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>watch a random solo video of a girl
>her cats wander in frame, does stuff in the background, jumps on the bed with her

this happens a lot, and it disturbs me to the point of losing arousal. why do so many women feel comfortable doing sexual things while their pets are in the room? I will leave the room to beat off if my dog is in there with me. It's especially fucked up imo if your pets are spayed, because you'll be partaking in something they'll never get to experience.

What are your thoughts on this?
I don't think cats have any idea but dogs might. An ex and I shared a cat who used to stare at us in terror when we had sex. The girl was really loud, I think it was the secret reason we were kicked out of one place we lived before, and I think the cat thought I was hurting her. But seeing a cat walk into the background of a video just makes me think oh, it's just a normal person in her home.

I really think dogs have a better idea. One of the weirdest things I ever saw was a home video of a couple fucking and he finishes by cumming on her face and shoulders. Out of nowhere, Fido appears and licks it off and the two of them are laughing too hard to stop it. I was like srsly u guise wtf. I can't even fap to a picture if there is a dog visible at all, even sleeping on the floor in the background.

The worst is when you can hear a baby crying in the background of a video or you can see toys and a crib in the frame.
I don’t think I’ve ever thought about it quite this deeply, but I never wanked when my cat was watching because it did feel weird. Doesn’t bother me when a cat makes an appearance in a video though.
I have cats and I regularly masturbate when they're sleeping at the foot of my bed. never had dogs so idk how different they feel but my cats have never reacted to me doing sexual things. animals don't follow human cultural conventions about sex lol. I think you're just projecting your own discomfort with being watched onto your cat; it's not your cat that's disgusted watching you, it's you being disgusted that your cat is watching you.

it's different if it crosses from observation into interaction ofc, but for me that's the same as any distraction. I don't want my cat nuzzling me and pawing for attention when I'm trying to orgasm, but that's annoyance and not disgust.
Nah I'm definitely grossed out because I don't wanna associate anything sexual with my pets ever. Same as how I'd rather pull my nails off with rusty pliers than jack off in front of my siblings; it's just something absolutely unthinkable to me
>>17067 (OP)
>What are your thoughts on this?
Single people shouldn't be allowed to own pets unless they live in the country.

Creepy furry.
>My thoughts
Film isn’t expensive. Kill the shot and do another take with your cat out of the frame. When I filmed with other models, we’d do this all the time. It blows my mind people think you turn on a camera, do one half-ass take and upload it.
Because most “amateur" models who do content for Curvage or BigCuties DO only take half asses takes and upload them
What if you had the barbs that cats have on their tongue, and you blew yourself off, that shit would probably feel cool
This is a prime cut of nope.
So we should euthanize the thousands of stray cats just here in my area rather than let people adopt them? I have a cat because the previous owners were evicted from their place and couldn't take him. What else should I do with him?
Stray cats and dogs should be sterilized and left in place. Their population will naturally contract. It's a slow process but actually works. Adoptions just mean more unwanted animals.
she is alright with the idea of thousands people jacking off to her naked body, so why wouldn't she be alright with a cat being in her room while filming a vid?
The Russian comes in with the plainspoken moral reality. Based.

If she's willing to do even softcore porn for people ALL OVER THE WORLD she is probably not going to be prudish about her pets. No shame.

Priorities, OP.
No one is EVER going to fund a program like this so I'm keeping my cat.
What are you talking about? They do it all over the country. My neighborhood had at least 100 stray cats, two years later there were less than a dozen. Anyway, keep your cat. I'm just saying there are options besides euthanization or adoption.
>They do it all over the country
They will never do it here though.

My country flag keeps changing on here. Rolling for Netherlands or Burundi today.
On two seperate occasions I've seen a camgirl and model chuck something at their cat when they were getting in the way of the camera.

I don't get why they don't just put whiskers in another room and close the door beforehand.

Eat them? As much as there's complaints about food shortages, people need to start experimenting with other meats besides the usual beef, pork, and chicken.

Especially with the deer population being rampant as it is.
>>17322 trapping cats often makes them loud and destructive

It was probably used to since it didn't make a sound after having a chair thrown at it.
>British flag
Why am I not surprised
>another one
What is up with y’all 💀
It's the most humane way to treat them, and it's also the best for the local environment. You act like your city isn't already euthanising animals too vicious or just too ugly or antisocial to be put up for adoption.
If you think that those animals should just be left alone, try leaving your first world bubble and look up videos of third world countries with stray dogs, monkeys, pigeons and other pests are allowed to run rampant. That's where your "not the hecking petarino!" "empathy" gets you. Stray cats are honestly a plight and cat owners are bonafide psychopaths.
Your writing skills are abysmal
Yeah OP, one of my favorite parts of Covid lockdown was being able to take a break from my work to have a wank whenever I pleased. I would always be careful to close the door so the cat didn’t come in, only to sometimes realize it was under the bed the whole time and wanted to come sit next to me. Happened like once a week and I just had go back to my spreadsheets and try again later.

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