
Your art sucks and you should be ashamed of yourself for starting a new thread with it. Give up on love
>>17206 (OP)
Girls aren't some different species, man.
Meet new people, be kind and practice good hygiene. There isn't some secret that you're missing out on, just make sure you don't stink. It'll be easier for you since you like fat girls, too.
If you're under thirty, do an Erasmus project - its a perfect way of meeting new people your age.

I suppose there IS one thing... don't approach people solely hoping for sex. You will look like a creep. I used to do this and it scares people away even if you're good looking. Treat girls like people, just have a normal conversation - if it leads to drunkenly making out in the middle of the bar, that's great; but if it doesn't, that's fine too. Don't be desperate, there's no bigger turn-off
Hei, I'm 24 and a kissless virgin volcel I swear, waiting for my chubby Otaku trad wife :3333
I’m 22 and my first and last time was in February, with a very round Turkish prostitute who catfished me with Lady Sublime pictures. Oh well. I did it for a laugh more than anything else anyway… and it didn’t disappoint!
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>If you're under thirty, do an Erasmus project - its a perfect way of meeting new people your age.

Isn't that a student exchange trajectory? I want to study eletrical engineering at a uni next year, I did the same study before at a college and it was VERY male-dominated.
>It'll be easier for you since you like fat girls, too.

Is it really? Most fat girls I (cold) approached were in relationships, two of them lied about being in a relationship to get me to fuck off. One slim thick girl I tried to talk with didn't even say a word, I later found out she is a feminist activist though, so she could have had some negative experiences with men. .

Lel, it's funny cause Lady Sublime is a legit hooker.
Dunno, found it at either /v or /bbwdraw.
Yo my mans you alls are like retarded with this art shit, yo. This art is straight retarded
Nobody French talks like that
>TnA yet tiny (comparitively) waist

it's over.
>>17206 (OP)

You should always remember that a long-lasting relationship doesn't revolve around sex, it's just a sweet cherry on top. It's absolutely amazing when your girlfriend is your best friend at the same time, with whom you genuinely share hobbies, interests and views on life. Try to be an outgoing, kind, and understanding person in genral. This will help not only in finding a girlfriend, but in all social interactions
I honestly think this is a rationalisation men make when they have been in a relationship (and fulfilled their biological purpose so to speak) but banging a girl was their initial motivation for pursuing the other sex. Or I'm wired totally different from most people.
That might be an initial motivation( for some people( you hound dog)) but it doesn’t have to be the only one or the only purpose
Dude just take a shower, dude just go outside, dude just don't care that nobody has ever found you attractive.
OP, you're looking in the wrong space for any relationship advice. If you've made it to adulthood without any meaningful relationship you are lacking something so fundamental that normal people will be literally incapable of understanding WHY you aren't like everyone else. They're like fish who can't grasp why a dog can't breathe underwater. All I can say is that you need to find something you can be confident in so you can begin to feel what it's like to feel the same positive reinforcement and self-assurance that others have had since they were children.
For me the truth is somewhere in between. The initial overwhelming sexual attraction fades no matter what, whether after 3 weeks or 3 years. A lot of sexual attraction is about novelty and mystery and seeing someone every day and knowing everything about them can kill it. That doesn't mean your sex life has to die either, just that you have to work at it like any other aspect of a relationship. The good news is that in a healthy situation that initial passion can be replaced by something deeper, which is intimacy — understanding and appreciating your partner and their needs. Of course this takes honesty and communication from both parties, which is easier said than done... I've struck out twice in this regard.
i'm a virgin unless you use the broadest definition of sex (i've been lucky enough to feed a girl lmao), but i've never had intercourse or anything, although that was because of performance anxiety lol. I've only been with one girl, who was a lot more interested in having sex than i was.
in the almost 3 years since then, i've become much more confident that i could have sex if i wanted to, yet recently my hopes of finding another person to be with has gone down to 0. i had a friend of a few years hit on me which was fucking gross considering he has a longtime boyfriend who is way more attractive than me. then this other guy i met at a bar started to hit on me despite having a boyfriend. the novelty of someone finding you attractive wears off pretty quick when you feel like they only want to have sex and nothing more. you can tell when someone is just thirsty and not interested in you and to me that's such a gross feeling. i honestly have no idea how people have one night stands.
along with that, the last time i had a serious crush on someone it fucking tormented me and made me more miserable than i think i ever have been. plus my friends in relationships keep making the stupidest fucking decisions to the point where it makes me feel like being in love is far more a curse than a blessing. being single for so long makes you realize that people will cut off essential parts of their identity for their partner which is a terrible thing to watch.
i still want to be in a relationship unfortunately, but as of now I'm just trying to purge myself of these feelings even though i know it's impossible. i've learned why rivers cuomo wrote a song about wanting to jerk off rather than being in a relationship lol
>>17206 (OP)
I'm practically asexual, if it wasn't for this fetish I wouldn't even fap (can't stand looking at hard core).
But i'm probably not the experience you were looking for. Also i'm 26 if that means anything
Literally drago from rocky
But scared of talking to girls since I was constantly bullied before glowing up
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No one will know you're a virgin unless you tell them. And it is not something that comes up in conversation very often, despite what 4chan greentexts would have you believe. Unless you're still in high school, in which case most of your friends are lying about not being virgins. Seriously, I can't think of a single time that anybody ever asked me if I was a virgin.
I can hardly fap because SSRIs made my penis too insensitive for normal sex.

Anyway, I did finally have sex at age 24 by paying a pro. It really was a bummer to find out my stuff didn't work. Well, at least I didn't waste time and money trying to get a GF.
Women are difficult the more you treat them like people. Thankfully, they don't want that. Treat them like spookable horsies.
I completely agree. The Russian must have a really low sex drive cause that’s the way low libido people think. My girlfriend and I have sex 4-5 times per week because it’s what we both want. Having sex all the time is our hobby and shared interest. Yes I know I’m lucky I’m just explaining, you aren’t wrong for wanting sex. But yeah the advice of not making it seem like that’s all you want because that’s creepy is probably good advice.
In my experience, treating women like people has never worked out. Before I’m dating them, after I’ve started dating them, they always want (subconsciously) to be treated like pets or like they need to be babysitted. Cue some blue haired troll on feabie screenshotting this and saying how much men hate women lol, but it’s true
Something I’ve come to realise is that so many things I thought mattered so much don’t really matter at all. I’m 6’ 1” and I like to think I’m maybe an 8.5 out of 10 on a good day, I shower every day without fail, I’m… generously endowed, I’ve got a comfortable office job, a management position in my father’s business, a professional qualification, and a company car with a fuel card in the middle of a cost of living crisis. The one thing I haven’t got though is any game whatsoever, and that seems to be the only thing you need. I think some part of that’s knowing I’m deeply flawed in many ways, never wanting to make the first move because I can’t face the responsibility that comes with starting something. Not when it’s probably going to be a waste of our time anyway.
I think you have to talk to many girls, and not the one you just want to bang. You get more confidence, and word gets about that you can be approachable and youre not a creep. Then you can be in the control seat and friendzone them if need be. Its just one big game. Play it.
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Virgin here

Life is unfair

Like others have said it's so easy for other people. They dont get how this is so hard for you and I. The average age that people lose their virginity is like 17 which means there is more people losing their v card before 17 than afterwards. So when you reach 17 you think "THIS IS THE YEAR" because in all other aspects you are average why shouldn't the age you lose your v card be any different? Then 18 comes with nothing, 19... 20... and so on and then there is a sense of panic that sets in, a realisation dawns on you. Something like this isn't going to fall into your lap. You either start to look outwards and say "what's wrong with women?", then proceed to go down the incel root or you look inwards and say "what's wrong with me?". Perhaps you look up why am I still a virgin, you get messages like "oh maybe you're just not ready" or "there is nothing to be ashamed about", unfortunately these aren't ment for you. Most women are virgins by choice, most men are virgins by circumstance. You could be a decent guy with relative success otherwise but because you are still a virgin so late it means there must be something fundamentally wrong with you. You will forever be a loser if you are still a virgin as an adult man. You're not the good looking religious dude who is saving himself for marriage, you're the guy who can't pull. People born with something wrong with them will have sympathy from others, but you have no excuses, you're the lowest of the low. You are the problem. You start to think that you are not good enough... and you aren't. You need to change who you are. Be yourself was not advice ment for you because clearly that isn't working. You try tinder thinking you are bound to get at least one or two, you even put up real pictures of yourself only to be met with zero matches. It's easy to blame women when you see that most of them can get with other people so easily but you cant blame your lack of success on them. You're not entitled to sex, which is true but that's easy for people who never have had to worry about it or think will they ever even get to have it they just have it given to them but like I said life is unfair.

You then have to become a different person essentially. You need to have a really good personality, be super confident, handle a shit load of rejections and if that isnt you then oh boy is it a real real stuggle to change. Incels will tell you women are to blame and woke/idk breadfuckingtube people will label you an incel if you have difficulty with women and try to find solutions to fix your problem. Women also dont want virgins its a huge red flag at a certain age which I am now beyond. But how can I not be a virgin if to get sex you need to not be a virgin in the first place? It's kind of a catch 22 situation. Even if you take advise out there like go to the gym/get in shape, socialise more, meet new people, join clubs/societies with people of similar interests, go to college, shower and meet loads of people your own age, get out of your comfort zone it's still no guarantee, it's literally what I am doing and nothing. I'm bitter at the fact that it is my fault, I am literally coping and seething. It's really disheartening when your genuinely try but you're still not good enough. I'm also 5'7" and balding at 20 which doesn't help but I don't think that this is really my problem. Plus people might say oh maybe you're standard's are too high, I'm into fat chicks, that's literally what lowering your standards is to the rest of society. So if you're a virgin in your 20s and can't even pull fat chicks, you really feel like the lowest of the low.
>>17458 Okay... Why are you anxious about sex as opposed to being concerned about living life?
I am. I'm travelling, I'm learning a language in a foreign country, I'm after leaving home to live on my own, I am meeting up with friends, I'm working, I just never had sex. People say there is more to life than sex and I bet there is but I can't say that for sure until I've had it. Its not grinding my life to a halt it's just always on my mind, a thorn in my side, a constant reminder
Sauce for the comic?
I know you already know this, but life doesn't really change after you have sex. You're still you. But if is a thorn in your side, you should fix that. Just go have an evening with a sex worker and get it over with.

And don't stress about the balding thing. Shave it off and grow some facial hair and you'll look great.

I did shave it all off to see what it looks like and I'm trying to grow a beard but it's still patchy asf cos I'm still a bit young. I look like a knock-off pit bull or a gnome XD
I'm not that different except for the asexual part. I absolutely loathe the 180 degree mood change that happens and persists for a few days after orgasming. My biggest streak of abstinence was more than a couple of years in which I still continued to watch porn and then another year and a half where I didn't fap nor watch porn, only occasionally something like a weight loss TV show. It didn't decrease my sexual preferences much. Around lockdown I discovered prone mastrubation and now it is SO hard to quit again. This is the feeling people who have had sex must experience.
I have received this advice so much, what if you're not OK with prostititution for ethical or emotional reasons?
What are some other chans you fellas recommend? Anything besides 4chan is fine by me
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You're right that there is something "wrong" or at very least different about us that makes us unable to get into relationships or even hit it off with people, but I think you're doing yourself a disservice by thinking that it's your fault. There's a lot of reasons why you might be a virgin and most of them are factors that aren't really within your control. It can be as simple as someone's looks or a childhood without the affirmation you need to grow into a confident, self-assured man.
There's also factors like your location, your race, whether you're meeting people your age at your job or through your social social activities and more. I don't think it's possible for anyone to sugarcoat the fact that it's getting harder for young men to get girlfriends or have sex. I think the reasons behind this are two-fold, one, men aren't getting the support they need from their communities (single mothers, smothering helicopter parents, harmful social media and a school system that seems hellbent on making men feel ashamed and insecure) and two, women are generally getting better education and career options from men across the Western world. Women do better in school, they're beginning to outnumber men in university courses, they have agreeable traits that make them more suited for office "culture" then men- and because women are doing better, there is suddenly a pool of men they no longer have interest in dating, simply because women rarely want to be the superior partner in a relationship. It feels like after a time of liberation and co-mingling of the sexes that our parents and grandparents got to enjoy, we're returning to a time where men and women inhabit very different worlds. Certain careers with high salaries and a great work/life balance like engineering or computer science are complete wastelands devoid of the slightest feminine presence- good luck getting a girlfriend if you're not meeting any girls and your job is about as attractive as a garbage man's. Social media also has a part to play in this- but if I keep going down this train of thought we'll both be here all week.
I think the majority of people who would be called incels are just lonely middle class men of slightly above average intelligence who have never grown the confidence to attract a woman. Personally I had parents who coddled me, told me that I shouldn't pursue women because it would "interrupt my study" and that once I got a degree and a job I'd met someone "just right for me"... neglecting the fact that without social experience and that confidence I wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell at ever getting Miss Perfect to give me a chance.

All I really want to say is that you shouldn't blame yourself for things that you can't control. What you CAN do is develop confidence. It isn't easy, but I think that most men do have a decent chance at finding something, a job, a hobby, a sport, a talent for juggling... that they can feel confident and self-assured in. If you don't believe in yourself, then people won't believe in you. A girl won't fall into your lap, but I think it will find that it is the "something" that you know you are lacking.
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An escort really isn't the answer. Moral qualms aside, it's not "just sex" that I think we're after, it's the feeling of affirmation that comes with someone feeling that they want to share themselves with you, to allow you to know them intimately and vice versa... Paying for that gives you carnal pleasure, and you can trick yourself into believing that she would still want to have sex with you if you weren't sliding her money before she takes her top off, but it really isn't same. I doubt it's what either of you are looking for.
You will probably say that this is just the 23 year old virgin in me speaking, but I genuinely do not want sex. I want that feeling of intimacy that comes with it. I want a girl to like me enough to want to have sex with me.
>>17490 I got an idea, b. Let's try to make sexual reproduction as boring, stupid, and funny as possible so that nobody ever wants to have sex anymore. Let's find a way to make it so that the very idea of sex repulses them and makes them angry or discomfortable. That way there will be less pregnancies and we would be heros of the future of mankind and save the world. Who's with me?
I got falsely accused of rape when I was a virgin at 17 and 10 years later still avoid women.
Pay for sex? Yes do it. I am ok looking, and broke up with my first girlfriend at 18. I completed my degree but didnt have anyone tk celebrate with. So I said fuck and looked for a classey bbw advert. Phoned her up and a few hours later there she was. I got undressed, and she told me I was drop dead gorgeous which surprised me. OK she was 40, and was just the thing to get my confidence back up. The next day I bumped into her at the jewellery store, which was a bkt awkward. She didnt see me, but I was behind her. She was probably spending my money on something nice, well at least it wasnt on drugs. Another time, I was going through a dry spell, and spent a small fortune on a slim young blonde. Messaged her and I was there at her place. The picture of her must have been old, she was a little fatter, but it didnt matter. Had a great time, she would have been out of my league at the time. I'm married now after a string of relationships and dates. So dont give up, use everything at your disposal. I m the not the tall dark handsome guy at that the bar thst girls would go up to and instantly pull, I am the one that has to put the work in. Its tough but is something I have to accept.
Can someone who had "casual" sex tell everything that occurred before the sex that led to it happening?
Well said.
It's sort of hard to explain to people who haven't been through it.
My experience with women was only negative after turning 18, prior to leaving home to attend university my lifes trajectory was normal. I used to always be a bit of a nerd at school, and used to think the girls wouldn't like me because I wasn't popular. But when I entered 6th form (aka High School), things changed for the better and the majority of the people I spent time with after school were girls.
However, when I left to go to university I experienced a total 180 and things have only got worse since. I vividly remember the girls at uni used to look at me in the same way that me or you would look at a cockroach, it was genuinely horrible, and after a while you learn to internalise that.
After uni, I was unemployed for about a year and moved back in with my parents, followed by a year of employment in a career that I hated, followed by yet another year of unemployment during the first year of the pandemic.
At the end of all that I ended up in a job that I really liked, getting paid more than most of my friends, in an industry that is really fulfilling to work for. So I decided to let bygones be bygones, forget about the past and put myself out there. In the space of 2 months, I received 0 matches across 3 separate dating apps. I also got no attention on feabie, although interestingly I did end up chatting with a few women on fantasyfeeder (I had no pictures on that site).
After all that, I've sort of given up for the past year.
I'm an adult virgin, never had a girlfriend either. I do want sex someday myself, but I really want a relationship. Problem is I'm a literal autist who can't approach people and talk to them and dating apps just suck period. It really makes me feel like crap sometimes when I see or hear about all my friends getting in relationships or getting married while I haven't even had my first kiss. It also seems like anyone I ever get feelings for is already in a relationship. Sometimes it feels like I'm doomed to be forever alone.
>>17206 (OP)
If we weren't virgins, we would not be posting here.

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