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- There’s no reason Jae shouldn’t be in the Boberry / Jackie tier of fandom on bbwchan. Maybe one tier below, idk I think she’s just weirdly underrated nowadays

- watching a girl eat for an hour can be reeeeeal fucking boring

- I am getting more into giantess/muscle/macro porn as I get older and I wish there was a bbwhcan-esque hub for pirating that kind of stuff

- all drawn/cartoon pornography is cringe, especially fat stuff

- Coomer is definitely gonna get shut down at some point in the near future and y’all aren’t ready for it
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Not really a hot take but I underestimated how popular PP still is, a nice by-effect of using Gofile to share files is that you can see the number of Dls. If I were to post Boberry bigcuties content that everyone should have by now it´ll still get downloaded more than 1000 times lol but Courtney doesn´t do that bad either.
jae is hot as hell but she doesn't consistently put out content and the content she does put put kinda sucks imo

her best stuff was working with Brianna and Petra
I ran a tournament bracket a few months ago - Jae is more popular than you think. She beat out Plump Princess, Luna Love, and BigCutie Ash. She may not be in the Roxxie/Jackie/BoBerry tier of popularity to some, but the numbers don't lie.
I honestly never would have guessed any given file posted to bbwchan would do those kinds of numbers. I always assumed even the most popular ones would top out at a couple hundred.
I don't care what you think, I only know

- SSBBW doing everyday stuff clothed > SSBBW doing semi-nude cheesecake poses > SSBBW naked fucking/getting fucked > SSBBW sitting on a couch, eating

- Backfat > armfat > bellies > thighs > butts > boobs

- Folds > dimples > cellulite > stretchmarks > burst veins > discolored skin

(Of my most-purchased personal faves...)

- Content-wise, Ivy > Rennaye > Lailani > Brianna > Roxxie > Plump Princess > Jenni Bombshell

- Hotness-wise, Jenni Bombshell > Plump Princess > Roxxie > Brianna > Lailani > Rennaye > Ivy
the only thing here that really sets me off is lailani. she's hot as hell but her content bores me to death and she blatantly exaggerates her weight as if we're that stupid.
Pears are still disproportionately popular even among FAs I think. Not only PP but also Boberry for example.
I agree the weight thing is stupid but I love that she does so many videos like vacuuming her house, walking up and down stairs, walking on a path, sitting in a too-small chair, trying to get up off a couch, etc etc. Like I said in the first bullet, I love to see SS/USBBWs doing everyday stuff. I totally get why most dudes don't care for it.
My sole hot take for today is that Skylar is 100lbs away from becoming one of my obsessions.
I value titties and ass over belly size. If a woman is missing one or both, then she can fuck off.
>>17464 (OP)
Agree that drawn/ cartoon porn is cringe. I don't get it and never will. That board here is very popular. Throw in morphing, another I don't get even if it's done well. I'll never get it.
Coomer and kemono will get taken down for sure and that one retard who's always begging for updates to those sites will probably start begging for someone to create a new version of those sites in every thread..

Encoding links is beyond stupid these days. Needs to quit.
Tattoos suck when done on a woman
Death feederism is sick
There is such a thing as "too fat". Some women don't gain in a sexy way.
A lot of guys around here need to...
buy their own content/ quit begging
go outside and explore the world, get back in touch with reality.
understand that many of these girls will not gain to reach 500lbs.

All I got for now.
>>17464 (OP)
- watching a girl eat for an hour can be reeeeeal fucking boring

For real. Are there any models that can actually wolf down food like a competitive eater? like a plussize leah shutkever.
we disagree on a lot here but the last point is key - most people just don't have the musculoskeletal structure to fit 500 pounds into and a lot of the biggest girls in the scene have broad shoulders and big hips even before you add in the 200+ extra pounds of fat. smallfats stay smallfats because they're not genetically wired for extreme obesity.
>Agree that drawn/ cartoon porn is cringe. I don't get it and never will. That board here is very popular. Throw in morphing, another I don't get even if it's done well. I'll never get it.
/drawn/ and morphs are something I like, but it's 100% something I wouldn't admit to when discussing these things outside of the Internet. Since I'm leaning more towards death feedist in my tastes, it's more appealing to have something artfully made that's damn near impossible to see in a photo. I think it's mad cringe there's so many people who like drawn porn that willingly complain about it though - that manbaby thread on /drawn/ is consistently on the front page and they're triggering themselves. Constantly.
>Coomer and kemono will get taken down for sure and that one retard who's always begging for updates to those sites will probably start begging for someone to create a new version of those sites in every thread.
Really surprised it hasn't been taken down yet. Like, site-wide. Vola was taken down for less.
>Encoding links is beyond stupid these days. Needs to quit.
Yeah, it had its place and now it's unnecessary. Especially when every time it's posted you have at least two knuckle-draggers that ask how to do it.
>Tattoos suck when done on a woman
Tattoos are never an improvement. They are either a side-grade or a disappointment when they're new. No one has ever started jacking off to someone here just because they got more ink.
>Death feederism is sick
I know, isn't it great? Jokes aside, that's sort of the point.
>There is such a thing as "too fat". Some women don't gain in a sexy way.
I'm usually a proponent of there's always room to grow, but there are definitely some women where it doesn't look good on them. It's usually the apple-shapes or the ones that have it in the gut and nowhere else. Gaining weight is not a one size fits all plan, as much as I want to admit it. Still, I think my threshold for a maximum weight is much higher than yours for attraction. Nothing wrong with that - you still have plenty of fap material from when your girl crosses over into my camp. She was either going to plateau and get older or retire otherwise.
>buy their own content/ quit begging
Absofuckinglutely. Anyone who buys content and shares it here is doing you a massive favor, because how pathetic are you that you can't shell out $10 for your favorite model's new clip? I get that this shit gets expensive if you have 20 favorites and they're all producing porn, but don't act entitled that you NEED this. You don't. Either wait until someone drops it out of the generosity of their hearts or buy it your damn self.
>go outside and explore the world, get back in touch with reality.
Dude I have coomer brain and check this site more than I check my own socials and I can fully tell you this site is cancer. A lot of people on here need to get lives. If you're coming to a porn board to bitch about porn, gossip, spout political nonsense (other than in /gen/ but still), and any other general faggotry, GO OUTSIDE. Do ANYTHING else.
>understand that many of these girls will not gain to reach 500lbs.
It's a combo of genetics, lifestyle, and for a lot of the 500+lbs girls, how fat you were early in life. Odds are if you weren't around 300lbs in high school, you weren't going to be an SSBBW in the first place. The body is naturally going to reject what you're doing to it if it has spent most of its formative years being in lean condition. Meanwhile if you were a fatty at graduation or in college, your body was basically adapting to being obese while settling into structure. The fat cells are there. The rest is just where the fat resides, which is to your point above with some women not gaining weight in a sexy way.
There are some models who've done this well. In her heyday, Kellie Kay would scarf down food, and her eyes would go wide every time she took a bite. And Adeline's recent eating videos are fucking incredible. She just wolfed down that cake in like five minutes!
It's incredible to me how many hot fat women think just regular eating is sexy. Like, I can see a woman eat food, we all kinda need to fucking do it to live. Give me some sexy eating or fast eating or messy eating or some roleplay, fucking ANYTHING
>>If you're coming to a porn board to bitch about porn, gossip, spout political nonsense (other than in /gen/ but still), and any other general faggotry, GO OUTSIDE. Do ANYTHING else.

Oh the irony, especially in this thread.
Would you say a woman who has grown up “thicc” her entire life and is normally around 200 pounds give or take a few could get to those higher weights easily? I only ask because my gf is very pear shaped with huge arms, wide hips and enormous thighs at just 220 pounds, and I feel her with double that wouldn’t be impossible
Plump Princess is really good looking but she comes across as extremely pretentious to me. I get using terms like “princess” for branding purposes but she seems so obsessed with royalty, even going as far as having a picture of Marie Antoinette on her bathroom wall. That and the fact she charges stupid amounts for her content just turns me off. She seems like she thinks she really is royalty or something.
If a woman was fat/ thicc from when she was younger, she has way more fat cells on her and has a better chance of getting bigger/hotter/blobbing out if you reward any overeating
This seems to be the popular opinion. UNpopular opinion would be that her preciousness, pretentiousness, and narcisism are actually incredibly hot, seeing as this runaway self-worship manifests as self-indulgence, which enables her gluttony and the slow, deliciously decadent weight gain that comes with it.

But yeah, the videos are stupid-expensive. Her OF is a worth it though, IMO.
Getting caught up in the numbers these models put out is autistic, and not automatically assuming they're inflated is retarded. Higher weights and bigger measurements = more money, and yes, they're in it for the money, guys. Like any and all porn/erotica, they're selling a fantasy. In our corner of the internet, part of the fantasy is that they love being fat and gaining weight and so on, which the overwhelming majority of women don't. They're not feedees and they don't care about you or "the community" beyond your credit card. All they owe you is a quality product, as advertised, just like any business. So suspend your disbelief, buy their stuff (or don't), blow a load, and move on with your life.
Piggybacking on this. Just because a woman's weight fluctuates doesnt mean they arent into feedism or dont like being fat. Women will gain and lose weight for multiple reasons regardless of this kink

I do think it's plausible that some subset of these models actually enjoy putting on weight, because the kinks that the human population has cultivated knows no bounds.

But I'd agree that most of them likely don't. They're either indifferent or actively hate it and are just here for the money. Certain models (who I won't name in case there's rules against mentioning them) have full on come out and said that their time modeling was a low point in their mental health and they were literally just paying the bills with fan money.

I don't necessarily feel like what these women are doing is bad. It's pretty common to work a job that's detrimental to your mental and physical health to pay the bills for awhile. As long as they're adults capable of making their own choices, then how they make their bread is their own business.

I think the biggest harm they do is that they set unrealistic relationship standards in young men who don't know any better. Whether they enjoy the work or not, these women are selling you a fantasy that you'll never get in a real relationship. Even if you find a woman whose 100% into being an SSBBW blob and checks all of your perverted boxes, you're still gonna have to deal with all of the off screen maintenance that comes with that. There will always be some compromise, some setback. You won't always get your way and neither will she. Somebody whose only female contact is with these models will not develop this mindset easily.
>In our corner of the internet, part of the fantasy is that they love being fat and gaining weight and so on

i dont even get why, so much hotter when you know a girl hates being fat but is such a pig she cant stop herself.
That is a lot more than I would've ever guessed. I would've guessed less than 100. I know this site gets traffic but I assume it's kind of a small group who visit regularly.
I don't know how long files last on GoFile. But to think there could be 1,000 downloads on WeTransfer and after it expires none of those 1,000 will reup that file. Too many grab and go's anymore around here
The vast majority of this fetish isn't worth paying for even if you have the money.
(1.1 MB, 320x240, redditsave.com_that_cat_has_seen_some_shit-cp895kiaiju31.mp4)
For me the main problem why amateurs are so bad is they have horrendous quality.
I wish more boyfriends filmed their girlfriends e.g. Chloe. It's entirely centered on male desire, and I have the nagging feeling that women can never really be sure how to gear it toward men.

I'm more pissed off that the cat is there. Put that thing in a cage or something when you're camming.
If I had a dollar for every time one of these models let their pets roam around in a video, I'd have enough to buy any clip you'd want for the next 2 years.

Seriously, put them in another fucking room. They're not going to spontaneously combust if you're not there.

I commented this earlier and some dude said "well, cats will mess up a room if you leave them in there"

Like really? You can't control your own fucking cat? What happens when you leave the house and they're by themselves then?
sounds like youve never owned a cat. theyre mostly not trainable and often if you lock them out of a space they want to be, the will meow, paw at the door, or even rage vomit on the carpet.
Accurate assumption tbh - if it was fine to just put their pets in another room while they did their own thing, they'd just DO it. Obviously they don't want to have to deal with the fallout.

You're right, I'm not going to keep an ungrateful asshole in my house for free. I'm a dog person anyways.


If you can't control it, then don't own it. If you don't want it in another room, then how do you expect people to enjoy it while the models camming?

Typical for a cat owner to make excuses for those four legged pricks.
imagine identifying with an ugly piss fetishist schizo who got blown up 80 years ago
Hitler has some bigass earlobes

Every other animal as a pet > dog > ferret > cat.

But go ahead and continue liking something that has toxic shit that can fuck up a pregnant woman.
>If you can't control it, then don't own it.
Yeah man, as a pet owner of both dogs and cats, I know the number one reason I keep pets around is to exert control over another living thing

truly a stupid fuckin thought process, you can never 100% control an animal, and dogs and cats each have different things they can and can't be trained out of

Lol, weak ass beta. Can't even control an animal.
>ugly piss fetishist schizo
Sounds more like your typical cat owner
yeah man, I'm sure you're super alpha, and animals bow before you in fear as you pass lol
(1.2 MB, 533x887, BETA.PNG)

a visual description of every beta cat owner
Some models get really dogshit fat distribution but for some reason THEY’RE the ones that gain the most while the models that have great fat distribution don’t gain as much and most of the time leave. Like I don’t mean to be a dick but goddamn bitch you are shaped like spilled fucking milk while the 10/10 with perfect proportions just disappeared after two weeks of posting images….
Examples beyond Ivy...? I'm not even challenging, just wondering who you mean. Because I'm going through my mental spreadsheet of the biggest gainers and their fat distribution is pretty on-point (by which I mean classically feminine): Jackie, Roxxie, Boberry, Jae, Becca, PP, Adeline...
Eh it’s moreso a preference thing. I myself like big bellies, pretty faces, and reasonable distribution everywhere else. I personally don’t like the four door wide assess with a deflated bag stomach or the really uneven bellies that are coated in sores and acne and other shit. This one model that comes to mind (idk her name) has this massive belly and these two separate rolls on top that fan out from underneath her boobs…. I do nottt fuck with that at all and I dare say in that scenario in particular she’d look better smaller (ironic I know)
Layla. Mochii.
Most men being closeted about this kink and being overall shit tier partners and even shittier consumers of content is why there aren't more feedees/gainers, SSBBWs and USSBBWs.
Respectable, I like thick/bbw pears just not the oversized ssbbw pears that start getting rolls over their feet. Also yeah that woman (no disrespect) is atrocious in my opinion like a part of the appeal of fat women to me is their shape, their squishiness, and how fun it would be to jiggle/play with their fat. Hers looks beyond fucked to me and I personally would NOT enjoy grabbing her weird flaps
>>17464 (OP)
I think watching a girl eat can be enjoyable if she’s absolutely wolfing the food down and rubbing her belly, especially when it’s getting noticeably fuller. But when it takes them like 5 minutes to finish like a slice of pizza or like a cupcake or something that wouldn’t take me long, that’s a turn off.
this is part of why being into women of this size is so fun, you get these completely insane body compositions that you don’t see anywhere else.
It's a fantasy thing, getting to know how out of shape, lazy and unhealthy one can get from overconsuming food (especially junk food). But then again, when I see someone like FatMissT, Luna Love or anyone else who has managed that... that fantasy becomes very real.
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furry art generally makes me uncomfortable. but I found that some animals loan themselves well to being drawn anthropomorphically like a mouse, rabbit or cat. it also helps that the subjects in the example have hues that resemble humans.
or maybe i'm just horny
Hot take: Ursula from the little mermaid is hot
I remember getting a boner from the "body language" scene as a kid before I knew what it meant
Luke-warm take lol... I think Ursula is generally acknowledged as a top BBW Disney crush. I'm partial to Sophie from Anastasia, who really doesn't get enough FA love.
I hate the begging, trolling, and bickering in BBW, SSBBW, etc but I like discussing the models and the fetish in general, and reading other FA's opinions. I think it's fun and worthy, even if there's not new content attached to every post.
>ungrateful asshole
dog fans cannot handle an animal with any sense of dignity
Yeah, because that's what I want in a pet. A lower life form thinking it's better than me. That sense of dignity you think it has is lower brain function.
Many animals including humans use affection and attention as a tool to manipulate others in fulfilling their own needs. Some are just better at it, like dogs, though cats have found a reliable niche among folks with self-esteem issues who respond to withholding and negging.
I got some
- models shouldn't go over 600 pounds
I'm saying this as a juicyjackie-fag, but the moment models reach that weight or over, their content just drops the fuck off. I mean shit, most of JJ's most recent clips have just been her sitting down while doing some shit. The same happened to Ash, and is happening to Adeline, Luna Love, and a bunch other models. And my main problem isnt even the size, it's the fact the content gets boring as shit most of the time. There are exceptions, obviously but it happens way too often.
- reenaye star is hot
Excluding her haircut (which is just so fucking ugly), I really like reenaye. Her content is actually alright for the most part. She is in the 600 range, which basically means shes sitting in most of her clips, but she makes it work through dialogue. Like, shes one of the few models that really lean into the fetishistic aspects of bbw stuff like feeder stuff. So she plays that up, and does different scenarios using her large size and shit. She makes it actually work, so I fuck with her because of that
Reenaye is in the 500s, she's been faking her weight for the fantasy aspect for a while now.
The dialogue and fantasy aspects of her clips are among the best for sure.
Huh. Could've fuckin sworn she was bigger. Then again, maybe shes just short, which honestly even better. Short fatties are god tier shit
Burps and farts are nasty. When a model burps in the middle of a video it’s an instant turnoff for me
And I agree about short women. So many people here like tall BBWs, I guess because they like women way bigger than them, but I find short fat girls so much more attractive.
>models shouldn't go over 600 pounds
100% agree. I like SSBBW but when they struggle to walk short distances it limits their content and after a while the extra weight doesn't really add that much. Jackie and luna were still super hot ssbbws 100lbs ago.
Adeline was hot right up until she started using the walker. Home mobility aids make everything too medical for me and my boner.
I really hope she’s recording her mobility issue and struggles doing everyday life, that’s what I’m here for.
Gainers like Nadya are only entertaining while going from anorexic to 200ish pounds and I could care less until they’re into ssbbw territory.
I feel like they milk the “ruining a hot bitch” phase for way to long and never really gain a terrifying amount of weight.
I really like the body shape the lady in the last image has. It's my favorite body shape
Oh I know who she is. I was being lazy and not saying her name. But yeah women with that body shape are top tier
What other models have this body type?
Kali? Kourtney 50gg
Busty Mara, Cookie_BBW
>Apple shaped bodies are disgusting, pears and hourglasses are so much better
>Ninjah ssbbw is one of the ugliest "models" and I don't know why so many people here obsess over her
>Chubby girls are far more attractive than so many of the blobs that most of the retarded coomers slobber over. My exception to this rule is those who still retained their hourglass shape
>Most of the models you guys post here are ugly in the face and don't deserve to be called models. Boberry and Roxxie are top tier for a reason.
>fucking a bbw isn't an achievement, anyone with a mediocre self esteem can do that
>while I like to fap to chubbies as much as the average browser of this site, we must come to terms that this is a very unhealthy fetish in the literal sense, specifically for the models
>stop constantly begging for content you impoverished faggots
That's all for now. I may post a follow up if I feel like it
The first one is a really Individual thing I guess
I very much prefer apple shape and big double bellies while I'm not overly interested into pear shaped women (with a very few exceptions)

They are almost shaped like normal women, just with a lot more leg and ass and oftentimes almost no belly and boobs
Unpopular opinion too I guess, but for me it's like that ;)
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>I like SSBBW but when they struggle to walk short distances it limits their content
>after a while the extra weight doesn't really add that much
like, you can only get so big before it all just blends together and is just super boring as hell to watch. and you're so right, jackie and luna were still pretty hot before reaching this point, in fact, you can probably go back further and still find them to still be cute. i got some relatively older jackie photosets and she looks super hot STILL! and people who constantly want these models to grow bigger and bigger and shit make me laugh, because the moment this shit happens, when the content goes to shit and gets really fuckin boring, they are some of the first to complain. many such cases!
Hot take: it’s more fun to causally fuck 300+ women and date actual skinny women and make them gain up to 300.
Dating women in the normal weight range to slightly chubby is better overall. Unironically dating obese women is not ideal.

Dating an obese woman is the equvilent to buying a used Gameboy game and having a 100% save file. Yeah it's cool to have everything unlocked, but it gets boring fast and you'll end up erasing and starting over.
This community is ruined and it's the fault of coomers and simps. The idea that there could be a "community" in the first place is actually kind of laughable. Every fucking fat girl has an OF now and it's the equivalent of everyone making music. Not everyone is cut out for this shit, yet for some reason we're here. The dating market is all but ruined because men are so desperate to have sex they'll fuck anything. I miss when this fetish was a little niche pocket of the Internet that people didn't know about (inb4 some dipshit goes "people have always known about fat fetish durrr") The pendulum has swung too far. I'm glad big girls are getting confidence but now theyre becoming egotistical, undateable sociopaths.

Feabie despite always being kind of shit was genuinely fun back in the day. There was an exploratory element to the whole thing and people came together to explore this fucked up fetish we all have. Now it's coomers and "content creators" and theres no delineation between person, model, "content creator", sex worker, etc. It's a joke. And all of you suckers paying for these girls meals are at fault. I know some of you old fucks remember the days when you'd get "content" for free by just chatting with chicks. Now you have to sift through 50 people just to find one girl who is really about that life and will talk about it regardless of who is paying or not. I'm sure some paypiggies would be shocked to know you can sext and get nudes from women without even paying OR showing your face! WOW!

I can not stand that trick culture has infiltrated this fetish. It's like seeing the corporatization of a thing you once loved. everything has a price, everything is transactional. I'm disillusioned by the whole thing. Let models be models, let regular people be regular people. The only hope Im seeing now is the oversaturation of the market. So many people have onlyfans that the cash is getting split too many ways. So many people posting "content" that it's being rendered meaningless. I almost think some of the social media engagement on this shit is either fake or a bunch of jeets.

And I think some of the men on feabie are at fault for helping nuke this shit. Not the simps. The damn himbo chads fucking everything that moves and giving these women VD and a jaded view on men when they find out they were a pump and dump and all they got to show for it was a nice strain of Chlamydia. Don't even get me started on the married men.
This whole fetish is one-sided. Women will never touch an obese man. If your gf lets herself go and gains 200lbs you'll fall more in love with her and be bragging to the other bros on here but if you gain 20lbs your gf will dump you.
there are female fat fetishists you dolt, also why would you expect a random female partner to have a fat fetish? this is an uncommon attraction even in men. stupid incel logic
You're basically right, but I think that any kind of fetish subculture is bound to end up this way, especially one (mostly) dominated by straight people (and therefore being a sausage fest), most especially in current year.
I actually kind of wish there was some kind of community for people like me in my country - but when I think about it more, I realise that there would be no reason for me to engage with it anymore after finding a partner. And that isn't even factoring in the reality that it would inevitably be a sausage fest. When I tried making a Feabie account, there were literally about 100 times as many male users in Ireland as female users.
IMO it is much more common for a straight man (fat or not) to have a fat fetish than a straight woman (again, whether she is fat or not).
In my opinion/experience, it kind of depends whether she is fat to begin with. A fat woman will generally be willing to tolerate her boyfriend/husband being fat, even if she's not into it per se. I think we all know people in relationships like this. Well, at least I do.
On the other hand, >>23482 is right to say that thin, straight female fat fetishists exist. I have a friend who is one. But again I would contend that this is pretty rare.

And in case anyone is wondering, I am thin myself. I have dated quite a few fat women but very very few of them were into the fetish side of things whatsoever - and those that were were only dimly aware of the online community/culture (if at all).
> there are female fat fetishists you dolt

Are you delusional?
If there were a prominent amount of them in the same way there are male fat fetishists, we would already know by now. There is no shortage of fat male netizens.
It’s one-sided by feabie beggar girls. If female feeder it’s “I don’t fetish talk or feed for free”. If it’s female feedee it’s “I don’t fetish talk or chat unless you feed me or pay me”. If you aren’t local or willing to meet up, there is zero reason to talk to these Feabie losers.

it’s a natural consequence of our societal sexualisation of women in general, which is amplified by being in a fetish community.

I don’t blame these women for trying to make the best of it for personal/financial gains though because overal it’s really harmful for women in general to be viewed this way.
It’s a natural consequence to these women being fucking whores you idiot.
>>17464 (OP)
Maybe if you guys stepped away from your corner of BBW/SSBBW you'd know that FFAs definitely exist and are active right now In most online spaces
Feabie is absolutely a seller's market. I don't know how these people came to the conclusion they need to be friends with their fap material, but if they want to fat chat for free they need to hit up someone who isn't already inundated with similar requests. At least one of those requests will pay.

Why do any of you want to talk to these types anyway? By and large they suck at conversation. I've slid into the DMs of maybe half a dozen prominent names - half were boring and never had anything to say. The ones that WERE interesting I honestly didn't try to hit on them at first, I was just charming. Even the ones who are uptight about being fetishized you can eventually get tit pics from without any fetish talk.

I'm bi so I see thin and fat FFA's on Tumblr whenever I wander over there. They DEFINITELY exist. I can't imagine how much men outnumber them though.
“Fat chat for free” is what normal fetishist would call flirting brah. I took that strategy to hinge and am married to someone way more into the fetish than anyone I met on feabie.
Having talk to a lot them, most aren’t into the fetish even. They hate themselves, hate the men attracted to them and just want some easy money.
They just complain about being single af, getting ghosted, being a side piece or closet fuck.
That makes perfect fucking sense - Hinge is literally made for dating. Feabie has a very strong promoter vibe. Even if someone on Feabie is into the fetish, you're one of 20 requests they get that day to flirt. It becomes work and whores wanna be paid, man. Glad you found someone into it, but I'm sure whoever keeps griping about this issue is salty the landwhale they've collectively cum buckets for wants money to help them jerk off more and they're not seeing the bigger picture.
Choosing who to chat with and date is always work. It’s a massive jump into prostitution because too many men are flirting with you.
The same people who complain about ‘fat chatting for free’ seem to be complaining about who is and isn’t dating them.
Feabie isn’t just for content producers and lite prostitution.
To you, it's not for lite prostitution. To them, it's a business opportunity. I don't know how many people randomly DM you out of the blue and expect you to flirt with them, but I would imagine I would get jaded pretty quickly from seeing a new message in my inbox if that was 90% of my interactions. And while "fat chat" is flirting, it's not the ONLY kind. So if you're only starting conversations with wanting to feed someone with an OnlyFans following the entire McDonald's menu, I don't feel bad for you when they tell you to pay up. Good on you for finding someone who isn't looking to make a buck, but wow are you diving in the wrong dumpster.
So many words to just say: yes it’s sex work, yes I’m pro prostitution.
In a way also correct. But it's this societal sexualization that's turning them into whores. Economic reasons also factor in, but it still is a choice that a lot of these women are making. Some people may have became prostitutes during the depression but not everyone.
>Friends with their fap material
Bitch I'm trying to get a real live feedee. If we set the standard of the relationship as purely transactional from the jump where can it go? These women are preying on suckers just as chad himbos prey on them. They pretend like a meet up is possible when it's not unless you're shelling out some big bucks. Whores. Prostitutes. Sex workers. Whatever you'd like to frame it as.
>Why do you want to talk to these types anyway
No one is specifically talking about models. I referenced the regular old feedees on there. Now they're in that transactional mindset AKA whore mindset. The men don't help with the trick/simp mindset.
This dude gets it. Regular old flirting now has a price tag when it didn't before for regular people. NOT models. Congrats on finding a wife btw.
Strong redditor vibrations emanating from this.
>Hinge is made for dating
>Feabie has a very strong promoter vibe
Feabie has a strong everything vibe. It's been a common complaint that it's trying to be about 3 or 4 things at once. Is it a platform for "sex workers and content creators". Is it a dating site? Is it like facebook? Is it just a place where likeminded people can talk about the fetish? No, it's all of these and none of them simultaneously. There was a huge pushback against "vanillas" back in the day because they would come onto feabie and bitch and moan about being fetishisized. But now, because all women are always right, the vanillas remained and talk about their diet and weight loss. I personally don't care, but it just goes to show how lacking in any sort of identity that site has. It's not a "strong promoter vibe", it was initially put out there as a place to date someone into this shit. Look at the art on the login page. But then "sex workers and content creators" dug their heels in and made it their personal ad space, not that that wasn't always there, it's just become much more prominent. Now, you're lucky to find someone who doesn't "post content". I understand, might as well make money while you're at it, but it's not exactly a good scenario to find ourselves in, is it?
>It becomes work to flirt
No it doesn't. I can talk to several women a day and flirt with all of them and it's never a chore, it's always fun. You're just making excuses for them. You know there's hoes who do it for free because they like the attention? If they have a problem, filter out the bad eggs. If they want to gain money from it, fine, but make it known that's what you're about. The blurred line is the issue.
>ur just mad
Here's why your argument really sucks. It's not one particular girl, it's the ENTIRE culture. That's my argument. I don't know if you were attacking my post above, but that's really a misrepresentation of the complaints men have. It's a cultural issue. It's not one girl barring entry, it's most of them. And truly, some of us are looking for a partner. It's not all about fap material. Think about this; these women are demanding to be fed before we even met them, some even before if we know they're an actual woman. I'm never doing that unless I've built a crazy amount of trust with you (still haven't because I don't need to). I've talked to legit feedees for years and they never asked for a damn thing. Some you can even offer to get something and they'll refuse. Shout out to those legit real down ass bitches. They're in it for the love of the game, nothing else.
also based.
I get what you're saying, and yes, the simps and tricks are partially at fault here. But the women are preying on some of these men, simple as it's really a collective issue where somewhere down the line it became acceptable to behave like this. Women and men are both implicated. It's like the women make themselves jaded with the way they interact with men. No one's holding a fucking gun to your head telling you to whore yourself out. Go get a job. Get educated. We never made excuses for the real deal prostitutes working the streets, we treat them as lesser as a society, yet for some reason women have been able to take this pedestal and lord over us about our sexual desires, and STILL get to be the fairer sex while whoring themselves out. Fuck out of here. If you're a hustler, then hustle, but don't come bitching when you're used as a cum rag and can't find love well into your 30s. My overarching point is it's a cultural issue and women and men are just creating more misery for themselves by playing this game.
I'm willing to admit I'm giving the girls that do this too much benefit of the doubt. There's a multitude of men that chase the well-known names and get pissy they charge money to filter out anyone who isn't serious. But do you really want to even get to know the types that do that to begin with? Why even bother with Feabie in the first place - it's a garbage site by your admission and I'm agree with it. The original purpose doesn't matter anymore - it's a promotion wasteland.

You can't change the men that fall for this; they will always have more money than sense. Likewise no tears need to be shed when those girls want to settle down are past their prime and haven't gotten the memo. Just be your best self and find your own paradise.
My hot take is that I genuinely hate having this fetish. I really wish I was just attracted to conventionally attractive skinny women, I’ve searched for ways to get rid this online but haven’t found anything concrete.
>>23551 I've felt this way and tried to change my preferences but it's impossible dude. Especially if you watch a lot of fatty content. Better to not fight it. You'll feel better in the long run even though it may not feel like it now
>I took that strategy to hinge and am married to someone way more into the fetish than anyone I met on feabie.
How did you find this? My partner is a non-feedist fat woman who I met on a "vanilla" dating site. If this relationship ever ends, I'll probably hold out for someone with the kink -- I don't care about someone needing to gain in real life, but I'd like a partner who's at least into it as a fantasy.
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Im in this as a part time thing.
I don't like how this site and most BBW-centric sites appeal to feederism. That's not my thing.
I don't feel like there's enough discussion of BBWs in the hardcore scene and they get pushed to the side for weird fetish shit.
I just want a place where I can discuss/discuss with fat girls without them thinking I get off on them eating
>If you're coming to a porn board to bitch about porn, gossip, spout political nonsense (other than in /gen/ but still), and any other general faggotry

Hotter take: I don't even come here very often but sometimes I go on here explicitly to watch people argue over porn lol. It's trashy, low-stakes fun, a refreshing break from watching people argue over serious shit, and it is certainly not substitutable by going outside in my -30C shithole.
I mean as >>19325 pointed out, you yourself are in an "unpopular opinion" thread on a porn board...
There are female FAs (I am one) but do they want to fat women or men? That's the question.
Imagine thinking it’s not a weird fetish to like bbws and ssbbws
If you think having preferences is weird, then you probably rank pretty low on an iq test.
Preferences are natural for survival
Ain’t nothing natural about these hamplanets brah. They stopped resembling anything our ancestors saw a hundred pounds ago.
Women this fat are a fetish.
People who purposely let themselves get obese under any circumstances have a mental illness.

Health at every size is bullshit. You can’t be healthy and overfat, even if there are no outward signs of negative consequences. It was always catch up with you

A lot of the fat whores on feabie/OF etc are overly confident for their appearance, despite only being a fetish due to thirsty simps.
That's you, not me.
Venus of Willendorf statues disagree too.

People will like what they like. But to say "this is solely a fetish because I say so" is egotistical.
I personally know some people where they might not have trouble getting dates, but they are definitely in a weight class where you would need to at the very least prefer fat girls to be interested in them. Liking chubby or thick girls, or at the very least not minding their weight, is somewhat in right now. If your date is 400+lbs that's a hard thing to shrug off unless looks REALLY didn't matter to you, but that's not nearly as common as you might expect. A good amount of society just straight up hate fat people, man.
Everyone on this site has a fetish for unnaturally fat women. Get over yourself.
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The problem is, you're assuming I'm some SSBBW obsessant who doesn't want his SO to be able to move, I'm not, I'm more in the "chubby/thick" category than anything else. I may delve into bigger pear-shaped girls every now and then(Like I literally only come here for /gen/, /booty/ and to pop into /ssbbw/ for the Sadie thread. I barely fucking use this site as it is), but basing your thoughts on how the world is on 4chan schizos and far-rightoids like the opinions of others really fucking matter in how people's preferences are.

It's becoming more accepted as a whole, having a victim complex is a choice and probably not a good one for your mental health. To dismiss it all as "fetishism" completely dehumanizes the woman here, which I am not here to do.

I just wish there were better spaces for people like me online so I don't have to deal with the nutters here(like the people seething over my opinion) or the wacky feminists on Feabie.
This is a fetish board, you’re here because its considered: abnormal, unhealthy and unnatural. Bbws and ssbbws are a weird fetish according to the entire world.
Obese women didn’t exist during evolutionary times, you’re an idiot. These women physically resemble livestock as much as people, sorry to “dehumanize them” and victimize you’re poor eyes.
Part of your preference is coming out of fetishization and into the mainstream. Yay for you. Sadie, on the other hand, is absolutely a fetish model by virtue of being so massive, and you would be hard pressed to find someone who is willing to date her or be interested that also isn't a perv for other fat chicks. I don't write the rules here. No one is playing the victim in this - I'll own my attraction to SSBBWs and stand alone in my circles. Let's not pretend everyone posted on this website would be accepted into the limelight with open arms.
(4 KB, 250x179, just sick of it all man....jpg)
>this is a fetish board
No, this is /gen/, for general discussion.,numbnuts
We're not on the inflation board or /ee/
Why are you here on this site if you clearly hate fat people?
>obese women didn't exist during evolutionary times
I didn't say that, I said ancient civilizations worshipped fat women as fertility goddesses, which is factually correct based on archeological discoveries.
Stop being a schizo, go outside and touch grass
You and the other guy are absolutely playing a victim to your preferences. Seeing things solely from a sexual side makes you a fucking retard and (I hate using this term but) a braindead coomer.(inb4 you say that since this is a fetish site so that shouldn't matter). I think you're thinking I'm trying to be "holier than thou" about my choices and outlook but I'm not trying to. I just try to be a bit more optimistic about these things.
Then again, the malding over "maybe we shouldn't encourage bad habits through fetishism and just look at fatties because we like em and there should be more spaces that encourage that" is honestly kind of delicious.
As an addendum too, fat women were prized as wives due to that meaning they were rich up until the 1930s when the French fashion industry stopped wanting to pay for excess fabric so they pushed for skinnier models.
To solely see people as sex objects and things to nut to is dehumanizing and pretty cringe
Dude you’re about least half as smart as you think you are.
Just take an L and accept your a degenerate weirdo like the rest of us.
If YOU'RE going to insult people's intelligence, at least learn to spell things properly
Christ you are defensive. Just accept that SSBBWs and their admirers in society are deviants. BBWs are still a ways to go from being normalized and are still in that tent. If you like curvy girls you're riding the wave to normalcy. Either embrace it and accept that you're in the mud pit with us or leave.
I'm not being defensive lmao

You just refuse to accept that physical attraction is only a slight factor within dating/attraction as a whole.
Physical preferences are not fetishes, I will die on this hill. The fact we've corrupted the word fetish into something it's not is fucking dumb. I admit I am a deviant in other ways, but preferences aren't fetishes.
OP asked for hot takes, if you're going to be mad about it, why are you even in this thread?

I came here with an opinion and for some reason it's made a bug crawl up your butt and fucking die. I didn't come here to be confrontational, you dehumanizing sycophant.
I can't help you if you actively choose to ignore reality and ignore historical reference data just to screech adhom like some soyjak posting loser incel.

I like fat bitches. Do I see it as a fetish? no. A fetish is far too narrow definition-wise.

Cope,seethe,mald, dial 8
“ I didn't come here to be confrontational, you dehumanizing sycophant.”
God put down the thesaurus. You write like an insecure freshman at a community college pretending to be smart.
Liking thicc women is a pretense. Liking obese women is a fetish, because it’s biologically weird and unhealthy to be that fat.
Fucking hell go back to Reddit. Its painfully obvious you want your fetish to be accepted everywhere. Just accept that you like something thats widely considered a fetish and stop caring what everyone else thinks.
You're straying farther and farther from a coherent point.

> You just refuse to accept that physical attraction is only a slight factor within dating/attraction as a whole.

This was at no point the topic under debate. You're not here for the personalities of the girls posted. You're here because you *fetishize* fat women's bodies. If you want to argue that "fetish" should only be reserved for extreme niche cases for some dumb reason, then do that, insteaf of posting incoherent textwalls of insults. Ridiculous that you even accuse other people of "adhom".
Btw, one set of ancient figurines with notoriously obscure/debated purposes and origins are not "data" that prove it's totally not a fetish to be obsessed with 300lb women.
He’s grasping at straws. Sure, “meat on her bones” has always been kinda attractive, it shows she’s healthy and fertile. It’s a fetish when it’s decreasing her health and fertility. Sexuality is about more than fertility but it’s definitionally a fetish to like bbws.
“Fat” 90 years ago or 25,000 years ago has basically no comparison. The obesity epidemic is 100% recent and ahistorical.
The responses towards me are why gatekeeping your communities is important. Stop being incels.

That is all

go fuck yourselves lmao
Fat fetish retards are mentally ill/autistic, and you are a prime example of that. If I could get rid of this fetish (yes, it's a fetish, not a preference. Obesity is not normal, healthy, nor should it EVER be considered as such), I would in a heartbeat.

I'm just happy I'm also attracted to slim and normal weight chicks as well.
don't care to weigh in on the rest of this retarded bickering but to be clear, the definition of fetish inherently includes things that are inanimate. we have a fetish for fat (adipose), not for fat women
Figured out how a proxy works?
>>23711 funny! no.

look up the definition if you don't believe me. fwiw i think fat girls are preference and the feedism stuff is the kink/fetish. but it's a super abnormal and taboo preference.

lol, you must be soft. I've seen worse on here.

I like Norman Rockwell's political art a lot.
Damn child you put down the thesuras but can’t use a dictionary to save your meaningless life. It says body part in most every definition.
1. A form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
so i was right. fat women aren't a fetish.
>>23735 also, "etc". adipose tissue definitely falls into that category, if not object or body part. you're the one being pedantic bro.
I'll add another take to this thread: music in comps is cringe. I'm not here to jam out, I'm here to jerk off. I heard Crystallize by The XX in a Boberry comp on stufferdb... just why? It's just so jarring and unfitting to hear this well-loved indie song over footage of a morbidly obese woman squeezing into a tight dress. Nobody comes to porn comps for the choice of soudntrack. It just makes it feel weirder to jerk off.

You're both agreeing that being into fat women is the result of a fetish, you're just being pedantic about whether the phrase "fat woman fetish" is accurate. Imo, "fetish" has come to encompass sexual fixation with abstract, not-inherently-sexual ideas, such as weight gain. Delving into the dictionary definition which comes from the early, literal origin of the word to argue that it's not a fetish is a cope. Perhaps it's not exactly a fetish but a paraphillia-- it doesn't matter and "fetish" has come to colloquially encompass both and there's no point in making a distinction.
At weight range does having a preference for larger women become a "fetish"? Are you a closet feeder already if you like Ashley Graham?
There are some reasons I have a hard time believing everyone was stick-thin before the 20th century. e.g. 10% of the female population has Lipedema and that's just one of the several weight gain distribution gene expressions that exist, I doubt the effects of this condition only became visible in the past century. I remember there was at least one African women with steatopygia that became a circus attraction in Europe once. Another one is that food which causes people to gain excess weight such as beer and bread have existed for a while and Europeans used to rely on these more before colonial times.
Reading this thread cured my depression. I've never laughed at retards bickering with each other this much before. Keep up the good work.
>At weight range
It's not exactly about a threshold of weight. If someone just has zero standards/preferences and he just gets off to every body type up to and including 600lbs women, then I wouldn't say he has a fetish. But if someone is fixated on weight, gaining, feeding, a particular body part being freakishly big, etc. I would say they have a fetish.

>everyone was stick-thin before the 20th century
No one has made that claim. The crucial piece of the puzzle here is that the fag who started this debate said he comes here to jerk off to fucking Sadie. That is why anons are saying that none of the "ancient civilizations worshipping fat women as fertile" (academia is not even at a consensus about this btw) could even conceive of a woman as huge as Sadie. It's a disingenuous comparison.

You are welcome.
This site is slowly disintegrating into schizo hell just like any other imageboard. But then again, it's better than the SJW hell this site used to be 5+ years ago

Point proven honestly about this site being full of schizos, you completely misinterpreted my point either on purpose or on complete accident.
I like women of all sizes and while I may prefer thicker bodies, I would 100% fuck a skinny bitch too.
You are literally doing the thing where people say they like pancakes so they must hate waffles.
fat women as a concept is far hotter than the reality
most fat women aren't pretty in the face which is a total boner-killer
it a model is clearly not into being fat their content suffers
grifters like goodgirlgrow are bad for the community
Ahh the old “I don’t have a fetish because women I’m attracted used to be circus attractions”
I didn't misinterpret anything.
>I like women of all sizes and while I may prefer thicker bodies
Then you have something of a preoccupation with weight as I described. I very clearly said that someone with NO preference would not have a fetish.
How much of a fetish you have depends on how much you think about fat girls, but seeing as you're on this chan seeking out fat girl porn...

>You are literally doing the thing where people say they like pancakes so they must hate waffles.
Nobody said you hate skinny girls, i don't know how can accuse anyone else of deliberate misinterpretation when both of your "points" are a direct result of being unable to read.
Not everyone that disagrees with your retarded redditified logic is a schizo.
Agreed. This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion
Fart porn is gross, but videos of a girl eating so much that she farts uncontrollably are hot. Layla, Mochii etc
Firstly to whomever updated her coomer: THANK YOU! A dozen times thanks. I absolutely adored her devouring kfc like a total hog.

Anyway, I sincerely don't understand the hate. For her age her face fat makes her look younger and cuter. She's beautiful. I love her chubby fingers most of all. Hope she reaches 500,600, immobile. Crazy bitch makes my heart race
Not a fan of Kipteitei's art, honestly. It's just too disproportionate for my taste, with huge bellies instead of equal assets. Much prefer Lazorchef and Imadeej for fat art.
Chloe is ugly. She looks like a horse
SSBBW photoshopping themselves to look fatter is a cheap way to get easy income, however I wish they would team up with FA Photoshop amateurs to create pseudo "600 lbs" image packs to make them look like blobs. Everyone went bananas over Boberry's, back when /photo/ existed.

They always post and draw the same crap trending at Reddit or Twitter.

Ditto, also I prefer my SSBBW's clean, is oddly satisfying seeing their rolls getting wiped.

>She looks like a horse
That's my fetish? When I was a little girl I always wanted a pony. Now that I'm older I love sucking horse cock.
She just looks Scandinavian 😭😭

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