
(2.0 MB, 987x1280, schizo (2).png)
Serious discussions about schizophrenia and Schizotypal disorders. Remember to take your meds !
>>17070 (OP)
Sadly, not a psychiatrist.
Also its a feels a little bit good to know the wojak you've made is being used. Cheers!
As for the mental disorders, I don't know if I'm sane or am I mad. What is even that normalcy psychiatrists talk about?
How do you place your hand "normally", how do you sit "normally", etc. Sane person can be driven insane by the forced induction of insanity.
Can it be said that we consciousness as we know it are just barely controlled hallucinations?
I don't know what mumbo jumbo you are speaking of, but because this is the first I've seen of a "serious" discussion on this site I will post something here in hopes that a mod bot doesn't take it down within a couple of days.

For anyone experiencing problems, there is only one real solution. You are not going to like it. You must understand and acknowledge the truth. There is no need to go researching for hours in a desperate attempt to comprehend what is "happening". For now, be content with the truth. The word of God states that only God knows you; the real you; what is contained in your heart and what you pray for in your mind. He will judge you one day because you were made in His image and your body is the temple of God. Anybody can enter a church of God but it never stops being God's church. You belong to God whether you like it or not, and he will do with you what he pleases. There is no manner of witchcraft that is capable of "reading your mind" and you can ask someone's uncle who is sure to be a brain surgeon that reading a human's brain will never be possible through scientific technological advancements.

Bringing me to my next point: There are evil humans. There are groups and organizations invested in satisfying their evergrowing hunger for power. Their greed will drive them to do things that when done within secrecy we would not know of them. I do believe that there are psychological attacks being carried out all of the time. Even though I have never taken that MK Ultra stuff seriously I have seen with my own eyes that these things are real and they are being carried out. I am certain that there are plenty of people out there with sufficient evidence about whatever it is that is going on. I never bothered to investigate to such lengths, but those people that have and the information that they have never disclosed publicly it is possible that they are waiting for the right opportunity due to fear and distrust. However, if you ask any real victim they will tell you that it isn't only psychological manipulation techniques as I have seen with my own eyes that we are not dealing with mere trickery of images and stress induced nightmares by the use of technology; no, there is something far more sinister at play here, whether it is literal wizards ​on the internet or they are demonic forces I personally don't have to care because I know that the bible says that their tricks are traps, and that Satan is the master of lies. If you arm yourself with the truth, you will be fine. You will be more than fine. Hopefully I can encourage somebody to take that first step towards salvation and be truly free from all bondage and fear
He probably meant "literally" a practitioner of magic or dark occult rituals, spells, incantations, etc
>He can't cast Summon Succubus as a level 28 Warlock

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