 No that's not why
I bodybuild and am pretty tall so I need a lot of calories, bigger models for sure eat more than me and I be shitting lol
I think Mochiibabii said she was surprised how much time she spent on the toilet when she started gaining. A constant flow of food into you would make a constant stream of expelling I guess
>>17731 (OP)
>How much more do they need to sit on their bathroom thrones compared to someone who eats normally? How much more do they tend to have bathroom troubles, and digestive issues?

The heaviest women I ever dated was over 350 and didn't seem to have any problems like that. My current gf is only 280 but eats more food than anyone I have ever met and she shits probably 4 to 6 times a day. The one she takes first thing in the morning stinks up my entire house too lol.
Off topic but sorta related, the one legit supersized woman I dated (5-3, 350+) had to pee all the damn time. She told me that a lot of women her size have the same issue, something about more pressure on their bladders. Not that they pee more in volume, but the second their bladder starts to fill they have to go, like when you're dehydrated.
I believe this is also the case with ssbbw women and capacity to eat a lot. You'd think women who are 450lbs would want to eat more than like a burger or something but even feedees who are not embarrassed by their size get full easy. its all the weight on their stomachs compressing it. according to them at least.
my girl is only 240+ lb right now but she goes to the toilet constantly, number one and two. she's always snacking and sipping at drinks, she doesnt binge eat much, and I feel like her digestive system only gets a proper break when she's sleeping.
Multiple shits a day. Okay, that's what mukbang/.oogui people do. I figured the SSBBW would just have giant horse dump a day.
>>17731 (OP)
The questions that have been on my mind since I was a child. Hopefully the Americans will enlighten us.
That's often a symptom of diabetes/kidney disease.
Huh. Never saw her medical report but she claimed her "numbers were good." Still see her stuff on SM and she hasn't mentioned health problems so hopefully that's not it.
I've noticed women on feabie complain about it too, or mention it's the thing most gainers aren't ready for.

Since their diet is typically cheap fast food- and thus low fiber, high fat/carb/sugar- it's not gonna stay in you as long because your large intestine's bacteria has no real "use" in it as much as say, spinach. On top of that, high salt means they're gonna have fluid shifts, and if they're too much they'll have fluid shits. Basically if you're actively gaining, you need to keep your veggie intake up, if not increase it.
Makes you wonder about echo

Somebody definitely wipes her.
A job I would be only too happy to take on. I love me an immobile pig slob.

You say that, but I’d bet a significant amount of money you’d get pretty bored of wiping shit out of an asshole. But hey, don’t let me ruin the fantasy
iirc mochii said she spends like a quarter of her waking day shitting
I can confirm I would never tire of cleaning that absolute blob.
Tbh with someone like echo id just get tired of it and make it a weekly chore, not like she’s going anywhere or something
This sort of boils down to two questions:

1) Do people shit allot when they eat allot?

2) How do really fat people keep things hygenic in the bathroom?

For 1: yeah. There's not necessarily even a coorelation with weight. If you eat all day you'll be on the toilet allot the next day.

For 2: bidets or bidet attachments are your friend. They're everyone's friend really, but especially very fat people with reach issues. I never understood why wiping shit off with dry paper is considered acceptably clean. If you got dog shit on your hands, would you just wipe it off with dry paper towel and call that good enough?

>> I never understood why wiping shit off with dry paper is considered acceptably clean.

You act like you're going to be eating food out of someone's asshole afterwards. By default it's the nastiest place on your body, whether you use a bidet or toilet paper. Shit doesn't matter when you sent all day sitting down collecting funk around there.
That's great, I'd love to hear the interview.
Also, if she ever had a hard time selling ordinary videos, vids of her sitting on the toilet and the noises of her ass would sell.
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I like pictures.

Bob The Builder has seen some shit, literally.
Lailani has videos of her shitting, called "Fat toilet fun." She doesn't show her face, but her fat rolls are unmistable. In the ones where her shit is visible, it is just a short diarrhea blast. I always imagined BBWs and SSBBWs would just have horse dumps.
Weird combinations of food in huge amounts, particularly with a lot of fat and dairy in the mix, tends to give you the squirts.
Also the result of excessive caffeine consumption; but also yeah, diabetes.
>>17731 (OP)
>Do they need specially made larger ones?
Reminds me of that Boberry tour of an Airbnb she was staying at. The master bathoom's toilet was in a little cubby hole that left little room for the imagination for some at her size; no room to wipe aside from standing up like a barbarian and making cleaning up more difficult. Maybe if the toilet at one of those built in bidets she'd have had an easier time. Bidets are always the answer imo.
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>>17731 (OP)

I have wondered.

You take a woman like Superdome Booty who was 600lbs 6'4" and hips can barely fit through a door.

It has to be like an explosive horse or something.

That is not 600lbs. Tall or not, she wouldn't be looking as mobile as she is in this photo.
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I want to see this sort of thing, but I don't know how to pay for it.
My wife is 5'5"/340 lbs. She can't shit in a public toilet because the stalls are too narrow for her to spread her legs wide enough to wipe. So if she can't get to handicap stall, she doesn't get the best quality wiping done. She'll often come home to do a #2 to avoid the hassle/mess.

yeah dude, she is (or was 590lbs) in that pic.

If you watch vids or pics of her next to full grown men, shes titanic.
Suppose it's hard to tell when there's nothing in that shot to compare her too.

How about a shot that isn't of her ass or back? She still doesn't look $600. 350 at max.
Jesus christ

Dude this is what she says and there tons of videos of her out there some on scales, many standing next to dwarfing adults. Shes gigantic

Shes lost like 200lbs since modeling

Feel free to investigate yourself if interested

Nope. I'm not doing work to back up your claim. If you can't prove it, then what makes you think I will?
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50 seconds in she gets askes what she weighs, her answer: "last time I checked I weighed 450, I used to weigh 590". My impression is that her peak weight occured before she had a paysite and modelled for Mercedes.

Her earliest stuff with Merceded she was clearly bigger.

There were videos of her working out for a while shortly after she started her own site, infact I remember an interview where she said she was having a hard time fitting in cars and sharpness in chest so was going to lose weight. Safe to assume that's when she shed the weight.

But her earlier candid stuff when she's next to people is crazy.

Infact if anyone have vids....
She sounded so different back then. She talks a lot slower after gaining like 200 lbs. it’s hard to explain but kinda hot

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