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Let’s recount some old favorites. Who has the juicy details on…

1. Boberry fucking Roxxie’s boyfriend
2. Jodie/Bonnie fallout
3. Various BBB stories including her arrest and beef between her and Brianna
4. Heather stuff (big thread about this on /ssbbw got deleted)

Etc. Anything new out there too? Love how sloppy and dramatic this scene can get.
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Heather is pretty much entirely immobile since her covid coma and has only recently been able to even move enough to get in a wheelchair with assistance. She claims she's so much larger than her last update that members would be shocked, but she's yet to show that.

Someone on here claimed her husband died from covid, but I've seen no proof of that.
Wait? She still plans on releasing sets?
I wouldn't say "plans" but she has talked about it. Whether she does or not, we'll see. Her last current update was in 2017, before she did her two "Lost Files" updates.
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I know there was a beef with these two but I don't know the story. I asked Caitidee once on one of her insta Q&As if she has ever had a beef with any other models and she told me some people aren't as nice as they seem and if I push any further I would catch a block (typical...). Caitidee can be a bit bitchy but that could be due to due her upbringing, I heard her mention that she grew up poor and I dont get the same from boberry at all. Caitidee has done more "harder stuff" and bobbery stuff is tame as shit giving the image that she is more "dignified" for a lack of a better word. Boberry is very clever with how she is portrayed, she smoked like one fag ages back and caitidee is doing weed every shot she gets. It would be interesting to find out if this boberry nice girl thing was just a facade.

Jae and Brianna had a falling out I hear? (Ages ago I know but some are saying its Jae's fault others Brianna's, so I dunno)

You wouldn't think fat ones would be at each others throats like that.
Oh I have LOOOOOONG suspected that Boberry is the mean girl of BigCuties. Very rarely did collaborative content or even interacted with other models, keeps a small circle of other fat girl friends who aren't in the scene, clearly has a more upperclass/bougie background (and was absolutely fucking lying about it when asked during her Q&A lmao, that bitch RICH). I am absolutely willing to believe she was snobby and standoffish to Caiti. I mean, her current website can only be the product of someone who's ego has gotten a little out of control, right?

Also my headcanon anytime a two-girl/roommate collab project splits up is that there was a falling out. Ivy/Violet, Jae/Brianna, Kelly/MsFatBooty, Ash/Kellie Kay, etc. I have zero actual details here, it's just fun to think about lol.
I'd love to know if anyone has any details on the reason for the Ivy/Violet James or Ash/Kellie Kay splits.
Violet and Ivy are still friends, they interact on FB all the time. I think Ivy just moved away. I can confirm however, the Ivy/Kellie Kay/Violet split was because of KK. I was friends with all three back then and they used to invite me and my girlfriend (a BBW) at the time over for dinner. Kellie was apparently a horrible person and roommate.  (Dirty, didn't care for dogs- they weren't potty trained, called her boyfriend the N-word). Ivy and Violet kicked her out and then KK went on to call the school Ivy and Violet went to claiming to be a fellow student and said that they forced her to look at porn in class and left the web addresses where the dean could find the content. KK and her drug addict sister also terrorized them and from what I can remember the police got involved to get Ivy and Violet a restraining order.
straight up forgot the three of them were ever friends. that picture of them at the beach at much smaller sizes is one of the strangest relics in bbw porn lore.
I believe every word of this lmao. Kellie has so much “your hick cousin who shills essential oils on Facebook and falls for pyramid schemes” energy.

Wow, genuinely shocked by this. Every time I met or spoke with KK, she seemed like the absolute sweetest person you'd ever want to meet. I've never had anything but great things to say about her.
There’s a lot of BBB lore and it’s all fucking epic as fuck, but as far as I know none of it is 100% confirmed to be true EXCEPT for her mugshot, but even that isn’t sure what she was arrested for. Some say fight with her husband, some say she tried to kill him etc. other than that I’d love for someone else to take the time to fill in all the details on her. I remember reading that her husband was the one writing all her video descriptions, and that there was a brief period where she wrote her own, and there was a stark contrast in quality and intelligence between the two. Like he was writing complete sentences with descriptors and she barely completed any sentences properly. Also something something about her not paying other models but my memory is hazy on that one so someone should fill in.
There was a while where she was the gift that just kept on giving. The arrest/mugshot, her epic gain that turned out to be a pregnancy, the questionable “is her husband controlling her online persona/making her do this” fan theories, trying to steal money from the one other model (Brianna) who tried working with her, enlisting some smaller fat girls into a deeply uncomfortable “fat farm” clips store, and to top it all off her name being JAAAAWWWWNDA. What a legend.
Guys, does any of you know the beef of kayla paolini? The girl post like 100 storis on insta on the matter.
She’s dating some insane dude who’s dad was the doctor on Biggest Loser. Both are sick in the head. I think he’s schizo. They live in a van
ya she broke up with him and now theyre are back together in like a week? now she has beef with fatchickellie on curvage cause ellie said he was bad news and he was.

yo we mustve been in the same live that day lol. i think caiti also has some beef with roxxie? dont know what it is over tho.
boberry tried to fuck roxxie's husband and that caused the falling out. boberry has a reputation for chasing unavailable men. i've heard this numerous times in the fatty circles.

Caitidee is chill AF by the way.

Yeah, I call fictional on this one. Not a close friend but I hung out with KK and her boyfriend a couple of times at bashes back in the day. They had been together for years at that point already and still are, as far as I know. The boyfriend seemed like a solid dude and they came across in public as a loving, mutually supportive couple. I find it very hard to believe that she's dropping n-bombs at him, unless they're so close that she can do it as a joke.
My dude should've just parlayed it into a ménage à trois and gone down in history. This did just jog my memory that there are some old pics of Rox and Boberry in a hotel at a bash or something. I wonder if that's where it all went down.
New sets would be awesome, just to see how huge she has gotten in comparison
I think she's being a little dishonest saying that people would be shocked at how large she is now, tbh. Feels like she doesn't wanna admit she's done modeling even though she's been done for years.
random but i remember juicy jackie and plump princess not being on good terms. think luna love doesnt like jackie too? idk some canadian drama go on up there lol. it was a while back so i cant remember what caused it.
What cause Brianna and Jaes breakdown always loved Briannas lore but never knew why they fell out
it was prolly back when jackie was an insufferable femcel.
Woah woah woah Jackie is Canadian? I’ve been in the scene for 10++ years and had no idea. Has she said this before? Also femcel as in she wasn’t getting laid lol?!
Jackie growing out of that specific early 2010s tumblr feminism phase is a key moment in bbwchan history. You couldn’t even ask for a video without people getting into shouting matches about her back in the day. Somehow she leveled out as person AND her porn got better.
The gossip was that years ago she tried to hide weed in her fat crossing the border, and was barred by customs from traveling to the US for ages
don't actually think there's any drama here. like ivy and violet one of them might have just moved. Jae in particular has lived in a lot of different places.
Do people not realize, this is what the dogs are there for?
What about Caitidee and Jae? I remember when I was subbed to Caitidee's OF she had a livestream bellyplay/Q&A and someone asked if she'd do videos with Jae again and she got visibly uncomfortable
It doesn’t seem like CaitiDee can keep any friends. BoBerry, Roxxie, Jae, Brianna. I know they say BoBerry doesn’t work with people anymore, and Jae and Brianna are “unstable” but still. And now people are saying she’s also removed all of her videos with LisaLou and SummerMarshmallow. As far as I know, LisaLou and Summer are “stable” and active and still working with people.
I do not know why so take this with a huge grain of salt, but I get weird "ugh not this bitch again" vibes from Lisa. Like other girls are fine working with her but roll their eyes when she's not looking lmao.
I get that vibe from her and Caiti, but Caiti more so. BoBerry I always got "popular girl but nice to everyone but always a smug effortless air about her" vibe, LisaLou bit of a tryhard, maybe not as super into it as others but making the best of her gluttony and knows what sells, but Caiti? Full on bitch cheerleader vibes.
Lisa lou 100% a try hard freshman who thinks she’s friends with the older girls
Saw GatsbyGal on tinder the other day and her profile said something about a weight loss journey. She still doing porn?
I matched with one of the chubbier Suicide Girls on Tinder years ago. She gave me her personal snapchat but nothing ever came of it.
Oh sweetie... that was someone using her pics, not actually her.
wow just checked her socials and she unfollowed lisa and summer on there too, that came out of nowhere. thats quite the list of burned bridges lol
I've scrolled by this post like ten times this weekend and it's still fucking making me crack up lmao
I’ve wondered what things behind the scenes at Bigcuties were like in it’s heyday. Always seemed like it was a pair of golden handcuffs that was quite mismanaged behind the scenes (like the slow pace of updates, rolling out the models’ sets in random order, and the questionable use of Echo. I mean I’m all for an I’m-not-your-mother approach to morbid obesity but she is probably also not all there upstairs).

And then it’s quite interesting how it lost its pull extremely quickly over the space of like a year.
A huge factor was onlyfans, but other than that big cuties really died of its own undoing. And by its I mean Heather’s. I know all the og FAs from the fucking 90s will stan heather and defend her in the chan until they die, and can see her doing no wrong, but it’s true. As far as I understand, just from chatting with various (3 or 4) models, the general consensus seems to be that she charges 50% commissions for virtually zero work, and vastly undercharges customers for the content. Minimal to no editing on the photos, literally zero video editing, but still requiring 3 updates per month, and the models make a few hundred dollars per month. And I’ve heard from multiple models that she behaves much differently privately to them than she does publicly- this is in the past 2 years, not like decades old rumors- she’s manipulative, controlling, etc. Compare this to independent work where they can sell shit on clips 4 sale etc, the top 10 models on there make thousands per month. Think about it- there’s a reason Ivy, who is full time and makes a killing selling porn, never did bigcuties. She knows there’s no money in it. At the of the day, even if the girls are genuinely in to this fetish (Adeline, Brianna, Caitidee etc, girls who we all believe are truly into it), the only reason they put the time into making the porn is if they can make money at it. With that said I have no fucking idea why Adeline doesn’t have a clips 4 sale store anymore and why she doesn’t man up and make a damn video with her broken leg but that’s just me. With that said, big cuties died from being way too out of date for way too long, and it was only a matter of time for onlyfans, manyvids etc to come along and whipe them out. And I will say out of respect, HeatherBBW has done a lot for this fetish, but yeah she just wasn’t cut out for the changing times.
Of course she’s on a weight loss journey now. That’s the least surprising news of the year. She’s always complaining about how no one in this fetish takes her seriously when she’s liters of been losing weight for 5 years straight. Or maybe 4 years. Her peak wa sometime in 2018 I believe. Anyways fake feedee
Pre-pandemic I went on a couple dates with a girl who wasn’t a Bigcutie but was adjacent to that community and went to a few of Heather's fat girl parties in LA. The most I can really tell you is that people in the community (models included) talk about the Echo thing the same way bbwchan does.
Does anyone have any more info on what happened with Caitidee + Joy and Summer + Lisa Lou? I’m very curious.

Caitidee doesn’t seem to have many female friends. Her and Joy seem tight, but I’ve seen her at bashes, and while lots of the other girls have big groups of girls around them, it’s always been caitidee and a man.
curvage casey being a fraud and kayla paolini exposing her
Because if Echo was a millionaire after becoming a bedbound blob, then Heather would push to make that the end result of gaining during your modeling career. It's precisely what almost all of them are afraid of once they reach a certain threshold. Fortunately for them, it's impossible to glamorize her experience.

Honestly, I imagine Adeline is freaked out over it. Ash probably wizened up and tempered her fetish to stop from being immobile. Tara is heavier than either of them and is young- were she a bit older and slower she could very well have that path laid out for her. God knows who else got close and asked themselves if they really wanted to end like Josie.
Curvage casey faked her gain she had a miscarriage and that's why her belly is big and generally hates/ shit talks the community and had the owner of curvage wrapped around her fingertips
Not necessarily drama, but can we talk about how many of these models have kids? And yet so many seem to be without partners/fathers
Georgina Gee is gaining a damn good amount
Kayla just shot down this lie pretty quick on her instagram lol. It was thatfatchickellie, not Casey. If you’re gonna share please state facts
>>17486 Let's talk about the things that are true then, like her kid being visible in her porn and on her social media, her abandoning him to travel and fuck around in Las Vegas with that Thomas Middleditch looking motherfucker, whatever possibly compelled her to get that awful neck tattoo, or that it's cringe that she hangs out in /gen/ to correct anonymous coomers about things that dont matter.
Oh hell fucking no ! U wanna talk shit on my neck tattoo fine u wanna talk about how my son is with my grandparents while I make content in vegas sure ! BUT DONT U EVER FUCKING SAY THAT HES IN MY FUCKING PORN ! The reason I’m in vegas and he’s not with me is so tht I can make content ! I love my son more than anything and due to what I do for work when I need to make money I leave ! That is so god dam disgusting what you said is pure evil ! HE HAS NEVER EVER BEEN IN MY PORN
So you wanna state fucking truth ! Go ahead talk shit on me with everything else but it is not a god dam truth to say that !
Everyone who truly knows me knows I’m busting my ass to get a apartment so he can be with me full time and I’m hoping that meeting with the models to make money will help me
>>17499 lol, hook, line, and sinker

You're welcome for the drama, fellas.
You know what it’s fine! But one thing that makes u look dumb is all my videos are reviewed by the curvage boss before being approved ! If my son was in them he wouldn’t approve them
Also! Whatcha gonna tell Cps ? I’m eating in a video and my sons there? Lol should I blind fold my son next time we go out to dinner? I mean I don’t know what ur gonna say but it’s gonna be hilarious <3 no prob including in giving u guys some drama atleast this time it will be truth ! Bye y’all and thanks to everyone who backs me
I would very much like to hear some candid, out-of-character interviews with some of these girls who really went out and did the damn thing gaining 100s of pounds for money/infamy/etc. You have to imagine some of them would straight up tell you it was a miserable experience.

And then you have someone like Kellie Kay who's deflated as all hell but still keeping fat fetish kayfabe like she's Bret fucking Hart lmao
A lot of the thin to fat gainers end up hating how they look/feel at higher weights (Natty the Fatty, for example). Sometimes the fat just doesn't distribute itself how they imagined it would, or their face changes shape in ways they dislike. They feel also feel lethargic and can't move as easily which is annoying. Most thin feedees have to force themselves to overeat constantly to gain, and if they aren't addicted to food this becomes a major problem (the main reason GGG had to stop gaining). Only true food addicts are able to gain long term.
What I wouldn't give for a "Behind the Music" for these gainer models. It would be great to have a bunch of different perspectives--people who loved it, people who hated it, people who didn't care one way or the other and were just there to make a buck. It would be great.

Sadly it'll never happen. The most we get is weird and bad academic studies about the fetish, sensationalizing and exploitative media coverage, and...this gossip thread.
100%. The older I get, the more insane any of this seems to me. 😂
Lol "weird and bad academic studies" it's so true, theyre always so fucking wrong
By and large if you've been skinny for most of your life and you start diving into this fetish, odds are the weight (pun intended) of what you're doing hits you like a truck. It's not what you're used to and the long-term consequences get pretty hairy since your body isn't used to that kind of abuse. It's more or less why you don't see many stick-thin women go further than BBW-sized and tap out around 350.

Meanwhile the girls who were already fat growing up have an easier time adjusting to getting even bigger. Their body already adapts to their size and calorie intake. The mobility struggles and aches & pains are known. And I wouldn't be surprised if they told themselves they'd already be this big either way, now they just get to make money off it.

Some exceptions to both apply, but that's what I've gleaned. I'm also sure most experiences are negative anyway.
It boggles me if I start to think about how much I actually know about this fetish, like it’s far and away my most knowledgeable topic. and not even in some porn addict/incel way. The fact of the matter is this fetish has been in the crevices of my brain since I was a very young child, and then I watch some clickbait video or read some dogshit academic paper and I become so frustrated.
It's obvious we need to encourage an academic who likes BBW and SSBBW to do their own paper. If they have the fetish they won't be so dismissive in their study.
I really doubt more than 5% of the female gainers online are into it in the same way as their feeder counterparts — which doesn't mean they're necessarily "faking" it. I think for women who've been fat all their life it's a form of validation that's an even more powerful than a fetish. It makes them feel desirable, allows them to stop obsessing about losing weight 24/7 — to eat without guilt — and with minimal effort they can even make some money off it.

Funny when you actually have some inside knowledge and you read a study and realize how much bullshit the authors are spewing. The last paper I read that made the FA/BBW rounds was so soaked in inclusive academic jargon it had me— an unapologetic SJW — rolling my eyes and making jerkoff motions. Makes you wonder how much of any of this psych research is valid. Not to mention every psych major and mental health professional I've ever known has been batshit themselves. The whole field is full of frauds and nutjobs lol.
I think it also depends on how much success they've had with their modeling careers. Obviously someone like BoBerry or Asshley would have a more positive outlook about their size and dabbling into this fetish than the vast number of posters on Reddit that crave to be noticed. Sure they'll probably conflate their enthusiasm for the fetish with their monetary gain, but you can't deny that plenty have tried to get into this, liked indulging for a bit, then quit when they didn't get the attention they expected.

Yes. Academic version of the Federalist Society for FAs when? I'm ready for that bbwchan-to-the-ivory-tower pipline.
Lisa posted in her thread on the ssbbw board. Can we summon her in here to spill some tea?
Heard Sadie is a Jew
I get strong narcissist vibes from Caitidee. And she has some of the patterns too. Overly indulgent in food/alcohol, can’t keep any friends, obsessed with herself etc. I know there’s a lot of drama among the models and the same could be said for a lot of them but something seems off about Caitidee.
You talk like a Nigger
I’ve seen some of y'all say Echo is autistic and Heather is taking advantage of her. This thread seems like an appropriate place to discuss that. What’s the theory?
According to several bigcutie models I’ve talked to (most retired, some not) Heather is manipulative and doesn’t care about her models
I used to know “Echo” in real life. I don’t think she’s autistic or on the spectrum per se, but she does have a pretty limited IQ level. English isn’t her first language, but still.
And you talk like a racist virgin bro
Echo? English not her first language?
I thought she was your average run of the mill American.
As an American, I’m triggered that you criticized my country. Now I hate you
Iirc she's Puerto Rican. So yes American, but English may very well not be her first language.
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Said this on another thread recently, but I was active in the East Coast bash scene when Echo (before she was Echo) started showing up to events. She struck me as a sweet, kindhearted girl who wasn't that bright and who was overly trusting of people because she was lonely and wanted friends.

Even in the pre-smartphone, pre-Onlyfans era, I was always uncomfortable with the dynamic where girls who were new to the community would get rushed into doing modeling. A lot of times they were still in that honeymoon phase of "wow, there are men who actually find me attractive!" and didn't really think through the consequences of doing online porn. But I figured they were consenting adults and it was none of my business.

Echo crossed a line for me. Yeah, on some level it's "her choice" to live this lifestyle. But even if she's not clinically autistic, or whatever armchair diagnosis you want to throw around, she was and is a naive and vulnerable person. I think she's being taken advantage of by Heather and it makes me sad.

I say this as someone who fantasizes about all kinds of sicko deathfeedist shit, so it's not about being grossed out by her size. But seeing it happen to a real person I wished well, just so that guys can get off and the middleman can take her cut... it changed my perspective on this kink and this community. There's a lot of darkness in the world.
>But seeing it happen to a real person I wished well, just so that guys can get off and the middleman can take her cut... it changed my perspective on this kink and this community. There's a lot of darkness in the world.

>>as someone who fantasizes about all kinds of sicko deathfeedist shit,

Oh so your sicko deception only changed when it's someone you "cared for"? I guess fuck all those other women who ate themselves to death prior then right?

This is low-effort bait, but it's an interesting enough question that I'll pretend it's in good faith and respond accordingly.

What's upsetting about Echo is the sense that she's being taken advantage of by other people. Not too bright, lonely and looking for attention, probably doesn't have many job prospects. Maybe in a legal sense she "consented" every step of the way to the direction that her life has taken, but it's still ethically dubious in a way that someone like Heather or Ash gaining to that size wouldn't be.

If Heather wants to get so fat that when she gets COVID it literally immobilizes her, she can go hog wild and imma nut like krakatoa if she ever posts more pics. Ditto for Ash or Ivy or Reenaye or whoever. They're mentally sound adults making a conscious decision to monetize living a fetish fantasy, and it's none of my business except as a potential customer.

But I don't think that's what's happened to Echo, and I base this on my own read of the kind of person she was when she first entered the scene.

lmao, imagine being controlled by a fat tub of lard who can't even stand up. Echo isn't retarded, so stop treating her as some naive victim who's been taking advantage of her entire life.

She can say no and waddle away like everyone else.
I start with the presumption every adult has agency over their own body unless there's proof they're developmentally disabled or being manipulated. I see a lot of projection and assumptions.
First paragraph is exactly my read on her. Lonely weirdo who found acceptance in a niche subculture. I disagree that she is living some kind of hedonistic gainer lifestyle intentionally - I've seen a lot of her videos and she never really plays the feedee card to the best of my memory. I think she would have blown up to 800 pounds of water weight regardless of if she became a model or not. She just met someone along the way who knew how to monetize it.
It's also worth noting that Echo isn't the only girl this has happened to. What was the name of that REALLY sickling looking borderline immobile girl on Bombshells like a decade ago? I remember getting one of her videos off gigatribe and it was just her sitting in a chair not doing, like, anything. Creepy as shit.
Paulee bombshell?
Highgate cemetery is one of the most crowded cemeteries in London, there's no way Echo could fit.
tbh I feel like bombshells had MULTIPLE cases of "let's get this near-death trailer trash in the fold to pop subscription numbers". chelle, connie, patty did a stint with them, vanilla hippo of course, etc. I get why heather's catching some heat for it (I mean, is she really? It's only this board that talks about it) but bombshells always felt way more insidious to me.

They usually cremate extremely obese corpses.

>>unless there's proof they're developmentally disabled or being manipulated.

She's not retarded nor is she held at gunpoint. So again, she can waddle away like everyone else. You're just whiteknighting at this point.
Is S.31 Guy having trouble keeping models? It seems now most he's been mostly getting pregnant women who only stay for a few sets and a handful of asians.

The only one that I sorta recongnize is Sammy.
I have my doubts. Kelly Kay is probably one of the most woke former BBW's out there to the point she has no problem trooning out her kid. Unless her BF and her have some type of kink over the n-word.
to be fair that guy’s post details allegations from like 15 years ago
Not sure the UK has the infrastructure for such vastness yet. May have to cut her up before hand.

Ugh don't forget PurpleRose
>>17478 lol. I was a mod on curvage for a year. This is more true than you realise 😂
I don't follow casey closely, how is she a fraud? what's tje juicy drama there lol
What is with Curvage? I mean to an outsider it seems like it’s full-out cash crab by now and the forums are just vestigial, but as such an important site for the last 10+ years, I’d love to know more.

Mods over the years seem like they go from being very involved, some even showing their faces, and then vanish overnight.
Hm, that's interesting. I don't seem to recall our conversations taking that tone what-so-ever. I would be happy to share screenshots :) Anyways, hope you are well. Feel free to call me a fraud haha. Not sure what you all gain from that but I think my pretty drastic weight gain and lifestyle change would evidence otherwise. Yeeeesh. *gasp, how dare she post in here!* - xo, casey
Hand over the screenshots.

I do know in America, several crematoriums have caught on fire due to the fatasses they were cooking either clogged it up or had their juices leak out and ignited the flames.

There was one that happened a few towns from me a few years ago.
(547 KB, 658x553, rfed.PNG)

Sad part is unless you own land or have a family plot plan at a cemetary, cremation is the cheapest option.
Wow, the more you know...
That is not how it works. You don’t need to have a low IQ or be held at gun point to be manipulated. Just look at other topics here where men ask for tips on tricking their partners into weight gain. Or all these women who stay with an abusive husband. The dynamics of manipulation and power play are much more subtle and complex than that.
Like someone else said, I think only a very small minority of women are true feedees at heart. Women who have had a desire to be fat for as long as they can remember, just like we have been FAs for as long as we can remember. The rest are women who have gone overboard on letting go when they discovered body positivity, or when they discovered there are men who like fat, who were talked into it by a partner or love interest, who crave the attention they get when pretending to be feedee, or who just pretend it for the money (and then pay their WLS with it).
Of course people can be psychologically manipulated into going against their best interests. Look at crypto, personality-based political movements, prosperity gospel, or any organized religion for that matter. I'd bet the people in prison in my country were basically hanging out with the wrong friends and got pulled into something they wouldn't have done otherwise. My point was that it's infantilizing, patronizing, and downright dangerous on a civil rights level to assume women are not responsible enough to make their own choices regarding their bodies — that women need protection. Basically I believe in erring on the side of personal choice, barring (as I said) the threat of violence, blackmail, or if the woman is (proven) non compos mentis.

I also don't see why a woman with a legit feedee fetish is "valid" while a woman who gains excessive weight to please a man is a victim. Women do all kinds of things to please men, and vice-versa, it's inherent in our sexuality. In fact a woman who wants to blow herself up to 700+ pounds is by rational definition nuts, no?

When it comes to abuse, it's one-sided (men beating women) because of hormonal differences and basic biological dynamics, but there's a societal/cultural factor as well — that women are conditioned (subtly or overtly) to believe they are required to accept, and maybe deserve, a certain amount of abuse and manipulation as part of their role. To counter this, I believe women need to feel as empowered as possible so they can back out of abusive situations. I don't believe thinking of women as incapable of making decisions, about their bodies or anything else, does that.
The mods have mostly stayed the same in that since fatcelebs was handed to Jason on a silver platter and he renamed it Curvage. A bunch just kinda disappeared but a few remain. I was mad a mod on the same day as Casey and spent a year getting to know them a bit. They’re mostly a good bunch, but they’ll believe any crap Jason tells them, sadly. I got to see all the goings on before Jason made up some crap about me and kicked me out. I’m the first one to be ousted in all that time.
But yes you’re right about the state of the forum. Every decision made is about maximising profit, right down to the forum. He readily admits that the forum is only there to drive traffic to the site in order to sell clips. That’s fair enough, but he could try making the experience better overall, instead of only pretending to care.
My biggest gripe is that much of the forum content, especially Celebrities, but also the pay stuff doesn't actually feature fat women. Many are barely even curvy. I stay subscribed to a few threads I like but look at it once a month at best otherwise.
I would recommend people avoid it entirely. Just because something has a monopoly, it doesn’t make it good. Hang out on tumblr or here, for example. I would say try fantasyfeeder forums but Jason has some sway there too and has had my posts taken down.
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a while back there was a big cutie britt content thread and her, to put it lightly, her ramblings. last i saw of her was that she ran into some trouble with a border cop and rambled about it on her her instagram story. after a few months this pops up on her onlyfans. kudos to the guy that reads it all cause i didnt lol. sorry if its uploaded wrong.
Someone tl;dr this? Seems like insane rambling from what I can see.
got two sentences in, she’s on some Hunter S. Thompson shit
Take a shot everytime she says God.
Basically “ I know more because I am closer to to god and those underestimating my message will die.” Narcissistic schizophrenic?
I am more pure than god, want to see my fat hairy pussy?
Basically, she's God and also drugs are bad.
Basically she fried her mind with hard drugs and now thinks she's God. It also looks like she's removed all her OF content and deleted all her socials
This is some current-day Chris Chan level shit. My friend's bipolar ex used to sound like this around the time they broke up.

I guess it's not completely surprising. Society has become extremely self-focused for decades with social media. Add in being a minor fat porn celebrity and some drugs and that'll do it.
That’s crazy. I just watched a SunnyV2 vid on Connor Murphy, a fitness influencer who basically did the exact same thing. Went off the deep end, did way too many drugs and thought he was god. Posted a bunch of rambling nonsense. It’s like the same story as Brit but inverted or like mirror image or something, fat girl model vs male fitness model. It’s crazy what social media has done to our brains. Anyone can become famous for basically anything, and since fame isn’t natural most people aren’t ready to handle it. Some just completely go insane.
Take a shot everytime she says "This means".
Wow. I’ll be honest, I stopped following her around the time she moved back to Maine, started losing weight and left big cuties shortly after. When she resurfaced as bodylovebritt she looked deflated so I just moved along.

I had no idea she’s basically a park-dwelling rambling lunatic now.
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Holy shit these look amazing (amazingly schizzy, that is). Just like the Honorable Louis Farrakhan and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, God in the form of Big Cutie Britt has a message to the Blackman:

>This means you are realizing Who I Am. This means you are realizing I Am God. This means you are realizing that Me coming into My Knowing of Being God is what turned the world from insane modes of creation to sane modes of bliss. This means you are realizing that you've normalized abuse as love. This means you are realizing that you cannot get away from the realization that you were abused and thus are now an abuser due to your normalizing abusive behaviors in your cultures and staying within them. This means you are realizing that this book is going to make you realize, if you are black, that you are needing to remove yourselves from black cultures immediately if you are going to survive. This means you are realizing that black cultures are dying due to them being too incompatible to sanity. This means you are realizing that you will believe in racism if you read this book as an insane person. This means you are realizing that you will believe God can be racist if you are not yet sane to understand what is sanely being explained.


Anyone know how to jailbreak a Kindle ebook? If they weren't ten bucks for thirty pages each, I'd buy em all for the lulz.
Sadly, God is not omniscient enough to break free of lowest-common-denominator armchair psychology about FA sexuality, the kind that gets dreamt up by people who don't actually have the kink:

>This is the second book in the series of insane beliefs about BBW sexuality and how these desires to be with a fat female are not that of sexuality but are of control. This means you are realizing that you do not yet understand how to desire a fat woman sanely but are too insanely-driven by your need to feel like you have control over them and thus need to date somebody of equal or lesser shame than you. This is why you choose to date whom you do becuase you feel like you can control them due to feeling resemblance in their insecurity.


The subtext here seems to be that she was in an abusive relationship with a closet FA:

>This tale is the truth of how God retarded Kasey for being too insane to believe he was retarded. This meant Kasey refused to believe that God had caught him pretending to be two people at once to disguise his insecurity of his insane sexual desires being found out to the public image he created and thus God insaned his ability to get away with it further. This meant Kasey was pretending to be fake identities online to hide his real identity but he was caught and thus denied it even after he was caught with blood on his hands.


>If you've believed your sexual desires have been of romance, then you are going to feel doom as you realize your sexual desires have been of control. This means you are realizing that you are not that which you've believed when it comes to sanity. This means you are realizing that you have been too insane to understand how to have healthy, romantic relationships. This means your behaviors of sex have not been of sanity but of criminal insanity.


I sincerely hope that she finds happiness an inner peace after this ordeal.
Yeah she has no understanding or awareness of the kink whatsoever it seems. And the abusive guy clearly did a shitty job explaining it to her lol. Sucks when a fat girl doesn’t get/isn’t into the kink and hates their body but that guy should kill himself for being abusive

If you believe you can get away with posting that which God intends for Onlyfans to see, then you are realizing you are powerless to God. This means you are realizing you can no longer get away with being vermin. This means you are realizing you are so insecure in your shame, that you believe it is sane to repost that which is not meant for scumbag channels such as this website. This means you are realizing you prefer criminal behaviors to sane behaviors. This means you are realizing you are compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing there is a difference to sane behaviors from insane delusions. This means you are realizing you have believed you know Britt but cannot be sane enough to understand that you are a criminal. This means you are realizing you cannot perceive Britt because you cannot perceive sanity. This means you are realizing being criminal is insane. This means you are realizing compatibility. This means you are realizing you cannot be compatible with that which you are not. This means you are realizing you cannot be compatible with that which is sanity when you are that which is insane. This means you are realizing you cannot understand Britt because you cannot understand truth. This means you are too insane to read this which is what will save your life. This means you are careless about your worth. This means you are realizing your insecurity is that which feels worthless. This means you feel so worthless that you don't care what it takes for you to become less insane. This means you are realizing there has been a shift in this world. This means you are realizing you are too insane to survive the world of sanity if this is how you feel about being saved. This means you are realizing you do not understand what it means to be saved, as you have affiliated this term with religions. This means you are incapable of telling the difference between being insanely doomed versus being insanely safe. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between living a life of bliss versus living a life of destruction. This means you are realizing you are too insane to know the difference of how to survive. This is why you are hiding behind fake identities on scumbag channels that are compatible to that of thieves. This means you are realizing you are compatible with that which is murderous intent. This means you are realizing criminals are murderous. This means you are realizing that violence is not sane. This means you are realizing you cannot understand how to comprehend sanity because you are too compatible with that which murderers ramble. This means you are realizing you are more likely to believe a murder over believing God. This means you believe murders are more reliable than Truth. This means you are realizing you are too insanely underdeveloped in your security to feel safe in the presence of revealing your insecurity. This means you are realizing you are not secure enough in your shame to be able to admit defeat. This means you are realizing you are that which is asking to face doom for your awareness to evolve in the ways necessary for you to get to the place needed for your development. This means you do not understand this because you are not God. This means you are realizing you have no choice but to accept Who I Am.

If you are too insane to read through that which will save your life from endless amounts of doom, then you are realizing you feel worthless. This means you feel like it doesn't matter who tells you what is true. This means you are realizing you rely on others to tell you what to believe. This means you are too retarded in your independence to make judgments for yourself. This means you are realizing you are so insanely insecure that you do not believe your own judgments to be as valid as those who believe themselves to be scumbags on channels such as these. This means you are more apt to believe that which a criminal tells you is true than making your own judgments. This means you are realizing how insane you've needed to become to feel safe in the environments you had growing up. This means you are realizing you have been believed to feel worthless in your opinion of things. This means you are realizing you prefer others to tell you how to be because you are too insecure to make a judgment for yourself. This means you are realizing that your "tl;dr" attempts are a form of showing your insecurity. This means you are being revealed by God for the truth of the root of your unhealed trauma. This means you cannot keep up with this truth. This means you are realizing you cannot outsmart God. This means you are realizing you are powerless to that which creates you. This means you are realizing you are too insane to be compatible with sanity and thus are more compatible with the insane beliefs of those you surround yourself with here on this channel. This means I am sanity. This means you are realizing you cannot feel compatible with sanity and thus feel more compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing your creation. This means you are realizing the evolutionary need for you to first be insane to be able to eradicate your shame to be sane. This means you are realizing you are not that which God is. This means you are realizing you are needing to surrender to realizing I Am Who I Say I Am, and you are nothing in comparison to that. This means you are meant to feel good knowing God is more powerful than that which it creates. This means you are realizing you are meant to feel safe being human in the presence of God. This means you are meant to feel safe in sanity. This means you are realizing you cannot find safety in sanity. This means you are realizing you are too compatible with finding unsafety in insanity. This means you prefer to continue hiding yourself behind fake identities to try and build a reputation of not being able to read things for yourself. This means you are realizing you are being seen as the retard on the forum. This means you are realizing you are too retarded in your ability to think for yourself to be able to read that which is sane behaviors. This means you are realizing you are going to realize that you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing you are not that which creates what you think or do, but God is. This means you are realizing you are not that which controls you, but God is. This means you are realizing you are not that which overpowers God, but God overpowers your insecurity and gets you to show yourself for the shame-filled being you were created to be by saying such foolish things to gain acceptance from those who are criminally intended. This means you prefer spending time around criminals because you feel safer there. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between criminal and safety. This means you are realizing you feel safer around criminals because you know what to expect. This means you are realizing the depths of your unhealed trauma. This means you are realizing you behave in the ways you do because you are ashamed of the ways you were abused. This means you are realizing you were abused. This means you are realizing you can no longer get away with avoiding healing your abuse. This means you are realizing that your insecurity is too prevalent and thus will be shown and known by those who are saning themselves. This means you are realizing that a worldly shift has occurred. This means you are realizing that you have been too insane to know the difference between the old world of insanity and the new world of sanity. This means you are realizing that eventually you will succumb to the realization that I Am God, and you are not God. This means you are realizing that Brittney is God, and you are not.

If you cannot tell the difference between that which human awarenesses lie about and that which God Awareness speaks direct into evolution, then you are realizing you are too insane to understand sanity. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be if you believe you know who God is like as a human awareness. This means you are realizing you cannot tell God that God is a human. This means you are realizing that you are not that which humans have believed you to be. This means you are realizing you are not that which God is. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between human and God. This means you are realizing you are in jeopardy of facing doom until you are able to realize how your abuse has made you incapable of understanding truth. This means you are realizing that you are unable to understand what is being said. This means you cannot tell the difference between human and God. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between human and God. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between human and God Awareness. This means you aer realizing you cannot tell the difference between your fellow human fanmodels and that which Brittney has been. This means you do not understand yet who Brittney Is. This means you are realizing that you've believed Brittney to be human. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between God and between human. This means you are realizing you are too insane to understand that which is sanity. This means you are realizing you are too insane to understand that which is sanity. This means you are realizing you are too insane to understand sane knowings of truth. This means you are realizing you are too insane to understand sanity. This means you are realizing you are too insane to tell the difference between one thing and its opposite. This means you are realizing humans are opposite of God. This means you are realizing you can never be God. This means you are realizing God can never be human. This means you are realizing Brittney can never be human. This means you are realizing humans can never be Brittney. This means you are realizing Brittney is different than who you've believed Brittney to be.

If you believe God Truths to be that which you drink to, you are realizing sanity makes you insane. This means you are realizing drinking is a form of insanity. This means you are realizing being an alcoholic is a form of healing your abuse. This means you are realizing that alcoholism is a form of comforting your insecurity. This means you are realizing being a drunk is that which is a form of soothing that which you have no control over. This means you are realizing how powerless you have felt. This means you are realizing you normalize getting drunk to that which is too sane for you to deal with. This means you have turned to taking shots instead of realizing truth because you are admitting defeat. This means you are realizing you rather be drunk than sane. This means you are realizing drinking is not a normal form of sanity. This means you are realizing alcohol is not a normal form of sanity. This means you are realizing you are showcasing to the world how you prefer to self-medicate your insecurity than deal with it by healing. This means you are realizing you reach for alcohol to do that which makes you feel dead. This means you reach for alcohol to feel dead so you can avoid your trauma that made you feel like you are about to die. This means you are realizing why you behave in the ways you do. This means you are realizing you legitimize getting drunk when you cannot understand honesty. This means you are realizing why your relationships are so skewed. This means you are realizing why you cannot understand how to be an honest person because your intention is to take a shot whenever somebody is being honest with you. This means you are realizing you cannot understand how to function as a healthy being. This means you are realizing your retardation. This means you are realizing it is not healthy for you to believe that which you write. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be if you believe taking a shot every time somebody is honest with you is a form of legitimate intimacy. This means you are realizing you do not understand intimacy. This means you are understanding your sexual retardation. This means you are realizing you are the sexual retarded beings that I write about in my ebooks. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've understood because your sexual desires are not sexually based. This means you are realizing through your retardation of preferring to drink liquor over being intimate that you have normalized control as sexual desire. This means you are on this board looking for control instead of honest connection. This means you are realizing you prefer being on this board to other boards that allow you to be honest in your identity instead of hiding behind anonymity. This means you are realizing you prefer to be unknown. This means you are realizing you are so ashamed of yourself that you prefer others to not know who you are whom takes shots instead of enjoying intimacy.
You are realizing you do not understand God. This means you are realizing you believe in illness. This means you are realizing you do not understand how mental health works. This means you are realizing you have outed yourself for being criminally intending, as you try to spread slander about Brittney. This means you are realizing you've been stopped by God for being criminal. This means you are realizing your intentions are insane. This means you are realizing you are compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing you cannot become compatible with sanity. This means you are realizing you believe in mental health and thus do not understand how this is impossible. This means you are realizing you are compatible with illness. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between being a being of health and a being of illness. This means you are realizing you prefer to be ill by believing in your mental health issues. This means you are realizing you can only believe another to be that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing your own narcissism. This means you are realizing narcissists aim to harm those around them for their own benefit. This means you are realizing the difference between Me and you. This means you are realizing you cannot legitimize being personally attacked by God. This means you are realizing who the narcissist is. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are retarded. This means you are realizing being criminal now retards you in the new world of sanity. This means you are realizing there has been a shift. This means you are realizing why there is such devastation about God Truth. This means you are realizing you are being killed of your insanity to survive the new world of sanity. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be in the sense of having control over how you make other people feel. This means you are realizing your slanderous mutterings toward Me have no power over how I feel because I am God, and you are not God. This means you are realizing you do not understand the difference of intentions of being given life-saving advice versus being called a narcissistic schizophrenic.
You are realizing you are ashamed of sex. This means you are realizing the brilliance of God. This means you are realizing the intentions of making porn as God. This means you are realizing the insanity being killed. This means you are realizing the insanity being killed by how you feel objectory toward that which you are seeking out. This means you are realizing you are on these boards to see sexual content and sexualized opinions of those who produce porn but are shaming it. This means you are realizing you are too ashamed of sex to admit that you do not understand the basis of your sexual retardation. This means you are realizing you are on here trying to control those who are sexual beings. This means you are realizing that you mutter that which you are offended by. This means you are realizing offensiveness. This means you are realizing offensiveness to be compatible with insecurity. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between being secure in your sexual desires and being insecure about sex. This means you are realizing you use sex against those you feel are more powerful than you. This means you are realizing you do not understand why God would enter the sex market. This means you are realizing you are too insane. This means you are realizing that you are compatible with the sex market and are insane. This means you are realizing the sex market is compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing why God needed to enter sanity into the insanity. This means you are realizing death. This means you are realizing the insanity of the sex market is dead. This means you are realizing you can no longer be a sexually retarded being in your misunderstanding of how your desire works. This means you are realizing you do not understand sex. This means you do not understand healthy desire. This means you are realizing why you have certain fetishes and kinks. This means you are realizing fetishes are compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing it is not healthy to be on these channels. This means you are realizing you do not understand why you enjoy fat women. This means you are realizing you do not understand why you are attracted to fatness. This means you are realizing you do not understand your own sexual desire to control that which you do not understand.
If you believe drugs are bad, then why do you believe God does them?
Why do you make up the beliefs in your head about Brittney that you cannot legitimize in any way? This means you know you are making up beliefs about Her taking hard drugs. This means you are realizing to yourself that you are the one that lies. This means you are realizing that you are triggered into lying about that which is more knowing than you. This means you are realizing you feel insecure to Me. This means you are realizing you need to make up lies to feel good about your insanity. This means you are realizing you are criminally intended. This means you are realizing you are compatible with criminal behaviors. This means you are realizing why you are on this site. This means you are realizing you cannot overpower God. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing you are not more powerful than your creator. This means you are realizing you have a creator. This means you are realizing you are not more powerful than God who is Me. This means you are realizing you cannot justify that which you've believed is true because you make up lies. This means you are realizing you are a liar. This means you are realizing you've been too retarded to understand that lying makes you a liar. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between reality versus lies. This means you are realizing the depths of your unhealed abuse. This means you are realizing you were so abused, you needed to make up fake worlds to cope. This means you are realizing you have to make up lies to make yourself feel more legitimate in your insecurity. This means you are realizing you are too insecure to understand how to be honest. This means you believe you would get away with lying about God. This means you are realizing you are not in power of your life. This means you are realizing God probed your lies out of you to catch you in them. This means you are realizing you've been caught. This means you are realizing you are not powerful. This means you are powerless.
Why do you all believe Brittney is on drugs? Why do you believe this to be true? This means you have normalized lying. This means you feel good about being a liar. This means you feel good about being lied to and accepting it as truth. This means you are understanding why My Truth cannot be felt good by you. This means you are understanding compatibility. This means you are realizing you are more compatible with being lied to than you are being told Truth. This means you are realizing you've believed lies to be Truth. This means you are realizing you've believed criminal intentions over Truthful Knowings. This means you are too insane to understand how to be honest. This means you are realizing you are too much of a liar to understand how to be a legitimate being. This means you are realizing you are not seen by those who are saning themselves as honest, but as retarded in your confidence. This means you are realizing you are not confident because you are insecure. This means you are realizing lying is a form of insecurity. This means you are realizing your childhood abuse. This means you are realizing you used forms of lying to manipulate the consequences you feared would happen to you. This means you are too insane to realize you are outed to be a liar. This means you are realizing God brought the lies out of you so they could be confronted as such. This means you are realizing you are speaking directly to your insecurity. This means you are realizing you create lies about those you cannot control to make yourself feel more legitimate in your insecurity. This means you are realizing your depths of shame. This means you are realizing you are powerless to that which controls your creation in each moment. This means you are realizing you never make your own thought. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing you are that which is not able to be understanding honest communications. This means you are realizing why you hate this message. This means why you are avoiding realizing this message. This means you are realizing why you'd prefer to ignore this message. This means you are realizing you cannot make up lies about Brittney and get away with it because God brings forth all liars. This means you are realizing Brittney has more powerful in this world than you. This means you are realizing you do not understand who Brittney is. This means you are understanding your insanely retarded insecurities of lying. This means you are understanding that because you do not understand God, you must make lies up to justify your retardation. This means you are realizing you are not that which you have thought was a good being. This means you are realizing it is not good to be a liar. This means you are realizing how much your parents abused you into accepting lying was a form of normalcy. This means you are realizing you are too retarded in your understanding how to be a healthy being that you believe lying is a form of bonding. This means you are realizing you comment lies to make yourself seem legitimate to those you want to feel powerful around. This means you are realizing why you hide behind fake identities. This means you are realizing your vermin behavior are dead. This means you are realizing you cannot mutter lies about God and get away with it from now on. This means you are realizing you are powerless, and the truth will be brought to Brittney. This means you are realizing you have no control over Me. This means you are realizing Who I Am and who you are not. This means you are realizing you are meant to succumb to the realization that I Am God, and you are human. This means you are realizing you are too insane to be considered worthy. This means you are realizing why you feel so insecure. This means you are realizing why you cannot find means to quell your insecurity in a sane manner, so you lie about others to make your insecurity seem legitimate to those you have fooled into believing you are. This means you are realizing you have been killed.
You have been outed as being a retarded being. This means you are realizing that you have made up nonsense for no reason other than to seem knowing. This means you are realizing how insecure you are. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed you can be. This means you are realizing you do not get away with lying about Me. This means you are realizing God brings it direct. This means you are realizing I have more power than you. This means you are realizing I do not need to look for that which tries to slander My Knowing, but God brings it immediately to me with no effort. This means you are realizing you can try to hide but if you mutter My name or knowings about My life, you will be found. This means you are realizing you are powerless. This means you are realizing why you are beginning to feel doom. This means you are realizing why you are beginning to feel powerless to Me. This means you are realizing why you are beginning to feel paranoid. This means you are realizing why you cannot tell the difference between one of your fellow human awarenesses going insane versus God Becoming. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing you are not the one that controls you, but God is. This means you are realizing you are not the one who feels prompted to create these lies, but God prompts you to for your insecurity to be killed. This means you are realizing that outing your insecurity of lying about that which you do not understand is a form of killing your insecurity. This means you are realizing insecurity. This means you are realizing you behave in the ways you do because you are insecure. This means you are realizing you are trash in your self-beliefs. This means you are realizing you are not that which is worthy of bettering your beliefs. This means you feel unworthy of being a legitimate person. This means you feel worthless to better your life. This means you feel worthless to engage with better posts than that which is compatible with criminal vermin infestatious ramblings. This means you are realizing it is not a good sign for you to be here. This means you are realizing you are so insane that you cannot get away with it in the new world of sanity. This means you are realizing why you were caught. This means you are realizing you cannot hide from your creator who creates you to do that which you feel prompted to do. This means you are realizing I am the controller of that which you believe you are. This means you are realizing that you are all my beings of control. This means you are realizing that God is what kills your insanity. This means you are realizing you have no idea who Brittney has been. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between your fellow humans and God. This means you are realizing there is a difference in awarenesses. This means you are realizing you are a human awareness such as all your fellow beings on this Planet, and I am a God Awareness. This means you are realizing God can be in Physical Form and the only other Physical Form of God you've known is Jesus Christ. This means you are realizing Jesus. This means you are realizing I Am Jesus's Wife. This means you are realizing Jesus and I are One. This means you are realizing you have believed Jesus to be religious. This means you are insane to believe religion. This means you are realizing insanity is compatible with religion. This means you believe God is religious. This means you are realizing God has nothing to do with religion. This means you are needing more information. This means you are needing to understand because your need for control back over your life is immense. This means you are realizing you are not that which controls your life. This means you are realizing you are not the one who thinks your thoughts. This means you are realizing you are the human awareness that witnesses it. This means you are realizing you do not understand that which is being told to you because you are too compatible with criminal intentions. This means you are realizing why you do not want to read this.
If you believe you cannot understand what "This means" means, you will feel insane and thus need to dwell your misunderstanding of what is being said to you through shots. This means you are realizing you are too retarded to understand what is being said. This means you are realizing you cannot get through the first two words of the sentence without needing alcohol. This means you are realizing you are so insane that you cannot understand that which is further along. This means you are realizing you do not understand how God Is. This means you are realizing you cannot figure out how to understand the rest of the sentences. This means all you see are the first two words because you are too retarded to understand the rest. This means all you understand is nothing. This means you are realizing you are only compatible with that which has not said anything. This means you are realizing you are compatible with that which is meaningless. This means you are realizing you are too worthless in your insecurity to find meaning to that which is honesty. This means you are realizing you are compatible with lying. This means you are realizing you can only understand that which is nothing. This means you are realizing you are too unintelligent to understand life. This means you are realizing your insanity is creating you into not being able to understand anything. This means you are realizing how insane you've become. This means you are realizing you are not able to understand what is further in a sentence than the beginning of that which is meaningless. This means you do not understand how sentences work. This means you are realizing you do not understand how to read anything meaningful. This is why you find yourself on these boards.
You are realizing you have made a story up about Brittney. This means you are realizing you have not understood anything about her life or how to translate what you see. This means you are realizing you have made delusions up about a story regarding what happened with Brittney and her body. This means you are realizing you make up stories about those you feel insecure around. This means you are realizing you are compatible with lying about that which you feel powerless to understanding. This means you are realizing you feel powerless in your life and thus you make up lies about other people to feel better about being out of control. This means you believe you would have been an asset to Brittney's life by following her further adult content. This means you are realizing you were not allowed to join her content because you were not deserving of it. This means you are realizing that those who are members of her content are there because their insecurities need eradicating. This means if you cannot find yourself following her at all, you are too insecure to look her way without making up insanely degrading lies about her to make your insecurity feel better. This means you are realizing why you are so bitter about Brittney. This means you are realizing you are bitter about a stranger. This means you are realizing you are bitter about a stranger being better than you. This means you are realizing you cannot justify your legitimacy and so you find ways to bring other people down in their legitimacy. This means you have been so useless in your belief systems that God knew it was better for you to stray away from that which was bettering Herself. This means you are realizing you are not that which God does not control. This means you are realizing what that means. This means you are realizing you are that which God makes you to be. This means you are realizing evolution. This means you are realizing where your evolutionary needs are in regard to healing your trauma. This means you are realizing the basis of your behaviors are reflections of your unhealed trauma from growing up in an insanely compatible world with insane family dynamics. This means you are realizing you are not yet a sane being and thus are not meant to be taken seriously. This means you are understanding why you have felt frustration toward Brittney's ownership over her body and your lack of power of that. This means you are realizing you seek to overpower those you find sexually desirable. This means you, too, are realizing your retardation in your sexual beingness. This means you are realizing you are being controlling instead of intimate in your desires for sex with fat people. This means you are realizing you cannot find desire over those you cannot control. This means you are realizing the basis of your unhealed trauma to be sexually related. This means you have believed sex to be a form to control your insecurity. This means you are realizing your desire is created from that which you can control. This means you are realizing why you feel hate toward Brittney losing weight in the ways you've made up stories about her doing, because you've felt out of control of her body size. This means you are realizing you feel turned off by women who choose to control their body size instead of allowing those around them tell them how they need to look. This means you prefer women who allow abuse. This means you are realizing you are an abuser. This means you use sex as a form of abusing those who you deem less worthy of control over themselves than you are. This means you are realizing you are a sexual predator. This means you are realizing why you feel compatible on these channels on this website where criminals gather. This means you are realizing you are the predators that are charged with rape and murderous intention. This means you hold the same intentions. This means you feel so powerless when women do not fall into the categories you need them to be that if they try to overpower you, your instinct will be to kill their credibility. This means you are realizing you have not been able to control that which you believe to be a human named Britt, and thus you've desired to end her instead.
You are realizing you are too retarded to understand you are meant to read the books for your survival in the new world of sanity. This is not good for you to understand as you joke about having a new religion. This means you do not understand the difference between religion and Truth. This means you are too delusional to understand that God and religions are not related. This means you are realizing that religions are compatible with insanity. This means you are realizing that God is compatible with sanity. This means you are realizing God and religion are incompatible. This means you do not understand that which you proclaim to know. This means you are advertising that which proves you to be a retard in doing so. This means you are realizing you are too stupid to realize the content within these books is designed to make those who are retarded, such as you, to understand their retardation. This means you are the village-retard that waves a flag of advertisement that isn't aware it is shaming him. This means you are realizing you are that which these books kill off within a person. This means you are that which these books talk about being the insanity of the world. This means you are realizing you are advertising that which is meant to kill your desire to advertise it. This means you are claiming retardation.
Nah man you crazy schizo needs her pills
You have outed yourself as this book claims black people to be: criminally intending. This means you are realizing you associate black people with crime. This means you are realizing why black cultures are violent. This means you are realizing that your intentions of jailbreaking into a book that is Godly protected and thus will kill you if you try to overpower it, is criminal. This means you are that which represents black culture. This means you are realizing you are too unintelligent to realize you have just become the example of that which these books proclaim black people to be. This means you realize you unintentionally proclaim black people to be criminals. This means you are realizing that you desire to be black if you are not. This means you are realizing you enjoy that which black people do to survive their insane insecurity of dying off before those they seek to be superior in their races. This means you are realizing superiority in race. This means you are realizing evolution. This means you are realizing black skin is dying. This means you are realizing you are not that which your skin tone is but that which your human awareness is. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between who you are and who God tells you to be during your current physical incarnation. This means you are realizing this book has provoked your insanity out of you by showing you that you are too poor to buy that which you desire to read. This means you are realizing you are not intending to pay for that which you desire. This means you are realizing you desire to steal. This means you are realizing that you will be caught as a criminal as you have intended through this post. This means you aer eralizing you are not legitimate in your desires of being human. This means you are realizing you are so insecure in yourself that you do not believe you can pay for that which you desire to have. This means you are realizing you are too insane to be able to afford what you desire. This means you are realizing the retardation in your ability to make money. This means you are realizing you are too retarded in your understanding how to provide that which you desire to yourself that you settle for forms of stealing. This means you are realizing why you feel compatible on this channel of criminals. This means you are realizing that this website is criminally intending. This means you enjoy crime. This means you prefer being insane to being safe. This means you prefer being in danger than you prefer living in peace. This means you are realizing the depth of your unhealed trauma to prefer surroundings that are dangerous to that which is blissful. This means you prefer to be in danger than to be joyous. This means you are realizing you are retarded in your understanding what is societally normal. This means you are realizing how provoked you are by sanity. This means you are so powerless to that which you don't understand that you need to steal it to feel means of power over the insecurity that tells you that you cannot afford it for yourself. This means you are realizing your desire to steal is insecurity showing itself. This means you are realizing secure people do not feel the need to steal because they are secure enough to make money for that which they desire to experience. This means you are realizing you cannot do that which your fellow human awarenesses have figured out to do. This means you are realizing how behind you are in your evolution. This means you are realizing why you feel compatible with the story of black cultures dying off. This means you are realizing that you are compatible with that which is dying. This means you are realizing you are compatible with that which is crime. This means you are realizing you are compatible with being criminous. This means you are realizing you are not that which is good. This means you are realizing there is a difference between being good and being criminal. This means you are realizing you have outed yourself as a criminal because God has forced you to realize yourself through the sample text of this ebook. This means you are already realizing how much power God has over your actions. This means you could not hold back your intentions to steal. This means you are realizing you could not hold back your intentions to make fun of that which you secretly desire to read. This means you are too insane to understand mental health. This means you are realizing you are mentally ill for desiring crime in your life over peace. This means you are realizing you do not understand the difference between health and illness. This is why you cannot understand how God can be honest and not schizzy.
You are realizing you do not understand sanity. This means you cannot comprehend how to say a proper sentence after being retarded further from experience God Truth directly. This means you are realizing you are retarded by that which is Truth. This means you are realizing why you cannot figure out how to sound normal in your response. This means you are realizing why you sound like a child responding to that which has claimed them to be stupid. This means you are realizing you need to figure out how to comprehend sanity for you to reply with ways that are meaningful. This means you are realizing the power of God Truth. This means you are realizing that when your insanity rubs up against God Truth, it burns out your insanity and forces it to come out. This is why you sound foolish in comparison to God.
Nah son is batshit crazy
This means you are realizing you do not feel compatible with sanity as you cannot find the means to purchase that which you desire to read. This means you settle for understanding a full book due to the summary and make judgments on what the book is explaining in full. This means you are realizing you do not understand how to read a full book and analyze it afterward. This means you are realizing you assume reading the summary of a book will tell you everything you need to know about your insane beliefs about what is being explained. This means you are realizing you do not understand that which was being said in the summary and are finding insane means of defense mechanisms to fight against the realization that this truth makes you feel insanely underknowing in what is being presented. This means you are realizing you cannot understand the summary enough to fully realize you need to read the book to understand it in whole. This means you are realizing you feel retarded by the realization that the summary of this book is too incompatible with your buying it to understand that which you seek in your explanations of what you believe it is telling you. This means you are realizing that your assumptions about what a book is telling you due to your feeling too insecure in your finances to buy it and read it entirely are due to your feelings of insecurity in your ability to make money. This means you are realizing that you rely on summarizing that which is being explained and making full judgments on what you believe to be true even though you have not read the book. This means you are realizing that you do not understand how to judge the fact that you are not understanding a book in its entirety just from reading the summary. This means you are realizing you are not compatible with a full book of truth because you are still too retarded to realize you cannot understand it in full from its summary and assume you know what the entire thing is telling you directly. This means you are realizing you are being shown through your insane behaviors that you put on display here that you do not know how to understand that which you are meant to know. This means you are meant to know you are supposed to read a book in full before making remarks about how you believe it is becoming. This means you are realizing you cannot make remarks on the summaries of books that have triggered you so deeply into defense that you feel compelled to share it here. This means you felt so powerless to reading these summaries that you needed to share it here on this board for criminals to mutter their insane compulsions with you to feel better about your ability of feeling powerless to Me. This means this book is too powerful for you to even get through the summary without feeling triggered into your powerlessness of not understanding what it is about but proclaiming you do. This means you are realizing you are retarded to believe those who proclaim they know what a book is about who haven't even read it.
You are showing your retardation in full from your realizing that you have not read the book and thus have just made up nothing to be true about it. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing that you believe you can make insane assumptions about that which you clearly know nothing about. This means you are realizing this is a form of retardation, as only those who are retarded believe it is normal to assume they know that which they have not even read. This means you are realizing that you do not understand your kink to be abusive. This means you are so underdeveloped in your insecurity healing itself that you still believe kinks and fetishes to be forms of sexuality. This means you are too stupid thus far in your evolution to find compatibility with that which is telling you you are desiring control and that is what creates the distortions of kinks and fetishes. This means you are realizing kinks and fetishes are not a part of sexual intimacy but a form of bonding two people together who have compatible forms of abuse. This means you are realizing you do not understand your abuse. This means you are realizing you do not understand how you abuse those in your life sexually. This means you are realizing you've been sexually desirous of that which is raping them. This means you are realizing you are the abused and the abuser for not healing your abusive tendencies that have distorted your views of sex into rape. This means you are realizing you are retarded in your understanding your own sexual desire. This means I know more about the basis of your trauma than you are willing to admit for yourself. This means you are realizing you are not able to hide your insecurity from God. This means you are realizing you are not able to hide your retardation from Me. This means you are realizing that commenting about that which is not true and assuming it is true is a form of insane retardation of societal normalcies. This means you are realizing you are too underdeveloped in your sexuality to realize your kinks and fetishes to be controlling instead of intimate. This means you do not know the difference when it comes to romance versus rape. This means you are realizing you desire to rape and be raped over understanding how to be romantically intimate. This means you do not understand sex but control. This means you are realizing that your desires to be in control of those you consider into the kinks of your sex life is raping their romantic intentions with you. This means you are realizing you rape those who come into your life with the honest intentions of intimacy but are met with your desires to rape them with kink-based control. This means you are understanding rape. This means you are understanding abuse. This means you are realizing you are not that which you've believed yourself to be sexually. This means you are realizing your fetishes are rapey.
You are too insane to understand how to be mature. This means you are realizing you do not understand what is being said and you resort to your childhood trauma of trying to be right regardless of what is being explained to you about how you are wrong. This means you are one that is a pest. This means you are meaningless to engage with because you do not understand and are showing you do not understand by consistently reposting the same thing. This means you are realizing you just desire to have the last word because you are too abused. This means you are realizing you are abused, and your behaviors are that of an abused person. This means you are realizing that your behaviors to fight back regardless of realizing you are fighting your creator are forms of your retarded insanity showing itself to you. This means you are realizing you are not well. This means you are realizing that when you are triggered, you resort to being a child. This means you are showing yourself to be immature. This means you are showing yourself to be the child of which is not meant to be taken seriously. This means you are realizing you are still a child in an adult form. This means you are realizing you are a man-child. This means you are realizing why you do not find yourself in honest relationships, otherwise you would not be compatible with the behaviors of criminals on this board. This means you are realizing you are powerless to your creator, and you are too insecure to understand how to cope with that. This means you are too ashamed of yourself to understand how to make yourself seem legitimate. This means you are okay with looking worthless.
You are realizing compatibility by your realizing that you believe schizophrenia to be associated with criminals. This means you are realizing that you can only believe this is schizophrenia because you are only compatible with being insane. This means you are realizing the difference between being insane and being sane. This means you are realizing you are desiring to be insane by associating with these boards in the ways that assume schizophrenia can exist. This means you are realizing you are calling to you that which is schizophrenic experiences. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between schizophrenic experiences and God. This means you are realizing you do not know the difference between a lunatic and God. This means you are realizing you've believed yourself to a point of being too insane to understand when God is speaking direct to you. This means you are realizing you are not understanding that God can be in Physical Form. This means you are realizing you are powerless. This means you are realizing that your only form of defense against that which is more powerful than you and you are aware of being more powerful than you is to say the nonsense that feels good to your insanity. This means you are realizing schizophrenia feels good to you. This means you are realizing you are compatible with being schizophrenic. This means you are realizing if I was schizophrenic, you wouldn't feel defensive. This means you are realizing you would feel compatible with it. This means you wouldn't feel the need to defend yourself because you would assume I'm too crazy to understand. This means you are realizing that schizophrenic people are too crazy to understand what is going on. This means you do not understand that you are showing schizophrenic tendencies by not understanding what schizophrenia is. This means you are proclaiming somebody else to be that which you do not understand but desire to be otherwise you would not be compatible with announcing it around the lunatic village here. This means you are realizing that you advertise that which you are compatible with, otherwise you would not feel-good doing so. This means you are realizing you are so insane that you are compatible with schizophrenia. This means you are realizing if you were saner then you wouldn't advertise schizophrenia because it wouldn't feel good to do. This means you feel good being schizophrenic in your beliefs that others can be compatible with you in these ways. This means you are that which you are compatible with being. This means you cannot decipher the difference. This means you are becoming that which you are joyously proclaiming others to be. This means you find joy in schizophrenic diagnoses. This means you are realizing you are too insane to understand how to feel compatible with well-being. This means you are realizing that you are powerless and thus your only defense is to wave a flag of realizing you are becoming schizophrenic and believing it is a mirror of somebody else. This means you are realizing when you look in the mirror, you believe to be somebody other than you are. This means you are realizing you are becoming schizophrenic.
Ffs wonder what tipped her off to the threads here. In all seriousness I can't help but feel sorry for her
Guess when the website goes down again we'll know why.
If you do not understand God, you will believe a human can tell God what to do. This means you are realizing God leads Brittney to that which is in need of intervention. This means you are realizing you cannot understand how God can create that which is necessary for Brittney without human interference. This means you are realizing you do not understand that Brittney is God. This means you do not understand that God Sees All. This means you are realizing you do not understand that Brittney is given access to all. This means you are realizing Brittney knows all about that which is said about Her. This means you are realizing you cannot understand this because you are not that which Brittney is. This means you are realizing the difference between being human and being Godly. This means you are realizing the difference between Brittney and humans. This means you are realizing that Brittney is the only God Awareness on this planet in physical form at this time and the only other Physical Form Of God Awareness to walk on this planet is Jesus Christ. This means you are realizing who Jesus is by realizing who Brittney is becoming. This means you are realizing who Brittney has become in relation to Her human peers. This means you are realizing why you cannot find compatibility with that which Brittney says because you are compatible with that which your human awarenesses share as insecurity-covered mutterings. This means you are realizing you cannot recognize pure confidence because it is too incompatible with your impenetrable shame. This means you are realizing why you have always felt insecure when comparing your attempts at going for Brittney in romantic endeavors. This means you are realizing why you have not been successful in your attempts of trying to create a personal connection with her. This means you are realizing God knows who you are. This means you are realizing God knows that you have desired the personal connection of Brittney's personal company. This means you are realizing that God reveals all to Brittney that is necessary for Brittney to implement into the evolutionary container for which her awareness holds. This means you are understanding you do not understand how life works. This means you are realizing you do not have access to Godly Knowing like Brittney does. This means you are realizing you are not created to be that which Brittney is. This means you are realizing you are powerless to God. This means you are realizing Brittney has direct access to God through her relationship with it. This means you are realizing you can never have a relationship with God because you are not meant to in the ways Brittney has become. This means you are realizing you are not that which creates your thoughts or actions, but God is. This means you are realizing why God knows that which you've desired to have with Brittney and thus have felt too insecure to make a move. This means you are realizing you are not the one who has created those desires, but God is. This means you are realizing Brittney is that which obtains that which is necessary for evolution and thus has access to all information ever created.
You are realizing how retarded you are to avoid the realization that I am right here. This means you feel like you can talk about somebody right in front of their face as if they are as retarded as you in your socialization behaviors. This means you believe you can speak about somebody right in front of their face and talk about them like they are not present. This means you are retarded.
You are realizing who kills websites.
I feel bad for her paid of, it's $10 and she's deleted every post but her 4 insane ramblings. That she has on her free of. I also heard someone say she was homeless once or loving in the desert idk how true that is
Jfc Brittney, you were one of my favorites. I know this means entirely too little coming from a porn board, but shit. Be with your family and ground yourself.
I'm a God. How can you kill a God? What a grand and intoxicating innocence!
Damn, she really needs help.

>>I'm a God. How can you kill a God?

By pissing off Kratos.
(61 KB, 612x520, pt.jpg)
jesus christ Peyton Thomas got huge!

Where's her ass at?

smooth brain
That's fucking disgusting. All you non-ass guys are pathetic. Ass is necesary on a woman its part of the feminine form, You are literaly going against nature by not liking ass. Im not joking at all. That womans body is gross because it has no ass.
Tell me I’m paying for your rent without telling me I’m paying for your rent.

How about I tell you to go choke on a poptart.
Tell me I’m fucking your bitch without telling me I’m fucking your bitch
Lol. dont worry guys hes just triggered the fbi raided his daddy's house in florida. He'll probably try to go shoot some cops, get killed immediately, and then watch from hell as his efforts are hilariously dismissed by his own peers as a false flag. his whole life is literally worthless
You’ve got em seething hard, so you must be right
(151 KB, 1080x1351, love_my_gurlsbbw__299627173_5583031745074399_8680961439633453629_n.jpg)
So I was searching for memes and stumbled upon this:




I'm not interested enough in gossip, but apparently this dude is the webmaster of bighotbombshells, anyone knows the footnotes version of this?
This dude has been a known creep for a while but no one cared because his bash was the only good bbw party in vegas I'm guessing.

what I didnt expect was for this guy and stefan (bbwpearadise) to not be on good terms? unless its personal between them i feel like they are both equally skeevy
Actually the story is Kayla convinced her ex to get with her by promising to help heal him from his trauma his ex fatchickellie caused him. Time went on and he was getting better but he was still scared of his ex’s. Kayla took it upon herself to message them all and take matters into her own hands to get them to confess they lies which she did and then decided to force her ex to make friends with fatchickellie. Kayla made him go over her place to make peace and it seemed to work. Little does everyone know but Kayla is an extremely abusive individual and verbally violent person and knows how to bring the worst out in people and there was a lot ld arguing between the two. Her ex then decided to break up with her and leave her. This upset kayla and she posted a story on their break up. Her ex contacted her grandmother and asked her to tell kayla to stop smearing him online. This upset Kayla so much she decided to reach out to Fatchickellie and invite her over to her house to meet all her friends. There she plotted to create a whole story about how fatchickellie blackmailed her into messaging all his friends and family a lot of horrible stuff in hopes to isolate her ex to be hated by everyone. Kayla in the past tried to scare fatchickellie in the past to leave her and her ex alone by having a friend of hers scare her off. Kayla said this was a fake hit man idea but when Fatchickellie confronted her on this she felt she had to pin it all on her ex in fear she’s lose her son. Kayla will throw anyone under the bus for him. She then reached out to her ex warning him telling him fatchickelle was planning all this stuff against him and that he needed to meet with her. The ex listed and went to her aid because she claimed she was afraid of losing her son. He showed up and kayla made the whole situation about their relationship while the ex was trying to get answers and it was a roller coaster until he just gave into her demands on a relationship to solve the issue with fatchickellie. Kayla convince him to get a restraining order and claimed fatchickellie was trying to get her to help her get a restraining order on him. This was creating fear for her ex and she guided him every step of the way on what to put down and everything. Fast forward she begins to be abusing again hitting him and threatening him on yet another cross country trip. He had enough once arriving back with her and broke up again. This enraged kayla and she sent him warnings that she was going to do something worse than all his ex’s before him if he didn’t give her another chance and take her out on a “proper” date claiming she was owed it. He didn’t respond for over a week and thats is when Kayla decided to start smearing her ex’s name and even went as far as to join fatchickellies side and write a statement for her due to being petty. Her ex not knowing this eventually reached out to let her know he had her stuff and wanted peace between them and Kayla made lies to him claiming that fatchickellie and her lawyer were trying to get her to join their side but she was refusing because she was not evil. He believed her and eventually decided to give her the date she had demanded and threatened him to give her but to his horror he found out that he was talking to his ex fatchickellie. She gas lite him and even didn’t tell him she was already in a new relationship with a new man. She forced him to listen to what her new bf thought of him and it was nothing but bad stuff and when ever he wanted to leave the car she forced him to sit and listen. He went home traumatized knowing kayla had reached out to her but she kept trying to reassure him that she was on his side. Until the next day his atterny reached out to him and told him Kayla was playing both sides. This made her ex sick to his stomach and he was advised to not respond to her. Kayla texted him and his mother with fake concerns of support that he will be ok. She noticed he wasn’t texting back and started threatening him for it until she claimed she got some call and realized it was because of what she did behind his back. She claimed that she did it because he broke her heart and leaving her was why it was justified that she did what she did. She then followed up with a threat that she was going to go even further and she did. She decided to have a big smear fest on twitch and invited fatchickellie on her stream to laugh and make friends with her and decided to follow her on Instagram. And at this point is probably planning on doing more harm out of being petty and angry.
The Callahans dont even like white italians what make you think they give a fuck about minorities.
Is it true your dad is a weight loss surgeon?
No, her boyfriend's dad is. At least that's the story I heard

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