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Do you think that attraction to BBWs might be related to autism in some way? I remember there was a British model in a documentary that said that a lot of her customers were on the spectrum. That might be the case with sex work in general, but I wonder if there is something different here. Since autistic people generally like weighted blankets and have differences in processing senses. Let me know your thoughts.
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Yes I already wrote this in another thread.

See rdos.net data, especially the Neanderthal theory and evaluation pages.

>difficulty accurately ascertaining sizes and shapes, etc/spatial reasoning
>love of pressure, weight, warmth
>autistic women often suffer EDs/obsessed with body weight some way
>autism correlated with paraphilia/fetishes, often in "sacrifice" for normal sexuality (hence fetishists who call themselves "asexual" etc)
>attraction to "alternative" appearances and lifestyles
>fat associated with motherly or paternal qualities often linked to autist struggle during gestation and childhood
>prone to binging and alternative tastes in food consumption

Many other factors like this sadly very understudied just like Asperger's in general is. Go on Twitter or tumblr or anywhere with a "fats" community and you'll see that there's an obvious rate of autists higher than even normal for online.

When I'm NOT attracted to the morbidly obese, I like women with "unusual" traits like tall lankiness and am repulsed by simply what is "normalfag" and conventional. My brain is wired to love what's out of rhythm in general and the soft and overabundant in particular.

There's a whole world of depth to this topic but alas rdos is the closest scraps pointing to truth I know. Maybe a part of me doesn't want to ruin the mystery,and just enjoy the curse/superpowers.
There is absolutely, 100% a correlation. It's important to clarify that not ALL people in the community are on the spectrum, in fact I'd say it's probably less than 40% but autists do make up a SIGNIFICANT cohort around these parts. If you really dig deep you can find a lot of similarities between chubby chasing and being a furry (seriously, think about all the commonalities feeders are basially the new furfags).
I dont wanna be on the spectrum, I dont want to be autistic
>>16475 (OP) yep. went to get my suspected diagnosis confirmed recently because i read (on here, i think) that paraphelias are strongly correlated with ASD. would explain a lot, actually
I think there's also a definite correlation between BBW models and autism too, women usually dont have fetishes beyond submission/breeding kink stuff, so, to have a weirder fetish like gaining, it's pretty likely there's more than one wire crossed up there.

Picking on the Kraut for being autistic, C'mon mate, that's low hanging fruit, lol.
I heard Sadie is autistic
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>>16475 (OP)
I like fatties, but I don't think it"s related to autism.
A lot of neurodivergents are supposedly assexual. I'm actually ADHD, and I'm into just about everything in a woman. However, I agree that a large number of us are on the 'extreme' end of sexuality.
>>16475 (OP)
I like them bc they’re soft and squishy
I don't think being into BBWs is an autism thing, I think posting on an image board is
>>16475 (OP)
I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case? A lot of what >>16476 says makes sense. It's important not to confuse correlation with causation, however

if it's alright for me to ask, what's your approximate age and how did the diagnostic process go? did they take you seriously despite being an adult? I'm pretty sure I'm autistic because I meet a lot of the requirements (struggling with social interaction, fixations etc) and tend to attract other autistic people. I just feel wandering into a doctor's office and going >doc I think I've got the autism
won't get me very far

can you explain the first graphic? is the activity being represented in the same way as the second one or are areas of red high activity and areas of blue low activity? also is this a reaction to the word/concept of 'hug' or an actual physical hug?
>>16475 (OP)
I'm probably autistic, at the very least I was in the gifted program as a youth and am asexual now but like fat stuff. I think someone else on this site noted about the reason why this fetish is so interesting is because of the progressive element to it, numbers go up and change weights measurements etc.

Do you like big boobs? Or like humongous fat vaginas at all?
The "hug" analysis is in response to a physical hug, which for autists (remember it's on a spectrum) manifests a different bouquet of emotional and neurological cocktails, which ranges from total touch-revulsion to intense yearning (or often a mix, it also depends on circumstances).

For us, there are many autists, especially women, who may hate fat on themselves yet want to suffocate under someone heavy. Again, closest thing I've ever seen to convincing data linking to all this is Neanderthal theory as rdos.net teaches.

Why do speak like English is your second language? I don't know anything about autism and I've never met anyone that autistic maybe a couple with ADHD. Are you trying to say that autistic children are needy and need to be hugged more often? Do you like cocktails?
>I was in the gifted program as a youth
i'm not sure if this is the best indicator of autism? i think it can vary, but i'm pretty sure indicators of autism in youth are signs like struggling with certain subjects but excelling wildly in others. sometimes these fields might not be relevant to the school curriculum so they're placed in alternative learning programs (i don't know what the name for it is in the US). i'm not sure though. it seems like it would be unusual for someone on the spectrum to be in all advanced programs
Yes I am ESL and using a proxy sorry.

It is very likely that you've met high functioning autistics before who are undiagnosed. It is absolutely certain you've encountered them a lot online too and never noticed.

>Are you trying to say that autistic children are needy and need to be hugged more often?

High sensitivity, high empathy, prone t obsession and flights of fancy, love of pressure weight etc. Take a wild guess
Nigga (and everyone else here) just take the rdos.net quiz for the graph to show you if you're more blue or red

>High sensitivity, high empathy, prone t obsession and flights of fancy, love of pressure weight etc. Take a wild guess

Again this made no sense to me but thank you for trying. Sounds like a normal person to me though or maybe I am autistic and don't know it. I don't get a boner from numbers though I am better at math than anybody else I've met. I simply like fat women because I think they are beautiful.
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I am very unlikely to be influenced by peer pressure than most. A cult would be very frustrated with me before they gave up. This goes the Venus of Willendorf. This is what men found to be sexually attractive 25,000 years ago before we had any outside influence. We have almost a cult like fever saying blond skinny and shaved is hot. So the question is, are people on the spectrum inoculated to the pressure to conform?
To answer this, you'd need to get the following info:

- What percent of people have a preference for fat bodies in the general population regardless of autism.

- What percent of autistic people have a preference for fat bodies.

- What percent of people with a preference for fat bodies are autistic.

You need to get rid of coorelating factors. For example (as someone already alluded to) autistic people may have more of an internet presence than the general population, and since we're on the internet on a website catering to a fetish, that would create a false coorelation between autism and fat preferences.

You would need better random sampling to get the full picture. Anything here is just speculation based on personal experience.

As OP, yes I know. But since I'm not an academic able to do this kind of research and there has not been any published research about it, hearing about other peoples experience and speculating about it can be interesting as well.
I know autistic folk into fatties
I know neurotypicals into fatties

As an autistic person myself, I think there may be a correlation in terms of body types(Autistics, not really caring about realistic expectations, lean towards bigger than the neurotypicals).

But beyond that, I'd rather not foster disunity among us.
A lot of people, myself included, get into this sort of thing through cartoons and internet art; weight gain comics and the like. I think that communities that create fetish art are usually populated by autists, and as a result, they create content which attracts neurodivergent people.
>>16475 (OP)
Going off of the absolute shit people post on /bbwdraw/, or some of the comments on /bbw/? Absolutely. It's really difficult to find someone "normal" to confide this stuff to, especially with how the imageboard's community has degraded over the years. It's really easy to link something like some big tits or a muscle girl to my buddies who are into it and get reasonable responses of "nice" or a thumbs up emoticon.
Meanwhile every time I've tried to see if I could generate similar interactions with people into fat fetish stuff, it's either ERP/Online Indian comments of "so sexy im horny" or tumblr "keyboard mess" responses where it's something like "asdfasdf so good need more im horny".

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