
Wow. I should watch Pitch Perfect

My man! Thank you.
Wilson gains weight throughout the series, and someone figure out she's the best/most popular character so by the third sequel it's half her movie. They're chick flicks but well-written and if you get into the camp spirit of them kind of funny.

>>16497 (OP)
This paper is 1° from parody, and so many under-baked, flat-out wrong suppositions I gave up by the second page trying to list them. Modern liberal arts academia is a fraud and a joke and deserves every insult it gets.
Can we make this a Rebel Wilson thread? It astounds me to no end that she decided to lose weight and get rid of what made her stand out in Hollywood. She wasn't getting roles because she was charming and well-trained, it's because she's was the funny fat girl archetype. Genuinely makes no sense to me - she threw away her entire schtick for brownie points.
Weight gain????? FUCK YES
The dude got his paper, why not? So, yeah, Wilson... Her body, her rules. Cool, np, I wish her well IRL, etc but this is a discussion board all about objectifying women and I have thoughts:

• I get why she wants to lose weight — being a fat woman, even rich and famous — sucks. It just does. You're 24/7 a walking sponge for the world's angry judgement. Ever walk around with a fat woman in public? Even with the ascension of SA we're still socialized to think fat = weak and disgusting. I'm not being a white knight. This is a fact, and it's why there's a trillion dollar diet industry, 90% aimed at women. It's why they go through horrible surgery that might well kill them and almost certainly shorten their lives. It wouldn't be that way if being fat wasn't most women's worst nightmare. I'd argue (and do below) and I'll bet her agents would too, that she had MORE of a chance of grabbing leading lady roles fat, so I don't think this was about brownie points. This was about not being A Fat Chick.

• Thing is, she's a weird-looking thin person. This goes for her body and her face. This is not FA bitterness either. Once Adele gained back a few pounds from her lowest weight and lost the hollow starvation look she's actually pretty hot. Not my thing, but objectively mainstream attractive. Wilson is not, and I'd argue she was objectively more attractive as a fat chick. The fat actually suited her, her face in particular.

• And so riffing off what you (16569 Anon) are saying, I don't predict a long leading lady career at this size, once the Cinderella novelty factor wears off. Fair or not, it seems female comic/romcom leads are attractive but girl-next-door, not threateningly so, and have mainstream personal appeal — they're not edgy or overly quirky. Think Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon. That said, Wilson didn't have great success as a leading lady while fat, unlike Melissa McCarthy, because...

• Wilson — and this is why I dig her — is a fucking weirdo. Her energy is weird, she says weird shit. I've seen her interviewed and she has the same sense of humor as her weirdest characters. She got away with that indeed because she was fat and that's kind of weird too, at least in Hollywood. It made her a great character actress in Bridesmaids, Pitch Perfect, Night at the Museum, Jojo Rabbit. Maybe she can continue in supporting roles channeling that weirdness at her new size. Not sure she can, because fat was part of her schtick. Who knows.
I was disappointed when she lost weight because I thought she was really hot before, but on the other hand I'm glad she's happy and healthy and I wish her all the best.

A few years ago, I was dating an SSBBW. I can't remember exactly how it came up in conversation (although she probably asked me if there were any famous fat women I fancied), but I ended up telling her that I found Rebel Wilson attractive. This had her totally baffled and a bit grossed out - even though she was a lot bigger than RW. In hindsight this should've been my first wake up call that she was extremely insecure about her own weight, lol
Yeah, short and pretty stupid paper. I don't know why i was expecting something more interesting. A random twitter thread has a million times better information.

I found one of a mauritanian tradition of putting their women on weight gain diets to prepare them for adulthood and childrearing.

This paper is just a retarded essay about a movie for the most part.
yeah she's definitely a weird looking thin girl. her features are an odd combo of harsh and round now, and I think you're right that she's gonna fall out of the limelight. still, I get why she did it; she was constantly getting typecast as the funny fat girl, and it probably sucked. at the end of the day, I wish her well, but I'm gonna miss the old Rebel Wilson
Bumping with another article request:

As someone old enough to remember the Sokal Hoax, it amuses me that an article about feedism is appearing in Social Text of all places. I don't expect it to be good but I'm curious to read it.
Yeah I don't get why these BBW actresses lose the weight. Who remembers Mimi from the Drew Carry Show? After she lost weight, she became invisible. Sara Rue, probably the first actress I ever wanted to bang, same thing. Lost the weight and now I haven't seen her in literally anything.

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