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How well do you feel that the material of this fetish is being preserved? Will models of today be assessable in 100 years? What has already been lost? Can something be done better for the sake of posterity? I think it would be awfully neat for fellow fat fetish-ers of the future to look upon the history of their kink. To have the complete curated works of models of days past to go through would be a thrill for them. What got me thinking about this, is that the old Dimensions magazines seem to not have been scanned into PDF's. Well, actually a few have (based on my search on the Dimensions forum). But here's the kicker. The links are dead! So much for that attempt at preservation! Maybe someone here has the whole run scanned into PDF. If so, perhaps it should be thrown on archive.org. If someone has the complete run physically and unscanned, oh boy, you might have a new chore on your list for today!
I feel you, I hate to see link rot and lost content. Unfortunately my relationship with this fetish is sort of on-and off, and I don't want to think about it unless I'm horny.

One of the times I felt I had enough of having gigabytes of porn on my computer I desided to dump the whole thing onto the Internet Archive and be done with that forever. And ever since then, I hold myself to that.

Now, IA technically doesn't like porn, though only a copuple of these videos are strictly pornographic. So I can't guarantee its permanence either. Porn is not valued highly and even ppl like the archive team say stuff like "ppl save porn anyways lol"

Either way, this is the archive n question: https://archive.org/details/@fdm2

It mostly contains stuff from youtube, but also stuff I downloaded from here.
Bit disorganised, but like I've said, I promised myself I won't be more invested once I'm done with getting things up there. Unfortunately, unlike Wiki Commons, IA won't allow you to categories other's' files. idk, maybe one day I feel especially autistic I'll fix it.
Perhaps it should become custom that when a models website goes defunct, someone should upload a site-rip to archive.org. There are plenty of models that would merit this treatment. For example: Viva La Valerie, Cindy G, Cajun Big EZ, ect...
Cindy G and Valerie site-rips have did the rounds here. The fact that no has ripped Cajun site is sad, the sub price was $10 FFS. Same for Starstruck.

I think I do my part, I might be the only person who grabbed everything from MsSuperdome's site since I knew how to bypass their piracy protection algorithm after two tries and have scraped hundred of social media profiles, including now-offline ones like Gina Marie's TikTok, Curvaceous Fiona and Bed Bexford.
A real challenge lies in perseving the entirety of clip stores, buying all clips from a store can cost you upwards of $1000.
For example I have, around 250 BBBXXL clips, which is %45 of her output and around 80 Lucious Amazon vids, that's %20!
That's where this site should come in handy. I have shared more than 100GB this month, but sometimes I feel like keeping my cards close to my chest cause of the lack of reciprocation. A few days ago I showed that a trial sub to Tokyo Rose is cheaper than $10, but anons still kept begging even when they should know that her target audience likely isn't among the lurkers here.
>Cindy G and Valerie site-rips have did the rounds here.>
I already have them. I mentioned them as good candidates for being thrown on archive.org. Who knows if they'll continue to be shared here in 100 years.

>The fact that no has ripped Cajun site is sad, the sub price was $10 FFS.>
Its a real shame. What other BBWs have become lost media on Southern Charms?

>A real challenge lies in perseving the entirety of clip stores, buying all clips from a store can cost you upwards of $1000.>
Yep, that's a huge logistical mess. Nobody can single handily (or at least SHOULD) pay for all the clips on those sites. Maybe more coordinated preservation efforts with excel documents showing what videos have or haven't been acquired and who's bought what, are in order.
I think there is some validity to this. There are bits and pieces of Patricia Perez (Goddess Patty) in a video called “Day in the Life” (or something like that) floating around. I would have loved to see the whole thing, since the snippets are so on point for me. I even talked with Patty before she died, and she lamented that she didn’t have any copies remaining, nor the master file.

You think the internet is forever, but in actuality it is not.
A few people have mentioned arealfg Gina's stuff which apart from the short "last stand" video and what little was shown in the fat girls and feeders documentary appears to be lost to time. Maybe someone should hit that creep cunt Mark up. He's still alive and active on facebook
>I already have them. I mentioned them as good candidates for being thrown on archive.org. Who knows if they'll continue to be shared here in 100 years.
Valerie would probably object to that if you did it right now, though, from what I understand the Internet Archive never removes files from its database after a DMCA request they just (temporary?) stall it.
>What other BBWs have become lost media on Southern Charms?
Difficult to say, their site is excluded from the WayBack Machine. Kelly James maybe. If Aaronica and Cameran put out videos, those might be lost.
>Maybe more coordinated preservation efforts with excel documents showing what videos have or haven't been acquired and who's bought what, are in order.
I have done this for some clip stores actually. Ideally we would start up the array (that's a pipe dream tho) again to deal with the frequent reup requests that would commence if bought/shared lists were maintained.
>>16778 (OP)
I've always wondered about a certain YouTuber in the early days, probably around 2008 at the earliest who did belly play videos from a top-down perspective on what looked like a screen-mounted webcam, and DEFINTILEY contributed to my interest in the fetish. Don't have a name or anything else to go on, really.

I DID manage to track down two fatty YouTubers who I was getting off to way early in my development around the same time, and unfortunately one is now a feeder (but still fat, probably fatter) and the other is only active for about a month at a time before disappearing for about a month or two again... and was probably underage when she was doing YouTube, but she's absolutely huge now.
In addition to the Dimensions magazines being lost into obscurity, so too have the Dimensions Wide Angle Pictorials. Although I believe the ones with Betsy have been preserved, I would have liked to have seen those early ones with Heather and Zsalynn.

If I'm not wrong, I believe the ones with Brie Brown survived too. Now since you mention Betsy, I'm curious as to what's the survival rate with her stuff. With her being such an early SSBBW in the scene, I'd like to add her to my collection.
Woah boy! By giving me that link, I saw a BBW named Terra who modeled in Dimensions. She caught my eye, so I typed "Terra Dimensions Magazine". Lo and behold there's a link to a Dimensions Magazine PDF from some obscure site!

Here you go, buckaroos!

>>16778 (OP)
Shit I used to have so much of the stuff mentioned here — all the Dims videos, Dims paper magazines from before they were color to when they stopped pubbing, the RealFG videos, some Layla and Teighlor XXX stuff, a bunch of Bountiful Productions vids, Rockshots greeting cards, Bulge zines, plus a stack of BUFs and PBWs. A life well-lived lol.

Between moving several times and relationships, analog erotica became more and more of a PITA. Finally I put my VCR in the basement after digitizing a few favorite videos then shed the collection in batches. Pre-/early internet there was obviously a lot less fat erotica o/a and after looking at the same few items for years I figured I'd had my fill anyway. The mid 00s started the explosion of digital content and saving old physical shit seemed stupid.

Now it's been 10+ years since I got rid of the last of it and I do wish I had the Dims mags, and some of their vids I didn't consider worthy of digitizing at the time. The mags especially, unique and pretty amazing as a serious, professional attempt at a "lifestyle" mag for FAs.

Oh and I had a drive failure along the way where I lost a shitload of stuff from dims website, and a lot of 1st gen webmodels plus a few of the vids I'd digitized. Think of the last scene in The Name of the Rose.
Thank you very much. The Betsy content is quite a treat. One thing I found particularly of note was this image. I counted 241 images that you uploaded. Is this another thing to throw onto the lost media list?
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Thank you very much. The Betsy content is quite a treat. One thing I found particularly of note was this image. I counted 241 images that you uploaded. Is this another thing to throw onto the lost media list?
That's quite disheartening to hear. Little did you know that you were a "keeper of the flame", back then. Its important for all of us to remember that with the present day data we have, we are in the same position you were in. Hopefully, we can use the mistakes of the past to learn from them. Now, I must pose an interesting question. How many other people, do you think, amassed a similar collection in the past and what are the chances they kept it?
Here are two Brie Brown Dimensions vids:

As for the magazines, I don´t think those are lost media, I can imagine that an editor has a stack of them tucked in a box somewhere and doesn´t expect there to be much demand for a scan.

Do you guys ever think that a webmaster will drop a bunch of free stuff for the fuck of it when he checks out? Lot´s of hidden parts on BBWRoyalty don´t need authentication to enter which i´m pretty sure Stu did intentionally lol.
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Nice thread
Yes, I'd say that's probably lost media. All the pictures that were uploaded came from her website, so I'm sure there were some images only on that CD-ROM.
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If I ever have the ability to time travel..
The magazines certainty have to be out there. The thing is with these things is that the longer they go unscanned, the more likely something could go wrong. Regarding webmasters (and models) offering free stuff upon retiring: They should have a plan to distribute everything for free if the content won't be available to purchase anymore. If you're not going to monetize it anymore, it might as well be free. This should be standard custom. However, I don't think that they consider their life's work valuable to posterity.
I'm going to start a thread about this CD on the SSBBW board. Maybe the right eyes will see it.
>>16778 (OP)

I'll put a note on my computer right before I die, don't worry
Yep. Kelligrl and I would have become close, and she’d never have disappeared

The fuck did you bump for? You didn't add anything.
I'll add something to make that guys bump not in vain:
Name models whose content is most likely to become lost. What's endangered and should therefore be prioritized to be site-ripped?
Nothing is guaranteed to stay up for all time. Though I think the BBWSurf USSBBWs are particularly in danger of their "health" rapidly denegrating at any moment

The Stuffer31 site is rotting away with nearly half of the models have missing videos or whole profiles all together. The C4S store is an unorganized mess, so that means there's no way to get access to these videos.
It occurred to me yesterday, that in the next decade or two, complete oeuvres are going to be gargantuan in file size. In that time frame we should see many of the models of today retire. Individual videos can be one GB or more these days so things are looking pretty hefty.
So I'm pretty active on Gigatribe. And I now have a filled up external hard drive with 1TB of potential space. The obvious solution is to buy another - after all, the cost of something with twice as much space is now cheaper than when I bought it. In addition, however, I've been running every file that's over a gigabyte through Handbrake, making sure to set the frame rate to the source file's. It's something to help cram in as much as possible, but it's not a perfect solution. There's still archives that are incomplete and my favorite fatties are still producing content. Still, I gotta do something - I have 100GB in my computer to fit into 5 GB of free space. The only bright side is I'm also clearing out duplicates along the way.
How big do you reckon a complete (As of this moment) collection of everything Adeline or Juicy Jackie has done, would be? How many more years will they be producing content and how much bigger would the file size be by then? I don't really collect for current models other then observing the occasional, sensational clip and then deleting it. I much prefer collecting for retired or semi-retired models, since it's so much easier. I'm quite fascinated by the prospect of people pleading others to re-upload 100 GB worth of files. How would that work out?
Probably would have to leave your computer running at least a few days for each model. Some clips are already compact, but even compressing a 2GB clip to 25% of its size takes a half hour. Best get started on those active ones with a huge library - they'll be retired before you know it.
The 104 uncompressed JJ clips I own are together 133GB. I prefer to leave them untouched but videos with a bitrate above give or take 2500kbps are decent enough.

It's hard to predict for how long clip stores stay up, some models like Ash close them when they retire. Amazon Blythe & Carrieland for example haven't been active for years, their paysites have been closed but their Clips4Sale pages are still open and then there are dead models with stores like Rhonda (who's profiting off of her?).

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