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Anyone here who got friends, coworkers, partners into feederism? Intentionally or Unintentionally, what happened?
I built a strong relationship with a feederism aspect with my gf of 1 year, but I notice the same trend with most other people on this site when describing their wives/long term gf's. I wouldn't call it indoctrination, moreso just picking the right girl and forming a strong bond. First you just need to find a girl who loves to eat. You can figure this out pretty quickly, within like 1 week of meeting someone. Are they always grabbing coffee to go, do they like snacking, do they go out for dinner often, etc. Odds are that they're already a little chubby. When I met my gf she was already fairly curvy and loved talking about her favorite foods. When we first started going out her love of food had little in common with feederism. She'd get embaressed if I touched her belly or she'd make comments about needing to lose weight or eating healthier. The important thing is to make her feel beautiful (and I don't mean this in a manipulative way, you gotta do it because she literally is beautiful). I tell her I think her belly is sexy. I smile/laugh when she stifles a burp. I go out of my way to make sure theirs snacks at my place when shes over. And I always always always make sure to ask her if and when she's hungry, to which we'll immediately grab food.

Fast forward to a year later and shes gained around 30 lbs. Now she loves it when I rub her belly or play with it during sex. She burps after meals because she knows it arouses me. Rarely does she ever mention her gaining or needing to diet, and shes become pretty unashamed in just constantly chowing down wherever we are, if its the movies, mall, home, etc shes always had at least a meal and dessert by the time we leave. Most of the weight has gone to her belly which is really hot.

What I ought to clarify though is that this isn't "indoctrination"---I'm not secretly trying to change her, but rather I'm providing for her everything she wants and making sure she knows shes sexy while doing it. We have a very strong relationship that boils down to the fact that she loves eating and I love feeding/providing for her.
For me I think if you practice on how to tell people you're into it would help as well. Especially if someone asks after a while or if you want to just get it off your chest, it's good to have an explanation of sorts ready. I've talked to some girls on tinder and after a while of chatting with them if they seem cool or someone I could potentially date, I like to say something like "Hey by the way I just think there's something you should know about me." Be polite about it, friendly, and nice. Try to give a simple explanation of what it is and all that. Try not to throw everything at once about the fetish at them. Give them just enough information for them to ease into to to understand it.
Most of the women I've told have had a kind reaction to it, appreciated my honesty, or have been respectful in saying that's not something they would be in to. It just takes time to practice how to "break the ice" of sorts about it. It doesn't hurt to think of what you want to say if you want to tell someone about it. Since this isn't a super well known kink, chances are they've probably never heard of it and might think "Ah fat! Gross!" or will have some negative reaction to it since it's not a very common kink. There's only been maybe 2 or 3 girls that have actually heard of it or something similar to it. But also be prepared if some of them might interpret it the wrong way, one girl thought I was calling her fat when she was only 120lbs which was kind of funny but then reassure them that that's not what you're trying to say. From my experience it seems like it's trial and error. You have to figure out what's the best way to inform someone about this fetish without overloading them all at once or freaking them out.
But that's my opinion from what I've seen so far. I'd also love to hear anyone else's experiences or advice if they have any or if they think they have some better advice.
In my personal experience there's plenty of chubby girls who get really happy when their size/appetite is appreciated.
My current gf isn't a feedee, but doesn't mind gaining weight from all the food i get her.
While the weight gain dirty talk doesn't turn her on directly, she sees the effect it has on me and craves it.
During sex I've gotten her to eat and she has no limit in this state, head empty pleasure only.

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