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I've been with my partner for 6 months. We met on FF and she has established herself as a feedee. She was around 380lbs and at 5'2" she is massive. She loves stuffing and feeding but said she wasnt much into gaining, but as a biproduct of feeding and stuffing she has put on 15lbs this last 6 months. She told me recently that we needed to be careful because she doesn't want to get any bigger as she is worried about her health. I actively want to make her bigger, and when dirty talking she stills says she wants me to make her bigger but when it comes to actuality she doesn't and she doesn't doesn't likr stuffing as much anymore. She has said many times recently that she will think about it so what happens next but I was wondering if others have been in this situation? And if so any recommendations to convince her to gain? We have a Dom/Sub relationship and therefore I've tried to leverage using it but isn't working. Any tips?

>>17659 (OP)
ngl mate I think you should just respect what your partner wants and is comfortable with
just because they're into something in the bed doesn't mean they're into it 24/7

Yep 100%, don't force your kink on your unwilling partner, there's a difference between playing out a fantasy in the bedroom and actually living it. It's her body and health, not your toy, and you need to respect that
The absolute best thing to do: F-Phenibut. Give it to her when she is willing to stuff herself and have sex. Every time. She will feel amazing. Eventually, she'll want to do it more and more. Her body will become physically addicted to the substance and she will start to feel terrible when she doesn't take it; i.e. when you don't give it to her; i.e. when she's not stuffing herself silly.

It's kind of a long game, but it will work.

Don't do this OP, not only is it revoltingly abusive but it's also 100% illegal
It's fine, really. She'll absolutely enjoy it. It even enhances sexual pleasure. My recommendation is to make her Crystal Light or Mio drinks--something to cover the chemical taste--and start out with about 300mg of F-Phenibut HCI an hour before t,e stuffing session. Do not use F-Phenibut FAA. It's more expensive because it is harder to manufacture and is a bit more pure, but that needs to be administered sublingually because it doesn't dissolve properly in water. Follow my instructions and she'll be addicted to gaining in no time. You can also use the drug to get girls addicted to you. I strongly recommend it.
I usually just lurk on here but this is some evil shit. Just plain sick fuck territory.
>>17659 (OP)
Nah man just let her stay the size she wants.

Yeah either this guy is trolling or he's an irl sociopath
I mean it’s standard game to lie about being a feedee to get a bf.
Just lie to her for sex and keep looking for someone honest.
>>17659 (OP)
Dude. The answer is in the question. She’s GOING to gain regardless of what you or her say or do. If she’s 380lbs and gets turned on by stuffing, she’s gona gain weight. Just be patient and enjoy what you have. You think she was born a 380 pound baby and hasn’t gained a single pound her entire life? She gained it all cause she’s turned on by eating. Before you know it she’ll be 450 begging you to talk dirty about getting her to 500. Patience my friend.
Yeah honestly if they got to there they are gonna keep going up unless all food production fails.

But some good tips from the drug guy even if a bit amoral.
Play around with stuffing with "healthier" options (fruit, vegetables, yogurt smoothies, etc) but if you can always try to do some form of foreplay or more each time she's stuffed cause honestly linking the 2 is basically a natural dopamine addiction. Then offer for fun "on the rare occasion" slightly less healthy options.

Also snacks for sure. Bulk buy starchy low filling foods and keep them around. A bulk box of snack pack cookies and they can eat several bags without noticing how many they had.

And then there is the really amoral stuff that's even further than the dude suggesting f-phenibut like Apetamin. But again probably best to avoid unless you already like picked them up in an unregistered van, at which point you doing whatever you doing anyways.
This, 100%.

Keep her favorite snacks around. Remember that simple unrefined carbs are essentially sugar. Keep the blood sugar spikes going throughout all waking hours. When your pancreas is producing insulin to deal with the chaotic glucose levels all day long, your body is basically programmed to store as much fat as possible. Add some fat to it for an extra calorie boost. Those extra calories will go straight to her belly.

The downside to this approach is it will speed up the onset of diabetes. This might be hot for the death feedists out there, but it will severely limit the longevity of her gain and her peak weigh will end up considerably lower than it would have been had you kept weight gain longevity in mind. I had two longterm girlfriends and one wife end up getting WLS between 320 and 420 pounds because of diabetes, feeling sick all the time, difficulty moving, etc. Make sure you two work out together. This will stretch out her gaining lifespan with the added bonus of increasing her appetite. Yes, she'll gain muscle which will increase her basal metabolic rate, but it will also keep her from noticing how much her weight is affecting her day to day. Think mochiibabii vs Boberry. Mochii seemed like a dream come true with her massive weight gain, but peaked in the mid 300s and is now on an extended leave because the way she approached her gain was not sustainable. Boberry, on the other hand, gained to well over 600 pounds before she lost some weight. And guess what? It seems like she's gaining again.

If you really like that fast, unhealthy weight gain... Go for it, but not with girls that you care about. Make sure they're disposable. The 4-7s (depending on your desirability, that is), and crazy bitches even if they're a perfect 10 (you don't want to be with crazy long-term, trust me).

Tack on extra food whenever you can. When you go out, order appetizers and an extra side, then get some desert afterwards. Increase her food intake slowly but surely. My current girlfriend is at 570 right now (we met at ~450). She's about as healthy as she was at 450, though. She doesn't even eat ultra refined carbs anymore. We do brown rice instead of white rice. Whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta. Plenty of fruit. Some veggies. Usually, she'll have a sweet treat after dinner but she eats about 70% "healthy" and 30% junk. The trick? She eats a fuckton. I personally do intermittent fasting to avoid gaining weight myself, then eat massive amounts along with her during my feasting hours (but I skip the sweets or pawn them off to her). Last night she had two cups of brown rice, 24 jumbo shrimp cooked in a stick of butter with garlic and korean red pepper flakes, and a massive salad with lots of croutons, drenched in salad dressing. If it wasn't for the massive portions and fattening sauce:food ratios, it would have been a healthy meal. It ended up being close to 3000 calories for that one meal. We ate late, so she ate a few individual snack packs before the meal, including flaming hot cheetos, dot's pretzels, and animal cookies. Variety is the key for her. We have a closet with all the snack packs you can think of. Afterwards, she had a snickers, a twix bar, a rice crispy treat, and a probiotic yogurt before bed.

My girl on the side, on the other hand, eats like garbage. She just hit 312 pounds, but I don't think she has much in the tank left for gaining. Her door dash is linked to my card and she spends thousands every single month. I'll pick up fast food from multiple places before visiting her for a fuck session, then she'll usually have a couple slices of cheesecake to finish the stuffing because I keep her fridge stocked with her favorite Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes. She's not doing well, honestly. She has constant diarrhea, is always out of breath, and feels like crap all the time. I think it's affecting her mood, too. She was always crazy, so it's hard to tell, but even the Phenibut isn't helping with her sour attitude. I'm about ready to move on, but I hope to have at least one more epic stuffing/fuck session before I do.

Anyway... Long story short... Don't worry. Be happy. Keep what she likes around. Encourage her to eat a bit more. Exercise with her. Go on "diets" with her occasionally--she may lose a considerable amount of weight, but it will always come back--and most importantly, make sure her health doesn't force her to taking extreme action with her weight. Follow my advice and you'll be swimming in beautiful fat for years.
do you have any advice on how to get side girls to live out my stuffing fantasy without embarrassing myself in front of family and friends having to present an obese slob as my partner?
Be a chad and own it
Your best asset is her emotions. Met mine on OKC (and she was fatter in person). There were sparks and things went well, but what really helped was when she found my porn. Thanks to some videos of girls eating, she realized I really DID like her size. Since then, she hasn't watched what she eats nearly as much, and has said the only reason she hasn't brought food into the bedroom is a fear of choking. In the meantime, her job tires her out, leading to a more sedentary routine at home, complete with grazing.

If she can manage to work from home instead of commuting, i plan on enabling her to 400 (she's around 370 atm). We've already discussed how the only serious attempt we'd make at weight loss is for a baby, and I'm fine with that (she'd gain it back and then some, obviously).

I guess this is more of an architect thing, but the woman is genuinely comfortable being close to 400 lbs. That's gotta count for something.
A) she won’t be having a baby
B) the side chick man is likely lying (whose throwing thousands at a side chicks fast food?)
C) be tall, be jacked, have money, be worth dating. Dangle a relationship to women you’d never be seen with in public 2 towns over. women will do anything to get approval from a man they actually want.
My dude. I’m 6’3” and jacked with a grad degree in eng. I’ve been around, I’ve had legit dimes gain hundreds of pounds for me and gotten plenty of easy tail.
I’m just telling your little dick self how the game works. Don’t be mad at me bro.
The cringe is making me wince.
>>17659 (OP)
You’re in a relationship, sit down and have a talk with her if it’s that big of an issue for you. If she says she doesn’t want to gain then that’s it man. Maybe she changes her mind overtime idfk but it’s her decision at the end of the day. If that isn’t what you’re looking for then start seeing other people. Plenty of fish in the sea for both of you plus we’ve even got chad thundercock here
>F-Phenibut (also known as 4-Fluorophenibut, Fluorophenibut, Fluorobut, Baflofen and CGP-11130) is a central nervous system depressant and closely related structural analog of phenibut. F-Phenibut possesses an effect profile similar to phenibut but with a faster onset, significantly increased potency, and shorter total duration.
>Stimulation and Sedation - At lower doses, F-Phenibut has a mild physical and mental stimulation effect, encouraging movement, wakefulness, productivity and socialization. At higher doses, however, it becomes physically sedating, encouraging sleep and lethargy. Sleeping after dosing a small amount may result in a deep, restful sleep which can leave the user feeling refreshed and alert upon waking.
>Onset of 20 - 60 minutes
You're really telling me that this chick doesn't realize she's ingesting a *central nervous system depressant* every time she drinks one of your cocktails? Forget weight gain, if she's not dumber than a rock she'd realize after the second time she's feeling the effects that there's something weird in the drink.
She already is really heavy man. In my opinion she’s right to be thinking about her health and everything because I’d still want to live a relatively healthy life at that size. I would sit down and talk to her about it. If it’s really a big enough problem, y’all should split because there’s plenty of other people out there, theirs bound to be someone for the both of you.

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