
initial disclaimer against forcing someone into engaging in a kink that they are completely against without cobsent

ok, so I think one thing that can work, especially if she's already "interested", is to start telling her that little things she happens to do which relate to your kink are cute. Specifically, I think "cute" is a very underrated word to use when talking with women. Don't say something is "hot" or "sexy" or "amazing" when you're trying to come across as casual and lowkey about having a fetish.

So when she eats too much, or you see her eat something particularly fattening, or she outgrows some article of clothing, whatever small thing it mighht be, tell her how cute it is. How the thing that just happened is the cutest, most adorable thing ever, and how it makes you even more in love with her. For example, I have a very strong burping kink, so after I told my gf early on about that, I would tell her how cute she was every single time she burped, or even congratulate her on them. Over time, she's become burpier and holds nothing back, and she doesn't necessarily let them rip with no excuses to turn me on. Her behaviour altered over time, to the point where she's told me a few times that she caught herself letting out huge burps when she was around other people without immediately realizing it, because she had become so accustomed to her behaviour when it was just me and her.

Your girl may be interested in the sense of being someone willing to engage in any kink of their partner, or might only be interested in the sense of it not being enough of a turnoff to let you down. But I think reinforcing certain behaviours by saying that they're cute, lovable, adorable, etc., in addition to strong sexual reinforcments (better sex when your kink is engaged, that sort of thing), works wonders for instilling new sexual interests and even fetishes in women, rather than them just playacting for your boner.

Because we all know the woman who's a mindless piggy in real life is so much hotter than the one who just plays one in the bedroom.
Thanks for the tips. I'll let you know how it goes. She's coming over on in three days and said "she wants to do more research but she's def open to it." If I get any good belly pics I'll be sure to send :)
Shitlib disclaimer is unnecessary on imageboards, faget. Even for a Canuck you should know this

OP: 🐝 urself
Go back to /pol/ nobody gives a fuck about chan culture here.
Performative Canada hate by reactionary oafs, check
t. Prince Ali de "Peoplekind"
>>17032 (OP)
Be honest, be fun, and don’t overthink it

(overthinking it makes it creepy and takes the fun out of it for you anyway)
>>17032 (OP)
>She knows about it and finds it interesting
Bro you've literally already done the hardest part
You should probably suggest "trying it out for a while", like a couple of months. I'm sure she'll have some limit, like weight gained. People don't gain that much in 2 months. Get her in the habit of eating more and you get in the habit of letting her know how hot it makes you. Do all the things she might like, but always, always make sure she cums when she's stuffed. Think of this as the ultimate proof of how hot she's making you. And if you want to take it a little further, act uninterested in sex unless she's eaten well.

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