
look at mr.handsome over here
Is this a site of beautiful fat women or not? I guess male models are most popular with gay dudes? But why is it here?
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They are just getting an idea of what sort of people browse this forum
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Lol, I never noticed until this crop of just the face that the Feabie stock character looks like Jay Sherman with hair
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girlfriend was giving me a blowie here aha
This is the best thread. This may not be the most productive thread, but it's a thread of love. I love all of you guys (no homo)
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Whats crackalackin fellas?
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whats up homies
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Hi , My names Tracy ,

I'm a young , single , bottom heavy , bbw , I'm always trying to lose weight , unfortunately for me I carry most of it in my lower body , giving me a very pear shape look . But I do like my body just the way it is . I just wish I was a little smaller and more people would accept overweight/ obese girls that look like me , maybe one day they will ?

Everyday tasks that normal size people do , can sometimes be quite challenging for a girl like me . In my teens I use to worked at a Donut shop . Working there didn't help me much weight wise , I binged daily on free donuts . I was 15 with a 38 - DD cup , a big ass and was 330 lbs , by the time I was 18 I was 380 lbs and more than a few inches wider . I've gained alot of weight in the last few years though . I'm just a plain looking , overweight farm girl , nobody special or anything ? I love reading fat girl stories as well .

For me finding clothes that fit me is hard and getting dates with nice guys is even harder , most guys don't ask out obese ass girls like me . I use to have a boyfriend but he dumped me when I got too fat for him . Some guys just don't want to have a fat girlfriend like me .

I'm just on here looking to meet some new friends .

I'm sure you're wondering how did my butt get so big ? Well it wasn't from just sitting around stuffing my fat face with junk food . I did do that alot and still do , my mother was always over feeding me as a teenager and still tries to keep me fat . I have a condition that affects my metabolism , really slows it down almost to a stop and makes me gain weight easily . As a result most of the fat deposites early in life , settled on the 3 B's , belly , boobs, but mainly on my butt and hips , giving me a very fat bottom heavy look ? I'm constantly dieting , losing weight and regaining it plus alot more , I'm a yo yo dieter , emotional over eater with lipedema . I'm always being called a fat ass cow or a pig because of my size . I can't help it if sometimes I just eat too much .

I love to take selfies of myself , to show my curvy , bottom heavy figure and the outfits I make or I like to wear , to people who want to see me in them . I post the photo's and wait for hopefully good comments from admirers and others .

If you're looking to see skin , breasts & butts or seeing a fat girl like me in just her panties , you better go to another site . I don't do that sort of thing .

I love it when people leave me comments of what they think . A little flirting , teasing is fun to hear too , but only if you're just kidding around ?

I do get fat shamed and hate comments too , people make fun of me alot at home and even on here . But when you're as overweight as I am , there's nothing I can do about it , everyone has they're own opinions .

I know that not everybody on here is into looking at or just seeing photo's of a fat girl like me . But for those of you that do like it and are looking at me , thank you . I hope you enjoy my photo's as much as I enjoyed taking them . take care Tracy
I forgot I had him blocked on DA lol
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>spaced punctuation
Ayy lmao

Maybe I should explain why I use the word nigger So uh basically For a long time the BBC launched operations on me Like the Irish or black niggers or some shit So nigger seems to be the go to "Calling the kettle black or some shit" or something, right? It's the go to insult for Mr. Terry Cause like, that's what they use on me, they like "No you're a black nigger, black nigger" So like uh, that's the go to insult So it's every other word, we got "Fuck you" So is it fair to be prejudice against niggers? Well look at it this way: So Nazis have a--or Germans have a excellent physics or something right Got a tradition right Lets look at spirituality, who are the--who's got the most saints? Germany--Right? Germany, you're-- You're a bunch of nigger--like Who does god talk to, right? Does god talk to Germans? Not really Does god talk to niggers? Not really Are there any niggers that god has ever talked to? No, then it's perfectly valid to be prejudice I ain't ever heard of a nigger that god talked to You ever heard of a nigger that god talked to? No Did god ever show any interest in talking to niggers? No Well there you go Judas was a nigger in the tradition of the catholic church Judas was a nigger that wasn't really--what's the word, malicious or something? I don't know, it's kind of more pathetic But anyway, so like Who were the the-- So this is the irony right, god really does exist and now the funny thing is, is to look with scorn at all the people that god doesn't talk to Hey Germany! God doesn't talk to you, you obviously don't have the right stuff Germany, god doesn't talk to you for whatever fucking reason You ain't got the right stuff Fucking--I guess they had a couple German kings or some shit Germany doesn't have the right stuff, there isn't an impressive list of Germans that god has talked to Right, so There you go is it fair to be prejudice against niggers, yeah, gods never talked to a nigger I never, never ever heard of a nigger who god talked to
The DA schizo found bbwchan, dudes sad af
some 40 year old guy who roleplays as "tracy" has uploaded 215 pages worth of selfies on his profile
Yo its the fucking deviant art schizo! When are you gonna blow your brains out and stop being a plague?
Yo it's Tracy, the man, the myth, the legend! It's honestly an honor to see you here. I just saw you leave a comment on the profile of a girl I know. How does it feel to be the Chris-chan of the Fat Fetish community?
Hello Trevor.
Apparently this dude is well known or something, but this is the first I've seen of him. Legit, this post kept me up last night. Something about the grainy photo, bizarre grammar, obvious larping. It haunted me, just made me really depressed for some reason.
What the actual fuck is this shit
Mnetal illness.
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Hello! This is my first post. I just heard about this website today when CLIP Interrogator captioned one of my photos with "trending on bbwchan" so I thought I'd check it out! I'm not a model on OF or anything, but I had a brief stint on xvideos. I'm a little confused by the formatting and rules so I figured I should start by posting here while I get the hang of it! I'll probably post face eventually, just kind of shy lol. Sorry I'm posting kind of far from my timestamp in the photo; I was trying to figure out what a tripcode is.
will toledo likes em big
Have you ever used 4chan before? It's pretty similar to that
For fuck sake. Lurk more before posting again.
First actual fat woman to use this site and you all are going to chase her off with antogonization
Nice belly damn
Hey, welcome. Don't worry about showing your face, you really don't need to- especially if you're not comfortable.
I used it once because my ex wanted me to post myself there. That was awhile ago though so I'm a little rusty. I remembered that I needed a timestamp to prove I'm not a larper though! I guess to rephrase, the thing that confused me about tripcodes is creating my own; I never bothered to use that feature on 4chan.

I did for a bit! I read the rules and checked out a few boards. What I garnered is that the real woman boards were mostly for OF models and had specific rules, which is what made me choose /gen/ and this casual selfie thread to introduce myself. I didn't want to start a thread somewhere without understanding the website formatting a little bit. I will admit I don't know a lot about fat or feeder fetishes though. Did I do something wrong or am I missing something!

Thank you! I've been fat all my life but it got out of control the past couple years because I have issues with disordered eating. I want to fix that but I don't think I ever want to stop being fat. I'm currently 300lbs ish.

Thank you! I appreciate it.
As for that second response, don't worry about him, he's just being antagonistic for the sake of it. As for which board to post on, /gen/ is almost entirely for meta discussion. You should post yourself probably on either /bbw/ or /ssbbw/ as a thread for yourself. It is mostly for OF or other models, but OC threads are totally allowed. There have been a few in the past and there is one right now I think. Just remember to update semi-regularly so it doesn't get buried, and you will have to replace it at some point with a new one.
Thank you for the advice!
Any chance of a link to any xvideos content you did?
Hey pal, have you ever heard of Hyperbole?
>I want to fix that but I don't think I ever want to stop being fat.
That’s hot. Have you ever tried feedism before?
Unfortunately I deleted all of it because it was associated with bad memories. But that just means I'll have to make new content! ^^

No I haven't! Don't know much about it honestly.
You should create a thread for yourself on /bbw/ if you're up for sharing more pics - or maybe a thread about learning about feedism if you're not?
My plan rn is to take some pics and vids to share when I have time! I just want to have a stockpile before I do. I could also probably use it to learn about feedism as well! (reposted because I forgot my tripcode)
It's fairly simple really. There are feedees, who like getting fat and eating, and there are feeders who like to enable, support and feed feedees in order to get them to gain weight. There are different ways of expressing this like forcefeeding, or even having a dominant demanding feedee but that's pretty much it in a nutshell. It's much less complex compared to something like BDSM with its extensive lexicon. Fairly straightforward all things considered
Yes, it's me
So, how about a pic of your ass next? Please. :)

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